She's not even trying anymore! I think she is being intentionally annoying, she loves being disgusting

She's not even trying anymore! I think she is being intentionally annoying, she loves being disgusting.

Attached: brie-larson-ticks-off-fans.jpg (1200x630, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

she was always disgusting, but she was never given screentime until now.

Have sex

Thank's for the advice pal, i'll try.

stop shamming people for their sexuality, you alt-right scum

Will I be flagged for viewing this video if I'm a white male?

>would brie larson workout
>Like, hypothetically? Is that a personal attack?!
>Yeah, I work out. A lot.
Of all of the crazy bitches I've dated, I've never known someone this insecure.

I wonder if Disney regrets hiring her now. Sure pushing the SJW agenda is one of their main ways to sell their shit, but even they have to be worried that she's not really worth it at this point.

>wh*te background
thats a yikes from me, disgusting display of racism

Okay, if you would be kind enough to direct your hole to my dick I think we could make that happen.

Thank you!

Bend over


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Tbf I have that same reaction to her feet

she has the self-esteem and attitude of a black woman
if you know what I mean, you know what I mean

wtf I just had sex and I love Brie Larson now


Is she literally too stupid to perform a menial tasks such as peeling a sticker off? Peel it back, not forward.

Attached: 1496259921960.jpg (236x318, 15K)

>could you beat superman?

Attached: all hope lost, visible confusion, subtle rise of anger.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

have sex.

It's weird, I found her weirdly likable in this vid.


How does that make Brie less of a retard?

>amanita caesarea
If only...

Me too. Brie is pretty alpha.

But user, she's signed up for another seven movies on the assumption we would love her performance. They can't back down now, I mean they didn't even have the guts to fire Kathleen Kennedy after she shit the bed with Star Wars.

>How tall is brie larson
Fucking womanlets, counting half of inches.

Attached: practicaluse_DBrow.png (1000x1002, 55K)


Attached: larson.png (1188x1058, 986K)

>Captain Marvel gets her powers from a CRAZY BLACK
Why would she say that? Very out of touch.

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Why are you making her sad, bros? Or is she, dare I say it, playing the victim?

Attached: sadmarvel.png (1886x1500, 1.58M)

why do grown men care about the opinions of some clam who pretends to be a superhero?

>none of the suggestions were "hates white cis scum and wants them dead"
YOU HAVE LIED TO ME Yea Forums???!!??!?!!!?????

Attached: soft cheese.jpg (691x536, 44K)

Attached: checkthesemarvels.png (1760x1492, 1.32M)

What a passive aggressive self absorbed cunt.

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no thanks, too gross

looks like she got into hillary's closet

Doesn't she kind of look like Kiera Knightly but all fucked up a bit?


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Don't you compare my waifu with this sociopathic bitch.

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She looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt in drag, but worse.

Attached: Joseph-Gordon-Levitt-in-Drag.jpg (980x653, 94K)

you first

Attached: 1551900383812.jpg (1440x1246, 74K)

why does literally no one on this board know what sociopath mean

why does literally no one on this board know what literally means?

Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea

Attached: have sex.jpg (910x660, 145K)

Oh please tell us how you read a wikipedia article once.

>star in big-budget film linked to huge franchise
>be confused and offended that people are googling you

I think even normies are gonna be turned off by how smug and bitchy she is. She just reeks of unlikeability.

mells like roasted beef

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>brie larson looks like keira knightly

Said nobody ever. Now apolgize for insulting keira

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ScarJo done gone and take the Bogg pill?

I cant unsee it. She really really does. Her forehead is alot bigger too.

whatcha thinkin 'bout brie?

Attached: brielarson.png (541x681, 591K)

>I think she is being intentionally annoying,
no, just a NPC

Attached: big feminist movie.jpg (813x829, 95K)

I'm certainly thinking about brie!

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Wasn't this bitch a high schooler in the jump Street movies, she looks 40 wtf

She's 5'7 btw, check it out. Shows how insecure she is lmao


>that dislike ratio

Attached: 1551935066193.png (600x536, 253K)

i watched the whole thing and theres nothing objectionable, what am i supposed to be offended about?

>literally: used for emphasis while not being literally true.


