Michael Cera just showed up. About to drop this like a hot potato. Does it get any better...

Michael Cera just showed up. About to drop this like a hot potato. Does it get any better? The first 2 seasons had a lot going on and were funny. This just seems drawn out for no reason yet. HAHAHA guess I got lynched HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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>getting pleb filtered this early on by the most obvious moments
I don't think Season 3 is for you user. Maybe one day.

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Have you watched FWWM? a lot of the mythos from that is carried over, its quite important. It is pretty drawn out with a lot of separate moving parts to it, but I genuinely believe it's one of the best things on TV in the last decade. You can call it bloated and pretentious, but there are moments which are like nothing you'll watch on TV anywhere else.

Just stop watching. If you aren't into it by now than there's no point in continuing. Also you're fucking pleb faggot.

Why are you watching this, it's not for you. Jesus, who let this fag in here?

You suck and are not worthy.

Its not for you

imagine getting lynched this hard

man you're dumb

I never watched the original and I love these kinds of shows like X Files and unexplained shit. But what i saw of davud lynch puts me off. It seems too wierd for me. should I give it a go and if so, what hould I do to go in witht he right mind set?

lets all say together lads, he got


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It's really not like the X Files at all.

No I haven't what do I need to know

yeah I know that, but what I meant was the sci-fi wird occurence twilight zone kind of shit is my jam. I was just put off by the lynchian weirdness is all. Is there a way to approach it properly?

I'm watching an episode a day and I have two more episodes until the conclusion of season 3

What a phenomenal series. I loved all of 1, 2 and 3. The only thing I wish was even slightly different would be to have Harry back. I kind of found it funny that the last time we saw Harry, he was about to blow chunks listening to the tall-order from RR Diner, and he's been sick ever since.

The David Lynch surreal weirdness interpenetrates everything to the point where it's pretty much more that the show is about maintaining that "feeling" than "muh tulpas" or anything else. If you don't like anything else Lynch has done, you may get something out of TP season one (though you will probably end up disappointed), but you will not like The Return at all.

What the fuck was Ontkean's problem, exactly?

Get Lynched bitch haha
Check em!

Let me say something

i like the elephant man but turned off mullholland drive?

The Michael Cera scene is fucking hilarious. I've never understood why people dislike it.

You won't like it at all.
The funniest thing in the world is in the “A Week in Twin Peaks” documentary, Goaz is talking about how thrilled Lynch was to have Cera in the picture—how Cera came in and delivered his lines in one take, and when he asked about another Lynch was like, “No, it was perfect!” Goaz remarks that it’s an odd thing for Lynch to do a scene in less than 40 takes and says it’s a testament to how completely Cera nailed it. Then you watch the scene and Cera is fucking giggling, on the cusp of breaking throughout the ENTIRE scene. And Lynch is just like, “yep, this is exactly what I was going for.”

>You won't like it at all.
i suspected as much. I always wonder what i am missing about lynch, is there an easier place to start with him?

Try Blue Velvet or Wild at Heart. He's not for everyone though.

Imagine finding watching a movie hard lmao

I started with Twin Peaks and loved it and moved on to Blue Velvet. The Elephant Man and Wild at Heart is probably his most entry-level.

We're watching a LYNCHing live, anons. He didn't even reach Part 8

turn your fucking mind off. Stop going into movies with expectations of what movies should be. Understand that movies can be whatever they want to be
Honestly the more movies you watch, the more you will grow to understand them. You cannot go into a Lynch movie and expect to understand everything he's doing. That being said, watch Blue Velvet. It's one of his most accessible.

Sounds like you've been filtered

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its not hard to watch, its just you lynch fags are elitist wankers

okay thanks anons

Imagine being this butthurt

bitch, you just got the glad hand

pleb not even deserving of a (you)

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>tfw you realize lynch will die one day

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imagine being this elitist to the point you feel superior beause of another mans accomplishments

My thoughts exactly user. The part where he talks about Louis & Clark he can barely get through it.

Kek, imagine being this guy

imagine being this smallbrained, that you call others elitist for your own shortcomings

Imagine getting so lynched you miss out on the kino that is Wally Brando

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I'm currently on S2, why did they flanderize my guy Deputy Brennan so hard?
Slapstick comic relief is so out of place in a Lynch joint. On;y thing I haven't liked about it so far, the rest has been phenomenal.

He's got another movie in him, right?

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