Is he in hell right now?

is he in hell right now?

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No, hell isn't real. Stop reading fairy tales.

No, he won. There's no hell. He became one of the most popular entertainer ever and fucked what he wanted without any consequences. This is the world we live in.

What happens when you die then, faggot?

no, he's not in the south side of Chicago

The same as when you fall asleep and don't dream or are knocked unconscious, faggot.

Consciousness is an emergent phenomenon of the nervous system. When you die, your nervous system shuts down and your consciousness ends.

his death makes more sense now. He couldn't sleep because he was so worried about the little boys in his closet.

>emergent phenomenon of the nervous system

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Its a lot like before you were born.

>Being knocked unconscious
How much of a beta are you? lmaoing at you, cuck

I wish I could give this post reddit gold.

>emergent phenomenon of the nervous system
this is wrong though

>implying I'm wrong

So I become a baby in heaven?


Explain why.

Prove it.

I really wish he wasn't.

The guy was denied a childhood, had multiple diseases that he worked through, abused, lied and worked over by an industry that didn't see him as the absolute genius song and dance man that he was.

never never land was him trying to reclaim what was taken away

>proving a negative
It's up to you to explain why you're right.

we actually have no idea what results in consciousness, stop talking out of your ass

We can only hope.

Its like the ending of 2001 actually

Consciousness is just an illusion.

Thank you user. Seven blessings to you and your loved ones

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Literally not true

I don't know.
Maybe all the accusations were false, and Michael is actually watching over us from some clouds or something

Digits says hes with Jesus

>emergent phenomenon of the nervous system
>what is practopoesis

Consciousness stems from homeostasis you faggot

It's difficult to prove either way, but in consideration of the sum of evidence, it's 'pretty clear'.
Consider this argument: People who suffer severe brain injuries have their minds severely altered or impaired. Furthermore, through brain scans, we can correlate changes in chemicals with changes in mood, and we can "see" brain activity as electrochemical moving through the brain. Conclusion: the mind is rooted in the brain.
Another argument: We're the descendants of evolution. Animals with smaller encephalization quotients are less intelligent; they have less powerful minds. Is it a coincidence that "levels of consciousness" are strongly correlated with encephalization? Furthermore, in the most basal lifeforms, nervous systems clearly form the basis of how they "think" - did that change at some point, putting our mind somewhere else? Would that make sense? No.

See the above.

It's pretty obvious even if many of the specifics of its operation are unclear. See the above.

See the above.


Justify that. Homeostasis? That seems very hard to buy.

something as ethereal and msyterious as consciousness could easily have explanations beyond what are on the surface observable to us

possible explanations include the idea that we are in some sort of simulation, a theory that increasingly gains ground the better we become at creating simulations.

You have to be a turbo pseud to claim authority on something as completely mysterious as fucking consciousness, something that barely even has an agreed upon definition

Consciousness exists because of microtubules, I saw it on Jorogan.

HARD FACT - michael jackson fucked macauley culking in the ass.

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>have explanations beyond what are on the surface observable to us
What are some hypothetical explanations, then? The history of science has taught us that everything is observable, and that everything is empirically verifiable.
>the idea that we are in some sort of simulation
Then how does that relate to my point about brain damage altering and damaging our minds? If we're in a simulation, then our minds are simulated through our brains. Either way, the conclusion is that our minds are in our brains.
>You have to be turbo pseud to claim authority
I'm not claiming to know the intricacies of how the brain works. I'm just saying that it's patently clear that it's rooted in the brain.

Of course the scummy pedophiles of Yea Forums will defend this predator.

macaulay culkin has nothing but good things to say about him, and it may be that michael, being essentially a eunuch, simply felt a weird kinship with children, and the weirdness ended there. As long as people like Dr. Barbara Snow and greedy parents exist, you literally cannot trust the recollections of people's "abuse" from childhood.
I've really never seen anything substantial enough to tip me one way or the other.

Nah, he pissed off the people that killed JC, he's in heaven

What kind of parent would leave his/her children with such a freakish looking guy as MJ? Why are americans so fucking dumb?

he's in a galaxy far far away

uh no idiot consciousness is the result of unique timespace perturbations interacting with our neural potentials on a quantum level you dumb fag

No, but we are.

Careful, you trigger the christcucks

No, he ascended

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Why do /pol/tards feel like they need to side with the christians just because they're conservatives too? So tribalistic

That doesn’t negate the possibility of an external connection.

what do you consider "the mind" ?

Maybe they thought he was a good person? Boy scouts is faggy shit as hell, yet so many parents send their kids to that
Maybe the parents were already thinking of extorting some money from Michael?

