Star Wars: Attack of the Clones or The Last Jedi

Overall which is better?

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How is this even a question. AOTC has flaws but it's got an actual story, actual characters, actual world building, sets up the next movie, has good music, sexy padme, need I fucking go on.

TLJ has nothing of value except the third lesson Luke teaches Rey which they cut out of the movie anyway.

Attack of the Clones easily but I like them both

>TLJ has nothing of value except the third lesson Luke teaches Rey which they cut out of the movie anyway.

Wait Luke teached Rey anything? Holy shit he spent the entire film telling her he didn't give a fuck and how everything was black pilled for him. Maybe I missed those parts. Movie was retarded as fuck.

TLJ. Only butthurt incels hate TLJ. It’s a universally praised movie for a reason.

Attack of the clones at its worst is a 5.5 out of 10
its fair score is a 7

TLJ at its best is a 3/10
fair score is a 2

There is no movie. Ever.
that was a bigger failure than TLJ.

AotC is a terrible movie that gave us hilarious memes, good video games, and interesting races and planets

TLJ is a terrible movie.

this, obviously.

attack of the clones felt like star wars at least.

Attached: TLJ.png (787x746, 60K)

Attack of the Clones is awful, 5/10 at best. That being said it is awful for select reasons, it does have good parts, and the adventure aspect with Obiwan is good. Really just any part with Anakin was trash.

That being said, TLJ is even worse. It doesn't make sense, is not particularly fun or interesting from a lore perspective, and worst of all managed to fuck up the trilogy tying shit up and not giving people much to look forward to.

This isn't even a fair competition.

Attack of the Clones is easily the best. AOTC is also better than TFA and R1. Haven't seen Solo yet but it's likely better than that too.

all things are better than AotC tbphwyf

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>>TLJ has nothing of value except the third lesson Luke teaches Rey which they cut out of the movie anyway.

What was it, I can't be fucked to waste the bandwidth downloading the bonus disk of this Disney turd.

Equally shit.

ATOC is for people of high intellect who have an understanding of late Roman Republic politics and history

TLJ is literally 2 hours of Rian Johnson taking a huge dump on the fandom of star wars and the previous reboot JJ Abrams made.

what a stupid question

of course attack of the clones is better
fucking spaceballs is a better star wars movie than the last jedi

Space balls is a Kino movie

no argument there
but its not a star wars movie

and yet even not being a star wars movie, its a better star wars movie than the last jedi

TLJ is infinitely better. Better writing, characters, music, honestly there isn't a single thing I'd say episode 2 does better other than """world building"""

one is regular shit after a healthy fibrous breakfast

the other is taco bell shit. runny, sour and burns your asshole for days

>The actor who played the most beloved character in all of film agrees to reprise his role and do whatever you want.

That's a four billion dollar check right there. It doesn't matter how successful the ST is, it was guaranteed to be the biggest financial success of all time if they just did the most obvious thing and bring back Luke.

for the life of me I cant tell if these comments are sarcastic, trolling, or serious.

How can anyone who was ever close to being a star wars fan ever look at the last jedi and not be enraged with fury

ITT: 30 year olds saying TLJ is better. Teens saying AotC is better

and with the easiest lay up of all time, they absolutely blew it.
Not only blew it, they assassinated his character like a common ple

I'm 30 and I fucking hate TLJ

AOTC is alright

At least TLJ doesn't have Lucas tier dialogue

im 30 and if another 30 year old who was a SW fan ever suggested TLJ was anything better than a horrific abortion I would be tempted to hit them in the face.

The question was which is better. AotC is a pile if shit. So is TLJ, but only slightly less.

Attack of The Clones is both more cohesive and more coherent. You don't have to like it to agree with me.

guess I should have been clearer. Adults saying TLJ is better. Children saying AotC is better.

They're both shit. AotC is supreme shit. The only people that would struggle with this is people that were literally babies when they saw AotC.

Even if you want to argue that the AotC script is better, that's about it. The production design, the lighting, cgi, editing, costuming, the performances, etc are all fucking CRAZILY BAD in AotC. That shit is at least competently executed in TLJ.

I know right, different opinions trigger me too

It's literally 2.5 hours, actually.

Attack of the Clones is better, which is funny because I used to consider it the worst Star Wars movie until The Last Jedi changed that.

AOTC is schlock but still enjoyable. TLJ is legitimately one of the worst big budget movies ever made

I thought the same. Also upon consideration, TFA is equal with AOTC because they got some things better than AOTC, but fucked up badly in ways that AOTC didn't.

Difference of opinion?

No. this goes way way way beyond that.
Im not a whiney little bitch like most of the people here or on Facebook who complain over every single movie. I usually fight with those people.

I have only ever spoken out against maybe 3 movies.
1 being iron man 3.
2 being the last jedi.

The last jedi was such an enormous spit in the face to anyone with a quarter of a brain it is incredible.
it is terrible in every single way a movie can be terrible aside form nice graphics.
Plot, character dev or any kind of growth, answering mysteries, adding intrigue, solving issues, universe consistency, plot points and sections having any effect on the over all story, the mishandling of the biggest character of all time - Luke.

if there was 50 major decisions to make, they mediocrely passed on maybe 2 of them, and horrifically failed on the other 48.
saying otherwise is an insult to my own intellect.

They are both fucking garbage

Pros of Attack of the Clones:
No Rey
B1 Droids

Pros of Last Jedi
Visually interesting even though the choreography is really bad (if the choreography for the throne room fight had been done well that scene would have been great, removed from the plot)

Who gives a shit? They're not canon. The only Star Wars movies were the original 3 and maybe arguably Rogue One. The prequels, sequels, books, games and cartoons are just fluff made for children and 45 year olds looking to relive their childhood.

In 5 years, TLJ is going to be memed about as the best star war movie by contrarians and edgesters.

I recently rewatched the prequels for the first time since they were in theatres because of the JarJar theory

Though I'm disappointed Lucas didn't go through with the JarJar Sith Lord build up, they do have enjoyable parts. Honestly, if anakin and padme written a bit better and they never casted that kid, the trilogy would be beloved. If anything, Ewan's Mcgregor's obi-wan shits all over anything the new trilogy has mustered thus far.

AotC has a story, it's senate subplot was interesting, and the characters not named anakin or padme were 3D. Much more than I can say for that abortion known as TLJ

I went the shallow route and decided AOTC gets the edge just because it has Jango Fett.

That's already happened. Shit moves so fast now because of the internet.

It's sad but true. Remember when the fandom relentlessly shat on Clone Wars?

Fuck, I didn't even like the prequels and I'd sooner watch all three for the third time than The Last Jedi a second.

in fairness that opinion is the closest thing to fact ive ever seen.
Its equivalent to being a teacher and grading a paper on a scale of 100 points, and giving it a 6. You can try to be nice and seek out reasons to give a better score - but a catastrophe is a catastrophe.
Anyone who looks at it with and logic or understanding can argue it is anything between a 1/100 and a 25/100 compared to what the movie should have easily been a 110/100

How is that even a question? AotC is miles ahead of fucking TLJ. George can't write a scc ript to safe his live but atleast knows how to sell toys and hire competent visal directors.
Rian just winged it and tried to deconstruct Star Wars in a mainline movie that was supposed to use setups from TFA. Also the movie is way to fucking long and Rian can't cut a movie to save his live. It didn't help, that apparently everyone at Lucasfilm thought leaving that manchild to his own devices was a good idea.
People will study the failure of TZJ and the implosion of Star Wars afterwards for Generations.
Even in the distant year of 3000 AD, we will study Star Wars and how inept Rian really is. He made history, I'll give him that.

