Captain Marvel "a disgrace" says former DC Comics artist

>Former DC Comics artist Ethan Van Sciver offers that Disney's Captain Marvel is a disgrace. The 26-year veteran of the comic book industry, which includes doing art for Geoff Johns' Green Lantern, released a video blasting the character, which follows the release of advanced reviews that are rather mixed.

>Ethan Van Sciver says. "It's not possible to make a good Captain Marvel movie. It just really isn't possible. It isn't possible to make an excellent Captain Marvel movie, one that can actually fulfill the hopes and dreams of women everywhere. Why? Because Captain Marvel isn't just that good of a character.

>Captain Marvel is a character built on convenience, built on the desire of Marvel Comics to virtue signal that they, too, have their own Wonder Woman.

Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>yet another white male giving his opinion on a movie that wasn't made for him

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>Someone besides me actually goes and says it
>and he's an industry insider too
now kiss that career goodbye son

An incel AND a DC fan. Pathetic

he already doesn't have a career because he is MAGA and speaks about SJWs ruining comics

he's one of the ones they replaced with tumblr webcomic artists

>He's setting himself up to make mad bank as an independent comic creator

more like it

>doesn't have a career
He got half a million for drawing a comic.
That makes him a more profitable and successful comic artist than 95% of the whole industry.
And he toppled Batman from the number.1 spot. BATMAN
no career sounds about right

This but unironically.

>Because Captain Marvel isn't just that good of a character.
Doesn't matter if you hate the guy, he's right.

He already suckered the dumbfucks fanboys into giving him a million for a cyberfrog comic book. And like all kickstarter crap, its running late.

Pathetic coming from someone who used to work in DC. Captain Marvel is a better character than 95% of their characters, including Superman

That's why she was rebooted 9 times and nobody gave a fuck. You shills are really desperate.

Have sex incel

Superman is a boring relic of the past who know one likes, and continuously fails in live action adaptations. Then you’ve got losers like the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Green Arrow, and all their loser villains. DC characters are lame and will always be unpopular. Captain Marvel will surpass all them after her MCU breakout. Keep crying Incel

>his character has canceled nine comic book series that have been launched in her honor. She can't maintain an audience

Based Uncle E

>26-year veteran of the comic book industry
Yeah? Am I supposed to be impressed? Brie is 29. L.M.A.O.

>Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Yes, Ethan has been our guy for like 2 years now.
He was harassed out of DC for being a Christian years ago.

>continuously fails in live action adaptations
but keeps doing well in comics. it's the movies that suck

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Ethan is literally the Maga hat guy in Murdock Murdock...WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CYBERFROG I PAID FOR YOU FUCK


Seriously though, I just got finished watching his video...but when are we getting Cyber Frog? It was supposed to be in November.

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I started this gangster shit, and this the motherfucking thanks i get?

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Doesn't sound like he is anywhere near done too.
But hey, I'm sure he will be done my next November.

EVS is some 40+ gen X'er retard. If you had any reading comprehension you'd see the article meant he'd been int he industry for 26 years.

It was obviously a joke bro

absolute idiot

*BTFO Disney*

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He's self-producing now. He grossed $600K last year on his Cyberfrog GoFundMe

I wonder if he will start to appreciate TLJ now that shitting on it after release ended up being his big break and made him half a mil in a year and now he can do his own stuff.

Oh no no no no

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Is the reason why Brie Larson is suddenly so cunty and trying to be obnoxiously WOKE because she's reached the age of 35 or whatever without getting married or having kids?

EVS is a gigantic faggot, that said while he is playing it up for his alt-right mealticket he is actually also wrong, because the Captain Marvel comics are also terrible and Carol was never a good character.ever.

nice b8

He fired for being an outright nazi, you fucking piece of shit shill.


> people paid for this middle school notebook tier character concept

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looks bretty gud tho

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>he is actually also wrong, because the Captain Marvel comics are also terrible and Carol was never a good character.ever.

>Ethan Van Sciver says. "It's not possible to make a good Captain Marvel movie. It just really isn't possible. It isn't possible to make an excellent Captain Marvel movie, one that can actually fulfill the hopes and dreams of women everywhere. Why? Because Captain Marvel isn't just that good of a character.

>Why? Because Captain Marvel isn't just that good of a character.