>has her fucking name on her purse
>wearing hyper hipster overpriced garbage bags...i mean "clothes"
>holding what's probably a $20 cocktail
>"I'm just thinking about Stan and shit while I pose for a photo."
What a genetic mistake.

Some madman actually did it

Based dislikers.

What is she thinking?

Attached: brie.png (575x575, 233K)

You could write an essay as to why she's so insufferable.
>inb4 'u incel!'
I'd say the same of Max Landis

I love the fact that people were too retarded to use "literally" correctly so the dictionary guys had to go and edit the dictionary entry.

this is a black thing isn't it?

welcome to Yea Forums, where virgins have nothing better to do than to hate on actresses that are against their status quo

The multimillionaire Hollywood actress staring and promoting a billion dollar Disney movie is a brave warrior against the status quo, where women are enslaved and forced to be in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant

Just look at the youtube comments, the normies can't stand her

she sounds like christine blasey ford

not you
and you
please just fuck me i want you inside me

>metaphors, jargonisms and idioms don't exist
>"dictionary guys" (linguists?) in charge of creating the language norms and not just systemizing the changes brought by by everyday users
Literally brainlet

>I want chicken I want liver Meowmix Meowmix please deliver

Attached: 15519752127110.png (480x561, 406K)

>Web's most asked question, "who is Brie Larson's butt double in Captain Marvel?" Please answer that...
>Obviously Tom Holland

Normies can be alright sometimes.

Thats figuratively what I said. Are you literally illiterate?

>the brainlet recoils in anguish

But but she kicks ass

Attached: practiceherass.jpg (1440x1283, 223K)

Even the ass doesn’t even

butthurt assmad boomer literally in tears defending the millenial speak paving the road to newspeak
learn to communicate not as a women of color, a biracial women, a teen women of color, as teens that are biracial; speak like a white person
tldr you sound literally retarded

they don't use youtube comments, retards

>Why does everybody hate her? Like I’m not exicted for captain marvel either but 23K dislikes lol
>Edit: nvm, I’m 3 min in and I’m angry
>I said hi to Brie Larson in public
>My trial starts on Monday
>Guys! Stop this personal "attack" on her.
>She already has to go through so much already in her life, like answering "controversial" questions like who is Captain Marvel

Sex me yourself you coward.

It happened again

Attached: ohyeah.jpg (661x566, 142K)

Screamed the stable boy

that's stableMAN to you

is she neurotic?

This ones for you Disney.

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I already did and it was with a chubby black chick. Say it with me, I am committed to the social, political, and economic liberation of black people.

I watched part of it and she just seemed rude, didn't get a good vibe. Other google autocomplete video people have seemed way nicer.

Uh oh those nefarious misogynist nazi incels are up to their old tricks

Attached: 20190307_180921.jpg (1440x1434, 428K)

She's not a nice person. Clearly very nasty and petty.

>Other google autocomplete video people have seemed way nicer.
That's because they're not looking to be offended by every little thing like this unlikable cunt.

She has a very severe face. She's also the reason I learned the term "vocal fry". It's applicable.

This was hard to watch, and what was up with her attitude?

Based Brie thou

Attached: brie-gaymers-btfo-forever.jpg (1920x2160, 227K)

I think this song captures all of this hollywood bullshit perfectly, and it was made in 1996

Jesus she survived the snap but not the wall fuck me

>dem crazy eyes

Only Karen and Pom don't look JUSTed af

Being a virgin isn't a sexuality, it shows you're a failure as a male.

She was joking. I think you have autism.

No shit she was joking. She doesnt work out, duh.

Watch 50 cent's interview

It's like chemo for the cancer.

i wouldnt mind her if she was like a co-worker or something but hell no as a friend or hell nah as a sex partner

Kek. Still, it was a bad joke, she's that kind of person that throw passive aggressive comments thinking they sound witty or funny when they come off as condescending or petty. Can't blame her though, she got used to acting uppity about her political views and cannot seem to transition into humor without letting her attitude take over.

Why the fuck are you people so obsessed with her? Don't you realize you are just helping her being more popular?

But i'm not married

more like my resounding success. men are meant to stay chaste

this board is full of newfags
nice trips user

She wasn't being passive aggressive. What are you talking about?

And what attitude? The whole video was pleasant.

No you don't even become a man until you have sex.

