She can literally warp reality. How the FUCK is CM stronger than her?

She can literally warp reality. How the FUCK is CM stronger than her?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The movie Scarlett Witch is a different made up character


She still does chaos magic right? How is she different?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190307-195228_Chrome.png (1080x781, 608K)

>She still does chaos magic right?

Not really. She's just high-level telekinetic.

all push up


She hasn't done shit in the movies, she just shoots this red thing that moves objects. Probably the most boring hero ever

Then what’s the rumor about her bringing in Mutants through reality fuckery about?

based smartselect user rising from the grave

I hope she warps my dick

Nah, she was doing something else when she destroyed the infinity stone in Vision’s head.

She like mind controlled half the Avengers

Holy fucking push up bra batman

>How the FUCK is CM stronger than her?
CM never worked with Nazis.

Attached: 1551145773633.jpg (552x310, 20K)

This! Why the fuck can’t she use her telepathy on Thanos?

Obviously fake.

Nah, they specifically state she can destroy it because her totally-not-mutant powers were awakened by the Mind Stone.

she has to be near his head, mantis already did this in the film, they probably didnt want 2 characters doing the same thing.
scarlet witch in the mcu is really just jean grey, chaos magic would be to hard to explain to normies, and they had a behind the scenes rule that no one in the mcu could use magic until they introduced Dr Strange.

>build up olsen for 4 films just to toss her aside for CM
Did Iger just wake up feeling retarded one day? SJW audience isn't worth tanking your franchise over

titty vein

Olsen was built up but only partially used because of the issue with Fox over her rights.

In the comics she takes away 99.9% of the mutants in the world because she has a mental breakdown, shes also magnetos daughter.

The movie version seems like Jean Grey

Because there wouldn't be a movie then.
>why didn't they call franklin richards to think Thanos out of existence?
Because it'd be boring

She also isn't even in the infinity war comic

Foot Fungus probably threatened to metoo Feige's ass if he didn't make her the face of the franchise after they hired her in the wake of her oscar win.

Attached: Brie No Daddy Larson.jpg (654x114, 26K)

>powers were awakened by the Mind Stone
This does not happen.


Try again.

Attached: liz-olsen - Copy.jpg (593x798, 63K)

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>holds thanos with an almost complete infinity gauntlet back
>with one hand
>while she destroys an infinty stone with the other

Not like she needs it. Her tits are perky as hell

Why's her mouth so agape? Lol

How do I meat a girl like Lizzie Olsen?

If someone would have told me a decade ago their exists a sexy big tit olsen sister id have bet my savings that person was a crackhead.

She can change the orbit of the moon with her giant titties

>they botched the Olsen twins so they created a second one with big tits

imagine she femdom reality warp to make you believe you have life and family together and she fucks you to brink of orgasm then she tears that reality away and you're alone and horny and desperate for cums

Why so mad?

Attached: 010412-elizabeth-olsen-1-400_0.jpg (400x400, 39K)

jesus christ. I hate waifufagging and pornposting almost as much as I hate reddit and reseterafags but good God.

Attached: good god.gif (250x250, 1.16M)

Why do you deranged faggots have to ruin every thread like this?

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She CANNOT "warp reality"

Her powers are that she can manipulate probability fields.

stop being crybaby boys

How does she do it?

Attached: likely.webm (880x800, 2.95M)

it's a sex toy dumbass

she actually eats

she can warp my nuts

>bigger tits
>more talent

She has the power of hypnotism.

Attached: cleavage.jpg (2363x1000, 878K)

>looking at sexy nude women is gay and a bad thing

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Ive thought the olsen twins were hideous even when I was the same age as them. Literal goblins. How liz is so sexy is beyond me.

I said she looks great, wtf, why is reading comprehension so shit on this board at these hours? Is it ESL fags?

Attached: what.jpg (241x230, 22K)

haha cool react addict

>How does she do it?
She doesn't get that degenerative skin condition her sisters have

>haha cool react addict

Attached: wtf am i reading.png (404x404, 70K)

Technically her and Pietro aren't really his children. Polaris is though.

Yea Forums as a whole is invaded by newfags and underage b&s, which is why half the posts and posters in any given thread are retarded and why almost no decent OC gets made anymore.

enlightened patrician i'm glad you choose to spend your important time wallowing with us peasants in our own shit


>zoom in on happy Liz, the star
>zoom back out, bitter twins

how do we know what's cropped out is any good?

