The Shield is horribly underrated

The Shield is horribly underrated.

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I agree, but fuck you


he doesn't say the n word he says "darkie"

no it's not, the fact that it's mentioned in so many site's and people's best shows of all time lists balances it out.
Still a lot better than sons of analchy

I miss Lem. He was too pure. Though Ronnie was the mvp the entire series.

He drops it a few times, especially against Antone. "You're still just a nigger! With a faggot nigger son!"

And where's the respect in that?

i was looking for a show like the shield and people told me to watch justified does it get a real story after season 1 or does it just stay case of the week for the whole show?

I had high hopes for Sons coming off of The Shield. It could have been great, it just went off the rails. Kurt Sutter needs somebody to pull him back in.

only watched the first and second seasons. the show got way worse as it went on.

fucking chromosome collectors

It really went to shit after the first few seasons.


Not really. I hear redditors like you talking about it here all the time.

even acting retarded is retarded

You write like a black kid. This site isn't for you.

t. ard

Vic outplayed Shane so hard he killed his family and himself
Shanefags are retards

>getting all zany because you know you lost

It starts to have a continuous storyline about halfway through season 2. I almost dropped it after season 1 but it does get a lot better. Nowhere near as good as the shield though

>previously on the shield

Who was the Janetty?

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he suc

The Sneed is horribly underrated.

They were pretty based when they debuted on the main roster but if they re-formed I’d need to see a brap gimmick to get me to pop again like the old days

Obviously Seffetty

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fuck, anton was such a great bad guy desu

Thank you user !

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First 3 seasons are kino, then it gets progressively worse. Season 1 best season finale of any show.

best cop show ever followed by miami vice. the wire is overhyped because
> muh niggers
> muh hbo
> muh hamsterdam

me on the right

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>Same recap of Aceveda sucking dick for the 10th episode in a row

Yikes, somebody must have really hated the actor or character during the production.