Jesus Christ, shills are real. She wasn't pleasant at all. The vibe she gave off was rushed and annoyed and upset to even be there.

This. Also you have to do crazy girls too. Girls like Brie are a must into manhood.

Why is it that roasties always use that card when trying to shame a male? Why isn't, for example, a "write a novel!", "discover an element!", "be successful at your job!" rhetoric, but they always bring up that stupid hole like it's the only achievement a man can get. Sex is cheap, common and boring. Only a creature whose only power is based on the allowance to be penetrated would think that as an insult.

Can't she just smile and ask people to go buy a ticket to her fucking movie? Is Disney this retarded?

they're all hideous

>I can't pick up social cues
There are 26k people on youtube that did, guess you enjoy arrogant people but cannot tell when they are doing it unironically.

I don't watch capeshit, nor do I care about them or hate women or whatever.

But holy shit why is she so annoyed at every question? Isn't she doing this voluntarily?


Holy shit @ all these butthurt incels replying before me

Because sexuality is a woman's hold over a man, simple.

am i the only one that almost throws up everytime i see this fucking cunt? not even joking i mean literally feel physically ill by seeing her face

The US really needs to make prostitution legal.

It makes women realize that a hole can be bought for cheap, so they can't be total bitches.

She would actually be attractive if she was nice.


Attached: owie.jpg (2046x1140, 734K)

>shitty attitude
>odd face contortions
>annoying ideologue
>aged like milk

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They really should have had Sam Jackson or Jude Law on with her, it's always better when they've got someone to bounce off.

>Dislikes Brie
Based Olsen

are you 12

She seems fine. I don't understand the hate. Do you want her to be smiling and giggling like a little girl all the time? She has a more subdued personality; nothing wrong with that.

Gal Gadot comes across as likable, something Brie could learn from her.

God, it's like the complete inverse, Olsen has an aura about her that exudes beauty and charm whereas Larson is just... disgusting


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When Kong: Skull Island was out, these idiots were posting all sorts of photos of her from that movie, but now...and they call everyone else "cucks." My goodness, no one will ever see a bigger pack of insecure people than those fan-hating this woman.

>Olsen seems attainable in my addled mind, which means it's more likely that she'll feel sorry for me and show me affection
>Brie has already shown she'll never feel sorry for a commoner like me enough to be attainable

Attached: negro disgust.webm (720x300, 388K)

>Gal Gadot would treat me like a scrawny bitch in need of affection, while Brie would ignore me and seek a black cat to be kind towards

You're on a message board complaining about Brie Larson. STFU about "write a novel," "Discover an element," "Be successful at your job," you fucking straw-man-strangling clown. You wouldn't have as violent a reaction if anyone brought up any of those things because you put no value in them in this context i.e. whining about a girl once thought approachable by dubious standards, but now is seen as hostile for expressing a thought

What an absolutely immature thing to express.

Like you could afford it if it ever did become legal countrywide. Fucking moron, learn economics and quit whining about actresses, you fucking loser.

You'd actually not be pathetic if you were to, say, kill yourself.

Oh hey, you discord trannies finally made it to the thread

cool story, bro

Attached: kong.gif (500x208, 1.89M)

I really think evangilline Lilly is one of those women that gets hotter as they age

why she dyes her hair?

Ah, a buzzword-dropping pissant being defensive. Didn't expect that. NOT!

90s reference, get it?

why do blacks have such disgusting hands

This video really isn't that bad. I don't understand why people think she's that annoying. I know she's annoying about feminism and stuff but none of that was in this video.

And true.

I guess her expressing not being too impressed with average white guys got you all very, very upset. I wonder why?

Ask a white woman after she's done getting fingered by one, finger-fag.

why are you obsessed with sex you virgin

good reaction pic thanks user

Shes pure PR poison; shrill, loud, dumb, ignorant, devisive, constantly running her mouth on social media with her uninformed opinions.

Shes basically the white Boyega.

She seems really calculated, her hugging sexual assault survivors at the Oscars like an assembly line is pretty much the height of virtue signalling.


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-07 at 7.32.14 PM.png (896x1020, 981K)

Agreed! Just like being a tranny!

Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

It's the time that I was starting to be able to lift a lot more and I was learning how to punch and kick and do judo throws," she says. "It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."