>daddy issues
That said, it's very possible her mom was in the wrong and she just poisoned her against her dad.

no her tits are great.

>scarlett witch can wrap reality
>thor took a dying star to the chest, then pulled a one shot on thanos that would have ended him if thor had just aimed for the head
>dr. strange defeated a literal god who ate planets

I mean I consider myself a newfag but I've always been a good sport about the culture of any new place I join instead of a subversive faggot that tries to tinker and change every place they encounter like an ocd schizo.
I had a really comfy Captain Marvel thread today where a few anons were talking about what made the antman movies great and one thread that I made yesterday on Yea Forums about Sekiro after I got sick of all the ragebait bullshit on the board and they were both some of the best threads I've ever been in. Took some effort keeping faggots out and discussion going but both hit bump limit with the majority of posts being on-topic. I think this board would be fine if certain mods were kicked out and ban priorities shifted away from what those fags want to what the board needs right now. but that ain't good for advertisers I guess.

Her mom pimped her out in Hollywood after trying to have her take off as a pop star, i believe


Neither Solid nor Liquid, she was a well-balanced masterpiece: Solidus Olsen.

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disguting, those nipples are small like a toddlers

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Large gay fag.

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you comment like the picture of my bowel

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It all makes sense now.

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Mad, Vision?

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Supreme green

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she cannot in the films, and what's more she could only do that briefly in the comics when powered up

Honestly at least half the moderation staff on this site needs to go. If the fact they have clear personal agendas wasn't bad enough, some have been around since the end of moot days and were given too much power, to the point it got to their heads, and Hiro never bothered doing shit about it.
But even then the site wouldn't be fixed because there is simply no fixing it. Yea Forums is just another case of mainstream attention killing a previously niche community, the site's name spread too far and that means a steady income of newfags and underage people who simply cannot adapt to the different board cultures of old since they were never here to experience it firsthand.

Lol who cares. I can speak normally here without getting instabanned for my opinions. It's better than anywhere else.

Your opinions are not interesting.

very cute smile

>Infects you with foot fungus
heh, nothing personnel kiddo.


Why does she look like a completely different person when she smiles?

Gays need to leave

you can tell they are aware that she is the superior Olsen and hate it

Attached: kek.png (789x498, 457K)

>Lol who cares. I can speak normally here without getting instabanned for my opinions. It's better than anywhere else.
The irony in this is great, you don't seem to realize your stupid attitude is precisely one of the things killing the site.

Imagine a girlfriend that can jerk you off with her mind, from anywhere on the planet.

Yours are just plain wrong.

Your attitude is literally against what the site is now. You want to kill it more than me.

>even when I was the same age as them
Are you aging at a different speed?

Are you retarded? The original teaser for Wanda and Speedboy were them locked in cage with german scientists being all "look at what we did with the mindstone" fucking christ. This website sucks dick now. Retards posting without thinking and shit isnt even bait or funny.

all the money in the world can't fill that hole of your superior little sister getting the last laugh

You should try to smile more often user. Maybe you'll meet a girl that smiles back at you

Fantastic eyes

>This website sucks dick now. Retards posting without thinking and shit isnt even bait or funny.

Attached: IMG_6116.jpg (250x229, 12K)

By not being growth stunted, drug addled and plastic surgery addicted like the twins.

Thanks. I'll try it out.

>tits, tits, fabulous tits
I'm an ass man myself, but god I love a great pair of boobs.

Attached: 1462405157976.webm (768x320, 2.31M)

something like that

Attached: talk_1.webm (412x626, 2.89M)

>he looks

>white woman with black guy on either side
Do I even need to say it?

Yes, you are gay for only paying attention to the men.

I'm not gay! You're gay! Faggot.

>posting resized shit

OP is a fucking image pleb. Also an iPhone faggot.

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>against what the site is now
If you can tell the site isn't the same anymore then it should come as no surprise that I DO want it to die. I just hope you someday realize that it "being better than other places on the internet" doesn't mean you should just look the other way while people ram a cock up your ass.

But which pair are better?

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their first mistake was not casting kat dennings for scarlet tits instead of wasting her on a tertiary side character in thor

Attached: q0i20yigr1621.jpg (1280x1024, 289K)

Clueless fag here, is she wearing some wacky bra or is she really wearing nothing under her dress?

shes kind of a fridge but her face smile hair and her (decent) legs make up for the waist

as the weebs would say
liz a cute!

