Why did the Americans storm a heavily fortified German beach?
Why did the Americans storm a heavily fortified German beach?
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whoa it's almost like they had the FREEDOM and LIBERTY to do so
Americans like dying for jews
saving private ryan is fiction
To be cannon fodder that eats bullets and potentially weaken enemy defenses so that the next wave of troops following after can have an easier time taking ground.
They didn't, it's all a lie.
France doesn't actually exist.
To make for kick ass visuals for movies.
Because they had to, op. It was either there and then or never.
Shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking bitch.
Want me to fuck your shit up?
Thought so.
Because Stalin asked them to open another front
They softened them up for days before the actual attack, so the invasion wasn’t THAT intense. Some beaches were definitely harder to take than others, but we used overwhelming force.
It was to keep the Communists from taking all of western Europe
to make movies about it
Because Germans were severely weakened by soviet offensives. Old men and very young defended the area.
>so the invasion wasn’t THAT intense
Because fuck you, we’re Americans.
most on the ground thought the invasion failed until the afternoon, that's how intense the fighting was
there were veteran SS units in the area too
You guys should read this if you're curious, it talks about how absolutely fucked the men stationed on the shore were.
>americans think D-Day was tough
lol, it was a walk in the park when compared to Stalingrad or Kursk
yeah, but that's because you don't need elite troops to man an mg in the bunker
because they waited until the war stopped making them money and started costing lives to actually join the war effort, then they awarded the dingus who devised this plan the presidency, because that makes sense.
Americans are the same as jews, just worse at it.
It wasn't heavily fortified. Germans thought they would be landing elsewhere because of all the inflatable tanks and trucks allies were setting up across the channel. Almost all the casualties on the beach came from 1-2 machinegunners.
I doubt we would’ve even participated if Japan didn’t attack.
There were veteran SS units in almost occupied and homefront borders.
Germany thought we were hitting a different beach
They weren't even supplied to repel a Dieppe-scale raid. They were mostly just there to tie up advancing troops for long enough the allow a counteroffensive. The Germans just weren't prepared for the massive pre-invasion airborne attack, and pretty much everyone in the book mentions how pissed they were that the armor never showed up in force, because Rommel and Hitler fucked them over.
nobody knows, literally nobody
somehow a bunch of world leaders got hypnotized and declared war on germany one after another
Beats the fuck out of me famalamadingdong
Just shut the fuck up autist.
Why didn't the landing craft open from the back?
America shouldn't have even got involved in that shit war. After we developed nukes we should have vaporized everything that wasn't American soil. Imagine a world with no foreigners. Bliss.
actually imagine being one of those guys in the bunker with a machine gun, you've killed dozens but they just keep coming, just beyond artillery range is a huge fucking fleet, bombers are constantly going over head and the guys on the radio are shouting that paratroopers are cutting off your supply lines
you know you're 100% dead or captured, but you have to keep firing anyway
you have to swim and getting yourself wet which slow you down? you also have to stand and walk and catching all those bullets
You know Hitler declared war on the US the day after pearl harbor, right and had Uboats stationed off the east coast indescrimintely sinking US ships?
You can't really win a war unless you invade. I guess you could drop nukes, imagine if Berlin got nuked
I can disprove this but its pretty long and tedious.
Shit, did not know that
they didnt actually fire into the craft form the front, they fired along the beach in crossfires, so it didnt really matter how craft were shaped unless they had wheels
You can disprove operation drumbeat and sunken Uboats on the east coast?
Hoorgy boorgy indeed, sweedebuddy
It wouldnt be 56% if all foreigners were dead tho
As opposed to..?
Imagine being such a fucking INCEL LOSER you idolize a long DEAD bunch of worthless pagan larpers who's only legacy is being hated
I can only understand 56% (the English part) of this sentence.
You got enough shitskins to last you 10 lifetimes.
eh no, but the one-sided implications are pretty easy to disprove. The US had also attacked numerous German ships and were using the Merchant Marines as a proxy. The US had for some time prior to the declaration frozen German assets, imprisoned numerous German nationals, and invaded both Iceland and Greenland setting up large bases there (as an obvious prelude to invasion). This is also completely ignoring the Lend-Lease agreement the US had with the Soviets and the British, if I remember correctly the US had traded 50 destroyers for islands in the Caribbean.
