>destroy half of all life on earth
>only african men and caucasian women left
Destroy half of all life on earth
Based Thanos
how do i get a chin like that?
How would the africans find the women if there's no white men to pilot the planes out of there?
SSGOMAD and a rake
Rogers and Banner aren't white?
He has a fucking scrotum chin
Quit being an edgy faggot
>Women proceed to """"commit"""" mass suicide
absolute fucking btfo
Wow this ones gonna rustle some jimmies
This dude probably has some white genes in him based off his appearance. He'd be sliced in half and therefore couldn't pilot.
How is that single negro pilot going to carry ALL of Africa out of the jungle?
>destroy half of all life on earth
>level of violent crime remains the same
Bering strait, after wh*tes are unable to support corporations polluting the world, we enter a new ice age and women will flock to superior african BBC as they are genetically programmed to do so. Also it’s warm at the equator
Stay mad
the fact is white people dominated the whole world and sub Saharan blacks couldn't even invent the wheel
You do realize Europeans have evolved to withstand the cold, right?
you red hebrew edomites are pathetic