No. You can't "grade" art objectively

>says adults saying tlj is better but acknowledges AotC had a superior script.

Only babies care about effects. Set design goes to AotC, world building goes to AotC, and, most importantly, characters go to AotC by far(with the exception to Del Toro). I would take Hayden's Anakin over Rei any day of the week, 365 days a year.

>world building
World building doesn't make or break a script

>Better writing, characters, music
No, no, and not even fucking close.
The writing in TLJ is just beyond terrible. There's not a writing element that AotC fails at that TLJ doesn't manage to do even worse.
AotC is at least a character-driven story, even if it fails at some of the details.
And even Lucas' famous clunkers are better than most of of Rian's twitter-tier dialog.
What characters? Rose Tico, Supreme Leader Snoke, Admiral Holdo, General Cokehead, Mary Sue? The characters in TLJ are fucking terrible. Most are just flat-out retarded and those that aren't are inconsistent.
If you can't see how the music in AotC is infinitely superior to TLJ I'm really not sure what to say. I might even say John Williams work in the prequels is some of the greatest in his career.

>AotC is at least a character-driven story
I don't think you know what that even means. A detective plot (e.g. Obi-Wan) is the polar opposite of character-driven.

I didn't say that. I said the script is better AND the world building is better

a movie? sure you can.

>character development
0 out of 10.
You can quite literally skip TLJ and go from episode 7 to 9 and not be confused, because NONE of the characters changed at all.

60% was useless filler with zero direction and zero contribution.

the wisdom and life lessons from the original trilogy seem like a light year away in the face of simplistic 4 year old lessons about how war is bad, and how fly boys should trust women.
Oh yeah, and don't ever question authority kids!

>following well defined themes
the entire original trilogy was Lukes character arc, and Rian threw it in the trash as if it never existed and had him behave in a manner opposite to what the entire trilogy built.
and oh yeah, surprise! you can use light speed as a weapon now!

I can write you a fucking book about why anyone who rates this more than a 2/10 is a complete. fucking. retard.

You can give it the grade you think it deserves, but it's still only your opinion, not fact.

>says adults saying tlj is better but acknowledges AotC had a superior script.
No I'm saying EVEN IF you wanted to say that, it's still a skeleton covered in degenerate shit.

It is unambiguously NOT a "superior" script to ANYTHING.

>Only babies care about effects.
No it's filmaking. Not "effects." It's the whole gestalt of a production. And by EVERY measurable standard, AotS is historically fucking bad.
>world building goes to AotC,
LOL. Muh venetian space gondolas!
>characters go to AotC by far
yeah like that lizard robot! And that 50's diner fat fish monster guy!
> I would take Hayden's Anakin
I don't like sand

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Last Jedi. Fucking hate them both but Clones is fucking irredeemable. At least Last Jedi was shot well for the most part.

That's not how it works.

The Prequel Trilogy had detractors that had the power to say how much they were shit cause they were writing for media. Even pointing to the RT score, the critic scores are midlist at best.

Phantom Menace got 54% Critical Score, with its Top Critic score at 41%. AOTC got 65% for Critical score, 42% for Top Critics score. Revenge of the Sith got 79% for Critic score and 67% for Top Critic Score.

Last Jedi somehow got 91% for Critical and 94% for Top Critic. That's not the sign of a movie that would get memed about by contrarians. More than anything you'll see an increase of people outright saying Last Jedi was a piece of shit. You just don't see it in the media because Disney is exerting its control.

stupid argument

some cringe worthy dialogue, under par acting, too much silly plot on Anakin/padme, pretty good aspects around the rise of vader.
But had great action sequences, interesting and cool fan service, had palatine- immediately increasing the score of the entire movie. Had a pretty good Star Wars film, with a fair amount of unique looks.
Pretty cool with some cringe - 7/10

>Last Jedi
screws up tone and pacing almost immediately after the epic ending of TFA, ignores/destroys all the interesting and intriguing set ups JJ created in an apparent screw you to JJs first movie. Huge failure of its character and plot development. Completely messes up the movie to movie pace, putting the 3rd movie at a huge disadvantage.
Cool graphics, really bad movie 1/10

Even if it sounds weird, have in mid that for some people TFA and TLJ were their first Star Wars movies.

>Even if you want to argue that the AotC script is better, that's about it. The production design, the lighting, cgi, editing, costuming, the performances, etc are all fucking CRAZILY BAD in AotC. That shit is at least competently executed in TLJ.
Normally you might have a point but the script in TLJ is just SO fucking bad that none of the rest matters. And even when that production stuff is done competently, the results are often stupid as fuck. Arcing turbolasers in space? The pizza slice Star Destroyer? The ridiculous throne room battle? The Hyperspace Ram? The Falcon flying through the red crystal caves being chased by TIE fighters, exactly like RotJ and TFA? So what if Laura Dern did a great job of portraying a feminist hall monitor Admiral. Nobody fucking wants to see that in a Star Wars movie.

Yeah I understand that, that's why ive always argued that TLJ is maybe a 6/10 as a Michael Bay Transformers film, but a 1/10 as a Star Wars film.

>The Prequel Trilogy had detractors that had the power to say how much they were shit cause they were writing for media.
And just rational people that weren't babies when they watched the prequels.
>Even pointing to the RT score, the critic scores are midlist at best.
Yeah they were sucking Lucasfilm's dick. Most of the critics were in fucking shock after TPM came out. There was a weird hangover after months of INTENSE hype, and then the movie came out and it was like getting punched in the gut.

And then fucking AotC was WORSE! Craziest shit that happened in the aughts. Other than like 9/11 or whatever.

>That's not the sign of a movie that would get memed about by contrarians.
Not contrarians, just the regular fandom. They always shit on new stuff and treat anything that came before it like the holy grail

>Normally you might have a point but the script in TLJ is just SO fucking bad that none of the rest matters.
It's not "venetian space vacation talking about sand" bad. Nothing is that bad.
>Arcing turbolasers in space?
Dexter Jettster
>The pizza slice Star Destroyer?
every fucking smooth shiny plane in the prequels
>The ridiculous throne room battle?
every fucking battle in the prequels
>The Hyperspace Ram
legitimately cool. They actually did something I always wondered about. That alone is WAY cooler than fucking anything infucking AotC. It just should have been fucking Leia doing it.

And again, regardless of quibbles with the skeleton of the script, the meat on top of it is actually LOOKS like a fucking movie in TLJ. Looks like a cgi reel for a toy company in AotC.

im not the guy you're arguing with but it seems youre making a big mistake.
AotC has cringy parts of its plot and wasted time and shit acting.

TLJ has an unimaginably incoherent nonsense plot that's made of 60% filler.

TLJ is significantly worse, plot and character development wise than anything Star wars has ever touched.

Especially after that hot iron scene. This as straight up offensive

And still aotc feels like star wars compaired to tlj

>And by EVERY measurable standard, AotS is historically fucking bad.
Not even close. Sound design alone is top tier and proves conclusively you have no clue what you're talking about.

Attached: anakin-tattoine.jpg (1920x814, 160K)

>AotC has cringy parts of its plot and wasted time and shit acting.
No it has psychotically bad decisions being made in literally every scene. Every frame a fuck up.
>TLJ has an unimaginably incoherent nonsense plot that's made of 60% filler.
They're running away and trying to figure out a way to get out of it. ez.

