Leaked reports of Brie Larson not getting along with fellow Avengers: Endgame cast mates...

>Leaked reports of Brie Larson not getting along with fellow Avengers: Endgame cast mates. A focal point of which includes rumored arguments with fellow cast member Scarlett Johansson, and Scarlett refusing to talk to Brie Larson outside of required scenes on set.

>Additional Rumors also include Brie Larson previously demanding a larger role in Avengers: Endgame after reading an early version of the script, and objecting heavily to Marvel (supposedly) having two separate cuts of the film. One cut with a reduced role for Captain Marvel depending on the Box Office performance of the Captain Marvel's solo film.

>Russo Brothers originally did not want Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame at all, and felt very strongly that the film should focus on the original Avengers roster, and existing characters. The directors were overridden, and were directly ordered to include Captain Marvel in the film by higher ups at Marvel Studios.

HA! Looks like Scarlett is pissed at Brie getting a Captain Marvel movie before her own Black Widow. Can't say I blame her. Scarlett was one of the originals and deserves her own movie first.

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Other urls found in this thread:


crashing this franchise




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Does NOT surprise me one bit. I mean can you imagine? Put yourself in their shoes. You've been working with your cast mates for almost 10 years making film after film after film, and you want to work hard going out with a bang on the final movie of current franchise. Then all of a sudden this unlikable woman comes in at the 11th hour, and steals valuable screentime from your cast mates in an already cramped movie. Then probably stole Scarlett's solo movie too. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Scarlet Johanson is privately pissed off at Brie Larson.

Link pls.

that's gotta be the ultimate insult to Scarlett.

>Hey Scarlett can you appear in my new Solo Woman's Captain Marvel movie even though I know you haven't gotten your own movie yet. Please help push my movie to success. kthxbye us woman gotta stick together teehee

Not OP, but I've seen this reported already on several comicbook news and movie sites.

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>mfw all these too goo to be true "leaks" come from wordpress
>mfw I realize some shitposter from reddit and Yea Forums likely owns a wordpress just do this

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>Obviously, it is unknown if the rumor is true, but it could very well be legit as there is an ongoing Captain Marvel controversy, and the Washinton Post even confirmed the film is undergoing a major PR nightmare. Certainly, Bob Iger doesn't want another "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" on Disney's hands, which has caused fans to stop supporting Star Wars leading to Han Solo failing at the box office and Disney placing its Star Wars movies on hiatus. As I have questioned many times, will the MCU share a similar fate because of Brie Larson, Kevin Feige and Captain Marvel?
Shit nigga, i tough OP was just shitposting but this actually make a lot of sense.

I mean the rumors aren't too far fetched. When the rumors were leaked that Brie Larson was cast as Captain Marvel no one believed it either

Source: your ass

>Scarlett was one of the originals and deserves her own movie first.
Yeah poor thing, shes had it tough, maybe one of these days she'll get a break and her career will really take off. I'm rooting for her.

>When the rumors were leaked that Brie Larson was cast as Captain Marvel no one believed it either

I did. But that's because I'm familiar with how casting works and actually watch movies. Also the leaks were practically Disney confirmation. It's not like it was a rumor for years. It was a couple days.

If Scarlet Johannsen is mad she has no reason to be mad at Brie Larsen. Larsen gets paid to wear a suit, same as Scarlet.

Trading favors for roles Weinstien style, I bet.

>being a bloomposter but not a bloombeliever

i’m truly disappointed in you, user. but i’m further disappointed we’re both here instead of reading good canon.

Written by an 8th grader. Semi-literate garbage.

The movie really should have just been focused on the original Avengers primarily and a few of the surviving side characters.

you actually watch movies? what a faggot

Why shouldn't it makes sense? The Last Jedi did cost them a shitton of fan-goodwill and the fandom menace is a real thing. They easily lost 200 -500 Million Dollar on Solo, something that would not have happened without TLJ. It is reasonable to assume that a botched Endgame will poison the well for the MCU as much as TLJ did for Star Wars.

Kevin Feige once said that some MCU actresses walked in his office to demand female led movies in the MCU
And then he gives it to the cunt out of left field and makes her the strongest and most importantest character ever
They must be fuming

Unreliable source. When the fuck will you Incels realize that this is the future of the MCU as well as cinema?

Can someone tell me what does Brie Larson have on Kevin Feige to make Kevin bend over backwards to push her as the new face of Marvel movies? I mean Kevin has been pretty on the ball in the past with handling the Marvel movies, but this seems like a huge mistake. How can this dude not see it? Did Brie Larson kidnap Feige's wife or something?

Have sex

The Black Widow "character" is the most wooden non-entity ever performed on screen. There's a reason Marvel hasnt made a BW movie and it's not because they didnt want a female lead.

you typed it too loud. She didn't yell it, she said it reeeeeeeal soft so you could fully feel the power and screen presence behind her line. Also, it was a statement, not a question. You wouldn't understand top tier acting even when it's shoved in your face.

