What sort of reviews would this film get today?

What sort of reviews would this film get today?

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Good ones, as it's social commentary about why masculinity is toxic.

what really gets my Armonds activated about this is that palahniuk literally came out and said no it wasn't and it's meant to be interpreted exactly the way it's presented

Palahniuk also takes it up the ass

I'm pretty sure the media is trying to retroactively claim it's shit

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the book is shit though, movie is much better

Wait why do Vice hate reddit?

/pol/ sweeties would cry the terrorist is white.

Just more revisionism and attempts to erase or distort the past. If it doesn't clearly and cleanly fit the agenda it needs to be sullied.

>palahniuk literally came out and said no
who cares, idiot. I am Legend was about fear turning people unwittingly into the kinds of monsters they set out to destroy. The movie is about lightskinned black scientist being fucking based

Maybe his book was but the movie is clearly about toxic masculinity.

There are black clad males chanting inane meaningless slogans and "trolling" that turns dangerous.

It would most likely be panned by critics. They would also draw parallels to Trumps presidency and the current political climate.
Funny, because that's not how Ebert saw it.

hark at the pot!
fuck me

When you're so cucked, you think reddit is full of nazis

Tyler Durden goes out of his way to say no one is getting hurt and project mayhem is about the liberation of men from the a meaningless consumerist culture and female dominated lives. The movie is almost as bad as American History X when it comes to not making it's rhetoric look like the message.

Have you read Ebert's Review of Starship Troopers?

Is he the real life Tyler Durden?

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If I wanted to correspond with ted, purely about philosophy, would I be in trouble with the van drivers?

I vaguely remember him bitching about making fascism seem appealing.


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GQ would write about it nonstop
>Fight Club marks the beginning of the end for the white male dominated heirarchy (and thats a good thing!)

>making fascism seem appealing
Fascism makes itself seem appealing, that's what all these academic fruits don't understand. Humans innately want to follow a strongman. If simply showing something "makes it seem appealing" then the thing itself is appealing.

pic related shows a sign designed to make "horse getting fed" seem appealing

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I am legend was a shitty brainlet popcorn movie though. Totally forgettable, not in the same league as fight club.

And he is shown to be full of shit, isn't it? Despite all his talking about consumerism, he shows up with Gucci loafers, custom sunglasses and a fur coat.

The movie was written off a misogynist at the time, too. It wasn't until it got a cult following that critics suddenly started liking it, probably after it was explained to them. They actually talk about it in the commentary, now critics that shit on it ended up putting it on their "best of" lists later.

Fascism is appealing because the stupid secretly want to be led and the intelligent secretly want to rule. Society has always been divided into two, differing systems obfuscate that division, but it always exists. Humans will always be oligarchical.

No they don't care, but frankly please don't annoy the guy he's been through enough

ebert went full sjw before it was even a thing on it

Imagine being such a faggot that you think that's what Fight Club is about...

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>implying you actually read books

clearly you havent seen fight club, cause if you did you would know its absolutely based. thank god it was actually made and they cant take it away from us.

Reddit is a far-right sub user

That’s the thing though. Before the club turns into a terrorist cell cult, it’s a net positive for most of the guys involved. Their given a sense of purpose, community, exercise. The author wrote it as a male counterpart to films like the yaya sisterhood of the traveling pants. The fact that there hasn’t been any movie like fight club since it’s release is indicative of the cultural notion that men shouldn’t express or be affected by emotion. I’d argue that by not making more films like fight club, which encouraged self-reflection and stressed the need for community, young American men are pushed to join fringe extremist groups. You wouldn’t get the proud boys or the alt right if the people involving themselves in those groups had better alternatives

Hang yourself.

>there aren't literal fight clubs young men can join
boxing exists

either bait or discord tranny. either way, stop being a pussy.

fascism appeals because it tells people they're the strong and others are weak, and grants power to the arbitrarily defined "strong" in exchange for service to the empowering entity.