>looks nothing like the character
>can't act

scarlet tits has a generic face with big fat (((khazar))) milkers. thats it.

No bra. They just use some double sided tape to keep the dress on.

Attached: 4drg09wcxy211.jpg (1667x2500, 311K)

very cute

Hilarious given literally the only notable thing about Kat Dennings is that her tits are big.

thats why i say they shouldve cast her instead. but sadly even if they do mahvel would give her the same treatment with black widow.
>cast big tit actress to fill big tit character
>smush those tits in a costume that restricts it anyway

Best mcu girl.

They're not casting Power Girl here. Scarlet Witch is more notable than "has tits".

Olsen's costume specifically shows off her tits so I have no idea what you're talking about

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Left twin looks scared, like she is expecting someone to jump from the audience

why do I want milk all of a sudden.

milk truck arrive

She's not strong enough, op.


fuuuuck. this is hot

I like how she missed the cheek and looks to have smacked her right in the crack


I want Scarlet Witch to step on me!

Because her powers are different from the comics, they should have given Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix her powers and set up Avengers VS XMen

She was only a reality bender in house of m!!

Damn, that's quite hot, I bet sweat can loosen the tape though.

At what point do we consider that Elizabeth is actually a psychic vampire feeding off of the life energy of her twin sisters?

yeah they never did it for me and always had a white-trash-amphetamine look in my opinion. genetically they should be in a trailer park

I know this is a thinly veiled Olsen thread but wasn't MCU Scarlet Witch granted powers through experimenting with the Reality Stone? Or did I just imagine that shit?

mind stone

>This website sucks dick now. Retards posting without thinking and shit isnt even bait or funny.

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Vision refers to a mysterious "sufficient power source", Feige says Wanda is using extra-dimensional power, she destroys the mind stone AND slaps down the space stone, suggesting power on par with two infinity stones.

Her powers are connected to emotions, and her eyes only turn red when she feels anger.

It's Chaos Magic as power. The mind stone only provided the "app" to use that power.

Chaos Magic:
Primal ancient magic governed by emotions and will.

It's the mirror of Strange's intelectually driven magic, for fucks sake.

The scene where she kills Vision is literally Chaos Magic in a nutshell; she has to will Vision to die.

You have to be a literal retard to be confused by Chaos Magic.

Sounds like my piece of shit dad.

Sorry to ruin your fantasy, but its usually tape designed specifically to not come off when sweating, pasties are often the same way.

Yes...she is white?

Didn't know Liz hung out with Dark Crystal characters.

what's this from?

Based M'baku sneaking a peak

Mary Kate and Ashley look like they looked into the dark heart of Chthon.

Should just not give a shit like Cap

Attached: cap.jpg (962x770, 161K)

Evans can be pretty based when he wants.

The thing is he does it in a way that's somehow good natured.

He's based all the time.

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She became what the twins were supposed to become.

She stole their life energy.

my dreams

Very impressive

A shitty comedy show where she actually spoils infinity war "yeah it ends with half of the cast dying!" as a gag since at that point no one knew if infinity war was actually going to happen.

Evans is so weird in my book, the dude is always decent if not excellent (I think I've watched all of his movies) and actually has played a huge range of different characters, but in reality he's a a self-absorbed cunt 99% of the time. I guess this makes him an even better actor, because he's definitely not himself and does not inject anything from himself into his roles.

Warped her face

a play on house of M
that will be Endgames after credits scene

but they havent fleshed out the details

This is literally someone's speculation presented like it's some "scoop".

Just comparing similar size on someone else

Attached: Kate Mara - House of Cards - S01E05 BD_3.jpg (1280x640, 42K)

link to the original post?

Also Mara is younger here than Olsen is now

Wait til you see her topless scene when the lesbo movie is released. I saw it long ago now, she's got full on pancake tier tits. Awful.

Sounds so sexy

The actual scenes are good, but her tits are Dormer tier bad.

Very sexy. Love floppies


Holy sag Batman

I think when even a supporting top can't disguise the sag, you've got some real floppy tits.

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I think you have a virgin's knowledge of breasts

You're in luck then

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>the Chadptian America
>the Virgiron Man

Nice try, but she's for Vision.