ʷᵃʳᵉˢ ᶠᵘʳʳʸ

The MCU has no future after Endgame.

Maybe because people don't like it? Why would you come into a thread with people that share a different opinion from you? You are the true incel.

Alright, Matt, we get it. Your website exists, stop shilling it all the time. Nice trick not directly linking it in the op this time

The onion >>> /on/

>Fiege make a move on Brie.
>Now she blackmailing him with a MeToo™ if he doesn't promote her and help her with her social crusade.
Based Larson

SJH be looking like pic related

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DC = soul
Marvel = soulless

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I hate both of them, but I gotta take Scarlett's side

>>Russo Brothers originally did not want Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame at all, and felt very strongly that the film should focus on the original Avengers roster, and existing characters.

They're right. poor russo brothers being forced to include this cunt who plays a character no one cares about.

Why would Feige make a movie on Captain Fungus when Feige had access to prime Scarlett Johanson and for Elizabeth Olsen YEARS. That's just absurd

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It's strange too since Feige had never had issues dealing with prima-donnas before. Just look at what he did with Norton, Howard, Whedon, and the rest. RDJ is the only one and that's just because Iron Man was the cash cow. Maybe we'll get the hacked emails telling the whole story one day.

I feel for Liz Olsen if those rumors are true because she was supposed to be a key player moving forward and she's actually had an arc.

Everybody make mistakes user.

based and olsenpilled

Damn he salty over Feige

He's feeling the pressure after the success of Aquaman

People always have selective memory when it comes to superhero shit, like how they'd never done a superhero movie with a black lead when we've had quite a few Blade movies before that, not to mention that Steel movie from the 90s. Same with female superheroes, there was electra, catwoman, the older supergirl movies from the 90s.

You're right though, nothing particularly interesting about Black Widow in the MCU, when she first showed up in Iron Man she looked young and hot, like the character is supposed to be I guess, but I think if they made a Black Widow movie now Scarlet would be too old for it. Either way, these shitty superhero movies need to come to an end anyway.

My theory is that Liz never slept with any of the higher ups while Larson did. That's why Larsen resents her and why Liz got killed off.

Their biggest mistake was casting this plain cunt who can't act for shit as the future lead of their billion dollar franchise. What the fuck did she do to get there, how many dicks did she suck? It was unreal how little charisma or screen presence she had

Why doesn't anyone want a Hawkeye trailer? I mean, when it comes down to it, in the MCU aren't Hawkeye and Scarlett Widow the male and female version of the same basic character?

So they replaced wood with cement and called it a day?

Well it was rumored they were gonna CGI her young again - particularly for her training in Soviet Russia as a teenager

Is scarjo actually, dare I say it, based?

Even if it´s not true i reckon that Scarlett should have gotten her movie first. She is been part of the events for 10 years.

Heck i don´t even give a fuck about Marvel movies after Winter Soldier (the last good one) but i wouldn´t mind learning what happened at Budapest. Captain Marvel i just don´t care about.

I wonder if this is why Evans has gotten so distant from everything, and why he's 100% out. He's always been close to Olsen and Scarjo.

>it was rumored they were gonna CGI her young again
This is going to become the next big overused lazy gimmick. It's gonna suck.

she and Olsen are at least smart enough to realize that Brie is gonna tank the franchise. they want that bitch outta here


Yay for Marvel also having backstage/behind the scenes politics bllshit, I dont blame Elizabeth Olsen for being upset about it. She was becoming a fan favorite as of late and then someone steals your "push".

>who can't act for shit
She can act fine, she's just not good casting for a superhero.

Her only smile of the evening.

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Can I just ask? I haven't been following these threads but why exactly does everyone hate her so much beyond the memes of her flat ass and usual capeshitposting? Has it come out that she's a terrible person or something or are we all just shitting on her because that's what we do here?

I think it's strange how despite how political he is, he tends to avoid the MeToo stuff. I don't believe he's ever done it but he definitely knows of people that have.

These rumors are asinine. Whoever came up with them is a retard that thinks the MCU cast are a bunch of catty high school kids. Besides the fact that there's already a Black Widow movie in the pipeline, Olson is getting her own tv show, Saldana is probably busy as fuck working on the Avatar sequels and the fact of the matter is that nobody really seems to give a shit about Ant-Man and or the Wasp because their movies were already notorious underperformers in the MCU, so even if Evangeline Lilly were butthurt about not getting a movie before Captain Marvel I doubt she's retarded enough to make a stink about it unless she wanted to go back to sliding into obscurity like she was before Wasp.

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Not really, and especially not in the comics.
That animated feature with black widow and the punisher was fucking awesome and I'd say those two are more similar.



She's very vocal about feminist stuff on twitter and that riles up a certain segment of this board's population.

