Why does every Jewish filmmaker HAVE TO make at least one film about Nazis?

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So you never forget about what you did to us.

They like to dress up like hitler a lot too. Weird.

They're still butthurt about the Holocoast.

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Why do Hollywood actresses pretend to earn less - attention

Why has no one ever made a full version of Springtime for Hitler?

you mean the thing that never happened? huh..

What am I looking at?

If you tell a lie enough times, people will believe it:

Michael Jackson is a pedo. Man-made global warming will kill us all if we don't act now. Israel is our greatest ally. Circumcision is healthy. Hitler wanted to take over the world. The Civil War was over slavery. Russia helped Trump win the election.

The specific reason for the Holocaust lie is money and sympathy. Germany pays billions in reparations to Jews, and the Holocaust lie is integral to the justification for the existence of Israel.

I have been asking this for YEARS

>The Civil War was over slavery.
redpill me on what it was, then
Lincoln wanted to move all blacks to Liberia then a Democrat plant shot him

The north pushing the south around

They're really, REALLY fucking butthurt about the nazis. They haven't even gotten over the whole Egypt thing yet.

>Man-made global warming will kill us all if we don't act now
>The Civil War was over slavery
These are true
Also the holocaust is not a lie, they just lie about the scale of it.

Taxation without representation. The North controlled the federal government and put taxes on the South that they deemed unfair. The Revolution against Great Britain was fought over less.

If the global warming warnings were true, we'd all be dead already. These claims have been made for decades, and they're always wrong. Global warming is more like a doomsday cult than science.

To make you incels upset lmao

woah..why was Lincoln shot then? Wilkes was a Democrat plant, 100%.


There was no 'holocaust' because the holocaust implies a systematic effort to kill all the jews. Jews certainly died in the war, but there were no gas chambers. If they weren't trying to kill the jews in a grand conspiracy there is quite literally no holocaust.

We haven't all died yet because to some extent we heeded the warnings, even then the effects are starting to show.

It was revenge for starting the war. Even under the blue-pilled version, this is pretty clear isn't it?

Global CO2 emissions go up and up every year. Idk what you're talking about.

climate change denial was the exact point I realized american conservatives are just as insane as their liberals. Imagine making scientific fact a political issue because you are that allergic to agreeing with your opposition on anything

she's carefully letting out a brapper at the dinner table

do you think hitler would've been a nazi if scarjo had brapped in his face?

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When Hitler was young, young Jewish males were sexing Frauleins while he watched with hatred
WW2 was the biggest incel rage in world history, that and All*ed subversion especially thanks to that warmonger cunt Churchill

Because 6 billion lampshades and soap

nazis are still butthurt from losing the war


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Fuck off faggot. You won't stop China, you won't stop India, you won't put down your materialistic shit, you won't stop shitting on nuclear, so take your posturing and shove it up your ass.
Never was I more satisfied than when I asked two virtue signalling whores why do wind power plants an exemption from the law about endangered species and saw their confused fuckfaces.

if they had won, the unbelievable communist atrocities in China, Russia, Cambodia, Vietnam, et al, would have never occurred. Why do you hate brown people?

I've literally seen /pol/lacks use shit from the Medieval period as "proof" of the Anglo menace; these people will spend hours looking up random Wikipedia articles that describe events multiple centuries apart and then compile them into MS Paint just because they're that upset the Germans lost both World Wars. And these people make zero money from it, to boot (at least Holocaust movies get some Yid directors some cash).

But Jews talking about something that happened to them in relatively recent memory on a mass-scale is apparently being irrationally upset over something that's long since passed. I think it's part of the reason they're so obsessed with the idea that the Holocaust is fake, because actually acknowledging millions died would at least make sense as to why they weren't fond of Nazis.


The southern planter class feared emancipation and I would say that's the primary cause, but there was a growing southern nationalism that saw federalizing, yankee mercantile capitalists as a betrayal of the principles of the American Revolution. No southern farm boy enlisted over slaves

Please don't talk shit about taika. Also that movie is going to be pure fucking kino you Nazi scum

I've heard the southern secession described as the very last serious conservative reaction to the forces of 19th century liberalism and industrial capitalism

Why does David Geffen rape children?

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Why would I shit on nuclear, I have been a huge supporter since I was like 8.
Not everybody fits into your neat little boxs but thats the only way Americans can think apparently.
Fuck endangered species too, we don't need most of them. and we can stop china and india with military might.

>poles get genocided by germans in ww2
>demand poles for ww2 reparations


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ayo hol up goy, are you even THINKING about forgetting about the 6 gorillion

>conservative reaction to the forces of 19th century liberalism
the south was free trade, the north was protectionist

Only if they want to be on the Academy.

Mental illness, they are brainwashed from kids to think of themselves as eternal victims. A friend from Israel didn’t give a single duck about it, he knew nobody who had a family member genuinely die in WWII let alone a holocaust, yet his school and his synagogue hammered it into him nearly every day.

>we can stop nuclear armed states with military might
>lost to fucking vietnam and afghan sandniggers
Oh no no no no no

You weren’t there, nobody here did anything. Time to stop kvetching and money grubbing or go live in Israel.

True story: during Winter Soldier she actually farted/queefed on Sebastian Stan and the stuntman doubling with him for the fight scene and made one of them nearly vomit with the stench - like dogs hit and fish mixed up. She is infamous for having a strong stench down there, it’s borderline unholy.

Israelis are a different breed. Poor America and the anglosphere got the crooked libtard aligned money grubbers.

By we I meant the rest of the world combined. Only by coming together as a species can we stop the threat china poses not just to the environment but to society as a whole.

Taika is a psychotic closeted weakling who hates beautiful women and white men, that’s why his films are shit, including Thor Ragnarok.

wtf i hate the confederacy now
