Who is the black guy?
Who is the black guy?
what black guy
me in the middle back
Brad Pitt
They all knew.
Me behind Bradley cooper excited at the prospect of riding my bike home
He's about to rob them.
Kevin Spacey
>bunch of faces everyone recognizes
>suddenly someone's no-name brother
>even blocking out Jolie
Literally ruined the photo but at least he's easily cropped out.
I think he's the brother of that African actress in the back. The one nominated for Seven years a Slave and was in Black Panther. He's a literal nobody so he basically photo bombed their pic.
its me dont tell anyone though its supposed to be a secret
Ellen Degeneres is a faggot.
Are you surprised?
It was Ellen's fault. Instead of actually telling certain actors she was gonna do a selfie bit she decided to improv it. Then you literally got a random nigger tourist in the picture. I'm kinda glad they didn't have a host this year because Kimmel and her were fucking cringe as it was for reasons like this.
oh look a nigger ruining what white people create
nothing new here
this is why hillary lost the election
And this year's Oscars is why Trump will get more years because they literally pulled strings to get nigger and spic films awards.
Good one
>Who is the black guy?
based and coulorblind pilled
Look at the rapist in the middle
>watching the oscars
He’s the diversity
you mean the nigger? that what you mean? the nigger?
Good one nigger
>pick random nog off the street
>he's an ex-con rapist
>go to the school formal/ball
>be really good friends with one of the cool Chad kids
>me and my family share a table with his.
>he takes a group pic with his cool friends
>other parents make me join in even though I never really talked to any of them besides me friend
>really hesitant and didn't want to
>felt embarrassed and awkward the whole time
>picture literally turns out like this. with me as the literal who
>gets posted in the year book
>bully cool kids tease me with comments about how I think I'm one of the cool kids now
>cool kids probably looking through their old photos thinking who the fuck was that guy
this literally still makes me cringe and torments me after all these years
r. kelly
does this photo make anyone else disgusted and angry?
>look at how self-important we are!
>Who is the black guy?
His name is Token
that's THE black guy
you could tell by spacey’s smirk that he was a sexual aggressor.
Pictures that didnt age well general?
This image but Ellen in particular is getting to me
>black panther and freddie mercury reap all the awards
did they just give up on looking at least bit objective?
This was the turning point. The moment the Oscars went to total shit and never recovered.
this turned out to be a staged stunt for some new phone or tablet right?
no shit