Jazz General - Mother Of The Year Edition

Episode 10 QRD:

>2:00: Mom Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
>25:36: We meet the new crop of transteens slated to be castrated.


POP!: youtube.com/watch?v=IPE_fXoXrQk

Jazz is Sauronpilled: youtube.com/watch?v=LtkrhL8eJXQ

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Charley

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A man will always be a man.

For first


More horror stories please. I want to fill up my folder.

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Another name for Jazz's wound.
Scar-lett Holehansson

What sub is this?


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thank u for linking previous bread

I don't think even Lovecraft would be prepared for this


I'm starting to think that at some point it's okay to disagree with people's dreams.

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>Jazz starts talking about sex and putting his bare feet on your legs
how do you react user?

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Projectile vomit onto her.


>This person unironically masturbated he pussy grim hole 2 weeks in
>Weighs 120lbs


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>enter hospital
>hey guys I have a fistula between an open wound in my crotch and shit is leaking out of it, please help
>but don't close up the wound though I want that there
>k well we have no fucking idea what to do
man, what a surreal situation. these poor retards are being gaslit into thinking this self-mutilation will solve their problems and they're actually going through with it. what the hell is wrong with our society

>I've made a huge mistake

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I'd get rock hard, bend her over the table turn 360 degrees and put my pee pee inside her arse.

I really wish I didn't read this

Ok i want you guys to examine this closely now that we have new footage, see how Ahmir is reacting? That's the same laugh and smile he does when he's "freaked out" by Jazz talking about her stomach lining thing, avoidance of eye contact too. He's fucking repulsed by everything Jazz does.

Sorry no arse there old chap, Ms Jennings demands a tribute to her new vagina

These are unironically terrifying, but sad at the same time

>Imagine all the horrendous wounds people from war come back with

Now I'm depressed

Why is this family so fucking gross? Who talks about their genitals to their grandparents?

Is it wrong for me to fantasize about unironically beating this mother's head in with a hammer for doing this to her son?

You'll say we've got nothing in common
No common dicks to start from
And my vagina is falling apart
You say your mom has come between us
Dr. Bowers has come between us
Still I know you're just gay

And I said, "What about Dilation at Skylar's?"
He said, "I think I remember that dude"
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got"

I see you, the only one who'd kiss me
But now my dick is history
I guess I was wrong
So what now? It's plain to see we're over
It hurts when I bend over
My neovagina is left undone

And I said, "What about Dilation at Skylar's?"
He said, "I think I remember that dude"
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got"

You'll say we've got nothing in common
No common dicks to start from
And my vagina is falling apart
You say your mom has come between us
Dr. Bowers has come between us
Still I know you're just gay

And I said, "What about Dilation at Skylar's?"
He said, "I think I remember that dude"
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got"

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:27 those man leg muscles, size 10 sandals, man hands, loose clothes so you can't see the shoulder to hip ratio, always posing never walking. The song is autotuned out to sound like max headroom and is like nails on a chalkboard. That's a man. They can get all the facial surgeries they want, but the bodies will always display as a man. The muscles and bones are different in a woman. If you like it, more power to you, but you are not straight if you are into chicks with dicks.

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Parents can raise their children to believe in any religion so I don't see why mothers shouldn't have the right to raise their sons emasculated.

why does this pure degeneracy always start in america

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>think about the money, think about the money, think about the money

So he is a tranny too.

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It started with ze Germans mein fuhrer.

What's the deal with Ahmir? He hardly speaks and looks uncomfortable and contorts his face in awkward grimaces. Is there a huge pay day in this for him? Because it doesn't look one bit that he's in love with Jazz or for that sake even wants to be there.

>conveniently forgetting trannies were invented by Weimar Germany
Good try though

>I'm hooked on Supernatural now

Yeah he's a faggot

Based make me dry heave poster

Why does it feel like anti tranner posters arent actually hatefull people that want tranners to suffer but actually want them to get better and not tread down a dark path?
Anyone else feel this?

