Explain yourself. I'm listening.
You still haven't watched Alita
I'm going tomorrow with a friend. Getting ready for kino lads.
it's terrible
It's okay. A solid 6/10 at best. I'll watch the sequel whenever that's made because of the way it ended. I don't care if we never get another Alita movie again. The CGI and visuals were nice but that's about it. Nothing else to write home about.
But I already did
>You still haven't watched Alita
3 times, my man
I don't have money, I'd gladly watch any movie with someone. It would be a fun night.
i have no idea what that is apart from it having two threads on teevee.
Just because it's not a shitty blockbuster from a conveyer belt doesn't mean it's not a shitty blockbuster
"B-but I'll be called an incel if I see it! I'm gonna see the Marvel movie so people think I am cool!"
That is how people with room-temperature IQs think.
I'm saving my alita box office contributions for when its head-to-head with captain marvel
I’m too lazy to go to the local kinoplex
i don't watch pleb leftist propaganda dogshit
I don't actually watch movies or TV.
I'm not a disgusting retarded manchild that watches mongolian cartoons about little children with no nose
Solid 8/10
>went to see it by myself
>still bought two tickets
Buy two tickets
Get two repeating numbers
I'm not a pleb who watches capeshit or gookshit
my colitis is flaring and i cant go 2-3 hours without pooping. ill watch it at home
I don't ever watch movies or tv shows.