She really can't, or she had the worst director on earth in captain marvel. I haven't seen her in other movies but it was jarring how garbage she was in parts that were supposed to be emotional or intense

Why would old crew give single fuck about Brie Larson? They already done their job and got their paychecks.
Most likely they are done with this shitshow franchise and heading to another glorious shitfest.

She's a narcissistic asshole that thinks she's some sort of silver screen veteran in spite of most people not even knowing who the fuck she was until she got this role.

>When the fuck will you Incels realize that this is the future of the MCU as well as cinema?
OK, I'll bite.
Because this spoonfed shitty caracther is obviously a cheap ploy to jump on the "Wonder-Woman" bandwagon.
>Supposed to be one of the most powerfull being in the MCU, but yet never been mentioned until movie# 21. Shoehorned to defeat Thanos.
>Such a powerfull woman, they wait until movie# 21 to give her an origin story. Even minor MCU caracters have had an origin story,
>They use the most vanilla bland actress with nasty bunnions, who turn out to be a man hating bitch.
Face it, she's a uninteresting caracter and like anything Disney these days, they placed their SJW agenda first and then wrote the story around it.

Watch Room, she gives a fantastic performance.

hates white cis men

why isn't she 50 years old?

Thinking about Stan

I'm very surprised they let this shit get 82 RT. Mind telling me how come the mouse was so hell bent on somalian panther getting all those fake scores but Captain Marvel is fair game?

She is a big cunt.

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>metoo threat
not even memeing, she's batshit crazy and it's probably this. WB's CEO is getting nuked right now ffs.

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How fucking pathetic do you have to be to write this out knowing your pulling shit out of your ass to try an manipulate people. I think Brie is a fucking cunt, fuck her, but this is fucking desperate and sad

1. I saw the movie and it's Green Lantern-tier. I couldn't believe what I was watching. Like for real Marvel? This is sub-standard even for a superhero movie.

2. Fans never asked for a Captain Marvel movie to be made. They wanted a Black Widow, Hawkeye, or Scarlett Witch film.

3. Brie Larson can't act, or at least her interpretation of the Captain Marvel character is completely wrong. It's flat with no acting range.

4. Brie's bizarre politics get in the way of the film

she said she didn't want too many white men reviewing or watching the movie, as it's not made for them.
>some of us obliged
also she said she hates white dudes cuz why not

Ok, how did we learn this?

>something that would not have happened without TLJ.

I don't agree , the not-so-great casting, unintruiging plot premise and not-great looking trailer and promotional materials are responsible for most of the movies loses. It wasn't going to do more than break even.

it seemed like a gimmicky idea that fans weren;t in the mood for and didn't have much interest or good will towards anyway.

TLJ probably only increased losses that owuld have been present anyway.

Don't kid yourself. CM has just as many fake scores. It's just that much worse, so the non-bribed critics aren't scoring it as highly.

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Like what? Capeshit movies, who's fans are comprised of 95% men? As much as purple haired writers wants to believe, allienating their fan base is a poison pill.

Nope, this happened during attractiongate a while ago. Basically

>Iger announces some new MCU-related park attractions replacing some classic park attractions.
>Park purists bombard his twitter with complaints about violating the purity of the parks for Marvel hype.
>Responds with tweet related.
>Gets twitter-bombed into oblivion, closes account for like a month.

i was talking to my mom about that shit today, we thought she was in her early 40s turns out she's 29, ouch

with no survivors

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Ok, that's pretty bad.

Oh, I know, but it's a fucking feminist movie from the king of biased media review and it features a literal white genocide fetishist. I'm still surprised all the fucking bugmen didn't 100% it for the cause.

she looks old and he looks underweight.


>muh fanfic
>muh actors no likely what I no likey
>muh comic books


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>the eternal roastie ruins all there is

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Stay seething incel.

this is a literal children tier argument taking place with a multi billion dollar franchise, and these people have the audacity to call us immature nerds.

>yea well I want a bigger part
>yea well i can't work with her
>yea well this isn't how WE wanted the movie to be
>waaahhh waaahhhhh wahhhhh
words cannot describe how much I hate normies.

>Has it come out that she's a terrible person

Attached: good lord so this is what feminism is about.jpg (1383x363, 181K)

>admits giving money to see a train wreck everyone saw a mile away

When not even the review-jew can make this movie sound appealing what made you think it would be good?

lmfao how have I never noticed this when watching this movie.

That's Paul Feig. Completely different person user.

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They’re still better than you because they’re not brainlets who believe literal shitposts

He's always been like this, he's showing his true colors before he steps away. He purposely approached Larson BECAUSE of her politics.

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Goddamn you incels are annoying. At least you're not whining about Star Wars anymore, so I guess that's a plus.

not a fanboy of marvel, like their attempts at making the comic books into movies but man gonna love the downfall of it all by just this one woman

popcorn time

Nothing wrong with being assertive.