> isn't just that good of a character.

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Im excited for it.

Yeah that sounds like bullshit considering you can get labeled a nazi for calling a fat bitch fat now.

Especially considering that comics are the bread and butter of easily triggered omegas that like to throw that accusation around.

>what if I ripped off ninja turtles and battletoads

It came out before both you retard.

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american comics are so static and over-drawn and try-hard.

the cartoony ones quite often get it and understand how comic art should be but ones drawn in the typical style you see in cape comics are just so bad.

japanese manga wins again.

Yeah super man is a lame relic of the past get with the times and worship Satan man like me.

Can’t wait to revisit this in a couple of weeks after the dust has settled from the dud.

wtf I love Captain Marvel now!

What? How is it not out yet? Does he just spend all his time making clickbait instead of drawing panels?

He is right though. Captain Marvel has always been a bland character.

fuck him. Dave Sim is based

Yea Forumsmblr SEETHING

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>Ethan Van Sciver
HAHAHAHA come on dude

The Skrull are actually the good guy

He also sold like 6k in drawings the other night and makes at least 1k a week just in super chats

Is this a battle toad?

Can't wait to watch this meme fail

He is fucking banking. He was talking about a new house last night.

That looks terrible.

Hopefully these women don't get to have kids because they're either going to adopt from foreign countries and ruin kids that are already suffering from culture shock or, and this is worse, they'll have kids in their late-thirties and forties so we end up with a population where mental illness eclipses obesity as the biggest health crisis. A majority of these kids will be born with some form of autism and these women, unable to fix their craving for quick fixes and ego boosts will seek attention by declaring these kids gender-fluid or binary-questioning or helicopter-kin or whatever the fuck gets them clicks that week. They won't suddenly shed their fur-baby-momma habits that they developed from years of keeping pets in the place of children and their kids will get mentally and physically nuked for two decades until they're hollow shells that either kill themselves or kill their moms. If this all happens things are well and truly fucked, but it might be entertaining. These catladies need to be kept away from kids at all costs, though.

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>the woman that killed the MCU

Why is her hairline so terrible

>Captain Marvel

Comicsgate is pathetic.

>speaks about SJWs ruining comics
They fucking HAVE, though. They never buy, but constantly bitch about representation, & push for jobs in the industry to push for the changes they want which the people who've ALWAYS bought them, that the industry exists for, fucking hate & makes them drop said titles.
At least a book with "CAPTAIN NAZI INCEL" as the main protagonist would FUCKING SELL.

Sounds like the same shit going on in vidya.

The only real difference is that vidya has enough normie appeal to not be totally ruined as an industry by it, at least not yet. Comics have never had normie appeal, it might look like that from the success of the movies, but those only minorly affect sales of the said character's books, briefly.

They have though?

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Well, both are cool and we have nothing of that sort on 2019

You're the co-lead in Brie's next movie? What's the plot?

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>26 years old
letting women into politics was the biggest mistake of the 21st century. no one has to earn anything anymore, fame and titles are just meaningless crap handed over to anyone who looks the part. you've got comic artists who have been drawing the fucking 70's but yes, this 26 year old is clearly a veteran.

Only mainstream trash has the normie appeal, the AA and indie industry has been gutted in vidya. Though not only due to these SJW's.

>veteran of anything

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Why does it look like if I touched her face, it'd come off in powdery flakes like a powdered doughnut?



I got behavioral disorders older than that.

26 year veteran not 26 years old.
you card read good

is this bait or do people actually have reading comprehension this poor?

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go dilate

This is the most cringe thing I've read in my life. What planet did the person who wrote this live on? This is some really bad in universe meta shit.

Also why is the incel character look like an uberchad kek?


Based ESLposters. It's 26 years in the industry. EVS is a boomer.

You both could be the dumbest people on this site


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point taken, they could have written it differently though and my point, although irrelevant, still stands.

you're on the wrong side of history you bitter sexless incel, this is the new face of your pitiful manbaby comics and it's BEAUTIFUL

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When you're right you're right.

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>the lasso compels truth
>he speaks absolute truth that starts melting the fucking page
>having no counterarguments, she knocks him out
Comic writers are getting real sick of this shit. Again & again you can see them taking full advantage of "villain" diatribes to speak their minds.

