You knew I make music, RIGHT user??

You knew I make music, RIGHT user??

Tell me what you think and it better be something good, else you are a seething incel haha.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-07 18-00-19.png (756x657, 395K)

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Where the fuck did this person even come from? Was she on some crappy sitcom?

I have no idea. Apparently she was on community.

She definitely had a nose job.

Oh wow that makes sense I guess, considering her Scott Pilgrim role. Really shitty music though.

I'm not into conspiracies but I'm pretty sure someone fucked with reality and made Brie Larson a thing. I'm pretty sure she didn't exist like two years ago.

this is some midwestern normiecore from the mid 2000s
fucking god awful

Yep. Its like the people Stalin vanished but the opposite.


Attached: captkaren.jpg (495x319, 85K)

She used to be anorexic.

Attached: young-Brie-Larson-2.jpg (1366x868, 76K)


And much more attractive.
Say what you want about anorexia but it works.

Absolute cringe!!

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-03-07 18-21-57.png (976x515, 509K)

so who raped her and turned her into a massive cunt?

her head is 20% of her body weight

She was only on two or three episodes and it was after she was already “famous”.

No one. She probably fucked a black man and realized there's just no point for white men to exist.

that explains the retardation I guess

Nah, she was a bighead. She peaked in scott pilgrim cause the wig hid her bighead.

Catchy desu

Like u look any better, incel

So she wasn't even on some sitcom that normies love? Some CW teen drama? Where the hell did she come from then?

her character from USOT was a camwhore

Attached: brie cake sitting.webm (1600x900, 2.95M)

obvious nose job

Available at your local Wherehouse Music on LP, CD and DAT.

Attached: Brie Larson - Finally Out of P.E..jpg (640x640, 261K)


also where's her ass

>yfw she lip sync'd metric in scott pilgrim when she sounds like budget hailey duff

Absolute fucking lel

Attached: 7Awf.gif (480x240, 1.16M)

before you ask yes, p.e. in this context does literally stand for "physical education" as in her gym class, she says that her gym teacher didn't suck her dick like her other teachers did for being a suck-up and she developed such a complex about it that she put it on the title of her album.

> PE teacher

> She was actually home scholled

She's such a fibber.

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The casting couch

she was jonah hills love interest in 21 jump street

I believe the theory that's bad glue-on-nail job. It's only her big toes and no others.

She probably has some kind of compulsive issue with the way she trims her toenails though. They're all cut to the quick. And open toes was a very bad idea.

I bet she was dissappointed when no one made a big deal about them so she couldn't grandstand.