Remember when Sam Raimi had Sony meddling with Spiderman 3 and forcing him to add add Venom in the movie despite the fact he wanted to focus on just one villain and how that turned out?

I know this isn't really comparable as the MCU means a lot more to people now than the original two spidermen movies but it's a good example of how studio meddling can ruin a movie and I'm afraid the forced inclusion of Captain Marvel might ruin Endgame

Have sex.

>HA! Looks like Scarlett is pissed at Brie getting a Captain Marvel movie before her own Black Widow.
Nobody wants a Hilary Clinton solo movie. Fuck them both!

Just her behavior and attitude over the last year in general. Doesn't help that people are getting sick of the witch hunt and only starting to bite back now.

you can be assertive without being a cunt

Give it time. IX will be here before you know it.

Not in the slightest, they basically went and demanded
And then when it wasn't them
>no. . . not like that though

That said, who wouldn't hate Brie. She's probably immediately started doing stupid shit like slamming her hands on conference room tables, manspreading, and interrupting conversations for no reason like she saw on some youtube 'assert yourself gurl' channel.

>the massive lie that is that headline

except that shit happens all the time as well.

khajiit has wares if you has coin

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They probably fucked one time and he's sweating because she's the insane type that will eventually spin it as rape.

Look at that fucking face!
Kevin Feige literally looks fucking SUBHUMAN.
He looks like a god damn NPC allylmao straight from They Live.

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I was invited to a free screening with a friend. I didn't pay any money to see it. And I'm glad I didn't.

>Scarlett was one of the originals and deserves her own movie first.

I had to deal with an old hag with your mentality for a few years. She didn't give a rat's ass for the wellbeing of the company, she just demanded gibs on the grounds that she was the oldest hag.


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Had to double check to see if this is real and honestly the pic you used isn't the worst.

I've literally got hobbit feet and they aren't that bad.

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Can you imagine the cheer that'd go up in the theater if CM got offed by Thanos in Endgame?

>"this movie sucks but I don't want to get blacklisted by the Mouse so here's a fresh score please don't fire me"

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Honestly this movie looks great and most people who aren't /pol/turd holocaust-denying incels who get #triggered by the sight of minorities on screen are looking forward to seeing it

>Can someone tell me what does Brie Larson have on Kevin Feige to make Kevin bend over backwards to push her as the new face of Marvel movies?
Threats of calling him sexist/racist/misogynist/whatever. That's all it takes nowadays.

who in the world would be disgusting enough to walk around basically barefoot with toenails like this

>Accept Rey... OR ELSE
>Accept CM... OR ELSE
The deja vu is strong with this one. Iger has every reason to be concerned.

>beat the shit out of a table for not listening hard enough
Based assertiveness

>but man gonna love the downfall of it all by just this one woman

Wans't Marvel already supposed to die after Black Panther "tanked"? All you salty bitches were whining about that too.

What was Feige thinking lol?!

Yes, Brie's totally kept her mouth shut & has just rolled with the punches, hasn't put the entire franchise in peril by running her mouth or anything.

i'm surprised brie even has any friends with the way she talks and acts

Man the
>Responds with tweet related.
was actually the perfect response

Black Widow was a low-level love interest in most of the films. Scarjo's probably been hanging on in the hopes of a solo outing, then captain bitchface jumps in as the first female superhero ever.

George is leaving and Iger is likely the one really pushing for it. Feige probably just wants to retire at this point and is playing company man on his way out of MCU

>I feel for Liz Olsen

She's a roastie who got lucky and got paid millions for an awful russian accent and waving her hands around pretending to do magic. She's doing fine. If any of them had any sense, they'd invest their money and withdraw from all of this nonsense.

>taking capeshit this fucking seriously

I fucking hate you losers.


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It's just like the comics.

Captain Marvel always fails and takes effort away from the characters people actually like.

But what you’re reading in OP is fake.


black panther had literally EVERYTHING going for it. it's not a surprise it did well. kendrick soundtrack, coogler directing, michael B jordan who's great, idk I didn't like the movie too much but I was compelled to see it

why don't you take tyrone's dick seriously you fucking fag

At least Daisy is likeable in real life. All the blame is in the writers and the director. If Brie was least bitchy, people would only criticize the feet question

Difference is, Boseman is actually intelligent. He wasn't going around running his mouth about social justice shit surrounding BP. Brie has, and worse, she's been doing it right at a time when normies could hardly be any more fed up with the whole thing, right as the Smollett bullshit was happening.

Is it safe to say that /ourgirl/ won this one?

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Have we seen any male actors have trouble with one another in this franchise yet?
Sounds like a bunch of cunts angry at the new girl.

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>Besides the fact that there's already a Black Widow movie in the pipeline
This shit rumour has been around since the 1st weekend of Iron man 2 ended, still jack shit has happened
>Olson is getting her own tv show
How do you think that moving from being apart of the main franchise to some low budget streaming show is in anyway good?
>Whoever came up with them is a retard that thinks the MCU cast are a bunch of catty high school kids.
Do you know anything about Hollywood actors or are you just this fucking retarded?

