Have you guys see that Avengers End Game post-credit scene yet???

>Have you guys see that Avengers End Game post-credit scene yet???

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these memes aged so badly, holy effin cringe

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ok incel

>he has a meme image folder that he posts on an anonymous anime site from all day every day
You're not masculine.

Guess the character

Ok schizo

btw I get laid

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>whiteknighting for another man
That's gay and gay isn't masculine either, son of single mommy.

>"aged bad"
only retards say this

>bragging about sex
do you call it 'sexy time' too you low IQ underage

>these memes aged so badly

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Wojak is a visual assistive device to help retards with their debating skills. Sometimes its hard to get your feelings out with just words. Please do not downplay the importance of these "memes" to foster skill development.

how did you know that?

>passive aggressive reddit bugman coming in hot

>tfw embraced wojak as peak abstract art
The real brainlets are the ones who are so anchored to real world issues that they can't be bothered to see artistic value in anything that's freely available or isn't an inoffensive consumer product by media monopolies. Wojak is merely the human spirit autistically lashing out at the state of the world brought on by the bugmen, they will lead us to a new renaissance in the virtual world while the real world tears its self apart.

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>t. incel schizo who got called out one too many times and it broke him

Memes are for retards, kids. That's that.

spoken like a true manchild (or underage)

>i'm an adult!
>i post and appreciate memes!
>writing like a white person doesn't appeal to me!
The utter hypocrisy.

and IS writing like a white person?

imagine being an unironic internet grammar nazi, fucking kek

btw I'm gay. Not sure if that makes a difference or anything lol

>you didn't yell at the other boy for not acting white!
How is that relevant?
>expecting people to act white means you're a nazi!
You really are a fucking simpleton. Keep proving me right. Keep showing me just how little your parents cared about you and their community.

What the hell is that neck tattoo

>goes to an imageboard for debates instead of images
we don't want your gay ass essay about whatever topic makes you feel like you warrant that faked as fuck smuggness. go pull that "I'm no like other retards, I'm actually smart and above it all" bullshit around reddit, i'm sure they'll love it.

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You're not white, so you don't get to speak for the group. I can tell from the way you write.