IMDB forums deleted entirely

>IMDB forums deleted entirely
>Netflix star ratings removed
>Rotten Tomatoes getting rid of user votes
Is it time to just get rid of the Internet entirely to stop bots and trolls from spreading hateful lies about the high quality movies that our friends in Hollywood work so hard on for our enjoyment?

Attached: download.jpg (211x160, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

We need to remove the parts of the brain that allow free thought and motor control. Humanity must be brought to heal, our sole purpose is to watch consume capeshit.

the fabricated obfuscation that art should be immune from criticism is inherently despotic in nature and leads the intellectual to the paradigm that critiquing art is an art in and of itself and therefore should exist in wholly equal planes of causality.

why are you posting sliding-threads?

Sup Armond

>Netflix star ratings removed
Haha really? Why would they remove that? What a bunch of retards.

>Why would they remove that?
so people can't reliably tell shit from good stuff

Literally because people didn't like Amy Schumer's special.

It was almost two years ago, they claimed to stop the bots from brigading Amy Schumer: The Leather Special

Attached: Netflix-Cancels-5-Star-Rating-System.jpg (798x420, 26K)

Because they didn't want people to know that their Netflix originals were hot garbage. When has censorship ever been for a noble cause?

It is pretty amazing how a woman who is not the least bit talented, funny or attractive became a successful actress just by being a Senator's niece

Not since 1945.


Not even.

I still can't believe the forums are gone. That was a bold fucking move.

Soon only companies will be allowed to review their movies. Screencap this.

More or less they already are.

And a ballsy lie. Imagine running an Internet community since 1998 and saying "we suddenly realized there are trolls on the Internet"

Now is the time brothers and sisters, to rise up and create our own review site.

It seems like the ultimate end goal is to devolve the internet into another one-way medium, like radio, television and newspapers were.

Dissenter's Captain Marvel page is apparently pretty decent. Not sure about the service as a whole though.

how many independent critics are considered in metacritic etc?

Killing the IMDB forums probably opened some kind of pandora's box.

User ratings should be brought back as long as there is some way to verify whether or not said users are toxic. Perhaps some ID verification system to prevent white males from being able to give ratings would do the trick.

But they already do.

There are no bad products, only bad consumers who won't buy the product no matter how objectively worthless it is compared to its betters.

Attached: AlphaCentauriTopLalQuote.jpg (655x238, 82K)

We have a winner here. Only way left for you is to make internet as free as possible for yourself, there are still way. The honeymoon is over.

>>IMDB forums deleted entirely
they were migrated to because god forbid we get rid of the biggest collection of absolute retards who can't understand the simplest movie plot points

Enjoy getting your DNS server banned from all ISPs, PayPal and MasterCard to refuse to let you pay your own server costs, and eventually when you move on to TOR for the pedophiles and terrorists to tell you that they don't want to associate with scum like you

How long until YouTube entirely removes comments and likes instead of the patchwork way they're taking them out now?

I would assume that's why the Star Wars teaser is so late, they're negotiating that now.

>that bitter alt-righer

last thing i heard youtube was threatening to demonetize channels whose videos had comments that didn't measure up to their standards

>Brought to heal

Attached: 329517F3-2B35-48D1-99A2-3FB812BBCF79.png (625x773, 90K)

You need to pay in the first place to rate. Even if people had multiple voting accounts that is just more money for Netflix

because some people said bad things about movies our friends at Hollywood work so hard on despite them being masterpieces.

>bought a phone specifically made for faggots and retards
>has a reaction image folder
>pretends he's not a retard too

It's part of the transformation of the internet from a place for communication and sharing opinions, into a place for pure consumption of pre-made content. User participation will be eliminated and the only truly interactive parts of the internet will be tied to real identity and TOS heavy, sterile, sanitized sites like FB where you can share cat pictures.

I miss the early days. It was slower but fuck, you could be fully anonymous and free.

I unironically think 4channel and/or cripplechan Yea Forums can be evangelized to normies as the last free bastion of movie discussion.

