What sort of reviews would this film get today?

What sort of reviews would this film get today?

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Good ones, as it's social commentary about why masculinity is toxic.

what really gets my Armonds activated about this is that palahniuk literally came out and said no it wasn't and it's meant to be interpreted exactly the way it's presented

Palahniuk also takes it up the ass

I'm pretty sure the media is trying to retroactively claim it's shit

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the book is shit though, movie is much better

Wait why do Vice hate reddit?

/pol/ sweeties would cry the terrorist is white.

Just more revisionism and attempts to erase or distort the past. If it doesn't clearly and cleanly fit the agenda it needs to be sullied.

>palahniuk literally came out and said no
who cares, idiot. I am Legend was about fear turning people unwittingly into the kinds of monsters they set out to destroy. The movie is about lightskinned black scientist being fucking based