Everyone wants to rule, and fascism is simply what society always becomes under the stupid. The reason fascism always fails being it's intrinsic nature. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence realizes that if everyone wants to rule, you can't just say the majority of people can't and expect the system to last. Hence the creation of societal systems designed to give everyone a level of validation and influence.

good reviews because it was about a man learning he was gay

>muh all men are created equal bullshit
Lol brainlet

he's right though

it's political commentary on disaffected members of society
it's not restricted to any particular class, race or gender

Rotten Tomatoes actually seems to have a bit of a hard on for nihilism so I'd guess still good reviews

any 2 random vice articles disagree completely with each other
their "journalism" is clickbait. they want conversation to rotate around their opinions, not reddit, Yea Forums, the nytimes or any other media source

This, unfortunately the target audience of toxic brodudes can't tell that a film is subtlety making fun of them

the point you're missing is how fight club was about how men need real challenges, real risk, and real conflict, else they become listless and weak.

It's about a generation of men raised without a sense of purpose. They are told to fill that void with women and objects

50% of people have an IQ over 100, 50% have an IQ below 100, are you really saying that those two groups of people are as capable?

Tyler Durden also mocks men for exercising to attain "ideal" bodies and yet he just so happens to embody what many men would find ideal (or at least better than the overweight sloths they are).

bad reviews because no minorities
and the (white!) woman in the movie only is there to be a love interest and getting fisted.

and they all have equal desire to lead/rule.

The mockery is of men who only want to look good for it's own sake.

Woah, almost as if people wanting shit like money, power etc was a part of our nature or something...
Too bad desires and capabilities are two different things




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Probably try reading again. As you're just circling around already covered points. try not to get triggered this time.

They may want, but that doesn't mean they can do.

If they feel they can't, they'll find a way to. How many stupid people does it take to overpower a smart person?

Tyler's alter ego is a manifestation of what he wishes he looked like and yet he mocks men for attempting to achieve that look. Do you get where I'm coming from here?

He's a full on hypocrite.

Palahniuk is literally a gay seattl-lite of course its satircal commentary

>yet he mocks men for attempting to achieve that look
for no purpose beyond achieving that look.

And yet he wishes he looked like that for no other purpose than aesthetics... exactly what he's mocking them for doing.

What exactly is the purpose of wanting to acheive that look? Why does Norton want to have the strong jaw of and piercing eyes of Brad Pitt?

They would praise it because it was written by a gay author and because they would not attempt to turn down the thinly veiled homosexuality of the book in current year.

If you can't comprehend my very simple point you completely omitted about biological factors completely shitting all over your delusions of equality, then don't read my posts. Live in your happy rainbow bubble until it pops right open



Friend, you still haven't understood what was saying.

boomer here.
I remember at the time many leftist proto-woke critics complaining that it was a fascist movie.

Disregard this, I suck cocks.

it's actually about anarchy

I just left my feminine side in the bathroom actually

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Ellis hates women.

Who gives a shit about that, can we talk about how fucking kino the score is? What are some other examples of scores completely elevating a film the way this one does?

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yeah right bitch. her, like every chick i knew in high school, had watch parties of fight club in high school. got their rocks off

Fury is pretty average but I would argue the score is pretty incredible

uh, user, you might wanna get that checked out.

Nah its about consumerism and the resulting spiritual decay of individuals and capitalism being bad, its pretty leftypol

>capitalism being bad

I'd say it's about extremism being bad. Whether its consumerism, capitalism, communism, fascism, masculinity, whatever.

>what really gets my Armonds activated
shit that's good

>The reason fascism always fails
Fascism existed for barely 2 decades in 4-5 countries, what the fuck are you on about "always"?

>you can't just say the majority of people can't and expect the system to las
That's what every country to ever exist did prior to the mid 19th century. Hell, there are plenty of countries around today that still do that and their future longevity is no more questionable than the liberal West's.

No it's the exact opposite of /leftypol/. It advocates fascism in the most "technical" sense. Fascism and communism both acknowledge the same problem but they come to different solutions.