Attached: gender norms BTFO.jpg (818x1131, 233K)


>she loves being disgusting.
that explains the feet

Evangeline Lily is so cute

within the first 10 seconds
>"I've never googled myself before so this is-"
turned it off there. most everyone has for shits and giggles no fucking way is this bitch, who takes Instagram selfies, not constantly searching her name on jewgle


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>"It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."

You know it's funny, because among males, only the office psychos act like that, but since women are naturally attracted to those traits, they only notice him, and think that's how you get shit done at the office. That's why their conception of strong officewoman is a giant cunt.

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Proof the soul lies in the sole.

I think she's legit insane.

Attached: raped brie.png (603x572, 78K)


Smells like fungus infection.

Attached: tranny incels.png (500x594, 406K)

>'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.'
And then everyone in the gym started clapping!

Imagine being this much of an incel. Remember you will literally die alone and without ever even holding a girl's hand.

Shut up faggot

pretty sure she's already held a girl's hand user, no need to shame her like that

wait did she just say captain marvel is a DC comic?

Attached: 1551422313215.png (365x473, 187K)

And then the guy immediately walked out and cancelled his gym membership. That guy's name? Albert Einstein

what do you get out of saying something so vile?

>we belong to the most vilified portion of society right now
multimillionaire actors rise up

>he says, as he posts on a website full of the most vile posts against nonwhites, women and Jews

inb4 t-t-thosde posts totally weren't me i disagree with them!!!

It's not vile when it's directed towards people like you.

only 3 acceptable waifus in that whole picture

I'd hit "Black" and "Daytime TV"

>27 dislikes
Wasn't 26 a few hours ago?

the tryhard jennifer lawrence

She's a masterclass troll and too many people are acting full retard because of "muh comicbooks".





Attached: 9A8D3C99-1556-4F8C-8910-5E96B8391153.jpg (495x315, 51K)

so why aren't they being called incels?

god that looks so good


what s the snap

>0.02 cents have been deposited into your account

No sweetie, those are all white neckbeard incels.

>all women dating virgin males are pedos

Attached: 469zxg3k7qk21.png (654x622, 138K)

>It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying'
What a literal womanchild lmao, is she seriously admitting to throwing boardroom tantrums when she doesn't get her way? How pathetic

Where was this pic taken? At an Arby's board of directors meeting?

Its women like here that are doing bad impressions of what they think strong men do, and what they think strong men respect. They are so wrong it is pathetic. I've had women boses like this and it was the most difficult thing in the world to not laugh when they pulled this "tough guy" routine. Even the women I worked with would roast her behind her back.

The sad thing is Brie and others like her really think they are stronk women and inspiration to younger girls. Sad.

Shut up Kek

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holy shit do you guys see how boney and weird looking and old-looking her hand is when she's peeling off the stickers?
What the fuck is that?
why do her hands and fingers look so fucked up?


she would of made a good vicky.
id love to see her taking a mouth full of salty milk yumyum when she was younger

>She's not even trying anymore! I think she is being intentionally annoying, she loves being disgusting.

This was cute as fuck though? Made me actually like her, except the Superman comment


Kate. We have to go back.

Attached: emmitt-leverjpg.jpg (474x355, 33K)

Maybe she wants the movie to fail. That's my new theory

but my gf is asleep

Wow dude no one has ever deadlifted 225 pounds. How will men ever recover?

Good lord. I felt neutral about her until I watched this. She has the haughty, obnoxious attitude of every spoiled women I've known. Keep this shit away from me. Far away.

Mark "Free Car Service" Normand

Lmao okay you toxically masculine fascist

>act like a bitch
>people dont like her
>"master troll"
Damn user you must be the masterest troll who ever lived

Ok incel
Seethe more over your children's movie

>Brie Larson nude??

She is cute. I think I have a new waifu now bros

>Brie Larson Fappening 2!??

Ok calm down Tolstoy

Attached: 89FB7C83-A0D5-4C91-A771-AB762D2AA5A8.jpg (600x315, 37K)

Just had sex with my girlfriend's vagina. Yeah I love Captain Marvel.

saldana and evangeline could get it

>Have sex

We can't all fuck our family members!!!FACT!!!

Pretty based desu famalam

Thank you for this

The blonde dye is making her look older.