Attached: >she'll never look at you like this.png (1526x1318, 1.6M)

>tfw you realize she is 5'6
>more than a foot shorter than you
>her sisters are prob a foot and a half

Attached: power_stance.png (463x775, 226K)

These are nicer than Olsen's

Really? I think he's often a huge fucking tool
Only ruffalo is a bigger tool of that cast.
His constant twitter bitching doesn't help him

Attached: eyebrow quiver.webm (1920x1080, 1.75M)

They were cute when they were 12 or so.
Then they started getting uglier as they grew up.

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Attached: Elizabeth Olsen rubbing one out.webm (1280x531, 3M)

>Then they started getting uglier as they grew up.
what is plastic surgery

I was more of an Avril Lavigne guy anyway when it came to the early 2000s teenage celeb waifus.

Attached: 1528858455121.gif (350x254, 661K)

>Strange magic
>intellectually driven
Lmao he basically borrows magic from other entities, which includes chaos gods if you go by the comics

Imagine the foursome

And she's still hot today

Yeah, me banging Elizabeth while the other two watch lmao.

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How big and juicy her areolaes?

Come on user.
You don't seriously believe she would pin you down, bite you, and feed on your blood, just for the selfish act of remaining young, right?

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She's not yet reached House of M levels of power, I'm looking forward to that storyline when they unify the Marvel/X-Men universe.

>X-Men finally in the MCU
>inmediatly get No Mutants'd
Incoming kino.

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She's not in the source material, or at least wasn't when i stopped reading. Thor, Hulk and Wanda would have all wiped the floor with her then.

>They were cute when they were 12 or so.
>Then they started getting uglier as they grew up.


She is telekinetic and has mind control powers, she cannot warp reality

thats nothin

Attached: the struggle.webm (640x720, 2.8M)

I like to think at least 1 guy has done it. stuff like that can't go unconquered.

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Who has the highest power level in Marvel?

the dude with the magic powers, like not super hero powers I mean literal magic, hes a wizard or some shit.

I know what you meant but

Attached: olsen_twins.jpg (1200x800, 613K)

LMAO Hawkeye looks like a dork in this pic

based as FUCK

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me on the left

All them are ugly and shit actors.

What is wrong with her nose?

I wish it was me

she horny

stupid sexy gorgons

They make toys for sex now? I'd hate to see the Hulk ones.


Attached: afjkdf.jpg (228x221, 8K)

let me help you out you fucks. in terms of power level, full potential, and not held back by "if they used their full potential there wouldn't be a movie"

>Doctor Strange

>Star Lord
>Scarlet Witch
>Ant Man

>Captain Marvel

>Iron Man
>Captain America
>Black Panther

>Captain America

Star Lord isn't powerful anymore since they killed his dad. Otherwise correct.


Why does he lose to grape man then

I'd argue Widow is leader tier too.

Why Ant-man?

Open up frens!!

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With the twins maybe.

He doesn't like Trump, big whoop. Not everyone needs to be on his dick like /pol/ does.


>even noticing this

Holy shit /pol/ has fried your brain

that faint boob vein...

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I hope you get cancer.

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>no thor on the list

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she fucks a robot lmao damaged

>She has a sentient sybian

Good Fucking God. Muh Dick.

What's even Starlord's power?

Oh no no.

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>waa my kid's movie character is stronger than that other kid's cartoon character i dont like!!

toe fungus

his wife must be hell to deal with

>muh /pol/ boogyman
If Yea Forums hasn't twisted your mind, you aren't a local

what does "warp reality" mean? every character, thing, person, etc is part of reality and therefore each person "warps" reality to some degree. some can warp it more than others. so, she can "warp" it just not... very much? i don't see what your problem is.

Altering reality.
In the comics it goes to the point where she can do anything she thinks.
That's why there's stories where she becomes evil.

Attached: 1522004647474.jpg (640x381, 36K)

>no thor

he's actually the strongest.

God she’s delightful.... there’s only one thing that hurts my perception of her and it’s that she resembles her sisters and they’re vomit inducing for me... if they never existed I’d think she was one of the most beautiful people alive

am I the forgetton one?

Attached: 4202763-4075240-thor_alex_ross.jpg (1837x1920, 508K)

Why care?
The twins just went bad because they were into drugs.

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Anything bigger than B is going to flop... you fucking virgins are too conditioned for bolt-on plastits and it’s a fucking travesty

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Like Captain Marvel, why is it so covered like this?
Does not look like a comic book hero.

good man

Attached: cleav.jpg (715x478, 86K)

Areolas and nipples are quite big and dark

I know Rooney was superior

>he takes a quick peek
Good man

That's Avril?