>User participation will be eliminated
only if it cannot be monetized

He's got a point though. The are rigging things so no one will ever be able to "create your own".

Or maybe you're just mentally ill and need to start playing by the rules of common decency. This used to be a virtue for white people.

>slide threads
>on Yea Forums
Jesus man get off the internet

Isn't Gab coming out with a browser extension that allows you to comment on any webpage?

A specific kind of senator, user...

When? When we were killing each other over land? When we were killing non-whites over land? When we were attacking the Irish on the streets? When we were attacking Italians? Jews? Blacks? When England invaded Ireland and oppressed them for 800 years? When Germany invaded Poland for the 6000th time in 5 months? When was "common decency" towards an out-group a "virtue for white people"?

You ought to be thanking him for wasting his time correcting your embarrassing mistake. Now apologize at once, and pray he forgives you

Chuck Schumer is a kike.

I believe the conspiracy about how some shady insider shit from hollywood got posted there and that's why it was nuked. It was too abrupt and out of nowhere to not have been some kind of event that triggered it.

>that nigger freaking out
You wouldn't understand because you're looking in from the outside.
>whiteknighting for another man
Son of single mommy detected. Any point you were trying to make is moot because you're a fag with no dad. Learn how men are supposed to interact in small group situations, Jamal.

I'm whiter than you'll ever be, mutt. If anything you're the one looking in from the outside, given that you'll never actually be white (European). Now tell me when "common decency" towards an out-group was a "virtue for white people".

Sounds awful. Leave normies to the hell they have created.

Its already here and it great

>n-no i'm the white one!
You aren't. Your eyes aren't blue and you don't speak English natively. You're also defending the lower races and don't understand inherently white civic attitudes. You're not white. You'll never be white. You grew up in a nanny state, so you'll never be a real man either. You're nothing. You'll never be anything. Talking to me on this site is the closest you'll ever come to being something. Kill your family.

>Your eyes aren't blue
Except they are. Even better, my country has the third highest rate of blue eyes in the world at 57%. Meanwhile, the USA sits at 16% blue eyes.

>You don't speak English natively
Except I do.

Imagine being an actual mongrel and thinking you're above a pure European. My local pub is older than your entire country. I guess when you're as brown as you are with no culture or heritage to speak of, you need to lie to yourself to stay sane.

5¥ have been deposited on your account. The people must be protected from subversive opinions.

>trying to talk back when a real white man tells you something
Want to know how I know you're not white? Did not read, shitskin nanny state resident with brown eyes. It ended when I told you what you are and what you'll always be: my inferior. Kill your family before they consume natural resources better expended on my children and grandchildren, you disgusting piece of subjugated eurotrash.

Couldn't they just block the ratings for that show? Jesus.

too obvious

>Imagine being an actual mongrel and thinking you're above a pure European. My local pub is older than your entire country. I guess when you're as brown as you are with no culture or heritage to speak of, you need to lie to yourself to stay sane.

Attached: typical euro.jpg (640x480, 26K)

Hmmm... this sounds like it would make money line go down. Bad post.

Commenting has been removed from a lot of websites. The internet used to be about communication. But the media isn't interested in the opinions of the drones.

Oh dear, I've triggered the mutt. I wonder how thie "white man" will react? Will he respond with logic, wit and intelligence like any white man would?

Oh, looks like he instead opted to expose himself as a non-white. Fascinating.

I remember looking into the guy who abused Corey Feldman and Corey Haim many years ago before it was a huge story, and there was this long very specific diatribe in the messageboard comments on the guy that was likely written by Feldman himself. There was a lot of little things around like that on those boards. It was a cool time in internet history.

>Oh dear, I've triggered the mutt. I wonder how thie "white man" will react? Will he respond with logic, wit and intelligence like any white man would?

Attached: euro women.jpg (373x394, 34K)

The gay is off the charts. No wonder my country runs the planet and you just work to pay taxes on refugees. Cuckimus Maximus.

Very angry mongrel. Typical non-white behaviour though. Being angry at you would be like being angry at a dog for barking.

