Admit it;

The Last Jedi would've been absolutely kino if it wasn't for her.

Attached: purple-hair-the-last-jedi.png (499x732, 391K)

i jacked off to her quite a few times

Nothing wrong with her that couldn't be fixed with a single line
"Look Poe, I can't tell you my plan because we don't know how the First Order are following us. We might have a leak"

Not my proudest fap

Also this

>general coddles soldier

Lamo. I dont like her or the movie either but the ' she should have told the Mexican her plan! # argument ia retarded

She was a minor issue compared to the ones that actually made the movie complete shit. If they would have somehow fixed all of the other major issues then her character would have just been one we joke about as a weird character in a good movie instead of a shit character in a shit movie.

She was a big part of what made the movie so shitty but you're forgetting

>multiple gaping plot holes
>Leia Poppins
>The entirety of the casino planet
>Every character causing their own problems by being a fucking dipshit
>Luke being a psychotic murdering homeless guy
>Snoke's pointless and silly death where Andy Serkis hams it up by sticking his tongue out
>Shit fight choreography

...and much, much more! So no, OP, I will never admit that TLJ would have been "kino" if not for X, Y, and Z because almost everything about it was bad. It was a shitty script made into a shitty movie by a shitty director and now you're making shitty posts about it.

This movie sucked and OP gargles liters of cum daily.

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Reminder that "muh luke" fags are literally retarded

>this is the state of people who started watching Star Wars with the sequels

I think she was a good character, and I don't get why people are so mad at her. The movie may have its flaws, but she wasn't one of them.

Yes, because all military leaders tell their plans to lower-rank fighters who just got a whole squadron killed.

The Last Jedi would've been absolutely kino if it wasn't for him.

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I love Laura Dern, so it was hard to hate her

The Last Jedi would've been absolutely kino if it wasn't for The Last Jedi.

Attached: Star_Wars_The_Last_Jedi.jpg (220x326, 129K)

Why didn’t she tell Poe the plan?
He’s best pilot in the resistance, and he saved everyone’s lives by destroying the dreadnought

The Last Jedi would've been absolutely kino if it had Luke Skywalker in it.

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He was 100% demonstrably and clearly in the right, and the only argument against it is cheering for nepotism and having incapable people in leading roles purely because of their gender.

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No, not at all. She's only the 2nd worst part of it.

No, she was only one aspect of it. The cringe-inducing Finn/Gook "romance" plot, the entire side plot of saving the alien horses from the casino planet and running from the cops just because they didn't bother finding a parking space, the entire fucking plot, everything.

Based manlet, he proved the mouse can bleed.

Let's not pretend he had some 4D chess subversion plan to make Disney make an abject trash of a movie.

>cheering for nepotism and having incapable people in leading roles purely because of their gender
pick two (2)

is that a halo tiara?
was her costume designed by a 4 year old?

Like the entire rest of the movie.

>The Last Jedi would've been absolutely kino if it wasn't for her.


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No, you're the one who's retarded.

Do you know what the chain of command is?

Replace Holdo with Ackbar
Replace Rose with Poe
Congrats, the movie s now fixed.

>movie ruins Ackbar rather than mercifully BTFOing him without assassinating his popularity
>Poe is even worse

Incels would be triggered by TLJ regardless of the characters


Every other opinion is invalid.

Why would Ackbar be better than Holdo in that role?

>"Drumpf is a cokehead"
>dies with traces of cocaine in her body
what did she mean by this?

lol. The movie was beyond fucked in everything. I can't think of a single scene that's salvageable.

I liked this character. Laura Dern literally elevates any movie she's in to kino.

Attached: Inland-Empire-Face.jpg (640x347, 25K)

Probably literally that she has done coke with Trump

>Replace Rose with Poe
You meant gay anal interracial?

Literally nobody ever cared for Luke
The ranking of importance was always: Vader > Solo > Leia > Yoda > Chewbacca > Gay droids >/= Luke.