Don't see how the two are really comparable.
normandy wasn't actually as bad as saving private meme made it out to be and the beach was actually a lot bigger than most depictions make it seem
>I can disprove this
No you can't you fucking liar. Hitler is the one who declared war on America, this is just fact.
The US were supplying the Brits and the Russians long before Germany declared war, without the US the Germans would have more than likely cut off England from the rest of the world for good. These are all known facts. But what was your point again about German Uboats being sent to the east coast? You said you could disprove something?
the eastern front was only bloodier because subhuman slavs like to chimp out the western front was less bloody because it was a war between actual humans
To win the war
They did, by the way
Because (((they))) needed to cull millions of white men on all sides.
We were 30% of the worlds population back then.
My point is Hitler didn't just decide to declare war on the US without cause, nor was he the chief instigator. I'm surprised he hadn't declared war on the US prior.
Why didn't the eagles just fly a bomb into hitlers house?
>After we developed nukes we should have vaporized everything that wasn't American soil
Why are germans dead set on destroying western civilization?
>had Uboats stationed off the east coast indescrimintely sinking US ships?
t. moron
Because if he did, US naval vessels in the Atlantic would have started fucking up German ships even sooner. US cruisers could have gone into Africa, Italy, ect, and started shelling German coastal positions. The Germans had almost no surface fleet to stop any potential aggressive US naval force. Plus US troops landing in Africa even sooner than they did would have only meant they'd be in mainland Europe sooner.
Because they couldn't guarantee the craft would manage to reach water that was shallow enough to safely travel though since the equipment they had makes swimming impossible. If you're in water that's too deep to stand in you'd drown.
Yes, Uboats hit ships off the east coast and all the way down to Florida.
yeah, fuck (((germans)))
yeh imagine liking a group that actually cares about the well-being of thwir own people, absolutely disgusting desu
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread
and thank god they did. How else could Pedro murder your son while Tyrone impregnates your daughter?
If Hitler was such a good speaker, why didn't he just ask them to leave?
America was very pro-Nazi. You wouldn't have participated if it wasn't clear that Nazis were going to get crushed by the Soviet Union.
nobody was ever going to allow germany to have that much property in yurope. not sure what hitler was thinking by bombing britain, he was kind of an autist or something.
Imagine thinking that Uboats ever actually existed.
The other beaches were smoother sailing, Omaha was just particularly bloody due to shitty weather, lack of precise air bombing and Naval guns not pounding the beach as much as they should've. It was also a purely infantry-based effort, whereas the other beaches were able to get their amphibious vehicles working better. But if you were looking for a more baity answer: To kill Krauts.
damn trannie, get some new meds
>ou wouldn't have participated if it wasn't clear that Nazis were going to get crushed by the Soviet Union.
Pearl Harbor was just 5 months after Barbarossa began
Because we could
It still amazes me that America's China AND Communist problem (including Vietnam) would've been solved and Asia would be the model of order and modernity right now if Roosevelt hadn't been a bitch and just kept selling oil to the Japs instead of cutting them off.
Legacy of the Pacific Theater in a nutshell:
>"Yay, we stopped the Jap-- OH FUCK!"
Imagine thinking your suicide Sprint up the beach failed and now you're stuck with no backup coming
>German casualties on Western front: 5-6 million
>Current US military size: 1.3 billion
>2-5,000 Allied deaths on Omaha Beacg
wow, that must be one of the biggest battles in history and totally worth a hundred film adaptations
unironically this
ITT: Armchair soldiers commenting from the warmth of their chairs
>yeah bro like omaha beach was nothing fighting was way more intense on the eastern front bro haha
Yeah then we got a Japanese problem, probably better off having nuked them before they started building gundams and taking over the world
Do you actually believe that? The us was itching for an excuse to get in the war, at that point the defeat of Germany was more or less a certainly and they didn't want the SU to get the upperhand in the post war.