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>You now realise the ETERNAL German is responsible for untold misery throughout human history

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David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

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>Bowers the Butcher being recommended as a top tranny surgery choice
LMAO, he fucking destroyed Jaron

This stupid fucking trannies just DON'T GET IT. It hardly matters what surgeon you pick when you're inverting your dick and creating a never closing hole inside your pelvis.

A male pelvis will NEVER, EVER want a gaping hole in it!

When will the cold reality that Jazz will have to live 70 or so more years in a bodily prison with constant dilation and without any natural pleasure set in?

After experiencing Amir's disgusting, he will realize only few will like Jazz for what he has become. He's not a likable person and he's physically a freak.

At some point Jazz will see the true evil, the driving force and God knows what will happen then.

Stay tuned for more on Episode 7 of My Manipulative Parents - Only on TLC

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This article explained how it is definitely not safe to eat out a fake vagina.

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He is a paid companion. Nothing more.

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when will ahmir inseminate ari?

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Think about it.

Pro-Tranny posters unironically want boys to chop of their dick, make a hole and 'vagina' by using the colon lining.

Pro trannies are evil.


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ACK! ACK!! AaaCK!!!

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Maybe Bomber Harris had a point

i wonder what a frankenvagina made from stomach lining and lubed with shit feels like, I wonder what the teratoma at the bottom of it does when your dick comes in contact


There is a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it but let's keep going and see what happens

The Jews feared Jaron and chained him down locked away in Jazz's weakened form, but he will awaken.

No. She's abusive.

>what the teratoma at the bottom of it does when your dick comes in contact
It grows tongues and helps out.

Something like this..

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based, redpilled, Lynchpilled

Is this textbook narcicism, because it sounds like textbook narcicism

They wont transition you unless you have had at least 2 years of therapy. His whole reason of visiting Jazz I think was to see how his surgery went because he was thinking of transitioning too. I think that is why his mom hates Jazz for and doesn't agree with it. His mom is the only sane person that has been on the show so far, including the doctors.

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Everyone, I have something to say

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This is pure emotion.
At this moment he finally sees the world, humanity, for what it is.

I hate the enablers, I feel bad for all the young depressed men who have had their heads twisted and contorted by satanic doctors and media until they come to the point that they're sitting with their feet dangling off a ledge. They should have been offered help, not getting nudged into this insanity. God I hope I get to see these people pay for their crimes.

Based ACK poster

And fuck Jannies

Why does jazz keep posting half naked pictures of himself on instagram?

The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.

wtf I love redditors now

The whole tranny thing is mostly a sexual deviance, a fetish. Jazz can't wait to play the little fuckboii, until he finds out no on wants to fuck stitched stomach lining.

Lynchian and basedpilled

we truly live in a society

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The human mind is able to accept traumatic stimuli the longer it is exposed to it

And why didnt she do it when she still had her clitty?

Because the only way his ego and world view is held up is by strangers saying, "Wow! Jazz Jennings looks like that?! uwu Jazz you're definitely a cute girl not an abused, mutilated young man!"

But he has no sexual urges so it’s not a fetish

Why is he so fucking fat?

Well, I guess that settles the boner situation once and for all.

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Do you have sexual urges if your dick is cut off?

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he's american

what happens to the prostate of trannies?? please someone reply

Jazz never orgasmed or masturbated he had a tiny micro penis because of the estrogen he was taking from age 4 onwards

>DUDE so WHAT i constantly post in threads about a fucking kike tranny! Doesn't mean i care about or like trannies myself!!!
lol fucking faggots

Can't fuck, no sexual feelings, no nerves down there. So he becomes a pigboi through comfort eating.

actually i jerk off to them daily but only if they don't have fake boobs

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Comfort eating because he feels like shit over all of this.

>even reddit is horrified
is this the turning point?

he's doing this for the fame

what is supernatural?

Citation needed

The fact this fucking show exists.

he gazed into the abyss

He's a young shy fella on TV in his first relationship with a young pretty girl. You autists are retarded.