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>At least Daisy is likeable in real life.
you realize you glow, don't you, you waifufag?

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DC are starting to get their shit together. It's an insanly bad move by Marvel to focus all their attention on Captain Marvel (a C list hero) in attempt to look diverse.

Because for one, they are alienating their predominantly male audience. And two, fans will switch to DC as they will be attracted to upcoming A list characters films, such as the new Wonder Woman film, Batman solo film, sequel to Aquaman, Shazam and solo Joker film and Harley Quinn film. DC's schduel is stacked.

Marvel only seems to be focusing on Black Panther and Captain Marvel in the near future. Which isnt enough. The sooner they acquire the X-Men licence the better. Otherwise their fucked.

HAHAHAHA BTFO forever soi boi Captain Cunt fans HAHAHAHA

Well we did have issues with Edward Norton arguing with Kevin Feige about the Hulk. We also had Terrence Howard getting upset with Kevin Feige over getting fired as Rhodey and replaced.

The males are smart enough & been working long enough to just be content in it being the last role they'll ever HAVE to have.

>scarjo upset
this is the only thing i can stand behind

that's our girl

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>This shit rumour has been around since the 1st weekend of Iron man 2 ended, still jack shit has happened
Don't know what you and that user are talking about but they're literally casting for the BW movie and they have a director.

How come when I post wordpress as sources they tell me it doesn't count?

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You know I really can't remember a time when Marvel had so much negativity around it. This is more from what I expect from DC

She has god-tier titties my dude

side effect of adrenochrome

As close as she can come to faking a smile


Scarlet has had an amazing career. Regardless of what happens she will be remembered as an amazing actress

>Smollett bullshit
brie is woke as fuck

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I'm gonna be honest lads. She looks cute in this still.

If her tiddies are god tier, what are her thighs?

>He wasn't going around running his mouth about social justice shit

Nobody cares except you whiny incels.

Feige was doing fine up until this.WTF was he thinking?

I have yet to see a single promo image where she's smiling wtf

She just seems really stuck up to me. Another pampered upper class white woman who thinks she's had it hard

She has a perfect body in general

>introduce Deus Ex Feminista character to beat the evil bad guy that's been getting built up over the course of 10 movies
>immediately kill her off after her solo film flops

This is like building to a thunderous orgasm and then farting.

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Being broke is the next inevitable step.

Shit only whiny incels care about doesn't get mainstream attention like this, sweaty.
You can't deny normies on average were already fairly done with the social justice bullshit before the Smollett shit shoved them all right over the edge.

hopefully scarjo's black widow movie is gud and popular and the marketing isn't repetitive. however good cap marvel is / will develop to be, she is one of the OG actresses in this franchise so, she ought to have that shot

Sure thing roastie, that's why they had to bring George Lucas back to save the dying SJWars franchise.

brie is cancer

So Johannsen was mad at Larsen on set about things Larsen was going to say months later after production?

movie magic

She does
It's the way she delivers the line that is slightly bad
Hopefully her performance in the rest of IW is good

>DC are starting to get their shit together
We'll first see how much in another hour or so. I really would love it if people really embrace Shazam. Not really anything against Marvel but because it's a cool concept

Every one of them is a homosexual

>they're literally casting for the BW movie and they have a director.
So has the Metal Gear Solid movie, nothing has happened in years.

Brie's been running her mouth for a good while now. This shit didn't just pop up overnight.

Are you serious? It should have been doing at least as much as Rogue One, which was about a bunch of... nobodies, and grossed more than $1B worldwide. It grossed less than $400M

If she runs her mouth like this to the press, imagine how she runs her mouth on set.

They're just making it easier for me to drop marvel after endgame, which I was gonna do anyway. Let brie get what she wants

So how well does CM actually need to do for them to force her into a lot of movies?

600 million? 800? 1 billion?

>Brie Larson can't act, or at least her interpretation of the Captain Marvel character is completely wrong
lol not for nothing but Carol Danvers has never had any quality to begin with. Can't say I'm surprised.

It's have to outshine the other solo movies for sure.

Pretty much this. I was thinking of stopping anyway but 5 more films with Brie Larson? I'm completely out

>Shit only whiny incels care about doesn't get mainstream attention

You're living in a bubble of your own making. Yea Forums isn't mainstream. It's Yea Forums. In the real world, nobody is offended by feminism like you all are. And nobody was pushed over any edge by the Smollett case. People were just rightfully shocked when the initial news broke, and then even more rightfully shocked when it turned out he was a lying psychopath. That's about it.
But it certainly didn't change anyone's opinion on fucking *Captain Marvel*. Because it has nothing to do with it.

In conclusion : stop being so scared of women. It's pathetic.

do celebrities virtue signal on social media because they want us to think theyre good people or is it because they're so retarded that they think it's legitimately good activism? or just attention whoring?

