
How are they gonna pozz this one up, Yea Forums?

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I like this lead actor. The film looks well-produced and the concept is interesting for a biographical film (hopefully the last one I'll ever see ever). Stop trying to blackpill me, we can have nice things again. You've just got to invest absolutely no hope in anything, that's the fucking ticket lads.

a gay transnigger wrote the lord of the rings Tolkien copied xir ideas

They'll change it so Tolkien gets hit by a fucking bus before cutting to C.S. Lewis walking through Bristol singing a rendition of Cat Steven's Wild World.

based pop culture reference that I understand

they are really doing some superhero/batman begins take on an author. they're all boring shut ins.

Tolkien is kinda overrated as an author, sure it's a neat adventure, but he pretty much blatantly stole from mythology without a lot of subtlety. Honestly to me he should be more celebrated not for "genius" but for dedication, to actually go so deep, to create languages, I have always admired that.

Dunno, I just feel like as a movie they'll have to show him as this genius above all geniuses, which I just don't think portrays him properly.

Hopefully they expose him to the racist homophobic bigot he really was, and destroy his legacy.

He's gonna get fucked in the ass somewhere in the film, I can feel it

is this movie going to reveal the truth that tolkien stole all his work from an obese mtf muslim transexual immigrant?

This is the first time I have ever seen anything related to a biopic where I was remotely interested due to the subject.

Maybe biopics are actually intended, or best appreciated for the audience that is specifically interested in the life of individual people.

True. Kant was a great man, but nothing could have been a duller film than a biopic on his life.
>but he pretty much blatantly stole from mythology without a lot of subtlety.
Believe it not, that's precisely what makes him great. I can say that while being quite uninterested in the books that were written, in which the insufficiency would be the lack of literary polish, (with a style that's quite plodding all throughout), not the lack of originality on his part.

Possible, but I know of no biopic that has ever attempted to make the subject worse than they are generally thought. Biopics, or dramas based on the life of Hitler actually make the man more sympathetic. What would an exception be, King Lear?

>Tolkien is kinda overrated as an author
I don't have the time to tell you how wrong you are. I'm not even a huge LotR but his impact on fiction as a whole is on another fucking level.

Tickets and popcorn says the film completely ignores Tolkein's faith.

Well, Tolkien did serve in WW1 and all his friends did within days of hitting the mainland. It may not be for you, but I'm looking forward to it.

>show him as a genius

He created about 15 languages and he was deeply affected by WW1, evident by the flammenwerfer taking on the appearence of a dragon. You don't need a genius at the center of this story, you just need a story. This one is about imagination breaking apart.

I wasn't talking about how influential of an author he was.

In his youth, language and war played a far bigger role in writing his books than faith did.

You called it a "neat adventure" which is entirely disingenuous to the whole product and everything that went into it.

That's besides the point.

Just watch a documentary on his life. It's interesting enough without being reduced to melodramatic bullshit.

It really isn't. There's nothing overrated about the guy or anything he did.

They will make him an atheist or a pagan.

they could hire one of bryan singer's twinks to play him

Okay, Michael Moorcock, you can fuck off now

just to get it out of the way

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Unless the two of you really want to argue the merits of this author, there is little point in having this sort of exchange. Harold Bloom and Roger Scruton agree in many points, including considering Alice and Wonderland the pinnacle of children's literature, but an appreciation of Harry Potter is not one them, with Scruton considering it some of the finest children literature, and Bloom considering it little but preparation for Stephen King.

100% this.

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>Tolkien describes Orcs explicitly in one of hisLetters:

...they are (or were) squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.

Orcs = Asian People

>I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine.
What did Tolkien mean by this?

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he rejected the nazi racial theories

that anyone who uses /pol/ rhetoric is a retard

It will end with him in the war with his Gay Black Trans Muslim friend who gets shot by a Evil white Cis Male Nazi (Even though its WWI) and he will find a journal on xirs body with all the stories written and he just publishes that.

>RotK better than Two Towers
Even in such a shitlist they can't stop themselves from making it even worse.


they wont go that far, they'll simply disregard he was a devout christian and make zero mentions of it.

They will AT LEAST imply that he believes in nature gods instead of seeing nature (and its mythical spirits) as creations of God.

And yet now he's just another dead white male who wrote fascist racist nonsense and his creations will be destroyed by la goblinas ;^) btw genre fiction is all dogshit NO exceptions

The scene with Tolkien failing his economics exam was something else.

trips of truth


I like the fantastical visuals for explosions and shit. Really fitting a story about an author and how he sees the world and its horrors.

will there be any mention of tax policies?

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Well that certainly explains why Frodo didn't just use e-file to send his tax return to the IRS overnight....

Not enough acknowledgement of this reference in this thread lads.

i dont get it

I have high hopes for this one. Looks like classical and clean hero-story with actual morals. Will get buried in the media of course because of no interracial transgender folks.

I like Nicolas Hoult, but as much as I like Lily Collins she isn't a great actor.

Attached: Lily Collins.webm (640x720, 1.61M)

>Believe it not, that's precisely what makes him great.

Oh so white whites do it it's great but when anyone else does it, it's just unoriginal ripping off. Fuck right off.

Tolkien is a hack and only dicklet virgins think otherwise

you are the lowest common denominator this crap is being made for.

>let's sexy up one of the most gruesome wars in human history!

>sexy up
What the fuck are you talking about you mouthbreathing retard?

Did he really have a wall like that? I thought all the best writers just leave everything in their heads.

What was his tax policy?

Feist is the superior fantasy writer

i'm not the shit-for-brains looking forward to this trivializing of history into spectacle. at least have some self-awareness.

>fought in wwi and unironically spoke of virtues of and relating to war
>was catholic as fuck
they'll pozz the shit out of it

Absolutely deplorable bait. Seriously, this might be the worst I have ever seen. It makes me wonder what is going on in your mind.

it wouldn't surprise me at all if a third of this film is just him in the war and the rest afterwards is him coping with PTSD and writing the books

I think it'll be a pretty good representation of the war. probably a good representation of the confusion and shelling, not of the boredom and horror of waiting for your death.

bravo nolan!

This is my reaction to a lot of bait
>nobody could possibly believe this bullshit, this fucker must be baiting
>wait, perhaps he could believe that, and he could be baiting
>better leave it open that he's either baiting OR retarded
In this case, I know is exception, as there is no doubt in my mind this isn't bait.

Sometimes, I have imagined that I am looking at bait so obvious that nothing they could possibly produce in response would more strongly suggest that their position is genuine, as much as the position and how it is stated inherently implies that it is fake. However, I always have in the back of mind the suspicion that there is the possibility it is real.

While I can not say in the bottom of my heart that as true as I am alive, this post is bait, However, I have never encountered a post that gave me more certainty that it was bait.

They will not mention his Christian faith nor his relationship with CS Lewis sense that would be problematic, despite his faith being a detrimental influence on the Lotr