>tfw asked to tongue-punch a pop-box

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yeah im thinking the discord trannies are back

>a young pretty girl
Nice. When is she going to be on the show?

>with a young pretty girl

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if he was his real bf they never would have dragged him in front of a camera

>stick your dick inside Jazz's infected fecal juice lubricated wound hole
>the teratoma is at the other end of it
>you poke it in the eye and wake it up
>the teratoma starts giving you a BJ with one of its mouths whilst you're inside her
>it actually feels good

maybe this whole tranny thing isn't so bad after all guys

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>gynecologist here, as in a doctor
>here's how it is
I cannot fucking believe the levels of irony here, coming from the community thats to accuse every breathing human being out there of bigotry, lies, ignorance etc, only to delude themselves on the get go and live in the fucking lies.

I think he's talking about the pudgy Jewish boy in a muumuu.

Based Spandau

Great, when is his girlfriend going to be on the show?

30 percent of the Trannies that transition say they have "ghost penis" in which it feels like they still have a dick. The other 70 percent feel nothing. That is why so many kill themselves.

Yeah it's not a reality show or anything

Common knowledge nigga brush up on your jazz lore not spoon feeding you

>tfw Jazz's teratoma gets it's own boyfriend and house before Jazz

what I never get is
they worked on 3D printed vaginas YEARS ago and succesfully transplanted some but now not ONE word of it
Would you accept traps if they had a vagina ?

>user likes deformed unhumans covered in fecal matter touching his boy(male) parts

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I'd fuck Jazz's teratoma before I'd fuck Jazz tbqh

Charley must be convinced to keep his feminine penis at all costs. That goes for the blonde in the striped shirt too

I felt kind of sorry for this degenerate until he started with the blasphemy
Unironically based Dr Rumer


inb4 be comes out as gay

I'd imagine your body would just reject it

Cancer, usually.

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>(((Weimar Germany)))
I wonder who is behind this post...

Pillbased and fosterwallaced

Post-op trannies see gynecologists? That's odd, I'd assume they'd have to see a cosmetic surgeon for follow up visits because they don't actually have female reproductive organs

yes it's a show

He becomes an insane, dickless yellow freak.

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your pic is a successful tranny transformation though

They enjoy taking up medical appointment slots from women with actual cunts and problems.

I wonder if a tranny brought their teratoma to Dr. Pimple Popper for a laugh.

That's because it's true, i don't even hate jazz and he's insufferable, i hate his mom for doing this to him and encouraging other mothers and children to follow their steps. I think some of us can relate to them even, i was a little autistic shit that could never fit in with the other male kids because i didn't like playing sports, i obviously got bullied a lot and i felt unmanly for a good chunk of my life but instead of succumbing to depression i pressed through and i'm quite happy with who i am now. Things don't go that way for these kids because their parents ignore the obvious signs of depression and instead of tackling the problem they go for enabling harmful practices.

And don't forget to see the colo-rectal specialist.

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The Jews, but unironically.

Alright. So how do I send a message to Jazz that she will actually read? Didn't have any luck with Jeanette.

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>i hate his mom for doing this to him and encouraging other mothers and children to follow their steps.

What's the end-game?

To divorce reality from the masses.

Getting fame and progressive points for being one of the pioneers of tranny rights. Wants to make her mark in history no matter what. Ego.

I'm sure at least a few of you have dug through Ahmirs social, what did you find?

He has sexual fantasies, of what it would be like, soon to be crushed

"Forced" her son is an exaggeration. You have to understand how easy it is to program children. Muslim extremists program young men to willingly kill themselves with explosives in the hopes of getting 70 pieces of virgin pussy - and those sand niggers have a fraction of the resources of that crusty old kike shrew. They'll all get their day, don't worry.

I'm sure all his shit is screened, just look at the contact with that fag Ahmir

I wonder if she's delusional enough not to understand that she has pushed more people AWAY from supporting transgenderism than she could ever wish for if she didn't have a television show

>be honest, user... would you fuck me?