You're right. I withdraw my comment.

>yay, we saved this franchise from the white male incels poisoning it to deliver to the underprivileged hands of...
>wait, nobody else cares about this shit? Seriously?
>So I just ruined a multibillion dollar franchise for nothing?

what fucking stupid "woke" kike keeps trying to force shit like this and when will he be fired for costing these studios literal tens of millions?

She sure did. And all she did was just have fun, which is something Marvel doesn't grasp anymore.

Obviously the first week will get a lot of money just like any marvel movie,

But most of the reviews out for the movie really dont like it. It's certainly not outshining Black Panther, Iron Man, Thor, etc if that is the case.

imagine the shitstorm if it turns out she got picked over Scarlett because she let herself get Igered

Probably a billion. The problem as I see it is that this is all built on politics and ideologies. That might get you huge support for your first film but what about the second? Suddenly a female hero doesn't seem like a big deal anymore.


>T'challa head chala is disgusted by racemixing
He truly was a Black Panther all along

It's not that focusing on CM is bad,

it's just that Brie is a fucking cunt.

She seems really unhappy. That's why she's not sexy at all. Decent body but dead eyes.

>do celebrities virtue signal on social media because they want us to think theyre good people or is it because they're so retarded that they think it's legitimately good activism? or just attention whoring?
Fun fact:

The black-jewess that is cast to play the Black Canary (a blond haired, blue eyed character) is Jussie Smolett's sister (the guy that lied about Trump supporters trying to lynch him) and both are good friends of Brie Larson.

Weird, huh?

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>Yea Forums isn't mainstream
Yes, no shit. Hence my comment, because I do actually live in the "real" world.
>it certainly didn't change anyone's opinion on fucking *Captain Marvel*
>Because it has nothing to do with it
Oh, I disagree. It has everything to do with it, because now the second someone starts running off at the mouth about muh social justice shit, people are no longer interested in anything else you have to say. It's becoming as bad as shouting "WOODEN DOORS" in a room full of jews. People are tired of it.
Your own fault for supporting cunts like Sarah Jeong who were blatantly, obviously just racist, sexist bitches.

>Russo Brothers originally did not want Captain Marvel in Avengers: Endgame at all, and felt very strongly that the film should focus on the original Avengers roster, and existing characters

I mean, yeah, it's the end of their story. Shoehorning Carol into that is disrespectful and bad story telling.

Imagine selling out your art form to Disney, consigning yourself to decades of comic conventions with smelly nerds you don’t care about, and endless annoying press interviews beyond the scope of a normal film, all for that sweet sweet marvel money,
And then some random thot comes in and fucks with your cash cow. I’d be fucking livid.

Brie Larson deserves to be raped also FUCK NIGGERs

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Them top voted tags though.

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This explains so much


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wait what? they haven't had a single casting call for that film. the kike director just does a lot of PR, probably because the project is in development hell and he wants to keep the hype going until he can get a breakthrough with the studio

Billionaires must really love to fuck screeching feminists with no ass or tits

oof Idk why Marvel thought this was a good idea... having an openly political lead actor with no charisma is gonna alienate a huge portion of your fan base. even some normies i work with are turned off by it (although, at least one of them are going to the midnight release as well)

Kevin Feige definitely fucked her

>Yea Forums isn't mainstream. It's Yea Forums.
>In the real world, nobody is offended by feminism like you all are.

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>rotten tomato 82%
>Actual average rating is 6.9/10

I hate how rotten tomatoes is essentially just a platform to over-inflate how good certain movies are to the general audience.

Sounds like her mom was a total bitch and the dad regretted having her after realizing this

I wonder how big the second week drop off will be? First word from chinese reviewers is that they werent pleased with it supposedly. (this is word from that chinese box office tracking account with Daisy Ridley on the logo). The reviews for this film are not good. And women dont like super hero movies, so they arent going to come out to see this 30 times each like some black people I know who did so for Black Panther.

It also has to deal with Shazam, Dumbo, Hellboy within the next month before endgame

Is it possible to fix a girl with daddy issues?

So is it a flop in the box office? I really can't wait to see the numbers


Absolutely not

Based Scarlett


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Regular beatings

82% is VERY low for a marvel movie with a wokeness Disney is trying so hard to shill.

>Elizabeth Olsen
couldn't they just replace her with a similar looking actress? I have two in mind

Her body looks ok in some scenes, but that chubby butterface is unworkable.

Second weekend drop is what you need to watch for. First weekend is immaterial. The percentage drop tells you if the film will have legs and how people actually felt about it.

My mom's feet don't look that bad and she had the toes of one foot sliced off and reattached when she was twelve.

Depends on what you think a flop is. It'll make the most money of any movie this year so far until Endgame. This is just by being a marvel movie

>It also has to deal with Shazam, Dumbo, Hellboy within the next month before endgame
All irrelevant since they come out at least 3 weeks later. Movies have made most of their money by then. That horror movie Us might be a problem though


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Chadren is based though. Zecuck has the daddy issues.

