*gets BTFO by Tim Pool*
*gets BTFO by Tim Pool*
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is this?
context please
How can you choose to have a beard this fucking ugly and not kys
He's friends with Tim Poo.
what's this guy's problem?
Dunno who he is but he looks like he needs a shower!
he looks so bad. He looks like he smells bad.
and he has a wife and a child.
what is your excuse Yea Forums virgins?
What did Tim do to poor Jeramy now?
dont know but i see him spammed here a lot lately so i assume hes trying make a name for himself in the edgy conrer of the internet
so a shill
>funko pops
>Funko pops
Why. Why do people buy these
>it's another "youtuber has a heavy Yea Forums speak and ideology but he totally doesn't come to Yea Forums ;)" rantuber/newstuber episode
The only brave man left who is taking a stand against the cult of PC culture for the rights of proud gamers everywhere!
he acts like an alt right incel just to get pol and v idiots to give him shekels
Gamers unite!
Jeremy here from The Quartering I got two other videos coming out today so look out for those. Anyway according to this article Brie Larson has a problem with white male critics. *misreads most of the article* Uhh you ever heard of get woke go broke? When are movie studios gonna realize that sjws don't go to see these movies? Have a good day and I hope to talk to you guys real soon :).
did you guys know that tim pool is mixed race?
weaponizing pedo allegations against magic the gathering was bretty good but he's done nothing noteworthy since, has he?
>tim pool
>btfo anyone
Guy's a fucking idiot with no education. He speaks fast so it seems like his smart but the guy can't make a solid argument to save his life. It's always MUH FEE FEES. When he was on JRE the other day with the twitter execs it was hilarious, guy just kept cherry picking and using personal anecdotes to make his arguments and they were pathetic.
SJWs amirite guys?
I'm gonna be talking about them AAAALLLL week.
here's the qrd
>plays some card game
>go to convention of said game to play
>acts edgy and ends up getting his ass kicked by a tranny
>starts making youtube videos hating trannys and women in video games
>expands his narrative to movies/tv shows
>/pol/ and Yea Forums eat his shit up and shower him with money
>>acts edgy and ends up getting his ass kicked by a tranny
neither/pol/ or Yea Forums like him. The only time he was entertaining was during the Hasbro show with warski
This guy is a twat
How horrifying. what are we going to do if people actually agree?
God I fucking hate this faggot
Quick rundown
Is the blue check the Mark of the Beast spoken of in the Bible?
He is a pussy but this is cringe
The absolute s-o-y
lmao this
I watched that podcast with the twitter people and Tim came off as a total fucking idiot.
Is anyone else getting sick of the term "SJW"? Just call them leftists or feminists, essay double you makes you sound like a fat nerd who invests too much of his time seething about capeshit and videogames.
Why don't all the "redpilled" youtubers like Pool, Styx and this guy never EVER name the jew?
>"waaaah why can't I spam nigger and learn to code to every single journalist out there?!"
Same reason you couldn't spam fucking anime forums with gore pics back in 2008, Tim.
I think he is some guy that played magic cards and got dabbed on by some cosplayer that said he harassed her online, then took that and ran with it to become another one of the counter culture charlatans that focuses on gaming that self proclaimed alt right tards congregate around.
SJW's really hate being called SJW though
What's happened?
I feel like the word feminist is just as bad.
It's funny cause you're spreading misinformation just like that journo.
>Lol we don't troll!
Okay newfag.
>Why does twitter allow antifa account to dox law enforcement?
>reeeeeeee personal anecdotes
Literally the only time I ever see this irrelevant youtube jester is when off-topic /leftypol/ shitposters bring him up so they can tell me what to think about him.
Maybe you should stop giving him free exposure and just talk about things relating to television or film?
But learning to code can help them. Completely innocuous.
show proof that it didn't get taken down
Literally can't help but make a strawman with every post, lmao. You've got brain damage.
If it's good advice for coal miners then why should they not take their on advice? It's not trolling.
Project more newfag.
True, it has that similar ring to it. Maybe progressives is a good
It's funny cause it's true. I don't even watch the guy, but when I ask what's wrong with him to warrant these threads, I get a bunch of answers that dance around people just not liking his politics.
Green text more words to put in people's mouth. It makes you come off very charming.
I don't twitter. That was Tim's question. Doesn't sound like a personal anecdote.
It was cherry picking, not a personal anecdote you fucking moron.
They aren't progressive and they like being called that. Just call them SJW because it's become pejorative and they hate it.
All me btw
*dabs on the alt-right*
>seething about people not liking muh alt-right e-celeb
That's more like a valid question than cherry picking. They even agreed with him and admitted they had a left wing bias lol.
The baldening
A chode who might have had a point but sailed right past it.
>t. Retard
>why can't spam nigger
Tim isn't asking for spam nigger, Tim is asking that if you ban people for saying #killallwomen, you also should ban people for saying #killallmen. Double standards are cancer.
Tim complains about the rules being enforced to some groups, yet with another group does the same, rules don't apply to them.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my alt right opinions are being btfo
It's like these people are a parody of themselves. It seems like all these people are just larping.
That's my point, it's a lame insult. Literally the same thing when journalists keep throwing around labels like "incel manbaby". It doesn't make you look good.
But I don't give an shit if some faggot calls me a "incel manbaby" however they get mad When you call them SJW