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I'd fuck that monster. Just not a tranny monster.

>Jaron is in a televised cult

Discord trannies can't refute how disgusting this is kek

Did you come here from the LGBT threads? Sorry reality is hurting your feelings.

Her whole family is so obnoxious and horrible. She's definitely not self-aware.

Does anyone have the screens from the discord trannies?

Does anyone else think that Jazz unironically looks exactly like the uncomfortable grandpa?

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>hey guys I was happy and then did this and it ruined my life and I'm about to kill myself
>do it but slightly different, maybe
Deserves everything

He does, yes.

It started in germany, but then the jews moved to america and they started doing their thing there. Only this time there was no holocaust so they still have full rule of society and culture.

>Jennings was born in South Florida to parents Greg and Jeanette ("Jennings" is a pseudonym). The family is Jewish, and their last name is "a very Jewish, long last name."

I'm going to be serious here for a second, under a good amount of alcohol I may be convinced to put my penis inside a thai ladyboy. I am extremely homophobic but I can imagine, somehow, a situation where I could stick my penis inside a man's arse. But in no world or situation or whatever have you could I ever stick my penis inside a gaping wound where an organ used to be.


>sits suicidally in pool of own shit and urine
>"so i guess what im trying to say is you should totally do it but this doctor was a big meanie so this didnt pan out"

Please, Beholder-sama, use your disintegration eye on me. I don't want to be on this Prime Material Plane anymore.

And what message would you send?

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>it's like there's something up there toying with me


now that you meantion it.

>very long
they just have to hide and subvert. all of them. it's unreal.

>Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick

He could be her real dad, do we know Jazz's dad? How come only her mom takes all the credit?

> this time

Jeanette is unironically a cluster b abusive mother who has Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

And jazz will be related to the baby through... delusion

The full name is Bloshinskysteinbergman

Does this play into wanting to hurt other peoples children? I don't get why she got so angry with Jazz for talking about the complications he had with the surgery because it could scare others away.

[email protected]

It's almost like it damages a narrative she's trying to push into other people

Obviously in cases like Jazz where an underage person was put on blockers, anyone doing surgery to such a person is complicit in child abuse.
But the cases where the person was not groomed into the trans cult and started transition only when they reached 18.... I'm starting to think surgeons who then proceed forth with these people are actually based.

This Dr. Rumer has neutered a crazy man, prevented the gene pool getting his influence and has also pushed this tranny into very likely committing suicide.

Is Dr. Rumer /oursurgeon/?

is jazz really a Palestinian boy

they are jews..

I just want to say thank you to all my Yea Forums frens.
I was having a very bad day today and I am very stressed out about my assignment deadlines for uni and other stuff, but I feel better now because at least I'm not a tranny. Thanks, guys!

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no, it's a meme. they're all jewish.

>tfw no qt Skylar gf

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Is Jeanette pure evil?

oh i fell for it. i thought jazz was an adopted Palestinian. good meme.

we are all frens here, user... except the discord trannies.
your stress isn't forever, your problems in uni are temporary. good luck!

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>Gets a body mutilation surgery

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Things could always be a hell of a lot worse user. This whole thing upsets, confounds and amuses me but we are lucky as hell to just be standing on the side lines and watching this shit go down. Good luck with your studies.

honestly yes.

This is the fakest bulllcrap I've ever read. No medical professional talks like this. At the end he blows his cover as a troll by saying 'cut off their dicks'. That's not what's happening and no doctor would say that. Idiot transphobe fuck nugget.

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BASED terf

Those leg muscles are common with women who wear heavy shoes


All the reinforcement he gets on instagram is sickenning. Truly satanic stuff

Yes my shilling friend ofc it was a (((german)))

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A subtle one.