That Daft Punk song was called "Make Love" you fucking pleb


She might be the leftist equivalent of a master troll, like how trump was for the republican side

Either way, she sucks at it and is not likeable at all

If you actually did first, you’d realize how annoying and all around awful women can be

Trust me, this white knight quest to getting laid is not worth it.

It’s the only thing of value they can provide now that they don’t want to maintain the house anymore or put in any effort to being a good parent
Surrogate kids are the way to go.

I like Brie in the sole fact that she triggers this board of kissless virgins

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>"have sex"
>advocating degeneracy and premarital sex


Attached: the wall.jpg (6136x3296, 3.4M)

I wouldn't hesitate to hit this woman with my car.

When they were siblings in Don Jon, I thought it was kind of odd.

But holy guck they do look alike

I think this is a bot.

She talks like the girls who have very low self esteem and cover it up with a snarky bitchy attitude.

The based men of (((Hollywood)))

>going anywhere near 3dpd
Um no thanks.

Gary Larson > brie larson

Attached: Vampires.jpg (2127x1196, 464K)

>do you work out?
What the FUCK is seriously wrong with her?

wtf she's not a shitty person like Yea Forums incels told me
she might have zero (0) charisma, but a powrerful woman ain't required to anymore

Ghost was strangely attractive in Ant Man, not so much here. Same for Valkyrie. Fucking makeup jews.

When she answered the "where did you grow up" question with some very confusing statement that seemed to imply California was the only place in the world I knew I was in for a treat.

>those comments
Starting to feel sorry for her despite her vapid bitchy personality

Don't you dare smile at her, you disgusting pieces of shit.

Attached: brie-larson.jpg (664x498, 78K)


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Why is Heather Ledger so much worse at acting after her sex change?

um no sweaty

Attached: brie.png (518x486, 466K)

New Album When?

>30k like and 30k dislike

Attached: thanos.gif (500x280, 1.04M)

She looks like a mix of Rosamund Pike and Ellen Page. But with downs.

She’s upset because the ass does not even.

Why are none of you fucks talking about those comments i mean damn even relatively polite people are admitting she is just plain boring and overly defensive.

I was HER turn!

Attached: 1551965570098.png (700x700, 292K)

What if user is asexual?

All of them outclassed by Gillan

Exactly, it's amazing how many polite and "normal" people are hating on her. We are not the only monsters bros!

Fucking L O S T ! ! ! !

based Larson

Attached: Gary+larson+is+best+larson_c18d10_5647865.jpg (636x779, 151K)


>brie larson dog

thank you?

that is a rough 29. good lord

Attached: old_brie.png (248x290, 174K)

Help guys I can't stop fapping to her.

>"is 50 cent haitian? hell no i'm not hai—hell no"

Attached: 1540173210373.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)

>women with painted hair are now the norm in the highest budget cinematic investments in the world

Attached: disgusting.png (240x320, 120K)

fuck, they butchered her nose-job

>>"is 50 cent haitian? hell no i'm not hai—hell no"
Dare I say, /ourcurrency/?

>"Women are more than just sex objects, you misogynist!"

Attached: tfw you're removed.jpg (297x297, 20K)

Startin to see why she doesn't like smiling

you might be autistic, she was dictionary definition passive aggressive

based fiddy

Attached: csg6nykts28z.jpg (750x585, 45K)

wtf shes adorable in this interview. im starting to think you guys hate just to hate...

Every childless feminist has a crusty bathroom

based fiddy cent


She looks like the girl from high school who is trying to be sexy and cool but also a good student who reports everything to the teachers

Based mouse poster

She's doing the Emilia Clarke face.

fucking based

>dead-lifting 225 pounds
Yeah, 1-rep half deadlift on a smith machine lmao
>'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.'
Dude was just trying to make a compliment lol
>"It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."
Imagine the insecurity on this one

What an incredibly unlikabie person.

Everyone else has a 100:1 to 30:1 ratio, apart fro J-Lo who rocks up closer to 5:1, then Brie turns up with 1:1.

I hope they double down with her and kill them mcu.

What the heck is going on in that picture?

Attached: unknown.png (125x121, 25K)

Why are white women so insufferable


ah my brain

Her feet look like chimp hands.


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