Top three scifi films of the 2010s

>top three scifi films of the 2010s

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more like soifoi

1. Interstellar
2. Player One Ready
3. Blade Runner 2049

mad max is nowhere near top 1000

>i like lens flare
>i like references
>i shitpost on tv all the time lol
nice taste faggot

Fury Road is a solid 6.5/10 you pleb

Honestly, it might be the most impressive use of practical effects in film history.

Most like top three dishonest flims of the 2010s

pleb taste.

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Who cars? It's lacking in every other avenue of filmmaking.

>Hard to be a God
>Under the Skin

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>Mad Max Fury Road

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What about the editing? Or the blocking? Or the framing? Or the sound mixing? Or the sound editing? Or the costume design? Or the set design?

This one was best movie of 2018

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> Predestination
> Interstellar
> BR 2049/ In Time

>not dawn of the planet of the apes

>not dawn of the rise of the war of the planet of the apes

I love Predestination and i´ve been recomended Ex Machina forever... maybe i should watch it.



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what are your favorite romcoms?

It depends what kind of film you were expecting. Mad Max puts it's visuals, effects and entertainment value first and it's characters and plot are largely just there to further it's action scenes. Like John Wick, it's not so much about telling a story as it is giving the audience as many high-paced action scenes into a coherent package as possible.

i dare you to explain what you mean by that lol

replace alita with ex machina and we're good OP

Mad max fury road is def top 3. With br49 and interstellar. What's all the fuss about

>Fight Club
>Repo Men

Go and watch this.

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Loved this one


Hard to be a God
Upstream Color

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redpill me on ex machina, gravity, and annihilation. I've been on a sci fi binge and want to watch the most recent movies before I start to really go back.

I just finished Mortal Engines

Hard to be a God
Batman v Superman
Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo

Not so fast my friend

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I will if you tell me what it is...

>In Time

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>In Time

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>unironically putting Alita "hiya" Angel anywhere near on par with FR or BR2049

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perfect bait for Yea Forums

glib facsimile of that post

the best scifilm film of the 2010s was eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

The Beyond is superior

Except Eternal sunshine is from 2000 which would make it 2000´s no 2010´s.

No it's the worst genre outside from horror

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The wandering earth.

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Thanks. I think i saw the trailer of this recently somewhere...


>Mad Max
>Sci fi

Fuck off

Edge of tomorrow
John carter

>>I like lense flare
Holy shit did you purposely try to find the weakest criticism of interstellar imaginable? It doesn't even have excessive lense flare lmao

Do you mean about time?


Those weren't made in the last decade though.

Ready Player One
Dr dredd

My top 3 of every year:

Tron: Legacy

Attack the Block
Source Code

The Hunger Games

Europa Report
*Also, The Congress if you're including animation

Edge of Tomorrow
The Signal

Ex Machina
Mad Max: Fury Road
Kung Fury

Midnight Special
*10 Cloverfield Lane was pretty good but barely passes as sci-fi

Blade Runner 2049
What Happened to Monday (AKA Seven Sisters)

Mortal Engines

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning
Hardcore Henry
I just wanted to post 3 "trashy" scifi movies I liked.


is this really that good? every high rated netflix film ive seen ends up being shit


> Prometheus
> Life (2017)
> Annihilation

Don’t even bother replying plebs

i can get behind this

All 3 of those are trash

Look at those fucking digits. Gotta see it now

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no it wasn't. The plot-twist was super-lame and i saw it coming miles away.
Nice low-budget movie, a solid 6/10.

Nobody cares about your blog

Replace Ready Player One with Ex Machina.

Hardcore Henry




Some okay films there, but not the best sci-fi's by a longshot.
These three are the best sci-fi films of the 2010s.

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Those look more like boringcore then SciFi.

>forgetting Tron Legacy exists

Interstellar was great until the end where it collapsed in on itself like a dying star.
What a shit movie.

Edge of Tomorrow over Mad Max desu.
Mad Max isn't even sci-fi

>top three scifi films of the 2010s

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Edge of Tomorrow
Alita: Battle Angel

Honorable Mention:
Maze Runner Series (Absolutely Kino)
Ex Machina

I'm a sucker for space shots like these, I'll check it out this weekend.


lol, no. Big name ripoff of Moon.