Listen to 2:11:30

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no one cares

Good point

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Can I get a QRD on what happened between Amir and Jazz

I've been out of the loop lately

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If Jazz talks about his surgery being "botched"(as if there's any scenario where success is truly possible with this butchery) and how he's not really any happier, just now living with a mutilation that adds to rather than subtracts from his depression, then it calls his mom's judgment into question. She can't have that, because it damages her image as the "brave, supportive, long-suffering mother." That's at the core of all Munchausen by proxy cases - the attention that comes in the form of sympathy and admiration of their "brave" perseverance.

tl;dr: it reveals her as the twisted monster she is.

Jazz mentioned to him that his neo-vagina was sutured from the sliced open membrane of his stomach lining and Ahmir reacted with visceral disgust and then Jazz got sad.

hilarious, it always amazes me when a small community like this is noticed by anyone else

Do we have any images of Jazz's face when Amir said that?

How crushed are his hopes and dreams now?

Does this mean reality will start kicking in?

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First time I actually see something.
Is this shit speed up? Jazz voice sounds... fake.

He quoted the Lynchian pasta in this one. youtube.com/watch?v=ReHdXhVEZbI

Yes, it's sped up

Lmao as usual faggots are superspreaders in every regard. I’ve been eating ass (heterosexually) for over a decade with no ill effects. Why the fuck would anyone want to be a faggot?


The video is also flipped, to get around copyrights I guess.

Jazz will not live to be 70

Ari is pure. We need to save her bros

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Yea Forums turning I Am Jazz into some fucking Hellraiser mythos is the best meme ever

Acceptance and self praise

Start hanging around in football locker rooms and find yourself a linebacker who's willing to wear a dress and wig. He would be just as good as Skylar.

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Here's how another Munchausen by Proxy case ended up.


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>kike enoch taking content from 4chaim like always

>Rust Cohle finally confronting Jeanette Bloshinksy

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Can't chop me off!

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Once Jazz realizes that not only did he irrevocably fuck up his own life, but also inspired perhaps thousands of other boys to fuck up their lives too, the guilt should certainly drive him to suicide.
Then again, Jazz is a self-absorbed narcissistic Jew, so who knows?

>Kike Peinovich

Holy shit Amir is in deep shit and won't be allowed to get out

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>some faggot internet nazi browses Yea Forums

wow illustrious company

Wake me up from this clown world nightmare.

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yeah I seriously doubt Jazz has the ability to question himself, he is entirely emotionally dependent on his mother for his reality

>There is an evil being up there, trying to destroy each and every one of us in the most cruel way possible.

Thanks god!

Look inside your transgender mind
Don't you know you might find
A gender role to play
You said that you've never came
But it all seems insane
Can’t you just be gay?

Now you’re laying in a hospital bed
'Cause the estrogen you had fucked up your head
Stay inside, disinfect your wound
Please don’t forget to dilate
Take that pained look off your face
You ain't ever gonna chop my dick off
And so Jazzy can wait, he knows it's too late as we're walking on by
His stitches gave away

But don't look down in horror, I heard you say

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>Her father, stepmother and the nephew who first shared details of Gypsy's actual health when she was first confined to a wheelchair all later said that Dee Dee deserved her fate and Gypsy had been punished as much as she needed to be. None of them would pay for her funeral or even pick up her ashes; her father and stepmother ultimately flushed them down the toilet.

Justice status: served.

the nightmare will still continue after you wake up

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She's a creatura, what do you expect?

Lads, the generals just aren't cutting it, I need to know more about fucked up trans stories.

He look like Cletus McFarlands brother.


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anyone have e08 and e09 as well?

>A fucking teratoma in the sky!

Trannies don't live more than 20 years after transition.
41% attempt suicide right? Turns out 70% of them are drug abusers, with overdoses being staggeringly prevalent. Not just including that, but think of the damage hormone floods do to your body. Atrophy of the testicles are common, duh. But what about the endocrine system? That shit completely damages trannies. That's why they look so unhealthy, their natural hormone system is so fucked.
I guess looking like a fucking monster ogre is better than having functional endocrine system.


