/wwtbam/ general or whatever
Where's the fucking Who Wants to be a Millionaire thread you cunts?
/wwtbam/ general or whatever
>changing the game for a blind girl
Just got in, how much did the boomer from last night win?
pc gone mental this
>Just fuck my shit up senpai
I’ve seen her in quiz shows as well
Can’t remenber which one tho
Annoying tryhard cunt
jarring post
They really need to scrap the first five questions.
t. manlet
Nah fuck off now
The sad acts that spam quiz shows fuck me off
Get a real job
>that creepy music during the first 5 questions
Stop talking about eyes, it's offensive to the blind contestant.
ha got em
Yeah but it's funny on the off chance someone gets one wrong
that’s me out
What's your dream Saturday.
Celebrity edition when?
Shagging your mum and pet rock smashes drugs
Go granny
is clarkson leading millionaire now? shouldnt the host reflect some sense of trivial knowledge?
There's literally nothing wrong with football hooliganism.
Anyone /Apprentice/ here?
yes and yes. he's really not fit to be there
She's flying through this.
Tea audit, post ‘em
He couldn't answer the question of who is Deadpool's real identity.
No she’s sitting
might do a thing
sucking a golf ball
couldn't answer that either
>mfw i'm a boomer now
That was a very easy £16k question
She's getting cocky tbqh
Think it's Naples
Lol what a retard, imagine not knowing it’s A
It's Naples.
Based boomers.
>I just remembered
Fuck these dickheads who do nothing but apply to go on TV. Losers.
Shes going to go with audience and lose
Blind woman up next
Thank fuck that’s not the case
Sad cunt spamming quiz shows
Get a real job
>Another middle class female boomer
Ever done the Riverdance, lad?
Middle class doesn’t exist
You don't need to sign your posts
You forgot leave voter
How did the stupid bitch not know that?
How does the stupid bitch not know it’s cansda
They had Olympics in 1948? I would have gone for 1928.
fucks SAKE I forgot about this, mum is watching the shit celeb apprentice instead
did I miss anything good?
A succession of boomers
Lol that would’ve been the logical choice
The only reason I somehow knew it was 48 was because the Paralympics were created by us Glorious Brits and that was directly after the second world war
despise this doritos ad
I think she'll come close to winning the one million. She's made some stupid decisions like using the ask the audience for the Dumbledoor question but she's done well so far.
Clarkson is such a cunt
Lol ok
Apprentice has been already
Omid got his cock out
Why would Anne be imprisoned? It's Charles you cunt
Jesus, why would Anne have been imprissoned???!!
Fuck sake
Boomers are fucking thick.
Blind woman up next
Blind woman BTFO
His friend isn’t cute
Shut up
Poor dude
So what, now Yea Forums has a /britfeel/ too? Don't let your eyes be bigger than your stomach now, my cucked nanny islamic state friends.
yank cheeto covered hands typed this post
I'm not a janny now lad. Send me a munchie box and I'll forgive your honest mistake.
SEVERELY underrated post, how did no one commend it?
Only one more day lads