ITT: Ultimate reddit shows

ITT: Ultimate reddit shows

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anything netflix

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Anything I don’t like

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The Sopranos

it is inherently reddit. here on 4channel, we are only interested in each other’s droll commentary masking inner suffering. when a tv production does it, it is inauthentic. would you rather drink from the spigot or have it after it is passed through someone else’s kidneys?

Bojack honestly gets to me, just because I fall into the trap of thinking that hating myself makes what I do to others less bad. The show fucks with me on that level. I'm a shitty person who thinks being sad makes me less shitty. The show isn't great, but it makes me think about myself

what is with reddit cartoons and promoting alcoholism

reddit posts

is this a list of progressively weaker main characters

They love that shit

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All four in pic related, also True Detective, New Pope, Wire, Expanse and everything Star Trek, including Orville

>hurr the cartoon horse is sad like me!

Fuck you, I may be mentally ill but I am by no means a redditor

I know you're baiting but that's perfect example of antireddit

you cant be deep if youre not a fuckup retard lmao

Tried to watch it last week, it's just too American "le ironic sad" humour, was incredibly cringe.

I'm gonna go back to watching Toast of London

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>being honest with your feelings instead of covering them up with layer upon layer of irony and satire
Really fucking gay and Reddit dude

That's all amercian humor is allowed to be until this trend dies off. You can't make something funny anymore it has to be sad underneath any remnants of humor. Fuck this show and /r/ick and morty. Both shows have retard fanbases and are supremely not funny.

Broad city
Brooklyn 99
Parks and Rec
30 rock

>I want the library peanut brittle
>noooo peanut brittle I didn’t want the library

Maybe you have a point

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>DUDE we got lost in the woods chasing a russian isn't that crazy?
>oh wow he's depressed just like me!
not enough cringe in the world

My mom and college age sister both think that Broad City is unfunny trash.

the wire

Came here to post this.

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Give me ONE show that isn't reddit.

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the shield

The Terror, Mad Men, The Young Pope

Pic strongly related

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Everyone hated this

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