>in hell
imagine the type of person who thinks this

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You take the consciousness of your future clone.

No, because he didn't do anything wrong

Why are Non-Christians so emotional?

John Cennedy? John Cena?

I wish I knew. I'm friends with people across the entire political spectrum in real life, but none of them are religious assholes like the people who lurk here. It's really something else.


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Why was he always wearing an armband?

You suffered from your own countrymen the very things they suffered from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and drove us out as well. They are displeasing to God and hostile to all men,

Why can’t my future clone manifest itself in the present so I can have sex with it?

Jacko status:

[x] Wacko
[ ] Not Wacko

Definitely, and these dubs confirm.

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Uh, so they could make up false molestation charges later and sue him for it? Stupid eurocucks

yes, only male children in a certain age range, lol you pedo apologist are funny

>Wade Robson's mother left her husband and moved the family to Los Angeles at the suggestion of Jackson

Imagine marrying a woman, paying for her life and dealing with her attitude for years only to have that woman leave you, move far away with your family, and literally pimp out your son's asshole to an eccentric pop singer who just decides to bang Macaulay Culkin anyway.

It's truly difficult to imagine a cucking more intense than that. Authorities allowed this woman to sex traffic her kid solely because she is a woman and fathers get zero say in custody issues. If that isn't privilege, I don't know what is.

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From a purely pragmatic point of view, surrounding himself with children is a red flag for a host of mental disorders. And too many are scapegoating those disorders for the real possibility he was a pedophile actively engaging in it.

Having your childhood stolen, being abused, etc are not guarantees of pedophilia, as there are millions and millions of people who have had similar backgrounds who never had sex with children.

MJ's head was no doubt a dark, murky, fucked up place, but if he fucked those kids, then he's guilty of it, regardless of WHY he did it.

And, I reject the "eunuch" thing. He kept pornography around, and if he legit had no interest in sex, he'd have had small girls around, but considering he surrounded himself with young boys, and had gay pornography in his home, it's safe to say he had interest in sex, specifically homosexual sex.

Like I said, there's no way to prove either viewpoint, but there are plenty of reasons to think that it's *probably* rooted in the brain. Why would part of our mind be in the brain and part of it be somewhere else? What's your basis for thinking that?

Everything that you are apart from your outer body.

The fact that I was placed in this body and not a different one.

I don't get what you're trying to say.

Nobody does.

You go to whatever place you believe in. For me? It's Equestria!

I'm sure that his brothers, sisters and parents knew that he was a pedophile and this was happening. It's impossible that they didn't notice nothing suspicious over so many years. But I think they didn't say anything because they were all living from MJ.

Dubs confirm that MJ is in hell burning for being a pedo fag bitch.

>Consider this argument: People who suffer severe brain injuries have their minds severely altered or impaired.

Seen that up close and personal. Twice. My dad had a bad stroke, and it fundamentally changed his personality in significant ways, he was not the same person afterwards.

And, I hope you never have a mother die of cancer, and experience when the brain mets grow and effect her to the point she recoils in horror at you, because she doesn't know who you are anymore.

My uncle had dementia, and they went through the same thing.

There is no god. I wish there was, because I could have maybe found some comfort from him during some bleak fucking times, but...there's nothing. We're meat bags with a shelf life. Make your years count, fuckers. You only get one shot.

Morose and serious and redpilled post, thanks for sharing

Hell yes!

Fuck you mj! Haha

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Based and ponypilled

If you have any experience with abuse and family dysfunction, denial is fucking epically strong.

Especially when the abuser is the financial foundation of the family. None of the Jacksons would have a dime without MJ, and from all accounts, his brothers are STILL leeching off him, through his mother, who got control of his estate.

If anything, there's some serious Stockholm Syndrome in that family, because they all went out and bought the same nose.

>only male children
>he'd have had small girls around
I don't follow this line of thought at all.
He would have had friendships with male children for the same reason male children do. As Culkin said, he related to their circumstances and was trying to live a childhood he never had

The last word I'd heard on the porn was that it was actually not porn and it was given to him. If that's not the case, then maybe I lean a little bit towards believing the claims.

I'm also not an apologist. I don't own his albums and he's dead. My condemning him and saying "I'm 100% sure he fucks kids even though I actually don't have grounds to be 100% sure" does nothing at all, regardless of him being guilty or not.

what girl did he took on long tour trips and slept in bed with???


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No. Michael Jackson is a Christian who used his millions to help sick children, heal the world, make it a better place, for you and me. He always promoted peace and love for all mankind. Michael was asexual so he never fornicated. He never molested or did any harm to any child. Michael Jackson is probably in heaven.

