Best Criterion Collection releases?

Best Criterion Collection releases?

I want to start planning which kinos I buy when I get my first yangbucks.

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give up shill

Wait a second? are you saying that not only will i get a 1k (1000 (A THOUSAND)) Dollars and will also have access to Criterion Collection sales and deals?

What the fuck? I'm Yang GANG now!


It's only $33 NEETbux a day

Fill me in on this Yang Gang meme

Who the fuck is yang?

Not gonna lie, used to be a non believer but...

A based Asian man who will give everyone one thousand (1000) FREE dollars.

they're doing a 50% sale right now, idk if it's ended yet

friendship with ZionDon ended
I'm YangGang now

If he wins and everything works fine then we get 1,000 dollars a month every month. If he wins and that fails then we just accelerated the collapse so we cut a lot of filler out and can just get to the next big thing even faster.

>wants to give everyone free money
>has to do a crowdfund to get into the running

Forced twitter meme

Are Asians the ugliest race on earth¿¿

you need 65k donations to be invited to dem primary debates

Basically now that 69 is in witness protection SCUM GANG has appointed Yang as their new leader


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I've got $4 million in student loans I can't get rid of because of Joe Biden so for me it's a necessary investment.

>As President, I will implement The Freedom Dividend, providing Universal Basic Income of $1,000/month to all American adults over the age of 18 so that we may all share in the prosperity we have contributed to and participate in the new economy.

Holy shit how do I become American

So he offers free money for lazy scum and parasites that don't want to work?

(You) me lads with your favorite meemay

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Everyone gets it, even if you're working.

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you could gaymarry me

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>tfw soon yang will give us all free money
How will eagles EVER recover?

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So he’s promising a $1000 tax cut for people working and $1000 cash to parasites. Why not just the tax cut?

I watched his interview on JRE. He's right about the millions of people that automation will replace over the next decade. Burgerland needs a major education overhaul to teach their kids useful shit

>NEETs on Yea Forums no longer have to wait for shitty camrips
>can actually afford to go see movies and buy physical media
Yang is helping the world experience more kino

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How is this NOT going to result in inflation and decreased productivity?

Poor people will spend the $1000 on bullshit, putting it back into the economy. Everyone will be better off. And possibly the blacks will be less inclined to steal?

OK but it will be a sham, no touching

Wow so maybe it was a terrible idea to import millions upon millions of unskilled uneducated workers since their jobs will just be taken away by automation.
Really makes my brain do things.

It's more of a stop gap for people not starving/rioting when a robot/Amazon takes their job

>no touching
oh sure *wink wink* no touching *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

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That results in pockets of short run demand, causing inflation. You also lose out on opportunity costs which could potentially add value to the dollar instead of deflating it.

He will be the Al Gore of automation.

Yeah it was, they talked about that too.

Isn't this what people always claimed during every era of increased technology in factory environments?


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Maybe we could go back to a more "artisan" production style. Like, individuallyt hand-crafted shit, cottage industry. NEETs could make baskets or candles or hand-carved ducks or something.

You just missed their 50 percent off sale which is the only time you should buy their shit.

That being said, next time pick up Mulhulland Dr.

What's Yang's stance on discord trannies?

no, there's still blacks and aboriginies

This is the big one imho. What's happening to coal miners today will happen to most mid-to-hard labour workers over the next two decades

It's lovely to see McWojak smile, he's always sad as fuck.

He doesn't care about them, he's too busy saving America

How would Cryptocurrency be affected by UBI?

The main thing coming very realistically is transport jobs. Taxi drivers, truck drivers, whatever. All gonna be gone soon, Self-drive cars will kill all that. What company is going to pay for a real driver and his insurance when they can get a robot fleet that operates 24/7?

Will Yang get me a girlfriend?

He should definitely try to get on the Dem debate stage and plant the seeds about these ideas in the minds of the common man and make name for himself. Then in 15-20 years when automation get serious run for president again on the same platform.

Based Yang. I'm voting for him so I can get more neetbucks.

Automation is already serious, you need to look into it breh

chainlink 5k eoy

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You can just buy a woman with yangbux


It's a shame he's an open borders and anti-gun cuck

Yang will provide legal prostitution vouchers for all male high school graduates in a bid to get them to lose their virginity and lower the chances of a school shooting happening.

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so let me get this straight

/pol/ is trying to meme a chinaman into office now?

yang is as contrarian as it gets

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>donate $5 to Yang2020
>the very next day the 8/10 qt a work starts engaging in prolonged eye contact
bitches LOVE gang members

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I thought it was Gilbert Gottfried in the thumbpic

>"drained balls, safe halls"
>t. Yang

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criterion is for pseuds


still better than Trump I guess

>Vote Yang
>use NEETBUX to guns, ammo, and food

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Discord tranny shill thread

>Israel is our best ever ally forever!
Bernie and Warren:
>Don’t mistake genuine criticisms of Israel for anti-semitism

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Trump was a bust so $1000 so anything's better than the jews.

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>shilling himself at comicon
literally /ourguy/

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That is one new 4K Blue Ray every day! I can finally complete my collection and afford a quality 4k projector for my kinoroom.

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It’s weird how different candidate-Trump is from president Trump. This guy slowly morphed into conservative radio/Fox News the president.

Damn those are so good looking legs. Good post yangbro.

I don't know why he's shilling so hard for Israel and trying to get that hajib chick to resign. Jews hate Trump and does he not get that he got elected by anti Israel anti neocon types?

biggest letdown since I realized the holocuast was fake

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joe.. let me tell you something *sips whiskery*
the interdenominational vampires you know as jews are controlling trumps mind with 5G and dmt


wignats and accelerationists are not welcome. Yang Gang is only for a bright and positive future without bigotry and free kino spending money.

you have to know so much useless information to fully understand this image
I'm glad I can say I do

*bird noises*

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if 12k/yr becomes the new 0k per year how do you offset inflation and rising prices? wouldn't companies just increase the cost of things while using automation as much as possible to hunt the biggest profit margins?


Ok this is based

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i don't understand


Isnt this the idiot that believes in equity? That should be an immediate disqualification

I want you to know that this comeback almost murdered me.

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Thank you based yang

Young people should continue to support populism though. If Bernie and Yang end up being the front runners for 2020 then we are in good shape, and I will vote for four more years of Trump over 8 years of boring establishment neoliberal hell. Fuck Joe Biden.

>discord tranny doing a Yea Forums speedrun

Trump is like half America-first border closing tariff endorcing populist who looks out for the common man, and half Fox News lizard person who wants to tell me wonderful things about Israel and sell me some nutrisystem.

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