Rating on rotten tomatoes is around 65% as well. 82% of them have just voted it as fresh.

johannson and larson not johannsen and larsen

Maybe Scarlet just thinks that Brie is annoying and insufferable, and it has nothing to do with the job.

>hated by cast
>hated by fans

Who the hell is this movie for anyway?

Yes you are, and no you haven't.

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they know how people read their website, people just see 82% and certified fresh & Clgo this movie must be great when it's actually just mediocre by their real ratings.

it's specifically set up to obfuscate the actual review scores. especially if you're accessing it on mobile, where you get the big 82% certified fresh and then have to click through to a second window in order to get the actual rating.

I remember a time when gossip and celebrity drama was for teenage girls and housewives.

That would be based

This one of em?

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I mean compared to black panther

>Scarlett was one of the originals and deserves her own movie first.
Incorrect, all MCU movies should be canceled and all copies destroyed.

Captain Marvel is a worldwide release except for Japan. They are aiming to make like 70% of its revenue in the first weekend.

This is pretty rare. It's a way to force her for endgame and also maybe so that reviews dont poison the well for chinese outings? They didnt release the review embargo until very late. Maybe they knew it was shit.

>It grossed less than $400M

Fair point.


***justice boner intensifies***

To normies, 82% is average now.

I never said otherwise?

>"There really should be an extra gold medal issued for the way the film successfully brings in the equally topical matter of attitudes to refugees when we were least expecting it"
This is from a real review by the way

It's not making as much as black panther. Most of them dont desu. It cant claim to be a first since Wonder Woman just happened two years ago and people are able to remember that happened.

>the only who
this dumb fuck’s job is to write and they can’t do that properly even with a computer helping them

Modern film & tv is entirely ruined by fucking HAVING to have forced political allegory everywhere, in everything.
Tolkien hated allegory for a reason.

Basically the same thing The Rock is doing to Fast and the Furious franchise yet Yea Forums defends him.

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This. Watch the cast hanging out on any talk shows and you can see how much fun they all have.
Just watch this -
>This will not happen on MCU sets anymore
>This will be replaced by cheap cheese and Franzia sadsap self-pity sessions run by Brie and her entourage
Of course they're all pissed.

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she does fine i guess. she didn't bring much personality to the role. I could see any generic white chick doing the same role, just tell her to act sad and depressed and it would be the same result. the real star of that movie was the kid

your filename says Bitch, which is the term to describe manlets.

>Oh, I disagree.

You can disagree with me all you want, it doesn't change reality. So keep living in your bubble, keep being convinced that Captain Marvel is gonna flop, that Star Wars is dead, that Trump is winning, that women really want to fuck you but you're too alpha for them or whatever you want. Doesn't change anything. People will still make fun of you.

>You can disagree with me all you want, it doesn't change reality
Same to you. Eventually you'll see just how sick people have gotten of this shit.
At some point all the normies surrounding you won't feel so intimidated about disagreeing with you as to keep their mouths shut anymore.

It's because his expression says "bitch" when he's looking at slavegirl after she's spilled her slave heart out. Not because HE'S a bitch

Its too bad there was an entire movie with her onscreen airing before this with her Leggo My Butterface Eggo

niggers tongue my anus

She was pretty cute and not insufferable here. Reminder that aging ruins everything.

>You can disagree with me all you want, it doesn't change reality.
When said to a tranny, this phrase leads to death by suicide.

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No? What the fuck are you even on about?

>that Star Wars is dead, that Trump is winning
Not him but I mean Solo flopped and nobody is excited for IX while TLJ is the lowest rated Star Wars ever.

And Trump did win the election.

And wow they really do hate white people, don’t they?

Why is he wearing a dressing gown?

>And Trump did win the election
uhm, no sweetie
you're wrong

Attached: trump-lost-popular-vote.jpg (600x650, 109K)

Basedlo grossed less than 400 M worldwide.

Once again Yea Forums is a single person. I am not a fan of Dwayne taking it over but I will also say he comes off as a fuck load more charismatic and likable than Brie.

i figured falcon was gonna become captain america or something, i'd definitely prefer that over brie larson

That's the smile of a woman going "Oh fuck, I said I hate white men, now I have to pretend this black one doesn't piss me off."
I'm pretty sure she's angry her resting bitchface was interrupted by someone higher on the social justice ladder.

>running up the score in California and NYC should be awarded

no. The united states is actually a big diverse country. A couple of populated hotspots do not get all the say.

To be fair, them trying to make Captain Marvel the face of the comics backfired spectacularly too

No one likes her

These rumors are so fucking goofy.

*film at 11

Rock is the guy who turned that franchise into a billion-dollar cash cow though. He's not hijacking some massive operation at the last minute. Most people don't even know the films that came before him are connected to the franchise right now.