Based Van Sciver telling it how it is

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>Only mainstream trash has the normie appeal, the AA and indie industry has been gutted in vidya
Yeah, primarily by piracy, which hits comics too.
The difference is the trash route is an option for devs, they can just start making pay-to-win smartphone garbage & make a good living.
No such route exists for comics.

>his name is Ned Howler, He's a 10 year veteran of the GCPD


I like that they had to make Red Skull turn disenfranchised white dudes into suicide bombers because his speech was making too much sense

>Unsolicited opinions about Israel

You know, I'm honestly curios. What does a god think of a religious ethnostate?

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Whoever wrote that should be deeply ashamed.

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gods have historically tended to not like people who don't worship them

I have a pretty strong stomach but this is too much.

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That's a retarded thing to say. If a character isn't good then make them good. No one is chaining the writers to the comics. Idealistic messiah Wonder Woman from the movie is pretty fucking different from the angry berserker in the comics, in fact she's more similar to comics Superman. Movie Aquaman is more like Marvel's Hercules or Thor than anything in DC.


>20% arab population

what did he mean by this.

>Ethan Van Sciver
You're going to make Yea Forums shit themselves in rage but as always he's right.

>Russia is 19% non-Russian
>Is explicitly an ethnostate for the Russian people

Ethnostates are never pure.

True, comics have been in deep shit since the 90's, SJW virus will quite literally destroy the industry, especially physical print. If this keeps up, and it will, comics will probably end up digital only in a few years.

His own self published works have sold more than what DC or Marvel does with their comics. The same can be said for anyone under that comics gate umbrella goes to show the ol' saying rings true.

>angry berserker in the comics
stop reading bad comics

Ethnostate is in practice & intent, not composition.
The jews absolutely run an ethnostate, the only one exempted from any criticism.

Yea Forums is always, ALWAYS wrong. In fact they go beyond wrong into some kind of void where they are eternally anti-correct.

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Mah based 5XL man

>the only one exempted from any criticism.

you really don't watch the news

>Yet anothet movie that wont make lots of money because women and fags dont actually flock to watch capeshit

Make me faggot ;)

>comics will probably end up digital only in a few years.
Absolutely, it'd already have happened if not for the "lobbying" of the increasingly dwindling brick & mortar outlets. I feel bad for them, has to feel like it did for "record" stores.

the madman did it lmao

>the only one exempted from any criticism.
until recently yea, Israel has been getting fucking blasted this last year, even by normies and lib fags. I'm legitimately amazed at how many people are starting to call out israels shit, its only a matter of time before the normies start asking themselves "how was israel even made!?"

So I'm guessing a Jewish woman wrote the script for that?

Fucking BASED. Accurate, too. Carol Danvers is derivative on a fractal scale. She's not only an also-ran to Wonder Woman, but the *real* Captain Marvel as well, and I'm not talking about the Kree one. Mar-vel was Marvel jumping on to claim Shazam's name during a copyright lapse. They even gave him the same body-switch mechanic using Rick Jones as his "host." Carol later got the exact same abilities as him in an accident. So let's run that all down:

>Carol is a copy of Mar-Vel.
>Mar-Vel is a copy of Captain Marvel/Shazam!
>Shazam! is a copy of Superman.
>Plus feminism for Wonder Woman cred.

Her origin is a meandering, aimless wreck.

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By that logic every country ever is an ethnostate

I do. Look at the backlash she's getting.
Name one other minority besides Smollett who's gotten anything similar in recent years.

Unless you're an ameritard, Israel has been under fire since literally forever

why does anyone even care about the chick captain marvel? doesn't she get BTFO by rogue eventually?

I don't buy or follow comics but I saw a video last week about how Marvel Comics might be getting shut down. Felt really weird to hear that. Apparently it's been operating on a loss for 2 years and Disney wants to nix it.

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Yea, a comicbook stores are fucked since no one is buy comics anymore. St. Mark's Comics, just closed in Manhattan, after 36 years. And about 10 years earlier their second store closed down in Brooklyn Heights. The owner is such cool guy too, really loved comics. Feels bad.

>hurr durr if you hold these specific opinions you look like this

kill yourself, stupid faggot.

here's why that's a good thing

There's nearly countless characters like that in both DC & Marvel, they've had a lot of pissing matches over the decades.
Even Thanos is just a ripoff of Darkseid, because Stan Lee was asspained Kirby was doing good shit for DC after leaving.