That robot also married Jennifer Connelly so he can't be all bad

Liz is bigger than a B, and no sag.

pretty sure mbaku's gay

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>goth Avril Lavigne
Please tell me there's more.

Attached: 1533109913697.jpg (600x616, 132K)

It's just the one photoshoot

Attached: Avril Cleavy (10).jpg (1200x800, 130K)

Pure tummykino.

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Tell that to Carice van Houten who's over 40 with kids and has tits like a teenager still.

when did she get tits, I thought she was flat

She's always had tits, it's just she used to wear baggy clothes.

Attached: 1534288113406.jpg (856x1280, 310K)

Check her fappening nude, she has decent tits

So gd hot


They're not huge but they were fantastic tits, way better than expected.

god damn, what a body.

She's the ideal gf.

Attached: 1543398778611.jpg (1280x1713, 567K)

Bless this thread.

Attached: speed.gif (480x360, 2.05M)

sounds lame, like something a 6 year old would come up with
times like these I'm reminded comic books and movies are for kids

>You have to be a literal retard
Yeah man we're talking about normalshits. These are the people who are the reason Kanye amd Cash Me Outside are rich.
They are very obviously intellectually impaired

The bigger your boobs the weaker you are in MCU. Captain "Training Bra" Marvel is the strongest, Scarlet Witch is second, and Johansson has the biggest rack in spit of her tit reduction so she literally has no powers.

This is dumb because Larson doesn't have small tits at all. This is "bitch eating crackers" level.

Burh, they strap her tits down in this movie to make her look flat

Olsen definitely has bigger tits than ScarJo by now.

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I liked her costumes more in Age of Ultron (is one of the few good things of that movie to be honest)


>cute, slim tomboy
>not ideal

Attached: 1526563204176.jpg (960x1509, 1.91M)

She's not that flat

Attached: avril.jpg (1271x1926, 249K)

Attached: sweating_Airplane.jpg (590x300, 17K)

Name of the movie? Asking for a friend.

Attached: mmh3.png (477x539, 12K)

Oldboy, the newest one, not the original.

Scarlet Witch is literally part Elder God so she is Elder God tier by default.

Yup, she's a babe.

Attached: 1524977354209.png (1064x918, 1015K)

Not even an inch of drop, very nice

she looks like she fucks asian guys

When they were kids, Scott had to pee really bad while they were playing outside, so Chris said "I'll pee my pants if you pee yours." Trusting his brother, Scott pissed the hell out of his pants, and Chris told everyone.
t. Someone who grew up in Sudbury with Shanna

Attached: cap.webm (640x266, 210K)

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She's a lady now.
She dropped the whole tomboy thing after almost dying from Lyme disease, guess it changed her.

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Carly is also a terribly person. Last I heard she was teaching English at Lincoln-Sudbury and took over the Theater department. She changed it from Shakespeare and classical training to goofy musicals for Glee fans, casting only her favorite students.

>tfw you'll never make babies with your childhood waifu

Attached: 1521282337607.jpg (580x548, 58K)

source of the tit pic?

So she's lucky like Domino? No.

They are from the fappening.

Not exactly.

Attached: 1532652899218.jpg (570x468, 70K)

She's an Angel, user

>even when I was the same age as them


She can "shoot some red shit". CM can "shoot more yellow shit" therefore, stronger

Cocaine allergy?

No because SSG > SSJ.

Attached: 1544185181699.jpg (400x389, 33K)

CM can apparently fly through space at "lightspeed".

How old are you?

She's by far the most beautiful woman alive. (your stupid meme waifus aside)

Best type of nipples

His powers he didn't even know he had evaporated when he killed Kurt Russel in GotG2.

Imagine she warped reality and made your dick 2" on bone and trapped you in a cage and small penis humiliated you and made you her foot and pusy slave omg

Attached: 1549870167760.jpg (255x176, 8K)

Iger doesn't like CM. Blame Kevin.

Nerfed for the current meta, possibly fixed in later update.

Well she was able to simultaneously hold Thanos and destroy an infinity stone. Of course in other scenes she’s swatted away like a fly. Her power level is just all over the place


Yeah, from the fappening.

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Fuck me her legs are fantastic.

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