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huh huh, cutting it.


Jaron has been thrust into numerous positions of power and almost exclusively by narrative--television, books, boards, news, interviews, product branding. It's certainly not of his own accord, but rather clearly of the mother's. None of those ventures benefit by talking about blood curdling pops, but they do by getting more and more children on the bandwagon early.

mfw Jazz, despite his mental state, still had that one shred of dignity, the honesty to tell people about the complications he had, how his surgery was "effed up", genitals "fell off", etc., and then his fucking bitch mother did her best to make Jazz deceive people about the complications

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lots of people on Yea Forums probably felt confused or unsure of their masculinity in the past.

>Why is this family so fucking gross?
They are Jews

No, i just want to see the life leave their eyes as i strangle them.

She even had to tell the other tranny moms that Jazz's surgery was botched, and it totally doesn't happen all the time. She must have been so pissed at Jazz after that


Jazz admits it in this video interview. I know you discord trannies hate the truth, being trannies and all, but please stop trying to play stupid with people that watch this show constantly, only to make fun of you mentally ill retards.

Attached: Jazzs tranny ogre friend.png (700x700, 432K)

Studies have broken down the numbers a bit more. Something like 50% of mtf surgery recipients have attempted though they don't say if attempts are before or after surgery.
Absolutely, either way, they end up with diseased endrocine outcomes.

Jazz is already fully preconditioned for a(short) life of prescription drug abuse. His "happiness" has come in pill form for years.


Jazz will be an opiate addict within a year

the part about the orgasm and masturbation was covered in the actual show, so go watch it and you will hear her talking with a doctor about it, and the doctor even gave him homework to try and jerk off before the surgery. Jazz said the hormones and puberty blockers made him impotent and could not orgasm, also made him sterile. All covered in the show. Do you really think a show that is open about the size of his penis being 1 inch by 1.5 inches is going to hold anything back. The drugs stunted his growth to about the same size as a 4 year old kids, so that is likely the time when the parents forced Jazz to start taking the drugs. Jazz also came out and said he has a breast deformity too. Jazz has tubular tits. Like the farthest on the right.

Attached: breast2.jpg (789x324, 89K)

So are you telling me that after mutliating his penis, his breasts got deformed and started looking like penises?
Nature is truly wise.

Fucking kek.

slaves to the kikes. they beta test their satanic kikery on us.

Just like a regular tranny. Too lazy to do the work to improve yourself always trying to find the easiest way out (in your case surgery, medications and suicide)

Attached: breast deformity.jpg (604x286, 32K)

They also literally told him to have fun with it while he still had it. He said he would play with his baby dick every day. Not that it really did much good in the end.

>Jazz has tubular tits.
Oh really, so you've seen them?

He plays with his tits practically every episode.

Truly Barkeresque

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Not what I asked

Jazz has talked about it see and in the show. Jazz also talked about how they could not perform the regular SRS surgery and had to cut out part of his asshole to give his fake vagina length and they had to use his stomach lining to make the "lips". The doctor said it would have the added benefit of self lubricating with shit, but it would always be a fake vagina that would smell like shit that would have to be dialated for the rest of his life or it would heal close. Please watch the show. They don't keep any tranny secrets. It's like the old wrassling special that came on TV that showed how everything in wrestling was fake, or like the masked magician that came on and showed how all the top magicians did all their tricks. Jazz is the "unmasked Tranny" showing normies all the truths that you faggots are trying to keep secret.

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Welp I used to have a foot fetish but now that's over, it was a fun ride y'all

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That's nice artwork

I started this job December 1st and I was pre T. I never told my bosses I was trans but after they heard my name they always have used he/him pronouns for me. There were 2 instances at work where coworkers have misgendered me, and thankfully my bosses told them i am a boy. (i was a lot more insecure about myself before and would never correct people.)