Just like in Canada, facts are illegal.

most are, most of the rest used to be

it is actually frightening how blue pilled Yea Forums is

Scroll down to where they even claim the backlash to James Rolfe and Ghostbusters was totally manipulated and manufactured by the alt-right, who are also trying to sabotage Captain Marlel

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>The determination that "Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination", contained in the resolution, was revoked in 1991 with UN General Assembly Resolution 46/86

I CAN keep up, despite being an Amerilard.

No one is buying comics anymore. Like the other guy said, this is probably what record stores went though. It's sad to see, an industry that was so powerful for decades, before any of us were born, with such an impact on pop culture, dying out in your life time.

>Carol Danvers

Does anyone else think this name is cringe? I don't read comics, but when I found out this was the characters name I cringed. I dunno something about the way it rolls of the tongue sounds really bad and try hard. Carol is a meh tier woman's name, sounds like an old boomer, not fitting for a millenial woman. But Danvers, christ, that is the real cringe name.

I heard someone say she was called Monica Rambeau in the comics and that's just as cringe, trying to French up the name Rambo and make it all feminine and chic. It's cringe.

>how blue pilled Yea Forums is

Comics are a bad investment as far as entertainment value for the money so of course people into them are not that smart.

Nice strawman retard.

Why did a feminist draw an incel villain to be a godlike chad?

Based Dr Dre lyrics poster

Well that and Yea Forums is basically tumblr at this point

not to mention capeshit in general is leftist brainwashing so fags who have read this trash for decades are devoid of working braincells.
Yea Forums has historically been the corporate drone board and went along with bullshit like the Harlem Shake when it came out, requesting it in their awful drawthreads and shit

>Ethan Van Sciver

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don't let the door hit you Yea Forumsmblr

I think it's the cottage industries of (((critique))) and discussion that crop up around major industries that choke the fucking lifeblood out of them. I like that people can comment on stuff well enough but social media access ought to be locked behind a fucking IQ floor.

Whose denial, those saying it'll flop who it's proving right, or yours?

What if it's was revoked? The original argument is that Israel isn't criticized ever. And only an ameritard would ever believe that.

>Yea Forums

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He's right, tho. EVS is a tard and was always a mediocre artist

Stop calling Ethan an incel. Pretty sure he has had sex eith tons of guys. I know plenty of them send him pics of their buttholes.

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Well ti certainly doesn't help, but comics could barely compete with video games and morning cartoons for the attention of kids 20 years ago, much less Netflix and Smartphones. They were fucked either way.

He looks even gayer now than when I met uim at a con eight years ago.

What would you know about art talent Yea Forumsmblr? You're the ones who praise Stephen Universe and the new She-ra.

Based Uncle E, living rent free in the mind of a Tranny

The main problem now with the MCU is that there's nothing spiritual about it yet.

It needs to all end with Endgame.

>and the new She-ra
If you're into or just ambivalent about traps She-Ra is incredibly awesome. But if you aren't then it's just plain fucking faggotry.

They absolutely could make an interesting captain marvel movie, but they're basing it on her current character so it's going to be middle of the road marvel movie stuff. Base it off alcoholic train wreck carol that enjoys killing scrull children and you have an interesting movie if made right. Also, she has to lust after spider D. Absolute requirement.

>sorry for using autism in a negative light
My god I didn't think it was this Cu.cked

What even is comicsgate?
And why does everything need a gate in it?

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>please don't do that
>it makes me hate you
That's precisely the point where you call the person a double nigger

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You chimps are running that into the ground at record pace.

Think "gamergate" but with comics. The minor details are really irrelevant.

It's same as gamegate, but because comic industry was on its last leg before, unlike videogames, we'll actually get to see the death of the medium.

>All that comoncore social engineering shit that came up through GamerGate

People forget about all that. Creepy.

These people crying about comic stores closing because SJWs are the most retarded humanoid ape creatures on earth. For fucking 20 years comic book sales have been in the shitter because internet, video games, television, and social media, and before some fag got on YouTube to review comics this was widely accepted. but yeah, let’s ignore that because we don’t like SJWs and we’re willing to resort to any level of intellectual dishonesty to prove a point. Not to mention you just know these people have no love for the medium and are jumping on for the controversy and the zoomer social media interaction bux.

