What happened to Hae-Mi?

What happened to Hae-Mi?

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Why was he so smug?

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kidnapped and murdered

>even Korean girls want the BBC
The white man's done for.

she left because the guy called her a whore
or she was trafficked
or she was murdered

Literally me

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Craving for white cock is small hunger. Craving for BBC is big hunger.
Average Corean girls dance until small hunger transforms into big hunger.


I want to marry Steven Yeun :(

This was pure kino, I'm glad it was never explicit about what happened to her, pretty sure she got sold into slavery or something tho

Does the book differ much to the film?

Why would he sell her into slavery when he's already rich? Wouldn't it be more likely be murder?

are you dense? the implication that she was murdered is so heavy and unsubtle. the movie was kino until that point and then they spoon fed everything to you.

It's not the greenhouse that he thought was a plastic, useless, drain on society.

Isn't this just the chink version of Talented Mr. Ripley?

Yeah except even if it is heavily implied, there is no actual proof or confirmation of it. There's a lot of that in this movie.

Explain to Hae-Mi what a metaphor is.

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Yea I guess the cat answering to boil was a bit in your face, maybe it was never meant to be ambiguous for the audience, we were just meant to empathize with the confusion and panic
He says he 'plays' for a living and is super rich, we never have any idea where his money comes from but it's at least implied that he makes money in a shady way
>rich people don't want more money

there is very heavy, very overt implication that she's dead underscored by an even more heavy-haned, more overt theme. If that speck of open-endedness constitutes "kino" for you, which I assume it does because you're unironically using the word "kino" in the first place, then you're a giant simp.

Relax big guy

yeah i didn't say kino, not the original guy you were replying to. maybe head on back if you're not used to the anonymous posting format

His talk about the greenhouse heavily suggested that he killed a girl every couple of months because he enjoyed it. Selling a girl every couple of months doesn't seem like it would make you a millionaire but who knows.

ching chong bing bong lmao

Absolutely Lynchian

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most of the events in the movie have a "speck" of uncertainty and the director has said that it is one of the main "themes" of the movie (the cat, the well, her disappearance etc.) I guess you missed that

Either way the outcome is basically the same, my headcanon is that he's a human trafficking kingpin, but even if that's true he could have killed her for fun

He was helping women get out of the country, at the end when he was doing the girls makeup it was for fake passport photos, the drawer of things are mementos of the women he helped, them leaving something of their old life with him. The reason all of haemis creit cards were maxed was to pay him for the service.
In short Ben, dindu muffin he a good boy.

She had pretty decent tits for a Korean, unless she also got a boob job

there is a quick scene with his family, they seem very rich

no, I got it. I don't think that makes it particularly deep. Frankly, people's over the top fawning over this (albeit good) movie seems to be a result of the old "foreign film + slow beautiful shots = amazing" equation

it's a fine movie. it is by no means worth the ejaculatory praise it has garnered on Letterboxd and the like

It's South Korea, the movie isn't about Mexicans crossing the border or anything like that.

>32 years old

I thought asians didn't age well?

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I'm not gay but I kinda want a cute Asian husband to cuddle and play video games with

Pretty gay desu

I expected a convential thriller and got a Haneke-tier meditation on the nature of violence.

Best film of 2018 imho.

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>What happened to Hae-Mi?
she left. simple as that

Why did Ben have her watch and cat? And why was her suitcase still in her apartment?

>extremlly basic story about a rich shady NEET who kidnaps and kills girls and dgaf if he's caught
>kino because it's got long dragging scenes (intro conversation in the alley, the useless topless dancing scene, crappy shite) and it's relatively vague and open ended
so this is the secret to filmmaking

If it's so easy why don't you make a film that will get nominated at Cannes.

The virgin ed neet vs the CHAD entrepreneur serial killer

The exact moment I pressed "q" on my keyboard to exit the media player. Then I help the power button for good measure to hardware reboot without unmounting the filesystem and hopefully corrupting the video file.

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>who kidnaps and kills girls
You're a double IQ brainlet if you think this actually happened. The cat is never shown in the apartment to the audience or him, it only comes to him by chance when he calls it.