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you might be legitimately retarded

>"um sorry sir but it only existed once for a very limited span of time, saying "always" seems to imply otherwise"

What was that effect called when idiots are unable to tell when something is satire and actually making fun of them?



people would think its commie propaganda these days when it was actually making fun of that

it was fash propaganda because men are inherently fash which is why we need to make sure the future is female

If it never succeeded, which it hasn't, then it has always failed. Fascism, like communism, only works with violent oppression of curiosity and independent thought. Yes, it will always fail as those two things are innate to humans.

that doesn't even make any sense. don't post anymore

>being this retarded

Saying that fascism "always fails" implies that there is a series of attempts to make it work when in reality there was a single short instance where it failed.

>fascists violently suppress communists and liberals and communists violently suppress fascists and liberals but I'm going to ignore than liberals violently suppress fascists and communists
It's like I'm talking to a fucking brick. Fascism violently suppresses those that seek to overturn the system. What happens if I seek to overturn a liberal system, will the US or UK government simply let me organize or will it do everything it can to quash my curiosity in a different way of doing things?

>yfw you realize people born in the year 2000 are 19 years old

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Imagine thinking fascism only existed during WW II lmfao.

Fascism still exists to this day, dumbass. The West is not the whole world.

Hey you,
fuck off to

Give me a list of fascist nations that did not exist between 1922 and 1945.

>movie is much better
I can taste how pleb you are. Disgusting.

Chuck is constantly on drugs lately.

Name one fascist state.

Hopefully in 15 years they will be writing the same thing about Captain Marvel.

Say my name again faggot

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Lol no it's not. That phrase didn't even exist in 1999.

>Saying that fascism "always fails" implies that there is a series of attempts to make it work when in reality there was a single short instance where it failed.

Where did it succeed? Don't tell me you are going to try the old "they just didn't do it right!" explanation.

>It's like I'm talking to a fucking brick. Fascism violently suppresses those that seek to overturn the system.

>What happens if I seek to overturn a liberal system, will the US or UK government simply let me organize or will it do everything it can to quash my curiosity in a different way of doing things?

You can do whatever you want in that society. It's when you force your opinions and way of doing things on others that is squashed. Are you too stupid to understand this?

You can go live on a commune right now. There is nothing stopping you.

Help me refresh my mind, was it before or after he wrote Harry Potter that he wrote Fight Club? I can't recall

Honestly, where do you think you are?

Honduras? Why are you asking?

His figure can easily be obtained fighting in basements twice a week fyi

After Infinite Jest but before Ghost world, truly a man of many hats.

The closest you'll get is Ba'athism, and calling that fascism is extremely tenuous. Modern Syria is certainly not fascist and even in its peak Ba'athism lacked a lot of the defining characteristics of fascism that made it so distinct.

>Where did it succeed? Don't tell me you are going to try the old "they just didn't do it right!" explanation.
What the fuck are you even talking about? It only existed once, saying that it "always fails" implies that it existed more than once. Fascism was a very specific ideology who's causative factors probably will not appear in the world again. It failed the one time it existed, it has not existed and will probably not exist again short of some modern equivalent of WW1 turning the average man into a nihilistic militarist.

>You can do whatever you want in that society.
No, you can do whatever you want except the stuff you're not allowed to do. Ruby Ridge and Waco proved that much. They fucked off into the middle of nowhere and lived as communes and the government came after them for not conforming to the rules. They weren't perpetrating terrorism or planning the overthrow of the government or whatever. They minded their own business but they didn't conform to all of the little quirks and rules of liberalism so they got fucked. Liberal regimes hold society together just like fascist and communist ones, and if you don't jump when they say jump you get fucked like a dog.

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>he looked that way selling soap
>it's how the narrator wishes he looked from the get go
Tyler wishes he was a lean and mean pretty boy. Realistically, you're going to end up looking like pic related after enough basement fists to the face

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