Now what is AotC? Goes from that city with all the bullshit where they're falling and jumping and just magically knowing how to skydive onto space cars. Theres a 1950s diner sequence. There's a Venetian vacation sequence. There's weird traditional alien guys with clones. Lizard robot. And there's no extrinsic pressure on any of the characters for most of the movie. They're just investigating some confusing bullshit and then doing war in the third act.

>TLJ is significantly worse, plot and character development wise than anything Star wars has ever touched.
see you in the future

You're dead wrong.

Read all of this shit.
Last Jedi is the biggest disappointment in cinematic history Period.
We can write you fucking books. scene by scene. mistake by mistake. You have to consciously want to fuck up this bad to reach the epic levels of catastrophe.

the Worst part about it, is every time we talk about it new reasons come out - the more you think the worse it gets.

>Sound design alone is top tier
No it isn't. It's fucking bad. They make no effort to have the character's acoustics match the environment they're supposed to be in for almost all of it. Every time they're doing a boring walk and talk in a big fucking marble space hallway, it sounds like they're talking into a boom mic in a small studio with wooden walls. They don't even attempt to account for all the ambient noise that should be in the backgrounds for most of the busy scenes. It's fucking shit. Even the vrroomy zooms and pew pew bangs are shit. All shit.


I wouldn't argue that that AotC is as good as TLJ on graphics, sound, or anything that comes with Disney putting a billion dolalrs into a film.

TLJ is still many many levels below anything star wars has put out all things considered, though.
id nominate it as the worst big budget movie of all time

Attack of the clones is a long drawn out videogame cut scene. The last jedi is literally just a belched up SJW turd. I guess AOTC is better...but that's not saying very much.

>common ple
What the fuck? Are you ok? I thought we got rid of candl

>Last Jedi is the biggest disappointment in cinematic history Period.
said the 14 year old. Not to mention that "disappointment" implies your feelings are the primary thing being considered. Like yeah it was a big disappointment from people anticipating another ESB, but it was still a fucking movie. The only reason AotC wasn't seen as a "disappointment" was because it was just more of the same autism as the TPM.

And btw it's fucking clear you didn't exist in 1999. TPM had essentially been hyped for the entire decade. They rereleased all the OTs every few years and EVERYONE in ALL MEDIA was going goddamn nuts with Star Wars fever. And then TPM came out. There is almost certainly NOTHING in American popular culture that was as big of an oof as TPM. Period.
>We can write you fucking books. scene by scene. mistake by mistake.
You can nitpick whatever you want about TLJ. No where near as retarded as AotC.

Like your hyperbole is fun and all but you're trying too hard and being disingenuous.

>Nothing is that bad.
Yes, it is. The Space Vacation is very boring which is a cardinal sin and really fucking kills that part of the movie. But TLJ is worse. TLJ has 4 plotlines that are easily worse than that. Canto Bight surpasses it on boredom, and at least the Space Vacation has very beautiful imagery.

>>Arcing turbolasers in space?
>Dexter Jettster
Arcing turbolasers is just an example of a supposedly good "production" element that they still manage to screw up with idiotic creative direction. Bringing up Dexter Jettster is just changing the subject, which is what I'd expect of someone stupid enough to think TLJ is better than AotC.
I'll take Dexter Jettster in all his CGI glory over Vice Admiral Gender Studies.
I'll take a contrived mystery plot that takes too long to pay off over "blindly obey feminists in charge."

>every fucking smooth shiny plane in the prequels
The pizza slice ship is dumb because it clashes awkwardly with the design of the other ships in the movie, and Poe flies over it effortlessly taking out ALL of the canon batteries as if they are nothing. The ship was designed that way specifically because Rian Johnson wanted that shot of Poe, most likely because he wanted to evoke the Death Star battle from A New Hope.

The shiny ships in the prequels are a unique, distinctive design associated with Naboo and the ideals of art and beauty in the Old Republic, which are slowly degraded over the course of the trilogy. As the prequels progress and the war rages on, the ship designs begin to adopt more and more of the more functional, dirty, Original Trilogy aesthetic.

>>The ridiculous throne room battle?
>every fucking battle in the prequels better than the TLJ throne room battle. Every single one. It's not even a contest. Compared to Lucas's action scenes, Rian's look like amateur hour.

he meant pleb, I imagine.

>I wouldn't argue that that AotC is as good as TLJ on graphics, sound, or anything
Essentially everything. Every aspect of filmmaking and production technology is better and more competently executed in TLJ (and MOST EVERY OTHER MOVIE)
>that comes with Disney putting a billion dolalrs into a film.
so it's ok that the prequels look like shit because Lucas was cheap? Movies were being made for a lot cheaper than the prequels and they're not retarded.
>TLJ is still many many levels below anything star wars has put out all things considered, though.
no! You're blinded by your emotions or whatever. Not to mention you've probably just spent the last fucking 2 years shitposting about it and participating in this culture where you feel obligated to hate things. You weren't doing that when you were a little as baby.

Like even if you don't care about production, just look at this shit from the non-sjw 7-year-old perspective you look at the prequels with. Lets say you have kids and show them the movies in production order. You think they're going to like AotC or TLJ more? Which one you think they'll think of more as a "star wars" movie?

youre not quite getting the point are you.
im 31. I was around during the rage of the original prequel.

Even though many can argue it was poorly done it was at least a coherent 3 part trilogy in order with character and plot progression.

The Last Jedi is not that.
the Last jedi was the most important part of the trilogy, tis job is to take a chapter 1 movie TFA and build on it with huge strides in development.
it was a complete failure as a 2nd movie progressing story line
it was a complete failure as a 2nd movie progressing characters
it was a complete failure in continuing the very rich history of the Star Wars reflective feel and pace.

its not A failure - its THE failure.
It literally murdered star wars for anyone who was ever an actual fan.

>There is almost certainly NOTHING in American popular culture that was as big of an oof as TPM. Period.
I was there watching it opening night, and am probably older than you. TPM is arguably a bigger disappointment but TLJ is unarguably a bigger fuckup. Expectations were so high for TPM that nothing would have satisfied them. Expectations for TLJ were very reasonable, that TLJ managed to disappoint as badly as TPM reflects far greater incompetence.

I don;t like the prequels but
>every fucking smooth shiny plane in the prequels
This is stupid
>every fucking battle in the prequels
The plot around those battles is, not the battles themselves.
>The Hyperspace Ram is legitimately cool.
You are brain damaged.

Oh I get it.
You're the type of stupid fucking moron who would think Avatar was anything close to a good movie because it was pretty.

And your other comment shows a fundamental misunderstanding that everything star was stood for, as shown here.
You're simply just a common idiot who believes hes smarter than he actually is.
and/or an edgy contrarian.

Ya blew it.
Star wars is dead now, keep guzzling Rians jizz in public and destroying your own dignity if you really enjoy being a Cuck this much, but keep people with at least half a brain out of it.

Are we still talking about Star Wars?

Nice book learnin words ya got there big fella. Shame it doesn’t fit the context.