>cat pops out of nowhere instead of being spotted lounging around the killer's apartment
this is what I meant by being extra vague
>ooh I'll have the dead girls' cat answer to the incel
>ooh wait I'll have the cat away from the killer's place! Subversion! So vague, so weird! Can't wait for everyone to jerk to this scene at Cannes!

There's no evidence that Ben killed her apart from possibly having Hae-Mi's cat and watch but her landlady said she didn't have a cat and the watch could just be coincidence.

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>There's no evidence
yeah that's my point retard
aspie artsy director vagues up the movie with a basic as fuck plot so brainlet like you can discuss it like it's 2deep4u
wake the fuck up asshole, the landlady part was a lazy bit of writing for extra vagueness, that's all

I'm not the same person you were talking to

The book is in fact a short story with a very different main character (a married guy). The barn burning in the book could hardly be something else than the murder of the girl. If you can find an online version you should read it, it's really short.

Ok, but you can't answer who did it, right? Meaning it makes you think, and form an opinion based on events and characters depicted. And it was a compelling film, no? So how isn't it a good film?

Why not telling it to Jongsu then ?

It was cheap because the director just made it deliberately vague and indulged in artsy scenes like the topless dancing bit and the parts with the incel jogging around for ages
there's slow burn and then there's this shit

He was a liberal.

It seemed like her tits were bigger in the second nude scene compared to the apartment scene.

>Ok, but you can't answer who did it, right?
Who fucking cares, autist? Nothing about the mystery is compelling.

Ben helped her "disappear" like she wanted to (and took care of her cat for her)

Yeah I was thinking the same thing

>refused money from her own family
>somehow afforded plastic surgery

She just went off to the next guy that gave her money.

Jong-Su had so much guilt over calling her a whore the last time he saw her that he convinced himself Ben killed her.

Jong-su killed Haemi. Ben doesn't exist it was all in Jong-Su's mind.

Anyone asking this question is legitimately retarded. She's dead. Most of the directors work involves a death.

Why did The Shoplifters get Palme d'Or over Burning?

Why did Ben have her watch?

My favourite scene of 2018. Absolutely stunning

Not that user but girls have left shit at my place that I’ve found the next day or months later. Not that uncommon, girls forget shit all the time.

My ex used to leave stuff at my apartment as a 'test' to see how I would react. I think I was supposed to not care if her stuff was at my place (I didn't) but I was trying to be a nice guy and let her know she left something.

People think child actors doing a decent job is literally the most amazing thing a movie can do.

It was just a stoned girl dancing with scenery

not that guy, but did that scene start bright and end dark? maybe I'm remembering it wrong

She got depressed and was brought into the house

>local qt just casually asks you out
yeah, sure

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They were neighbours and went to the same school.

Did you somehow miss how she was ugly in high school, was bullied/picked on by him, and got plastic surgery out of insecurity?

I seriously hope you don't do this. Why are Russians such plebs, why can't they just read subtitles and instead dub everything?

>I seriously hope you don't do this.
don't worry I don't, this rip has an original audio and English subtitles

She went back to north korea, when she was discovered as a spy who killed the original Hae-Mi and took her name

Literally no point in theory crafting for this film. Go watch memento or pulp fiction if you want to debate "this is what really happened!"

she is the orange.
I think she suicide after poor boy shame her and he is coping thinking that rich boy kill her trying to give his life some meaning by inventing plots

Did she fuck Ben?

She ran away to hide her debts.

Chad is innocent

My theory is that when Ben mentioned burning greenhouses, he was actually talking about murdering girls. That's why Ben said it would be very close, and the protag never finds a burnt greenhouse. The only thing that threw me off is the flashback right after, it should not be there.

Also, what was the point of the well? Why did some people say there was a well, and some people deny it?

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>”let me invite this guy who watched - for two weeks - the cat that I just stole up to my house. He’ll never be able to tell”

This is what brainlets actually believe. If he did it and stole her cat then he would under no circumstances invite her up to his apartment

She didnt get the story right because

if there's a well she's not a liar
if there isnt then she's a liar

What was he doing out in the countryside during that one sequence?