>Implying the Nips wouldn't have been barbaric and it wasn't America nuking them twice that finally pegged them into a proper civilised nation
The real way to solve the fucking problem in Asia would have been nuking China after they got involved in Korea. The only reason Eisenhower didn't send forces into French Indochina that would have smashed the reds there before it became a real problem was because Korea was a stalemate.
Why didn't they halt the landing at Omaha and just flank the defenders from the other landing sites that had little to no resistance?
Normandy death total was under 500,000 across all fronts
Stalingrad was 1,250,000 minimum
I will never understand this meme. Even just a cursory glance at history tells you the French have been a superpower for centuries, for good reason. If it wasn't for them, America wouldn't even exist.
But because they got routed in ww2 they suddenly never had a good army?
We were preparing for a war with Japan alone until their 1939 alliance with Germany. Without that treaty, or without Pearl Harbor (which was a complete retard move on Japan's part) we probably would have stayed neutral
How fucking stupid are you to miss the point entirely and start talking about >muh death tolls
you fucking retarded keyboard warrior.
Because then that would have allowed for German redeployment and reinforcements to be focused on the other three beaches. Plus national pride wouldn't allow it.
Why haven't Europeans made any worthwhile contributions to culture in almost a century?
The Soviet Union made 60,000 tanks during ww2. The result was clear in advance, only a mentally ill junkie wouldn't have seen it.
Because they fucked up
They were supposed to land in australia to support a two pronged offensive along with Latvia and New Zealand
You mean "Europeans" as in white people, or just the whites from the home continent?
Ben Garrison is Pro-Trump.
But trump has done nothing but suck Saudi and Israli dick his whole presidency.
He loves oily rich sand niggers and Jews. Yet his retarded followers who hate Jews love him.
Trumpets and the right are fucking faggots.
Why didnt they just take the boats to Berlin?
Germany built 46,000 during the war and captured most of the French's tanks. That wasn't what caused them to lose, and everyone thought the Soviets would fall.
Butthurt retardation that flared up when france told the u.s to go fuck itself when asked to invade iraq.
Seeing as thousands of french soldiers didn't die to prop up a corrupt iran client state that hates the west, they where right not to go in.
Wow youfucking idiot child.
Who gives a shit about death tolls.
They both were a special kind of hell and were full of death.
I'm sure if you were at either one you'd die, cause you're a stupid bitch who has no common sense.
500,000 dead, or 1.2million, the bodies will reach the horizon.
You dense faggot.
>things that never happened
If Hitler had captured the oilfields in the north and bypassed stalingrad entirely Moscow would have felt the full force of the blitzkrieg and Stalin would have had to abandon the country and attempt to mount a guerilla campaign in exile. By allowing his forces to be bogged down in a strategically worthless population dense urban environment he (Hitler) gave the ruskies the perfect staging ground to delay the offensive while preserving the manufacturing capabilities in the denser east coast.
A Russian victory was by no means evident until the second year of the war.
Daily reminder that Germany declared war on the US
This. No american tanks landed at omaha
Tge movie is fiction
pearl harbor never happened?
>has 0 understanding of proxy wars
Fucking lol, why are subhumans allowed on this board?
the first day of the battle of the somme in ww1 had over 57,000 british casualties, 7,000 french and 8,000 german. the total battle had 456,000 british casualties alone
there were similar numbers for various other battles in ww1 too
why didn't the Germans just declare on Poland and Czech at same time thereby avoiding the 20 percent grantees Brittan gives to Poland also grabbing Romania for the oil becasue they guarantee chech? (its a hoi4 joke about how guarantees work)
France has literally never won a war since 1815
but doc, i am pedro
Pretty much this
A bunch of retarded redneck faggots took it personally when France refused to play along with the war mongering Cheney-Run US in the early thousands. So republicunts and back country hicks act like they're superior to a nations army because their nationalism got questioned. Even though they are either puppets in the military industrial complex, or are too much of pussies to fight in the service.
So Hitler never declared war on America, that's what you're saying?
t. servile mouthbreather
isn't Baku south of Stalingrad?
Did it really? Were you there? You just read it in a book or saw a movie about it. You can’t be sure desu.
yes, far south
Fuck yeah!
can you fucking retards take 10 minutes out of your lives to actually go read what happened on the D-Day landings? seriously its less than 10 minutes of reading. this movie was actually pretty accurate in depicting what went down.
