I don't get it
I don't get it
Spooky peanuts
"computers and shit nigga" damn that's really deep and profound
Mind in a Body
Truly great stuff!
It's the most accurate prediction of the future to date
no, it did a terrible job depicting the current clown world we live in. they were so focused on being sincere and serious they could never predict the bullshit that is going on.
The movie feels like its missing at least 30 minutes worth of exposition and character building.
yup, dredd is a much more accurate prediction of the future
> future
>"did a terrible job depicting the current clown world"
> current
Identity and shit
Basically tried to have something to say about how Makoto only felt human because of how people treated her, but they didn't know how to wrap it up and so they just went with ripping off the end of Neuromancer
Very pretty movie though
that's apu
Ghost at the Shell lmao
It has adult subjects and material so its not for Americans
It did not. It doesn´t hold your hand and with explicit information repeated 3 times in different ways like the american formula but the motivations of the Major are crystal clear for the audience.
The union of Motoko and 2501 produces the anti-christ, and Batou is her loyal servant. The irony is that the vast net of infinite possibilities is nothing more than corporate owned servers that can be disabled by pulling the plug or pouring coffee on them.
It´s like Matrix but for smart people.
Random code on the Internet gained sentience, and then found a way to gain a body, making it subject to the laws of any human, since some of the populace like Motoko and most of Section 9 are highly cyberized and not much difference than The Puppet Master now. It's delving into how the line between what is human and what is AI is constantly being blurred with advancements in technology. The scuba diving scene even explains that Motoko does that to feel alive - to feel human, since she is so cyberized.
Damn nigga, pay attention next time instead of playing Angry Birds on your phone.
The title has nothing to do with the original japanese one, dont try to be clever
a ghost in a machine was mentioned in William gibson Johnny Mnemonic and then masamune expanded on it.
Fuck I wish I were Ronald in that scene. Fuck this mundane shit planet.
Motoko in the movie doesn't desire to feel more human, she sees her physical body as a prison.
It's overrated. I remember when otaku faggots in high school talked about it when it first came out.
>"She gets naked dude"
>"It's like really deal though, like, what if your brain was downloaded"
Wow, so cool. Too bad cyber immortality is impossible. You will all die in the Good given flesh you were born in. Brains decay, and copying yourself to a machine is just that, a copy, a cyber clone.
It has good animation, tits and action. There is not much depth to it, it's really not interesting at all.
>look ma, I replied to the whole thread again
>now watch as I spout my opinion like it's fact
Your opinion is garbage and some of the shit you just said is part of the theme of the movie that you apparently missed.
>You will all die in the Good given flesh you were born in. Brains decay, and copying yourself to a machine is just that, a copy, a cyber clone.
That stuff is discussed within the film and the other adaptations. Maybe you should actually watch them.
Sorry it sucks dude. Maybe I just hate it.
Ya I remember the swimming scene.
>" Lol, do you need to have a brain to be you". "What if I'm just data lol".
It's lame, I rather read snow crash or something. Like I said, people liked it because it was edgy 90s tone with cartoon tits. A first for many. The violence is cool and all, but the movie is just boring and it's themes are not interested unless you smoke weed.
They should have had more "fun" with it and maybe it would be redeemed.
>le ship of theseus
Thank you Japan, you are only about 2500 years late to the party
Both wrong. She questions her humanity and by extension the very nature of humanity. Battou can´t understand this doubts and what she is going through because he is part human, he has proof of his own existence while Motoko´s body is not unique thus who is to say that her ghost is. She does believe she has a soul but since a soul is not tangible there is no way to be sure; she could be an AI but if she is an AI that can think and feel then what is the difference between her and a human?
The reason why she feels atracted to the puppet master to the point that she has to prevent section 6 from recapturing/destroying it is because she feels he might have the answers to these questions (which is the same reason the Puppet master had to escape in the first place). None of them actually have the full answers so maybe together they will.
Why is Yea Forums filled with utter brainlets nowadays.
You guys cant even grasp artistic value.
This movie is the peak of it's genre.
I mean, it inspired two trannies to make the matrix so there is that. It's also good porn in the 90s when access is limited. Good stuff.
yeah whatever hang yourself
lmao, fuck off weeb virgin
something something nature of consciousness and identity
It’s about fetishism. Ghost in the Shell = alice in wonderland with a psuedo-serious veneer.
It's impossible right now, you mean.
The truth hurts.
It's definitely worth watching once, but only a week would consider it "thought provoking" or "kino". It's influential for sure though. It inspired better movies like the matrix, which actually has cultural significance and is more enjoyable.
>but only a week would consider it
Dumb phoneposter.
Nope, you might copy your brain data, but you will die in that body of yours.
I'm in my cube making $25hr to shit on your anime.
Hey I was doing that all day. I just like calling out phoneposting. We could be buddies. I left for the day and am back home but drop my cube tomorrow. Let's shoot the shit.
Ghost in the Shell is a story about a future where a soul has been artifically created. That's a big deal. It's like creating life artifically and everybody is sperging out because of it.
seeing the opening sequence as a kid really did something to my pee pee
> The matrix better than Ghost in the Shell
You took it to far... only normies and Reddit are this retarded.
Underrated post
Nah, just use a ship of theseus argument.
Imagine the time scale at which neurons fire. While a neuron isn't firing, it's not interacting with the rest of the brain.
So if that neuron was temporarily gone while it wasn't interacting, your consciousness wouldn't change. It just needs to be there while it's firing.
Now imagine if you could replace a neuron with some advanced electro-mechanical artificial neuron that replicates its behavior, and you could switch out the connections faster than the rate a neuron fires.
You could replace the neurons in the brain one-by-one while they're momentarily not a component of your consciousness, and in the end you'd have an artificial brain that contains your consciousness.
It's all about your perception of the self.
Do you see yourself in the eyes of others ? Then you'll have no issue copying your stuff and "living" forever.
If you're a self centered autist like most of the people on Yea Forums then you'll reject the concept.
Bladerunner for nipps
Innocence is better anyway.
Maybe from an artistic perspective, but the story is barebones and it doesn't make any particular point thematically imo.
The dialogue is shit as well as everyone just constantly quotes random lines of philosophy for no real purpose other than to make the movie sound more intelligent than it is.
I liked it on the whole, but it's got nothing on the original.