Movies until 2000s/10s

>movies until 2000s/10s
>writer sits down
>what if character couldn't lie?
>...and suppose that his life depends on lying like that of a lawyer?
>...and this happens because he's a successful workaholic lawyer and ignores his son, who wishes his dad couldn't lie for a day
>let me write a comfy family movie out of this

>movies nowadays
>writer launches notes app on his iphone
>dude what if superhero fought supervillian XD
>what if superhero is insufficient but many superheroes come together and fight the villian XD
>what if superhero is gender neutral

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Why are you romantisizing the formulaic shit of the past?
Liar Liar is a good movie but it's completely held together by Jim Carrey.

the only positive thing i said about the particular film is being comfy. what you need to focus on is the difference between a film and utter rubbish.

Alright, I understand that Liar Liar is a mediocre comedy from a time when mediocre comedies were ubiquitous, and that capeshit writers are liberal and have iphones and that capeshit is often not good. But what exactly is the point you are trying to convey?

>1997 in film
Liar Liar
Men in Black
Batman & Robin

>Hack writing was better when it DIDN'T have distracting special effects!!

What a shitshow. Remember 1996?
We got kino like:
Space Jam
The Island of Dr. Moreau

You could of just said

>movies nowadays

Yeah, that's definitely true. Back then the gimmicks had to be built into the writing, it couldn't just be visual flash.

The late 90s might possibly be the platinum age of film.

> '70s -'90s writers
>let's writing some female characters with big titties
>movie has actresses with big titties
yep kino

No. Early 90s.

Pulp Fiction
True Romance
The Usual Suspects
The Shawshank Redemption

Perhaps 90s in film in general is why there's so much nostalgia for the decade overall.
Perhaps like how music did for the 80s nostalgia.

I don't recall Pauly Shore being in any of those films

Now we have the same shit movies, but with flatboards. Progress!

Leap Dave Williams

Starship Troopers
The Fifth Element
Con Air
Austin Powers
Event Horizon
Dante's Peak

Is it just me, or are these guys funny?

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>only posts shitty summer movies for kids
Millennial detected


I was simply cherry picking to form the argument that nothing has changed.
Though clearly it has. Nice humor gland IDIOT

not the OP, but my takeaway is that even mediocre movies from the past still at least had original ideas and required creativity. movies today are just remakes and sequels

Iron Man
The Avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy
Black Panther
Captain Marvel

All are original adaptations of literature. Some have sequels, ones not listed like Incredible Hulk and Doctor Strange have been rebooted for the better.

>All are original adaptations of literature.
based shitposter

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Based because it's literaturely true.

That's idiotic, especially as there's no equivalence between his examples at all.
You can use his methods and claim exactly the opposite just as easily.

It's you. Salmon was okay, made so by Clark and the qt 3.14 from 2.5 men; beerfest is kinda funny when you're 12; supertropes was shit from tip to tail