>Yes, it is. The Space Vacation is very boring which is a cardinal sin and really fucking kills that part of the movie.
yeah it fails at it's purpose. Keep booger faced kids engaged with an easy story.
>But TLJ is worse.
>TLJ has 4 plotlines that are easily worse than that.
non. Dexter Jettster is dumb. Clono Fetts are dumb. Assassination subplot is dumb. Lizard monster is dumb. Dooku is dumb. Fabricated crisis being used as the inciting action for a mystery investigation is dumb and they already did that. Killing the sand niggers was poorly executed. It was ALL fucking bad.

And more to the point, it wasn't a fucking script. At least in TLJ, the blue haired lady plot has a set up and pay off. At least the casino planet bullshit introduced the capitalist war industry "world building" commentary. At least the hyperspace subplot is paid off. At least things happen that "subvert our expectation" on purpose, as opposed to as a goof in AotC.
>Space Vacation has very beautiful imagery.
Get fucked.
>Arcing turbolasers
>The pizza slice ship is dumb because it clashes awkwardly with the design of the other ships in the movie,
SO DOES EVERYTHING IN ALL OF THE PREQUELS! i dont even know wtf "pizza ship" is, and I don't need to recall a single ship from AotC that was retarded. They fucking all were.
>The shiny ships in the prequels are a unique, distinctive design associated with Naboo
and every other planet m8. And being "unique and distinctive" to the point where it doesn't look like the fucking franchise anymore isn't a good thing. It looks like a CW adaption of a Star War movie.
>.is better than the TLJ throne room battle.
>Every single one.
not one.
>Compared to Lucas's action scenes, Rian's look like amateur hour.
you're either a knowingly degenerate liar or you're just don't know much.

yeah it does. nice try you sniveling little booger faced faggot let me fuck your face.
nice personal attacks nigger. Keep shilling for trash because you liked it as a babby. You're being trained how to lie to yourself. You're going to die alone.
>You are brain damaged.
heh gottem
>I was there watching it opening night, and am probably older than you.
Or you're just a fucking liar like the rest of them. Pics or gtfo.
>TPM is arguably a bigger disappointment
kill yourself faggot.
> but TLJ is unarguably a bigger fuckup.


tldr cry more

>keep shilling trash cause you liked it as a baby
I didn't like attack of the clones at all you stupid fucking contrarian pussy

im just not stupid enough to compare a sub par 65 out of 100 AotC with a 15 out of 100 abortion Last Jedi.
What don't you get

>I didn't like attack of the clones at all you stupid fucking contrarian pussy
lol so upset! Do you feel manly defending and or attacking shitty kid's movies?
>im just not stupid enough to compare a sub par 65 out of 100 AotC with a 15 out of 100 abortion Last Jedi.
Yeah because you're an irrational dipshit that has weirdly political ideological hangups that force you to think that anything new must be shitposted.

You mind is compromised if you're unironically capable of scraping together 65 out of 100 for fucking AotC while "pizza ship" apparently deducts 50 points or something.

You're pretending to be a movie person to defend the weird shit you were politically trained to care about. See you in a decade.

You gave 0 actual answers. And most people here acknowledge that AotC is extremely faulty.
It's still a story tho, not a pseudo intellectual meta-movie about Star Wars that does not work because the author is pretentious but not skilled.

haha wrong again retard.
I literally fought with people about their "omg too sjw too feminist" criticisms.
Sure the purple hair Trust all women and don't question authority lesson touched on that, but to say this movie was a catastrophe because of politics is an enormous cop out to just how fucking dreadful this piece of shit movie was.

>Lets say you have kids and show them the movies in production order. You think they're going to like AotC or TLJ more?
Very easy to answer: AotC.
AotC has the fight between Obi-Wan and Jango Fett. The fight happens in two phases, on foot and in space, and in both fights the environment has a meaningful impact on the progression of the fight. Kids love this kind of thing because it inspires the imagination to create their own play scenarios based on the elements of the movie.
AotC also has the Droid Factory, the Jedi battle, the huge ground battle of Geonosis, and the lightsaber battle with Dooku.
AotC has Anakin who looks very cool in his black Jedi gear and contrasts with the more stuffy but talented Obi-Wan.
AotC has Padme who looks beautiful the whole time.
AotC has Yoda with a lightsaber.
AotC portrays life in Coruscant as well as many visuals of the city.

These are all things that appeal to kids especially young boys who aren't fags.

TLJ has an opening battle featuring a bunch of nobodies who all die, which winds up being the high point of the entire movie.
TLJ has Rey who is boring. She doesn't look cool and she's mean to Luke.
TLJ has Holdo who is intensely unlikable, and Leia who is slightly less so.
TLJ has Rose Tico who is ugly and annoying.
TLJ has the good guy team lose conclusively.
TLJ has the Casino stampede which has a couple of funny moments but is mostly just a series of random images of destruction.
TLJ has a land battle where nothing happens, nothing is achieved, and no one does anything fun except Rey shooting some TIE fighters from the Falcon.
TLJ has Kylo who hints that he might be cool but then he turns into a screaming maniac.

The throne room battle might be OK with that goofy part where Rey tosses Kylo the lightsaber and he lights it through the guys face, but the fact is that whole scene is awkward and contrived and kids that watch it more than once are going to start noticing how dumb it is.

>You gave 0 actual answers
nothing worth responding to. Bunch of ad homimemes and vague feels arguments.
>And most people here acknowledge that AotC is extremely faulty.
Worst Star War film.
>It's still a story tho
No it isn't. It's like fucking 8 stories. They rip off gladiator at one point, bladerunner at another point, lawrence of arabia at other points, etc. It's just a nonsense collection of the first ideas George had.
>not a pseudo intellectual
>meta-movie about Star Wars that does not work because the author is pretentious
>but not skilled.
Lucas is not skilled. He's a lazy fuck that hates production.
>haha wrong again retard.
>I literally fought with people
you're a warrior! For social justice lol
>but to say this movie was a catastrophe because of politics is an enormous cop out
I'm not. The people that reflexively percieve it as "a catastrophe" are the ones that happen to have very politically memed up views about it that they didn't have in the aughts, before counterintelligence agencies started using kids movies to trigger retards against their culture.
>to just how fucking dreadful this piece of shit movie was.
nah I bow out. Get fucked

You got rekt kiddo. And yeah I know you are 45 years old.

got rekt by what? Not reading the hysterical rantings of an autistic child about why the moobie they saw when they was a babby is bedder than the moobie they saw when they hated themselves.

Kek I've never seen so much seethe in one post before. Be honest, how mad are you right now? How angry do you have to be to type out thee word "moobie" kek.

>nothing worth responding to. Bunch of ad homimemes and vague feels arguments.
Thank you for conceding, buddy.
We are done here.

>nah I bow out. Get fucked
You're just seriously deluded about how bad a movie TLJ is and how much its production value is actually worth to anyone with a shred of taste.
>how is [a meta-movie] not EXACTLY what AotC is?
AotC is not meta.
What user means by meta is that TLJ is consciously using real-world ideas of what Star Wars is to motivate the movie. Luke's big conflict is that he hates the Jedi and thinks they should end. This actually makes no sense at all for the character and only makes sense if the audience projects their own definition of "Jedi" onto Luke.

Rian's idea is to send the message "Star Wars needs to die" but then uplift you at the end with the message "Star Wars needs to live!" which is the whole point of the Luke/Kylo lightsaber fight. That's what it means to be meta in this sense. Attack of the Clones has nothing like that. Jango Fett is only meta in the sense of being simple fanservice. Still bad writing, but in a different way.

The cloning happened. That is the basic concept of the movie, not its storyline.
You are dumb, my boy.