You don't know if he abused those kids, we will never really know because there is no video or evidence but you look at his behavior and you CAN'T THINK THAT with a probability of 95% HE WAS A PEDOPHILE.

I can tell you're esl but try to actually understand the thing being said in a post before you reply to it.
>They don't care about us
Anons, who is "they" ? What was Michael's message here? What was he trying to tell us?

You're nitpicking. And it was porn. There's been multiple discoveries of porn found in his possession, and I really want to know what they found at customs on a video tape that was redacted from all of the records.

You're trying to rationalize too hard for an adult grown male who surrounded himself with male children only in his most private quarters, female children were allowed onto his pedo ranch, but not into the house.

You can nitpick details, but the overall picture is he almost certainly was engaging sexually with children. He had enough money while alive to stay out of jail, but you can't honestly look at his behavior and see innocence on any level.

yeah, nice ad hominem but you're not answering the question at all, none of his "special friends" were girls

but we don't know

Cringe. Glad she died off like that, lmao

Even Michael Jackson would not be full retard enough to attempt to fuck Micauley Culkin.

Culkin was too famous for him to get away with it.

Some dumb rumours suggest Culkin is the biological father of Michael Jacksons kids

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>He would have had friendships with male children for the same reason male children do
and regarding that, did you sleep in the same bed with your male friends on a consistent basis?

His supposedly daughter looks already like a junkie.Fucked up parents always made fucked up kids.

Satan is pure evil. That’s why he only accepts white males into hell. Satan hates diversity.

All the paedos of this board go there. You'll get to meet the king of pop

>makes edgemaster comment

Sweet, I am glad I am going out with a 15 year old that is a virgin while I am 19. I love living in south america. You stupid basedboy will never understand how good it is to be libertarian and left wing. Keep being a conservative retard. Also fuck your god just in case you are religious friends

Aww, did I make you upset? Your mom's a pussy for dying such a pathetic death, she should've been sodomized, or torn up like so, lmao

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>Chandler who initially accused Jackson of molesting his son, before he demanded a screenwriting deal from Jackson instead of going to the police
>Over the next couple of months, the parties of Jackson and Chandler engaged in unsuccessful out-of-court negotiations. Chandler and his legal team asked for $20 million, or threatened to take the dispute to a criminal court. Jackson refused, saying, "No way in hell". A few weeks later, Jackson's legal team gave a counter-offer of $1 million, which was declined by Chandler. Pellicano said he made the offers in an attempt to catch the Chandler's negotiating and recorded one of the telephone calls to Rothman to demonstrate this. Chandler lowered his request to $15 million. Jackson refused and lowered his offer to $350,000, which Chandler refused. With both sides unable to reach an agreement, Chandler decided to take it to court.
>Jordan claimed that Jackson was circumcised. However, Jackson's autopsy report showed that he had not been circumcised and his foreskin appeared naturally intact, with no signs of having been restored from a circumcision

>LaToya claimed to have proof of Jackson's pedophilia and offered to disclose it for $500,000. A bidding war between US and UK tabloids began, but fell through when they realized that her revelations were not what she had claimed. The rest of the family disowned her, and in later years she insisted she had been forced to make the allegations by her then-husband Jack Gordon for financial gain.

Covering all bases huh

the funny thing is that if he was foung guilty he could have still been alive

Wade got Macucked

New documentary from the other side

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This is a joke post but that idea is actually supported by the Bhagavad Gita. "Those who worship the demigods go to the planets of the demigods..." It's canon in Vaishnavism that upon dying, your soul goes to the place it was most preoccupied with.

imagine being on the same intellectual level as George Carlin rofl

mfw unironically really wanted this back in 2013

And in the Day of His funeral She claimed that "those bastards finally managed to kill her brother"

Yes but because he was fornicator
The child abuse allegations are completely unsubstantiated

>We're the descendants of evolution.
One very undermining thing about this means that evolved beings are more or less geared towards survival and reproduction, not discovering truth. Thus, anything we come up with is from a mind not centered around truth.

When you did time and space end so you probably just end up waking up again as a baby doomed to unknowingly repeat your life for all time

Theres's something REALLY FISHY about this documentary, someone funded it to fuck with Michael post death, and even censor his music of playing on any media.

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Start again from the last checkpoint.

Why did the mofo let himself get in debt instead of just touring every other year?

>No, hell isn't real.
I've seen hell, and you're all in it.

Epic virgin gamer reference bro

Am I supposed to be insulted and triggered now?

You conspiracy theorists are losing it.

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yes please