But the thing is my boss is going away for 3 weeks and i am 6 weeks on T and the last few days people have commented on my facial hair and i have been getting gendered correctly so im worried that maybe my voice will drop a little and ill look a little different in that 3 weeks he is gone?? should i tell him eventually that i am on testosterone or is that really none of his business?? i just dont want him to come back from germany and me have a noticeable mustache and a deeper voice all of a sudden and for him to be like wtf.

totally tubular

Oh it is his business alright


Everyone has. When he's bra-less leaving the hospital, those low-hanging, shapeless parodies are on full display under his tie-dyed muumuu. The only women who are naturally sporting hangers that bad are post-menopausal. That's because what he has isn't a "deformity;" it's just what extreme gyno looks like on a fat bastard, exacerbated by the estrogen he takes. Women's breasts don't start off looking like that, because women's breasts are composed of a different density of fatty tissue. It takes a lifetime of gravity and hormonal changes for a woman's breasts to even approach what Jazz produced during his faux "puberty." In short, he's a goddam trainwreck.

I took a year off from my life to transition. In that time I got my name & sex legally changed, started hormones, changed my mannerisms & way of talking, started on the process of top surgery, got my birth certificate amended, & got a new ID.

With all my past jobs I was pre T, & it made things so awkward. I could feel it like it was the elephant in the room.

Recently I got a job completely stealth, my managers & coworkers think I’m a cis male. It feels so good to just be seen as myself & not as “the trans person” who works there.

Who painted this? It's brilliant.

Congrats! I just recently got a job, and introduced myself as Christian to everyone. My ID isn’t changed so my manager knows, but everyone is cool about it and I’m working in a really hip area of a liberal state so I have no worries. It’s really amazing to have people not even question your gender!

Just because they're big fat hangers doesn't mean they're tubular

>my managers & coworkers think I’m a cis male

They're just being nice so you don't beat them up

Attached: gal-kilmer.jpg (640x918, 71K)

Is this almost perfectly Lynchian?

This basically. Its funny to see how this show started out as helping the tranny cause, up until that point where he has the surgery. Then nobody can hide all the complications one has to go through, not to mention the absolute mental illness of every single person involved. Im actually curious to see how this will be either memory-holed or spun into something that promotes the agenda, cause as it stands now it revealed the true face of transgenderism: complete mental breakdown encouraged all for the sake of social activism.

Much like male dogs once castrated, starts gaining weight.

Have one for your spankbank.

Attached: HOLY WOW.png (1424x905, 1.63M)


What is it with tranny men and tattoos and those ear frisbees?

They're like tube socks with a grapefruit in them.

They're still girls


Who's that dude in the front

What term did you want me to use?

Ahmir looking weird and awkward as usual.


Oh this will trigger camping blue checkmarks guaranteed.
Just observe the replies.

And how would you know what gender I was talking about, idiot?

That's Vladimir Nickolaevich Rasputin, codename: Colostomus. He was the strongest member of that class of Ex-Men.

>tfw Jazz, a mindfucked tranny jew boy, has at the age of 17, more basic compassion and honor than his mother

>Jazz is the "unmasked Tranny" showing normies all the truths that you faggots are trying to keep secret.

Most people think you just slot right genitalia into place, people are stupider than fuck. I found this on reddit trying to find more botched trans surgery:

>I have always been super supportive of trans people, and I still am, but I decided to educate myself today and learn about what transitioning actually entails. I watched an animation on the surgery, watched several trans women talk about post-op dilation, the works.

And I am utterly horrified for these poor women. Right wing people always went on about how it's penis mutilation, and after seeing how it's done I have to concede that is the absolute truth. I always thought they got actual female parts from donated bodies or lab grown organs, but they're just using the male parts in a different way and having to pretend it's the real thing.
>The point is that they turn a penis into a vagina, which isn't the same on a dna level, which is why they have to fight to keep it from closing. I thought they transplanted female parts, which to me make a lot more sense to do than just visual reconstruction.
>I haven't looked into FTM yet. So the vagina becomes fully functional? It menstruates, ovulates, everything?