Attack of the clones

TLJ has a cohesive vision and is so much better directed than AotC that it's not even close. Casino planet scenes are prequel-tier though in their awfulness

>Jango Fett is only meta in the sense of being simple fanservice. Still bad writing,

Jango Fett wasn't bad writing at all. Him being the clone template is a good example of retroactively adding to an OT characters backstory.

>reddit spacing lol

>Kek I've never seen so much seethe in one post before
projection id reckon
>Be honest, how mad are you right now?
0/11? idk arguing and shitposting about retarded kid's movies is a procrastination behavior. Fucking bored.
>How angry do you have to be to type out thee word "moobie" kek.
stay assblasted ya doingus
>Thank you for conceding, buddy.
No you conceded when you chose to only attack the speaker. When you do that without engaging with the argument, you're conceding that you can't refute the argument, and you instead are choosing to attack the person. By that point, the person you're responding to has already "won."
>We are done here.
Well yeah no shit. You don't have an argument.
>You're just seriously deluded about how bad a movie TLJ is
no u about AotC. Cry more.
>and how much its production value is actually worth to anyone with a shred of taste.
What is your experience working in production? Or are you just an entitled consumer?
>AotC is not meta.
>What user means by meta is that TLJ is consciously using real-world ideas of what Star Wars is to motivate the movie.
Duh. so is AotC m8.
>The cloning happened. That is the basic concept of the movie, not its storyline.
Are you retarded?! You're retarded!

>>reddit spacing lol

>crying reddit spacing for a single sentence post

Brainlet, or brainless?

>rest of your post

Yeah you are seething all right.

lurk moar

if you cant handle the bantz get out of my pantz you flipping antz

AotC is the worst Star War. You're on the wrong side of history bruh

>No you conceded when you chose to only attack the speaker.
see above >kill yourself faggot.
I seriously hope you are a troll.

>Are you retarded?! You're retarded!
user the plot is an investigation, at least part of it. Can you understand this?


Both are extremely disappointing.

>Last Jedi is the biggest disappointment in cinematic history Period.

What is The Phantom Menace
What is Matrix Reloaded
What is Godfather III

I seriously hope you suffered a traumatic brain injury as a child when you were watching AotC and that's what's causing your emotional disturbance.
>user the plot is an investigation, at least part of it.
Yeah and the investigation leads to the revelation that the cool popular bounty hunter character from the OT's dad's balls were used to make all the clones! BUY THE TOYYYYS!

And more to the point. Star Wars isn't a detective series. Trying to make it one was a MISFIRE! About as dumb as making an Indiana Jones movie about transdimensional aliens!
>Can you understand this?
Can you understand that when people go to see a movie about Star Wars, a mystery about "who is trying to kill some Senator" that leads to "popular bounty hunter's dad cloned!" lhat leads to "hey did you see Gladiator last year?!" which eventually leads to the fucking end credits!

>user the plot is an investigation, at least part of it.
Yeah and the investigation leads to the revelation that the cool popular bounty hunter character from the OT's dad's balls were used to make all the clones! BUY THE TOYYYYS!
>And more to the point. Star Wars isn't a detective series. Trying to make it one was a MISFIRE! About as dumb as making an Indiana Jones movie about transdimensional aliens!
>Can you understand this?
Can you understand that when people go to see a movie about Star Wars, a mystery about "who is trying to kill some Senator" that leads to "popular bounty hunter's dad cloned!" lhat leads to "hey did you see Gladiator last year?!" which eventually leads to the fucking end credits!

Not him but pls calm down user, getting high blood pressure because of internet arguments is not worth it

>What is The Phantom Menace

A great film, that was wasted on a dumb fanbase.

I am fully relaxed my dude. Got a arm and a cat on my right neck. Got muh autism couch cushion cave going. Only reason I'm doing anything of this is to justify continuing not to get up.

>It’s a universally praised movie for a reason.


Okay, carry on then

Wrong, actually. Only zoomer teens could like TLJ. Prequel fans are at least realistically 30 by now.

Matrix Reloaded was nowhere near as disappointing as TLJ or TPM. Expectations were far higher for TPM than Reloaded and TLJ is far worse than anyone imagined it could possibly be.

My favorite scene in the series is when the Clone Troopers save the jedi. There is no scene that good in the ST... There are so many good scenes in AOTC.

remove the hype from both TLJ and TPM

TPM is the better film, made by the man that literally created star wars. Only tasteless fake fanboys hate it.

TLJ is an abortion, made by a talentless gen x incel. Everyone hates it and only lowcineq tasteless verified twitter users enjoy it.

this is undisputable fact

You literally have no idea what you're talking about

the prequels are much more "competently" made than any production from (for example) disney in the last two decades

How is this even a question?

AOTC is authentic Star Wars.

TLJ is DisneyWars.

AOTC without even thinking about it.

Bring back George.

TPM is how you subvert expectations the right way.
>no super weapon
>vader-like villain killed in first movie

at least george had a finished script when he started filming lol

>TPM is the better film
no. About ANY film.
>made by the man that literally created star wars.
Essentially by accident. And it only became what it was thanks to his wife. When she left so did his ability to make a movie that didn't sux dix. And if it wasn't for ESB actually being really fucking crazy good and pushing the envelope with the cliffhanger ending, Star Wars would likely have just been a flash in the pan. The BEST movie in the franchise is the one he had the least to do with.
> Everyone hates it
lol you literally speak for everyone to justify your emotional autism.
>You literally have no idea what you're talking about
post ur imdb page boyo
>he prequels are much more "competently" made
> than any production
>AOTC is authentic Star Wars.
>Bring back George.
FUCK non


Hahah, cope, incel. Stopped reading at the 4th line. George Lucas is more talented than any of your hack idols, his critics are brainlets. You're a shit eater. The Last Jedi is literal garbage and culturally worthless--empty. It says a lot about you and your taste for defending such vapid, poisonous trash.

i’m not even talking to you, you little bitch

>emotional autism.
autists don't have emotion


Okay, no, this is the one singular category that cannot even be debated. The Anakin/Padme love theme is one of the most memorable pieces of music in the series, and TLJ added no original, memorable leitmotifs.

Everything else is fair game for debate. That is not.

>Hahah, cope, incel.
I get my dick wet. Let me cum on your face.
>Stopped reading at the 4th line.
Why would I care?
>George Lucas is more talented
Than nobody. Degenerate corporate hack. Made 3 fucking movies just to make a bunch of industry-facing adds for ILM.
>his critics are brainlets.
>You're a shit eater.
you can't proof that I ate shit last year you have no proove!
> The Last Jedi is literal garbage
Objectively better garbage that AotC
>and culturally worthless
It fucking all is you fucking weirdo. It's goddamn adventure serial schlock for dem keez.
> It says a lot about you
When you have to say this in lieu of an argument you're ceding the argument and choosing to fight instead of argue. You're going to burn in hell for this.

But yeah keep baselessly telling yourself you're smart and deep because you shill for the Star War prequels. Fake it til you make it!

>t. never met an autist
yeah they fucking do. They have extreme emotional empathy with no logical empathy. They spend the first ~10 years of their lives REEEEEing and spazzing out about fucking everything. Shit their pants freaking out so much.
>The Anakin/Padme love theme is one of the most memorable pieces of music in the series
non. couldn't hum it even if I JUST heard it.