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Monica Rambeau is a completely different character. She's the original female Captain Marvel. She's also a black woman from Louisiana. They not only sideline her character, they make Carol her "inspiration" in this movie. So now let's break *that* down:

Carol taking the title first is subtle gender-swapping *and* race-swapping, with a healthy dose of "white savior" thrown in just for added tonal deafness. All just so terribly "progressive" for so vocal an advocate as Brie Larson, isn't it?

And speaking of boomers, does thus Captain Marvel even age? At least Cap had the courtesy to get himself frozen in an iceberg for decades. She's been off "fighting the good fight" for twenty years(only not Thanos and his death army cuz reasons), so what's her excuse?

>Ethan Van Sciver

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Bullshit. That the industry had a time limit to it anyway does not at all discount the solid fucking fact that the SJW pandering bullshit has accelerated that process.

You're both right.

>The purpose of this character and this movie is to show that women are totally awesome, totally bada-- just like men can. That is what a Mary Sue is. That is why SJW's are incapable of creating anything lasting or worthwhile.

>That is why SJW's are incapable of creating anything lasting or worthwhile.

Fuck me stiff, Jimmy.

>we'll actually get to see the death of the medium.
Well you've sold me on it.
Honestly fuck comic books

First she would have to have sex with a man and god knows that would just piss her off.

>brie larson looks like the girl at a party who you ask where is the the bathroom and she smugly says "i have a boyfriend"

No, and the reason why is there was no organized concerted effort to co-opt “gamergate” into its own company, and said company leaders didn’t start sucking as much dick as Zoe Quinn

Jesus christ Capeshit and all there multiple people are the same super hero really make me fucking cringe. It's even worse than the in universe crossovers.

So are you saying that Disney literally made a black female super hero white for the movie, and is trying to pass it off as progressive and Brie is being a SJW about it. Fucking kek. Why is no one complaining about this? Why would Marvel not jump at a black female super hero? Wouldn't that go along with Black Panther well or something?

So I just came from the movie and it was alright.
Samuel L Jackson and the one Skrull are fun characters.

Brie Larson is garbage in this movie though.

Israel is literally suppose to be an ethnostate in order for Christ to return. It's part of the reason many Christians support Jews. That, and they're just stupid.

And people didn't pay for your faggoty ass bullshit

A black captain marvel would've bombed because the world is not ready yet for that. It's as retarded as having Kamala Harris run in 2020. A suicide.

Why is Yea Forumsmblr so feisty on other boards lately? Is all the negative press for Captain Toe-Fungus making them a bit cranky?

Nope, I’m right and he’s wrong. There is hard data which shows the decline in sales over the decades. Factual evidence. There is no data that shows “SJWs” have “accelerated” this. Not to mention how much power they give to SJWs just by crediting them with this theory. Bullshit indeed

>outright nazi
lol, u believe this?

How can you be an incel if you roofie women? Checkmate roaties

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Way off topic, but it was also supposed to form "naturally". Become a self-fulfilling prophecy now, and those always turn out hilariously faustian.

Have sex instead of white knighting

Technically, he's right. At this point "nazi" means "normal".

So 'mansplaining' is the absolute truth then?

the writers didn't think this out very well

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What is this? please say this is an edit?

sure didn't help anything

no it's real, around this time Superman also fought da ebil raciss police

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Nah, they thought it out far too well.
Remember, kids like heroes when they're young, but like the villains more as they age. These diatribes will stick with them.

My big redpill on GG was finding out it was a big deal because people were horrified at (((journalists))) being unethical. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone when I realized most people don't naturally assume the news is filled to the brim with propaganda and coordinated narratives. Maybe because my family's always been involved in intelligence and politics, but I grew up very conscious of that stuff from the get-go so it was crazy to see the reactions to that whole thing a few years after the fact when I'd initialy paid no mind to it at the time it actually happened.

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It didn’t help YOU. It didn’t make YOU go out and buy more books. Or perhaps, you weren’t buying books anyways and the human condition inspires you to complain about a hobby you truly have no interest in unless your tribe has stakes in it.

>she's planned to be in 7 more movies
holy fucking shit

I don't know if I've ever been called an incel here, but my new thing is going to be to try to get called an incel as much as I can in a day instead of simply collecting (You)s.