Every single one of your posts is saturated with faggoty sass because that's all your continent breeds. All the testosterone producing genes died off in the last war that my country had to save your thoughtless femme asses from, sissy.

Settle down mongrel, the white man is talking.

>>Rotten Tomatoes getting rid of user votes
fake news
only thing they got rid of was the "want to see" score

Your posts keep getting shorter. Good to see my white genes still have the stamina to outperform the lower races of europe who have moor and mongoloid and every other variety of subhuman in their immediate lineage.

It's because I don't need to work very hard to put down a mutt.

will both of you faggots shut the FUCK up?

IMDB forums were great. Most trolls and idiots were on the new movie boards. I don't even give a SHIT about mainstream and new stuff.

Going to a forum for some old anime movie and reading interesting stuff. All gone now.

You don't need to work at all in a nanny sate, apparetnly. Are you sure it's not just the fact that you're a lazy nigger and you always get treated like a child that's keeping you from going the distance with a real white man, Achmed?

Ah yes, the mutt brain at work.

the "trolling" happened on the off-topic or political discussion forums. yea no shit IMDB. instead of getting rid of all non-movie related forums they just closed it entirely.

people were triggered because of the good old american conservative vs democrat in the offtopic forums

>when the lower race gets tired and defeated, he starts resorting to pointing out typos instead of PUTTING IN THE WORK LIKE A WHITE MAN and crafting actual banter
You're just not good at anything are you, Mohammed? I guess that's why my country puts military bases on your soil and not the other way around. You're basically my slave for this reason.

Bark again for me, mutt. Your master demands it.

>when the fact that his country is my country's bitch, he starts pretending he's the one who has the power in the conversation
I see I hit a nerve, Ahmad.

That's it, mutt. Do as your white superior tells you. Bark again.

What I don't get about you fucking muttposting schizos is how you simultaneously go "I'm white, you're not white, you mutt" and also "true proud white men like me are tolerant and diverse, in fact I'm sucking a refugee's dick right now, racist mutts won't understand"

Get away from my subhuman toy, kid. I'm the one bullying him.

Im tired of these threads. If you don't like the movie then shut up about it. And you know what? Fuck misogyny, fuck incels, fuck Louis CK, fuck Alita Battle Angel, fuck the GOP, and fuck Trump.

>literally tell the mutt that white men have never been nice towards any out-group populations
Imagine being a mutt with such a pathetic, mongrel IQ.

Imagine immediately invalidating your post by showing you're not white.

>the non-white can't tell who's talking to him
No wonder your country hasn't accomplished anything in 75 years, shitskin.

probably because it really upsets certain people

>the mutt can't tell that "the mutt" refers to him, but that my second quote was simply mocking that a separate mutt couldn't follow the conversation
>even using "a mutt" didn't help him piece together that I wasn't talking singularly to him
The mutt IQ strikes again.

>so angry about getting destroyed by his american master that he stops putting reply links in his post
What's so hard about propriety for you non-whites?

>the mutt starts foaming at the mouth
Bark again, mutt.

She's also getting another Netflix special.
I'm serious.

What's so hard about answering simple questions your master asks you for you non-whites?

And again, mutt. Remember who owns you.

>shes' repeating herself ad nauseum
I'll just claim victory. Not surprising this is how it went, considering her nanny state education.

>Not sure about the service as a whole though
Its Torbaware, I wouldn't waste my time with it.

And again mutt. I own you.

That's my thought too, but the concept seems decent enough

normies cant handle a little banter

Is there a version for firefox or brave on Android?

Youtube is planning on removing dislike button too.

>Imagine not being able to imagine because your mutt brain is too mutated to function in such a manner

Attached: 1541003466912.png (330x189, 26K)

YouTube is already blocking comments on movies with kids in them.

Considering there are what, at least one billion under 16s on this planet? Its fucked.

Attached: Anise_Status_(TotA).jpg (800x1024, 282K)

>oh no we can't brigade online forums anymore because we're mad that the lead is not a straight white man!


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This country's such a fucking joke