Captain Marvel is going to flop, it’s over!

>Captain Marvel is going to flop, it’s over!

Hmm, where have I heard that before...

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Your Mom flops onto greasy hobo dick.

Solo? Ghostbusters? Tomb Raider?

I'll take a nationalist black man over a roastie cunt any day.

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Laundering syndicates

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From a handful of people that never represented the board as whole, but you'd really like that to be the case so you can continue making up lies and screaming about incels?

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>nigger pandering
>feminazi pandering
what sjw crap is next?

The MCU version of the X-Men will be an all trans team.

i'm convinced people say X movie is gonna flop so they can later post threads like these

I hope it's a wild success.

MCUcks deserve an SJW invasion.

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I can't wait til more people are awakened to the tranny issue and learn that it is a totally normal brain tranny view that women should be killed for saying that men who cut off their dicks aren't women.

There's a long history of successful black entertainers with cross-cultural appeal.
Nobody ever finds feminists entertaining except other feminists.

Alternatively, and stay with me here - what if there are many people on Yea Forums with different opinions to one another?


The difference is that American nigs are an extremely racist and monolithic group who see only skin color. Nigs flocked to the theaters because Black Panther is a movie made of, by, and for blacks. Women aren't really into action flicks, especially not capeshit flicks, and women as a whole are more independent thinkers than nigs. There will be a sizeable portion of the bitter, angry, fat, ugly, jealous misfit females who will patronize Captain Marvel, but there are precious few women in relationships with men who are interested in this movie. As such, Captain Marvel will be one of the least productive capeshit movies of recent years.

>black panther
>made by blacks

>[CM] Where's Fury

>[BW] Who are you?

>[CM] I said where's Fury?!

>[CA] Ok lets just calm down for a sec-

*puts hand on CM's shoulder*

*CM looks at it, looks at Cap with something that is supposed to be indignant but comes off as constipated*

*punches Cap through a wall, blasts Banner before he can transform, blocks a couple of strikes from BW before kicking her*

*CM looks at Rhodes*

>[R] Man, I'm too old for this crap

There are more blacks than woman in the US

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didn't ghost busters kind of break even? And where incels raging against tomb raider?

My fever is kicking in again...

It will probably flop in terms of reviews but it will still make a decent amount of money. After endgame nobody will remember this movie anyway and they'll seed the x-men and/or galactus and fantastic four and people will lose their shit. Marvel will keep rolling on as usual. No I am not a Marvel shill, I'm just getting used to how this works.