The new comics are gay as hell who wants to read corny ass iron woman or whatever the hell lol. Comics are dead.

What a throughly well thought out response. Am I supposed to take this seriously? Do you really want me to point out the holes in your dumb shit logic?

>I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone when I realized most people don't naturally assume the news is filled to the brim with propaganda and coordinated narratives
The only reason it HAS worked for intelligence & politics for so long is because believing in "propaganda as overarching social narrative" as told through the head of a Hydra was conspiracy-theory-tier for the vast majority of humanity. Funny how the average is tipping now though. Either going to cause things to get much better, or far fucking worse. Probably the latter, as we're a shit species by default & require SOME kind of control.

You can’t make mad bank making comics. Nobody fucking buys comics.

based supes

cops are fucking scum and need to fucking die

Nobody is interested Yea Forumsmblr, you are free to go back to reading Antifaman or whatever socially relevant hero you're jerking off over at the moment.

shutup nigger, everyone on Yea Forums knows what SJWs have done to the industry.

How would sex feel like with him in that suit haha can you imagine the smell

Well Yea Forums is happy about it, they are after all part of the problem

These kind of responses only reinforce my stance

you can make an upper middle class income though

>Celebrated twice, but a lot of gray--a lot of gray, likely a lot of dark, papered over

What the fuck. I haven't picked up a Bat comic since Court of Owls. Is this the standard now?

>inspires you to complain about a hobby you truly have no interest in
This is textbook feminist conversation: challenge someone's manhood/association with something in order to con them to do something bad for them/supporting something directly against them. Only fucking cuckolds (and I mean it in the scientific sense of the word) support something they like even when it's been ruined.
He can and he is, since the rest of the offer is so terrible you only need to not suck and you're already on top.
You have no stance, you're a retard and we saw right through your sorry queer ass.

>BREAKING NEWS: Coca-Cola says that Pepsi is bad

You trolls are really scraping the bottom of the barrel by relying on comments from a rival company

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>that pic
Literally "Spongebob Wee Woo!" tier.

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Going back to Yea Forumsmblr to whine and circlejerk with your fellow degenerates would support your stance even further, best get to it.

like a christian pining for some of that persecution

He hasn't been with DC for years, jackass.

Superhero comics would be great toilet reading material if they weren't priced so absurdly. Can someone give me some "highbrow" comic titles other than "Maus?"

Lol, He's been on comic sjw's shit list for a while.

Of course, he's right considering that Captain Marvel has been rebooted like 4 times in the span of a few years, which is unheard of in comics. All in an attempt to make her stick but she never did. That's what happens when sjw's literally kill your industry.

I like this new meme.

>challenge someone's manhood

Your punk bitch ass is projecting so hard it’s fucking gold

>You have no stance, you're a retard and we saw right through your sorry queer ass

Not an argument, facts don’t care about your feelings, try harder you inconsolable little girl

fat chick detected

you're a faggot

>facts don’t care about your feelings
Why do incels always say this?

Still pisses me off that no one ever bothered apologizing after the movie was dog shit. Takes some serious gall to spout this level of vitriol and then be wrong without having any sense of shame.

Every insult In the place of a counter-point goes to cement my success in this debate. Thanks fags.

why are you even on our fucking board

Holy christ, you faggots are just a bunch of born bootlickers aren't ya?

top of the muffin to you, flattso

Because the left is characterized as putting emotion before reason.
"It is a fact! And there is no morality in a fact!"

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Quite funny you say this when your board is by far the biggest hive of braindead corporate drones isn't it Yea Forumsmblr?

Because they literally live on the interwebs and only consume youtube grifters.
Most of them don't care about movies, comics, books, school, vidya, etc.
And the state of this board is proof of that.

>that they, too, have their own Wonder Woman.

maybe based on title but their has to be others in the discussion. Jean Grey?

Bitch I’ve been reading comics for decades. You are just some bored angsty faggot jumping on to a hobby so you can make it your little tribal battleground. Get the fuck out of my hobby, you cocksucker.


These comments remind me of something else.

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Move to Somalia

You just discribed comicsgaters

Yeah, they are also a bunch of drones, but i find hilarious that you can call them that while posting on fucking board that is capeshit and consumer approved nerdshit 24/7

absolute Mad Lad!