Why did Jong Su have all those knives?

I'm pretty sure after thinking very much about the film that Steven Yeun's character essentially helps girls like Shin Haemi, girls who are at the short end of the stick and want to 're-invent' themselves by leaving everything in their life behind and becoming someone completely different. One of these methods is basically learning how to convincingly lie to their friends about past experiences, or about completely new traits about themselves. Hence the whole 'pantomime' technique. I feel like the whole 'trip to Africa' was a lie and Shin Haemi was consulting Ben on how to detach herself from her old life and leave everything behind. One of her motivations clearly being to become an actress. If she can convince her only friend, if she is willing to take drastic measures, then she has what it takes.

She's obviously able to convincingly conjure up stories (she already aspired to become an actress beforehand and could lie to her parents in the past), and I feel like Ben convinced her to lie to the one person she truly trusted, Jongsu. In the scene involving her dancing topless at dusk, I think its supposed to portray her feelings of re-inventing herself as someone new, then when her high slowly fades away she realizes how much she has lost her old self. This is further emphasized when Jongsu confronts her about becoming a whore. I felt it was somewhat odd at first that she would lie to the one person she trusted, but I believe Ben convinced her to do so.

I think when Ben is seen with a different girl after she disappears, is when he feels Haemi is ready to be on her own, and he takes on his next disciple. The whole statement on how 'you don't believe you have an orange in your hand, you 'forget' it's not there in the first place' really comes into play here. That's why he keeps her watch and her cat. That's why he lies to Jongsu's face and convinces Haemi to do so as well.

Ben probably has some sort of superiority complex, and, as he puts it simply, 'plays' with other people. He loves seeing others go through different emotions, ones he can't go through himself (he states he can't cry), he's fascinated with manipulating others into transforming into completely different people, and seeing them lie to themselves, and others, thus 'playing' with their emotions. Definitely a hobby that came as a by-product of growing up rich and not learning about dealing with consequences of one's own actions. Which is why he seems genuinely surprised when Jongsu stabs him and kills him in the end, since he thought it was all a game and he himself would never be on the receiving end. I personally think Ben had so much money to himself he never had to work, and boredom drove him to manipulating others as a sense of satisfaction, with the objective of allowing his victims to transform themselves being some sort of 'moral' justification for his actions.

But what about the phone call from Hae Mi which sounds like she’s running away from someone?

A lot of what we see of Ben is through Jong-su's tainted perception (he is jealous of Ben's wealth and possibly Hae-mi's attention) which makes innocuous things like the yawning seem more insidious than they could actually be,

a) Ben could literally be burning women. Cremation and makeup are spelled the same in Korean. The bracelets and watches he keeps could very well be mementos or trophies from his victims. He kills women who he knows no one will look for because they are in such a ditch in their lives.

b) He traffics them (specifically, he sells them as sex slaves in Africa). He promises women who come from humble and unfulfilling lives a life of luxury and adventure without revealing what that entails. We know he has traveled to Africa more than once (note all the African art and souvenirs in his apartment) and his door man mentions to Ben that he is back from home (which we find out later is a lie since his family clearly lives in Korea). While he could very easily come from money, which I think plays into the commentaries on class and what people inherit, this could explain his income. This makes me consider that him showing off the women to that specific circle of friends is not just him parading around these "low class" people for their amusement but also a way of "showing off the wares" so to speak, specially if they are also involved in that as well.

c) His way of "burning abandoned greenhouses" is taking these women from sad sack lives and giving them new lives. This is the one I think there is the least evidence for but again works if you consider that our perception of Ben is through Jong-su's lens who is essentially a jealous country bumpkin who doesn't understand metaphor, takes everything literally (checking the sames greenhouses for a month+).

I think that if the ending where Jong-su kills Ben is real and not imagined (which is a whole other tangent), it plays into Ben having no idea what happened to Hae-mi. For one, if he did kill her, why would he be surprised Hae-mi isn't there and arrive without protection into something he would know absolutely know is a trap?

He took the word "roastie" too literally


I’m so confused now
