ITT: Characters who are literally you

Pic related. Literally me.

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We live in a ruddy society my nignogs

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You pre-emptively btfo yourself with women because you're insecure about your looks? Wise decision.

This definitely fits for me. He probably does for a lot of the sperglords on this board if you ignore the fact that he’s best friends with a black person

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I have black friends.

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watching atlanta makes me feel like the writers is writing about me

> a fuck up living in denial & refuses to live in accordance with nature & acknowledge his fuck ups so he suffers

Attached: atlanta.jpg (299x168, 6K)

I'm basically Don Draper, but more of a scumbag and less successful.


Attached: 3cf1d480ca722d9cdb3085f92e02e3d7.jpg (710x528, 38K)

>Don't think I have feelings towards people
>Run a graphics design firm I started from the ground up in 2007
>Diddle my taxes all the time out of principle not to fund the government
>Made enough on bitcoin to buy a house
>Knocked up an ex, rarely see the kid
>Sleep with a mixture of tinder thots and bar who'res weekly
>Estranged from most of my family
>Have like 4 friends although I could take them or leave them

Dunno really. I've come to the conclusion that I'm as blackpilled prick. Any characters like that?

Homer Simpson

Attached: 813AF9B5-1007-4CFF-BC08-B43986FFC90C.jpg (235x353, 16K)

Bojak horseman

Attached: Rustin_Cohle.jpg (220x330, 16K)