>I started this gangsta shit
>And this the motherfuckin thanks I get?

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Monica Rambeau was awesome in the comics too. I want my brown sugar flying brick damn it

>all that gaslighting
that's a yikes from me

the x-girls are the best marvel has but they never really broke out on their own. they tried like hell in the 90's to do that though.

Make me, fatboy.

I was.

>capeshit and consumer approved nerdshit 24/7

Yea Forums only ever talks about this shit out of contempt and mockery, except for obvious cancer threads like GoT general

Yea Forums has long been infested with tumblr because of cosplay, Steven Universe, and Kill Six Billion Demons.

Her face is as plain as you get without being ugly.

Danvers is also them just shamelessly ripping off Supergirl’s last name.

a female version of character with shazams superhero name Captain Marvel and a mashup of supergirls krypton and earth names (kara zor-el, linda danvers =kara danvers, marvel made carol danvers)

her entire existence is just stealing other peoples stuff

>If a character isn't good then make them good
All she needs is a competent writer who gives a shit about the character and can play to her strengths. Carol was never material to be front and center but ALL of her bullshit can be retconned if the SJW agenda gets dropped. It won't. you can write about Carol being a boring cunt all the live long day and insist she's the world's most popular hero but it doesn't make it true and sales prove it.

Just kill her, let the Captain title fall to someone else and put the bitch on ice for 3 to 5 years to rebalance the scales because she is literally toxic and has been for the past 7 years. She was compromised from the very beginning and fans don't want her. Unfortunately a prettier, more charismatic lead who isn't a racist misandrist with a tighter, hotter body probably could've made this film better received and thus extend the downward spiral comics but enough is enough.

what are you reading currently

It's called Yea Forumsmblr for a reason after all, but truth be told the site was a festering lesion almost the day it was made simply because the material it covers is of such bad quality


You fucking love it, you people need to stop lying to yourselves.
You fucking love talking and consuming that shit.
Otherwise the DCvsMarvel shit wouldn't be the only constant shit outside of off-topic /pol/ content of the board.

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No. I'll just let you continue to suffer in a society that has at least some semblance of law and order.

fuck. i wish they had a little japanese businessman play captain marvel.

Look at this gangster shit and tell me it wouldn’t be a better movie than Captain Larson

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>some semblance of law and order
>The Unites States of Israel and the Rich are always right and fuck you if you ever think otherwise.

>See: The Wasp take lunch
>under her crotch

Suddenly I want nothing else more.

strawman, anarchycuck

lmao well at least we know he wont be a 'former incel' anytime soon

Mostly capeshit, starting a read through of web of Spider-Man on issue 8. Recently read secret wars and started secret wars 2. As far as new shit goes I’ve been reading the black order, fantastic four, venom, hulk, invaders. I read a couple different DC minis but don’t really stick to any character consistently. Oh, Gideon falls has been good too but I’m not caught up

the Arabs have nothing to say in Israel.

>wah the Arabs are oppressed


Scarjo looks fucking horrible. Holy fucking shit

we should follow the example and treat arabs as 2nd class subhumans too

I used to follow a bit of Marvel years ago and I still remember how much of a non-character Carol was in the various Avengers comics I followed. She really felt like she was just kept on board to give the Avengers a strong (as in powers) female. She would vary writer from writer slightly but you can tell they didn't really know what to do with her because there's nothing there. One of the only unifying characteristics she had was the unfunny quips and awkward humour thrown in that almost every character gets at some point. She was strong and competent, that's it. Whenever I read something Avengers related she felt forced.

I can't comment on her character as a whole, and maybe Bendis' influence was a significant factor that affected other writer's interpretations of her, but nothing about her felt real to me. Even other characters whose comics I hadn't read could still connect to me on some level but Carol didn't.

With Monica Rambeau as part of the MCU we can FINALLY have that N.E.X.T.W.A.V.E Agents of H.A.T.E movie I've been waiting a lifetime for.

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He makes more money promoting it and doing live streams than actually publishing it.

I’d cum in my pants bro

Nigger I went to see Aquaman like 4 times

Are you retarded? There's a ton of great manga that have as detailed or more detailed art than that. The only difference is coloured vs black and white.