I was watching Tron Legacy earlier and I realized the plot of that movie is essentially what TLJ should have been. Kevin Flynn becomes an enlightened sage having aged far beyond his mortal years. Wise and incredibly powerful, but his fear of allowing darkness to prevail has led him to inaction. His awesome power is demonstrated multiple times throughout the movie and he is still a main character next to his son and waifu. Most importantly, his final selfless sacrifice was appropriate to the character. Yet even with this much greater sacrifice there is still the question of whether he is still alive, unlike TLJ where they straight up have Rey say Luke is dead.

Rey Suite >>>>>>Across The Stars

>The Hyperspace Ram
>legitimately cool.
the only part that rustled my jimmies more that anything, that ram would fucking erased anything in several month lights around but that wasn't enough to destroy the capital ship

> that ram would fucking erased anything in several month lights around
lol ok.

You realize if a death star destroys a planet when it's right next to it, it's going to get pulverized as being the next biggest nearby object. The entire planet it blew up is going tob be gravitationally pulled towards it and everyone inside would be killed in minutes.

Also lazer swords are make pretend. And lazer guns. And hyperspace.

wew lad


nice digits, but The Last Jedi was literally created to placate your stupid fucking ass for another 5 months before the next disney wars episode (Solo) or the next marvel movie, it's worthless garbage that will be churned out long after we are both dead.

>It fucking all is you fucking weirdo. It's goddamn adventure serial schlock for dem keez.
weird flex but ok

>I get my dick wet.
haha no you don't. Daisy Ridley doesn't know who you are. All this Last Jedi whiteknighting is useless. All TLJ shills are embarassing mentally ill Daisy Ridley waifu shills.

gary kurtz, lawrence kasdan, kathleen kennedy, jj abrams, ARE THE BIGGEST hacks that have ever touched star wars and marcia lucas is a worthless, literally who roastie

rian johnson is so minor that he doesn't even belong on the same list, he was raping a dead corpse. He gets a participation award.

lucas = god

Quints confirm, everything in this post is now canon.

> but The Last Jedi was literally created to placate your stupid fucking ass for another 5 months before the next disney wars episode (Solo) or the next marvel movie,
yeah ok. AotC was always rushed out on a tight schedule. And the market being oversaturated in fucking Star War Disney shit doesn't make the actual movie bad. It's MORE reasons why it wasn't "the biggest disappointment in cinematic history period." Nobody fucking cared. People were hoping it'd be the new ESB but there wasn't that much hope that it would be.
> it's worthless garbage that will be churned out long after we are both dead.
>weird flex but ok
weird use of weird flex but ok but ok
>haha no you don't.
projection lol
>Daisy Ridley doesn't know who you are.
why would that matter? Do you shill for things with the hope that the actors in them will notice you?
>All this Last Jedi whiteknighting is useless.
I haven't once said anything about all you culture wars faggots and the reality that you're just virtue signaling as people that give a shit about movies just to justify why you're triggered about a girl protagonist.

Thanks for finally starting to be honest.

>All TLJ shills are embarassing mentally ill Daisy Ridley waifu shills.
eh I'm just a production nerd. I like well-executed shit. AotC is unambiguously more poorly executed.

Now if it wasn't for you being a frustrated homosexual that has problems with grils, would you be here right now? HOW MUCH of your opinion on this is actually about all your culture wars sjw autism?

Do you think "black knighting" about how you're upset about movies for chidrens is very "useful?" Are you super mentally balanced?


wtf is black knighting? fucking loser

>wtf is black knighting? fucking loser
That's what I'm asking? What the fuck is "white knighting" in the context of thinking that AotC is fucking garbage?

Like when you project that shit you're making it clear that your opinion is only really about how you're a faggot virgin. You're blinded by the dark side of your malignant niggardly feelings.

You're going to die alone LMAO. KYS save your family the money.

Can't be more wrong

daisy ridley will never acknowledge you for shilling TLJ on Yea Forums lmfao
bob iger, JJ abrams etc is literally laughing at what a stupid fucking retard you are for watching that garbage


"i'm just a production nerd"


This, many people underestimate the amazing world building and "stuff" it added to the universe.

Plus let's face it, everyone's first time seeing it, you were blown away by some of the scenes and only hated it once you had a chance to dwell on the flaws.

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

based swtor trailer spamming psychopath

>Adults saying KOTOR 2 is better

Attached: 1471961146113.jpg (1696x1462, 705K)

>daisy ridley will never acknowledge you for shilling TLJ on Yea Forums lmfao
why would you or I or anyone think they would?

I'm very confused by this. Do you support things hoping to get noticed by actors that work on the things you support? Has that ever paid off?

Do you think George will notice you losing your mind right now?
You're one of my favorite people today. You remind me of the emotionally disturbed kids from high school.

Like when you look at this post, does this seem like someone with a super strong conviction in their argument? Pretending to laugh isn't something you normally do comfortably.

Like what was your face doing while you were typing HAHAHAHAHAHA and stuff? Were you frowning? Was your brow furrowed?

>retarded incel gets all those digits
what a shame

Attached: 1547671142554.jpg (1920x1080, 522K)

>Like what was your face doing while you were typing HAHAHAHAHAHA and stuff? Were you frowning? Was your brow furrowed?
YES, I was literally slamming my fists on my desk. How the fuck do you even exist? Fucking cringe.

calm down user

Shut up, you are cheeto dust, nothing more.

Attached: 57zhoijy2n401.jpg (1920x811, 160K)

>YES, I was literally slamming my fists on my desk.
Jesus Christ what a cuck! I love it! Second favorite person of the day.
>How the fuck do you even exist?
What? How do people that don't suck fucking AotC's dick exist?

Like on a scale of 9-11, how much does the female protagonist have to do with shaping your opinion on these movies? What do you suppose your opinion on this should would have been had it been another boy protagonist? Do you think, all things equal, you'd look more favorably on the new ones if Rey was a sweaty sexy boy?

Like what's really so upsetting to you? If you're not careful slamming things your mom is gonna get mad and you're gonna lose all your goodboy points!
> Fucking cringe.
Yeah pretty much. all that HAHAHAHA shit. Oof.

I just marathoned your post and I spent the entire 2 seconds reading it repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my desk for the last minute it was so painful.


Attached: pasta la vista.jpg (667x768, 70K)

AOTC is better because it has the superior 'established character flies for no reason' scene.

Attached: r2-flying-1jpeg.jpg (800x800, 68K)

this desu baka senpai

Imagine having taste this bad.

It's been a while since I've seen AotC, but they're both horrible movies. I have no interest in ever seeing AotC again due to how vapid and empty it felt, even despite it having some significant scenes for Anakin, but overall AotC was just very bland and uninteresting. In contrast, TLJ often acted as if it was aiming to be intentionally bad and outright scuttled all of the plot points the previous director intended to make important for the whole trilogy. TLJ is thus worse for actively ruining its trilogy's direction consistency, and coherency.

>I have no interest in ever seeing AotC again due to how vapid and empty it felt

Trust me, there's nothing more vapid and empty than your skull.

>Also lazer swords are make pretend.

aka the "Fuck Story Consistency Because Everything Is Pretend" excuse.

>story consistency
you're talking about how you think going into hyperdrive and blasting the fuck out of some ships is going to cause a neutron explosion or some shit. That has nothing to do with "story consistency." It's autistic pedantic nitpicking.