The English mistook him for Charlie Chaplin, and got mad that a man they thought was from silent movies was speaking.
Why did he bungle up so bad? Was it because of the rumored syphilus, or that he's a retarded nazi faggot who thinks they can make people do what he wants through sheer force and will? Or it was him defending his ego from questioning officers?
Like, taking Leningrad and Moscow, two large, if not, the largest cities would break control and moral of the people and red leadership?
Why did Americans specifically target Japanese and German women and children with bombing missions once the war was already won?
so they cant procreate and make more soldiers silly.
why not
why didn't every soldier carry riot shields?
because war really really really really REAAAAAAAALLY sucks
I don't understand it myself, but those jokes have been going on since way before then. Hell, The Simpsons called them cheese eating surrender monkeys in 1995.
Butthurt amerilards unable to accept their asses got saved by the Soviets singularly keeping the war possible for the Allies to win.
Weapons limitations of 1944
How new are you?
Cope harder, Ivan
why didnt the americans just shoot rockets from the navy ships?
Kikepedia isn't an accurate source, user.
Well, france has had a checkered military history. they really haven't had a clear military victory since napoleon. Lions led by donkeys is an appropriate addage where french military capability is concerned.
They didn’t have combat missiles in full use until 1946
Shoo incel
Any group of people east of say Italy do not really qualify as people. Middle east, eastern europe, russia, china, india
none of them are human
because why not?
Japan raped half of SEA, attacked us with no formal declaration of war, and acted like barbarians
germany, however, the answer is pic related
one must police the germanic menace.
why didnt they just crash a ship onshore and use it as armor?
/pol/ gets mad about Hitler losing because it was the ultimate proof that accelerationism is guaranteed to backfire.
The Kreisau Circle knew this.
>Martin Luther
Fucking KEK.
to die for israel
That image doesn't even include the original German that fucked everything up for everyone.
>>Implying the Nips wouldn't have been barbaric and it wasn't America nuking them twice that finally pegged them into a proper civilised nation
Bullshit, they were only bringing the savage East under control. They were no more "barbaric" to other Asians than Americans were to the Injuns at Wounded Knee or Sand Creek.
This. Japan was already a proper civilized nation by the 1800s. By the early 1900s, they were BTFOing Russia.
To get to the other side.
some of those machine gunners probably got like 500-1000 kills each
>They were no more "barbaric" to other Asians than Americans were to the Injuns at Wounded Knee or Sand Creek.
There was no rape brothels or Napkin massacre equivalent in the US. Stop being a fucking weeb, the fuckers would have decapitated you without a second thought. They where just civilised enough to be barbarians with modern arms. America forced them to become civilised just like they forced them to end their isolation.
Jerry don't surf.
All the terrible things the Japs were doing to the Chinese is just how Asians treat other Asians. This is why what the Germans did was so much worse. While only partially human, Jews are still more human than the insects in Asia.
This. The Brits had the Germans chasing their own tails with their disinformation campaigns. They had no idea which beach would be hit, but they were aware it was coming somewhere.
the cruelty of the japs is a bit overblown but they did go full retard with shinto in many places, depending on how retarded the general was.
I hate weeboos
I’m not entirely sure this isn’t bait. They needed all of the beaches to be secure ASAP without defenders being able to move around and help resecure other beaches. If you’re pouring 400,000 men and tens of thousands of tanks and other vehicles on the beaches, you need them all.
Why didn't the Germans strategically placed wooden doors all over the beach to stop the Americans?
dipshits. there was heavy fog and it fucked up the coordination of their attack that morning. Just read the fucking wiki article for christ sake.
>looked up accelerationism
is this like Caspere knew this?
Zionist controlled fog.
Why did the French let the G*rmans take their entire country?
absolutely 100% based
>the French have been a superpower for centuries
beating up on Africans doesn't make you a superpower
You do realise that they almost took over all of Europe more then once (they where the Germans of the 18th century) and only fell once and for all after a decade long civil war that as immediately followed up by 6 consecutive wars with all of Europe.