EVS is based and femiroasties only hate him because he's charismatic and important enough in the industry to both expose them AND do something about it, all while being entertaining enough to keep his audience interested and growing.

Scanning over that I thought it said "See: Henry Pym pound her ass".

I fucking wish
Talk about expanding dong

He is sitting comfy right in the middle of a giant vacuum that the SJW left behind by killing all interests in comic-books. Its a huge fucking empty market and he can literally do whatever he likes and make a shitton of money.

well, you can get comics on smartphones and Netflix like services

He's right, it's literally Captain [COMPANY NAME] that literally only exists here as a plot device to just beat Thanos.

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>>Captain Marvel is a character built on convenience, built on the desire of Marvel Comics to virtue signal that they, too, have their own Wonder Woman.

He isn't wrong about that. They'd years to make a movie, but they didn't and now it feels they want the WW thunder. Too bad, it won't work.

I'm glad I'm done with comics.

Yet another racist redditor conveniently informing discrimination because he sold his sold for upvotes

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>sill buying and reading the inked jew
when did you grow out of comics?

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>DamageControlExtendedUniverse in charge of any cinematic universes

Who gives a shit what some 26 year old from the army has to say about comics

literally fake news

>50 Mil is in denial
50 mil for an MCU movie would be considered a flop compared to the other films.

Shes 29. She only looks 35

p gay if you ask me

>It didn’t help YOU
It didn't help anyone. Least of all the store owners and long time fans who are now marginalized rather than appeased.


Faggot Frog™

Yea Forums it's tumblr and Yea Forums it's full of weaboos and pedophiles and Yea Forums it's full of sneedposters that why Yea Forums it's based!

I am fucking speechless by how dumb this is

>villain gives a single shit who comes to stop him
>is mad a girl tries to stop him and pines for the time that manly men would beat him up and end his crime crusade
>mad that feminists are weakening his enemies
>feels bad about some super hero that previous beat him

There is just so much wrong with this, I am stunned.

>maybe Bendis' influence was a significant factor that affected other writer's interpretations of her
Every thing went down the drain with DeConnick writing her debut as Captain Marvel. You have to kill this unlikable, unmarketable version of Carol at her core and fucking do away with the Captain Marvel title. Let her die for a number of years and then bring her back as Ms. Marvel in her Warbird costume or a variant of it since it's her most iconic/popular iteration of the character and put the fucking title on someone else who is more likable and accessible with the fans instead of this on-going burden that even the most die-hard Carol fans are turning away from.

You don't make a flagship character accessible to only a minority of readers because girl power doesn't fucking sell on it's own. You have to give them flaws and SJW's can't fucking write so they're incapable of doing that. Put Carol in the hands of a competent writer, one that understands how to construct narrative that makes people care about a character. And don't neglect the T&A. It's a visual medium for a reason. Give the core consumer what they want: good art and good story.

Leave the politics aside and just make things interesting and fun.

>>Captain Marvel is a character built on convenience, built on the desire of Marvel Comics to virtue signal



Based EVS.

Ethan Van Salty

Holy fuck, is this doing well? Please tell me it isnt.


Fuck off ethan

lol i love it

Fuck all that
Based Emergency Awesome Captain Marvel review out!


GENTLEMEN, ask your self this, is there ANYTHING that Feminazi's and SJW faggots haven't destroyed? They've killed movies, entire franchises (Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who and now the MCU), TV, comic books.

Seriously, is there anything that white straight men can still enjoy without these fucking douchebags shoving their way in and ruining it?!?FACT!!!

t. pig fucking kike

And she has a powerset we haven't already seen half a dozen times. She can literally convert herself into electromagnetic energy. She would have been visually interesting and since she can move at light speed in that form, they could have done cool shit like show us what that looks like from her perspective.

She is a better character in every conceivable way, and best of all - her powers are more like Spidey's and the Hulk's, born if something within them, not something external like yet another "mutant" created by an Infinity Stone.

>t. pig fucking kike

Not Jewish you nigger!!!FACT!!!

>She can literally convert herself into electromagnetic energy.
>She would have been visually interesting and since she can move at light speed in that form

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Wasn't Captain Marvel wearing a hijab last I checked?

Russia is a pan-ethnical empire with russians as the nominal ethnic giving the country it's name. That has always been it's nature.