Like you're talking about how "inconsistent" blasting someone with hyperdrive is to defend a movie that features a lizard robot with spinny hands and the protagonists are able to fucking skydive onto the right moving space car that's like miles below them (for some fucking reason, even though it had just started right next to them) and SO MUCH retarded horseshit.

Like you're holding TLJ to black science meme man standards while AotC just gets to be insane and retarded because you're used to it.

>I still don't know what I'm talking about

We know.

speaking of digits you didnt do too bad yourself
now tell me the name of that girl(boy) in your pic

Attack of the Clones, and that is surprising for me to say. I honestly never thought Star Wars (or cinema as a whole) would descend to a point where something is marginally worse than AotC, but here we fucking are. Maybe i was just too young and now i wonder, how will it get worse?

dope argument

stay buttblasted redditor friend


>how will it get worse?
Disney will still give Rian his own trilogy

>unironically taking marching orders from Russian propagandist trannies
the most wretched hive of scum and villainy

made me laugh because it's true

Eh, at least there he will create his characters from start to finish in theory, so he cant make it shittier than TLJ, probably. The only thing he will shit on is the universe.
>when she started saying "WHAT ABOUT THE PENIS!?" over and over again

Attached: 1538872448219.jpg (526x397, 29K)

cel more inseethe

>being THIS russled
literally incapable of articulating thoughts.

TLJ. Clones is “boring bad” while TLJ is “funny what the fuck were they thinking” bad.

Luke tells Rey pirates are attacking the fish nun villagers and that a true Jedi would sit idly by and let nature take its course.
Rey immediately jumps down from the pride rock cave they've got on the island and runs, lightsaber ignited (don't try this at home, kids), across half the island.
She slices her way past the gates and suddenly finds that the war drums she heard was actually a fish nun rave party.
Luke is at the party too and tells her he would've told her he was making it all up but she was too fast for him to catch up.

>AotC is supreme shit.
No, AotC gets boring. TLJ on the other hand is insulting both to its viewership and their intelligence.

I can't.
Rey's music doesn't even have a proper theme. It's just some cells, melodic fragments designed for maximum flexibility for the editor of the film. As far as background music goes, it's good. John Williams still manages to sound good even if you have a shit director telling him to write shit music. But it's still just background textures. The only part with any hint of real thematic content is the few quotes of OT themes.

Classic Star Wars uses Leitmotifs and the Anakin/Padme theme is fantastic. It's got actual melodic character, with far more dramatic and emotional impact. The theme follows Anakin and Padme through their romantic tragedy, with Anakin's side slowly transforming into the Vader theme. Rey's suite is not even in the same league.

>Emasculating one of the all-time best villains by writing him against-character as a whiny little bitch
>Emasculating one of the all-time best heroes by writing him against-character as a defeatist loser douchebag

It’s like two hobos arguing who has the nicer cardboard box. Both are godawful. Both are a 2/10 at best.

Sure, AotC had better games/surrounding media. But maybe if EA didn’t have exclusive licensing, we could be saying that about TLJ.

t. doesn't know shit about music

Kek that sounds like a good scene, they must have cut it because it made rey look like a dumbass.

Well you said it better than I could. This is exactly true.

Honestly none of the ST music is memorable, I can't recall a single theme or piece from it. PT music however is extremely memorable.

The Holdo Maneuver is a gigantic asspull Deus Ex Machina which hilariously shouldn't have even resolved the conflict of the movie at all (the FO could just turn on the hyperspace tracker in one of the surviving ships). But TLJ pretends it did because it figures Star Wars fans are literally braindead and won't notice.

The Jedi showing up on Geonosis to save Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan from execution is not even in the same league of bad in terms of writing contrivances.

nah the whole thing is dumb. woulda been nice had it been executed better but as it was kinda was dogshit

I compose classical music.

What website does Yea Forums use to stream movies?

>>Emasculating one of the all-time best villains by writing him against-character as a whiny little bitch

Fag. Vader's backstory is kino as fuck. He's not emasculated at all. He was a fucking 19 year old kid. Your post is so fucking dumb and has no sense of time. Luke was a hero, then turned into a cuck, this is a prequel. Anakin was a slave child, then an edgy teen, then became a badass villain. Everyone starts somewhere. Or did you expect him to be fucking bitches up right out of the womb like some hack would write him as.

I probably imaged it in my head better than Rian filmed it to be honest.

>She slices her way past the gates and suddenly finds that the war drums she heard was actually a fish nun rave party.
>Luke is at the party too and tells her he would've told her he was making it all up but she was too fast for him to catch up.
this can't be real

>The Holdo Maneuver is a gigantic asspull Deus Ex Machina
It was being set up literally the entire time. It was the ticking clock of the movie.
> which hilariously shouldn't have even resolved the conflict of the movie at all (the FO could just turn on the hyperspace tracker in one of the surviving ships).
Yeah they're still all fucked. How will they get out of this one!
>But TLJ pretends it did because it figures Star Wars fans are literally braindead and won't notice.
It's not a happy ending movie. The entire point is they nuked all the ships chasing them to create opportunities for the survivors to keep going, as opposed to being captured or killed immediately. It ends on an even more dire note than ESB, it just kinda all fucking was sloppily done. Not sure what you mean "won't notice" tho. The movie ends with like 20 fucking survivors.
>The Jedi showing up on Geonosis to save Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan from execution is not even in the same league of bad in terms of writing contrivances.
yeah ok. That's just goddamn silly. The fact that you're even talking about "contrivances." The ENTIRE reason that sequence was in the movie at all was George really liked Gladiator. He contrived some bullshit reason to get the characters on a chariot to do some gladiatoresque memes. That then the idiot monster brigade shows up at the EXACT RIGHT TIME is just doofy dimbus poop. CW shows are written and better directed than that boogers.

Every fucking scene in AotC is a belligerence contrivance to "worldbuild" some schizophrenic palette of nonsense ideas on notecards on a pinboard being conected by string. Like he had the idea for doing a Dexter Jettster thing, and they bullshitted some reason for that to happen. Bullshitted some reason for Boba Fett to be around. Bullshitted some reason to make a whole movie about the "clone wars" line from ANH.

It is.
Honestly relative to what actually went into the movie it's not bad because even though Luke is being a dick for once you see Rey be embarrassed and wrong about something. (The only other "mistake" she makes is facing Snoke but that only lasts for about 5 seconds until Kylo saves her).

tits or gtfo

>a true Jedi would sit idly by and let nature take its course

Attached: 1456111284405.png (640x360, 242K)

I watched ep 3 for the 1st time in 10ish years today, is there a canon answer for who taught palpatine?
Cuase when he talks about plagueus or whatever and he says his apprentice killed him in his sleep he's all smiling. Then when anakin is all chopped up and on fire palpy puts his hand on his head like he is using jedi juice to keep little annie alive.
Or did some noname character in a book train him or something?

>It was being set up literally the entire time.
Not that guy but what?

Attached: What the fuck am I reading.jpg (736x1080, 75K)


AotC is better than anything Yidsney has shat out

Darth Plagueis is Palpatine's master, there is a prequel book going in depth about it.

the book(s) any good?

>It was being set up literally the entire time. It was the ticking clock of the movie.
No, that's not what a setup is.

A simple example a setup would be something like making Rose a researcher with an idea on how a hyperdrive could be weaponized. She presents it to Holdo, who maybe doesn't appear to believe or take it seriously so you forget about it. And then when it happens at the end, you'll have an "aha!" moment where you remember the scene from earlier where it was established.