EC exists so overly populated areas that completely swing one way (Like Nu Yawk) dont end up carrying most of the election.

Could there be a better system? Yes. Did I vote for Trump? No, but I fully understand why the system exists.

yeah, but those where actor-studio beefs, thats not uncommon.

So, your incel asshole.


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>t. alt-right nazis that don't understand basic democracy and also hate a feminist movie
color me surprised

>Worldwide Gross: $392,924,807
>Production Cost: $275 million
>Rough total: $117,924,807
Holy shit. I didn't think things were this bad.

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I mean it is pretty stupid you spend years building up a certain cast of characters for a final climax against the big bad, just to insert a deus ex machina character who’s introduction to the universe is a single film released a month before the finale

If you haven't seen it you should see the rest of the replies. She comes off as incredibly unlikable in it. Combined with her insensitive post about Stan Lees death I wonder if she's a genuine cunt or just made a string of poor decisions on her social media.

>Has it come out that she's a terrible person
Everytime she does an interview or tweets about something she exhibits her horrendous personality

>Didn't vote for Trump
>Didn't mention a single opinion of the movie
>Hes an alt right Nazi

You really are a fucking retard.

that's a crazy ass shit, man

What's kek is your bloodline ending with your incel ass

t. poster that comes from a country that probably isnt bigger than our smallest state

Also the US was never a basic democracy.

oh noes
did i hurt the little incel feelings

>like how they'd never done a superhero movie with a black lead

Don't forget Spawn in 1997.


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Hah tough luck, losers! I typed 'incel' !

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she’s too old now

The Incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a beta, virgin, loser, creep, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out.

>you spend years building up a certain cast of characters for a final climax against the big bad,
This is my actual problem with this whole thing. I was thinking a few hours ago that it's been nearly a decade of continuity spanning many movie. All these characters getting multiple movies and actual arcs where they grow. Thor is like the poster boy for this. Literally just had a movie where they all fight the big bad and lose.
And now some random person shows up who has never appeared before and ignores all that character development garbage and history and bails everyone out. I'm not invested in this person who had never appeared before half the universe got blown the fuck out. I don't know why you'd introduce a character in-between immediate two-part movies like this.

how many dicks did larson suck to get here

>she'll never suck my dick
>nobody will ever suck my dick

>I passed over on tons of guys and now that I am ready for the one and he passed on me I don't even know what to do. How could I possibly deserve this?

At least the director's for sure. She must fuck badly though because even Bob Iger is done with the bitch.

Add in like $200m easily for marketing.
Solo was the first SW film to LOSE money.

Privledged white woman who complains about white men, is not a good actress, and has ugly feet (probably the most damning thing)

>I've boiled down all debate to one word adhom responses for so long I've quite forgotten about never having any counterarguments to begin with
>Oh well, at least I can just do the one word response thing instead of having to admit it


cap, your 1940's are showing

I recommend filtering the word “incel”
you’ve just eliminated 99% of the worst posters

>One cut with a reduced role for Captain Marvel depending on the Box Office performance of the Captain Marvel's solo film.
Which is completely fucking normal

If the film bombs, honestly she'll be lucky to be in Endgame at all. It'll take at least two years to form a Captain Marvel sequel to make her palatable enough again.

I forgot the image. By God, this is fucking hilarious to me. Bitching out at the studio for decisions the studio CAN and SHOULD make? That's an easy way to get written out of the franchise entirely.

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What does Disney consider bombing though?

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> Disney placing its Star Wars movie on hiatus
Bullshit. They're going to end with IX, wait a year or two, then finally spin out Obi Wan using a slightly tweaked creative staff. These faggots have a theme park to funnel content into. SWEET, SWEET CROSS-PROMOTIONAL CONTENT.

Making less than 3x the production budget

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Consider that the movie should have grossed at least double worldwide roughly to recover its production and marketing costs, and you have a massive disaster.

Gross receipts: $400M
Net receipts: $200M (after theatres share)

Production costs: $275M
Marketing: $150M (let's assume)

Net loss: $225M. In the end it is not so bad due to DVD, streaming rights, etc., but it lost money nevertheless and compared to expectations it was a serious blow to the franchise earning power.

Wikipedia says 152 million was what it cost. It should make $450 million easy. I wont see it but it is a marvel movie?

>Thinking about Stan, RIP
>as she props up one leg in an Instagram-worthy* pose, supping an expensive cocktail
Social media is a plague and women the carrier.

Probably the strongest evidence she's either mentally ill or has had such unusual life experiences that really does lack this self awareness, and probably acts like a bratty child too. Her little anecdotes that clearly didn't happen also suggest mental illness or something as well.

>" In the real world, nobody is offended by feminism like you all are."
>he doesn't know.

Bruh, have a conversation with any noncuck outside of the workplace. The instant the fear of being monitored is out of the way it spews out like a fucking flood.