Attached: 1550343060833.jpg (236x236, 9K)

>tfw they mutilate/deform themselves to the point you can't really tell what they are supposed to be called anymore
freak is pretty close

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You're the idiot for misinterpreting my first reply

what the fuck popped?

no fighting frens

some stitches i assume

You didn't get the question. Didn't expect you to either. If I just call them freak you wouldn't know if I was talking about a male of female.
Y-you're the idiot. Cope, idiot.

Jaron's cloaca

I don't get it... WHY why even bother getting a boyfriend, if you can't fuck...WHY?
This is like some advanced form of hardcore cosplay and roleplay, soul-less and mechanical.

>transplated female parts
That would be worse, a corpse vagina


Just a pack of dudes chillin

Sounds like trannies think they are superman. That the public are fooled by simple changes, like only glasses. People are trying to be polite to you if they see there is an attempt to appear the opposite sex. That's why it's uncomfortable when you see someone that is unisex looking because you don't want to be rude accidentally. I think this is why society is getting tired of Trannies and their bullshit. Most people don't give a fuck how you live your life, because you don't affect them one way or another, they will try to be polite but when you got people like Pat running around that can't figure how they want to present as, or they purposefully present that way so they can get offended by the nicer people in society that actually try to be polite, those people see the sheer stupidity of it all and say "fine, I just won't play your game anymore and call you whatever regardless of how you feel about it." I usually err on the side of caution and just call them all faggots.

Attached: PAT.jpg (440x518, 53K)

The boyfriend is a prop to validate the ego and worldview.
>"See? I'm a desirable, hot gril!"

They can still feel something with what's left from the head of their penis. Also, they want to have a vagina regardless of if it functions, they'll be happy as long as it doesn't fall apart.
I wonder however how a trans male will feel anything when her vagina is hidden behind a lump of meat(fake dick).

Because when you're dealing with serious stuff like body deformities, you have to tweet about it and end with a wacky face emoji.

this ride only gets stranger...

FTMs with phalloplasty surgery probably feel nothing

When even god tells you that getting bottom surgery is a bad idea...


You're right they're not tubular. They're bodacious.


how the fuck is jazz's mom allowed to be so ugly?

My roommate has that D&D book, it's on our coffee table right now

that's at the bottom of the list of things wrong with her user

who's baking

>my managers & coworkers think I’m a cis male.
No lmao we can all tell the 5'2", narrow shouldered, shitty tattoos and basically scripted "MANnerisms" person is a girl

I'm just waiting for it to hit page 6 to post it.

if you look at his profile he's also on antipsychotics, benzos, and antidepressants. his wound is the size of his pinky and he wants to find the tiniest dialator possible. he also experiences "unexplained fatigue"

based, thank you

Imagine taking years of Med school to be a Gynecologist, only for this shit to blow up and have half of your patients be deranged men who melon-balled their dicks out. How does a degree in Gynecology even qualify you to fix a dick that's been chopped up and stitched together to physically resemble a cunt? It's like those niggers in Africa who make a helicopter out of cardboard and then wonder why it won't fly

To think people actually care what their co workers think of their sex lives or how they present themselves in public. This is part of the mental illness. You are obviously very unprofessional because you should be a cog in a machine at work, not the wheel that presents as a cog in a machine that needs a real cog because the cog doesn't sit and worry about if the other cogs know its really a wheel all day long being constantly distracted. This is why most private companies and all government jobs require you to take a psychological test before you are hired.

Attached: 1551411172239.jpg (1800x847, 1.11M)

the fact that any of this tranny shit was allowed at all is fucking ludicrous

New thread

>>We are coming to rescue you!

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Imagine being a young trans full of hopes and dreams and being presented with Jazz as an example of a good transition
I'd just give up

Best analogy.

>in this guy*

Can you blame him for the way he is? He was made into this monstrosity. Jazz deserves pity.

Yeees! Rescue me, QT Brigade!

>wonder why it won't fly
IT FUCKING FLIES man, just only when nobody is around.

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