Also, when doing that, you also wind up having a chance to establish that this is a new discovery, something that people don't think should work. Or that such a thing requires insane luck. Or any kind of reasonable limitation to prevent it breaking the whole canon.

>Every fucking scene in AotC is a belligerence contrivance
You really seem to have trouble following a discussion. We're talking about a major Deus Ex Machina for the central conflict of the entire movie, not minor contrivances here or there which most movies have to some degree.

I don't know, I haven't read them yet. I've just been getting back into Star Wars recently. Going to read them after I finish some other stuff I am reading. I've heard Labyrinth of Evil, ROTS Novelization and Rise of Darth Vader are a really good trilogy though.

I downloaded a torrent with all the books recently too. I had a skim through the first chapter, and the blurb of the Plagueis novel and it definitely looks great though. Since it's first chronologically in the the PT era, I think I will start with that book, then read Cloak of Deception which is about Maul and Sheev, then watch TPM and go on from there.

Attached: legends-timeline.png (3135x2019, 1.13M)

Nah, the post I made stands on its own. Anyone who actually knows music will agree.

It was steaming turd

the whole "we only have so much power for a hyper drive, what are we gonna do with this hyper drive when they can track us?!" And then, just like Fury Road, the script this movie was ripping off, the turning point is when they turn around and go back real quick and fuck up the badmen.

Like this is the shit I'm kind of talking about when I mean "it's a movie." It sets up the basic things we expect to give you dilemmas that the characters are dealing with, that we reflect on at the same time. Little spinning top subtext things that set up things up towards an seemingly inevitable conclusion that pays off. There was a motivation, there was an end point, there was a ticking clock, etc. It had all these things that are what movies are.

Fucking AotC doesn't. Every scene is like "why the fuck are we here now" scene. Even when they set it up it like cuts to a new fucking weird world for Detective Obi Wan to awkwardly walk through, talk to some weird looking cgi promo, radio someone, then we're on venice rolling in grass, and earlier it was blade runner, and there were assassin slugs and Obi Wan crazily jumping out a window miles up in the sky to catch a fucking droid thing. There isn't any underlying theme or dilemma that the characters are working to solve. It's goes from who wants to kill amygdala to there's a clone army to there's a lizard monster to gladiator to fucking mommy rape retribution to everything else, in whatever oder it was. Which is why it was so fucking boring. Nobody knows where they're heading, much less what they should do when they get there, which is a BAD thing in action movies. When action is undermotivated and there aren't immediate stakes it's fucking boring.

AoTC. Detective Obi Wan subplot>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canto Bight subplot

Attack of the clones is a great movie simply because of this scene.

sounds like the brief shot of her running with lightsaber ignited that was in the trailer. always wondered where that shot went.

Attached: Fjf3KPG.png (971x513, 443K)

It kind of does. Unless your going for a really surreal movie, the events that happen in the movie need to make sense within the context of the world they're in, otherwise it becomes an incoherent mess that's hard to get invested in.

That would belong to water world, but it is the biggest of this century

>No, that's not what a setup is.
Yes. It very much is. chekhov's gun all day bb. The entire script for the A plot is about the hyperdrive 5d checkers game with them realizing they have no way get away. Gun's on the wall. What do we do with THE ABILITY TO BE A NUCLEAR PROJECTILE IF WE CANT USE IT TO GET AWAY?!!? Like it was clearly ALWAYS heading towards the "someone is going to kamikaze those jamooks" climax. Set up in first act, resolved in third. Like a movie!
>We're talking about a major Deus Ex Machina for the central conflict of the entire movie
This isn't anything near the definition of "deus es Machina." It didnt come from nowhere. It was the plan the entire time, and it was a dilemma established for the audience to figure out as they're watching.
>not minor contrivances here or there
BRUH you're talking about the reason why EVERY SCENE HAPPENS in that fucking movie. It's a bunch of different ideas all taped together with Jedi Council meetings and holograms and wipes.
>A simple example a setup would be something like making Rose a researcher with an idea on how a hyperdrive could be weaponized.
CW BULLSHIT. Fuck good thing you're not a writer. So you like the prequels because they're just dumb then?

Like the opening image thesis statement for the movie is Rose's sister's self-sacrifice. You're not supposed to need to a character literally yelling at the audience the final solution so they get it early. The thematic subtext of self-sacrifice is laid out right away. And the hyperdrive countdown and "one shot" thing is the set up.
>And then when it happens at the end, you'll have an "aha!" moment where you remember the scene from earlier where it was established.
Like I'm honestly not trying to be an asshole right now. Did you not just immediately think "oh they're gonna have to use their "one shot" on fucking up the baddies"?

That just seemed like it was inevitable and the drama was gonna be who gonna do it.

>a cohesive vision
It literally dropped and shat on every plot thread and character arc set up in TFA. What the hell are you on about?

Attached: 824.png (555x428, 320K)

It's true.

Attached: 1516837239224.jpg (720x309, 44K)

>It was being set up literally the entire time
No, it wasn't. It comes right the fuck out of nowhere in order to subvert our expectations. Poe, Finn, and Rose's plan to save the resistance was what the movie had dedicated time to set up.

Attached: rta4qt0oizt01.jpg (791x545, 27K)

>we only have so much power for a hyper drive, what are we gonna do with this hyper drive when they can track us?!
That's far from enough. Since when were the physics of the universe so internally inconsistent that such a thing is possible yet doesn't destroy the setting's internal logic? That's like saying
>Shit! We only have one bullet left!
and that bullet coincidentally being some magic nuclear bullet that only harms baddies. It's everything else surrounding the hyperspace ram, not that the technology or means don't exist, that makes it nonsensical.

The Star Wars fandom is full of brainless plebs who didn't deserve the brilliance of George. I'm glad you're all stuck with shlock like TLJ now.

They are both shit but for different reasons but tlj is worse
>tons of soul and love put into it
>but George is a shit writer by himself and is trying way too hard to be Shakespeare
>writing and dialog is shit
>but there are tons of good and creative ideas, visually great, and lots of thought was put into it, even small shit nobody cares about
>completely soulless
>writing is bad and pretensious , trying to hard to be propaganda rather then a star wars movies, purposly destroies star wars narritives and themes , remember when the feminist kamikized, blowing throw the right wing of the supremecy blowing up all the angry white guys?
>visually bland with no creativity or care, everything is either propaganda or rehased

>That's a four billion dollar check right there.
Disney could have had Wolf Warrior 2 on their hands...

Attached: CELINA_JADE_with_WU_JING_(Wolf_Warrior_2).jpg (1200x800, 228K)


Literally nothing of what you said is true. What a delusional brainlet post.

Why does it look so much more sculptural in 35mm?

Attached: 3405c92cb2c94fb8b4da329e7fd91c86--costume-star-wars-queen-amidala.jpg (730x1095, 119K)

Waterworld is great faggot.

>(don't try this at home, kids)
Did you literally copy+paste this from reddit?

After I saw the force awakens , I lost any interest in watching any of the new star wars films. They will probably go on indefinitely for a few more trilogies. The prequels were hollow and visually cool...these new films seem even worse. It is all so contrived that it just comes off as a pastiche of the original trilogy. There are better timewaster flicks out there.

I don't see why anyone would become a Star Wars fan by watching those films. Not one character is likeable or memorable except arguably Kylo Ren, but even he is way too inconsistently written to be a great villain.