Did anybody else watch this? Was it autism?

Did anybody else watch this? Was it autism?

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>there's a fucking hiking trail up to the top from the other side

One day I will WALK up to the top and just stand there and say this to every climber:
>you didn't know about the hiking trail?

Watched this in IMAX. That one pan over when he's nearing the summit made my palms so damn sweaty.

What a fucking maniac.

I got about half way through and got bored. He's a very strange man though.

>Was it autism?

How did he get down?

he has aspies and a deformed amygdala

What's the point of the movie?
You know he gets up there safely, so there can't be any tension.

how is that weed growing in a random piece of rock 1000 feet up

I liked his van

He just spun around and went head first with his legs up.

life finds a way :)

>Was it autism?
>Then make the climb. As the child did - without the rope. Then fear will find you again.

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> When l was 23, l realized that hugging is a thing. So l taught myself to hug and practiced it.

Who could ever know?

even though you know he makes it you can still feel suspense. It's like when you rewatch a movie and there's a scene were a character narrowly avoids death and yet you still feel nervous.

Life uh, finds a way

>the scene where they show all the free soloers who died and the one guy falls on camera.
I screamed at my tv

i only caught the very last minutes where he starts the climb

he 360d

It actually goes over his training before the climb and shows each part of the climb. Its interesting too see the parts he thinks he will struggle with.

>yeah, I can climb this solo, and all I need is...
>these specialized rubber shoes that allow me to grip the wall, without them it's impossible
>these shoes are made in a sweatshop factory in bangladesh and the waste is dumped into the local river - did I ever tell you I'm a vegan and an environmentalist?
>and this magic sticky powder, otherwise I'd lose hold and slip
>and to rehearse the route for months and months until I guarantee I can do every hold
>but yeah, I can solo it
>"it's all about the mental aspect, that's what makes it so impressive"
Goats don't rehearse anything, they climb on whim to lick salt, no magic sticky powder, no specialized shoes, nothing. That's free soloing, none of this artificial, Redbull-Go-pro tier commercialized sport.

Honnold claiming to be an environmentalist is what gets me the most. He wears 100% synthetic clothes which cause pollution in the third-world countries they're manufactured with, and which are proven to leech microfibers into the ecosystem each time you wash them. Human wastewater is filled with microplastics and that all runs into rivers and oceans, most of which comes from abrasion of synthetic plastics. Honnold is a fraud.

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Everything is autism if you don't like it huh?

Any more climbing and mountaineering kinos?

I liked if faggot, im talking about his fucking mindset you asshat

did you forget hes autistic

I heard valley uprising is good

Watch Meru, it's good.

He's not, look at him at the Oscars. He handled himself in PR-suitable manner - if he were actually autistic, he would have looked awkward on stage and might even have said something to the mic.

Goats have also evolved to free solo. Humans were not

But then he'd just be going back up!

zealots are different from autists. they’re less understood because it’s commonly considered a strictly religious phenomenon.

What? Is this like a Jedi ghost scene or something?

Why was he allowed to use special fall-me-not dust? Seems like cheating imo.

the dawn wall

Why do people think it's magical grippy dust? It's fucking chalk. It's nothing special, it just helps if you get sweaty hands.

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It is grippy, and you can see in the hard places all he has to do is put his hand in the places that are highlighted white.

>It's fucking chalk
It has a whole bunch of additives such as plasticizes added. It's basically quick-set cement glue, similar to the stuff they use to set tiles. Why do you think climbers have to wash off with a solvent and wire brush afterwards?

>not using cocaine to keep your hands dry

how the FUCK do these magic goats do it

Nice bait
It's literally just moisture-absorbing powder

How does it stick to smooth vertical chalkboards so well then.

anybody else here not able to watch this? even the clips give me sweaty palms. absolute fucking madman

Because they're not all that smooth

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>Human wastewater is filled with microplastics and that all runs into rivers and oceans
This is LITERALLY the most damning indictment of man today: moreso than the carbon dioxide levels, moreso than the jews and their machinations, moreso than pesticides and herbicides and atrazine. We are all so fucked and it's our fault. We failed God.

dawn wall was much more interesting. It actually talks a bit about climbing which I didn't know anything about. Free solo is just a giant redpill about some guy and his whiny girlfriend who doesn't want him to do dangerous fun shit anymore.

most of his clothes are shit thats given to him i mean he lives in a van hes not out there shopping everyday
hes not a staunch militant when it comes to those things it seems hes more of a “if we all do our small part we can help this shit situation”

he said, shoveling another handful of cheeto's into his mouth while his mother cleans out his shit-bucket.

i knew he did it but it still made me nervous.

Except Dawn Wall is a much less interesting character study. Tommy Caldwell is a stubborn, four-fingered literal cuckold who couldn't get up the mountain alone—a brilliant climber, don't get me wrong, but much less cinematically inspiring. Honnold on the other hand is a fucking iron-willed, titanium-nerved machine whose probably closer to a benign sociopath than a sperg. His ambition is not an escape but the higher pursuit of making history. The footage of him scaling El Capitan is fucking breathtaking, it's like watching a player crack the fucking matrix code to enable the Spiderman cheat. An inestimable constellation of variables converged in that one man to create the power of will to do the nigh impossible. He truly was "perfect, for just a moment."

lol chill nerd he just climbed a big rock

1,000 times this, it's not an all or nothing situation, it's about making smart decisions and doing your part - if everyone even did 5% of what he does the world would be so much better

le lol



Irrelevant. 7+ billion people wearing non-biodegradable synthetic fabrics adds up.
>it's not an all or nothing situation
It is in most cases, otherwise you're just posturing. Like vegans claiming to help the environment while participating in a modern, consumerist society that directly harms the environment and wildlife - not eating meat doesn't change a thing. In the case of clothes, synthetic fabrics can never be used responsibly. Use cotton, use wool, but ditch synthetics, otherwise you're not making "smart" decisions, you're just full of shit.

"FUNNY MAYMAYS FUNNY MAYMAYS" miranda cosgrove yelled as she greedly sucked on dirty dan the huge cock can get in my van schneiders dick

Based, thanks for the (You)

Did anyone get triggered how he couldn't get to just enjoy his victory alone. Maybe that's just me projecting my autismo.

Woulda been kino if he coulda just chilled at the end at the top without his gf/friends.

some people just don't eat meat for health reasons or for beauty - there's many reasons to not eat meat besides posturing for others - not everyone wants to disconnect from society so much to eliminate everything harmful to the world and you'll never convince enough people to ditch A LOT of the things in their life that harms it, it will take years, decades, maybe more for that sorta change - doing small shit is way better than just saying, nah fuck it, i can't go 100% eco friendly so why bother - i work in sanitation and i'd love it if people were even a bit kinder in how they treated the world

Just watched it, what annoys me about the movie is that it's 90% filler and 10% about actual climbing the mountain.

It's not even hard. People climb that all the time. When blacks climb it they get no attention tho...

>doing small shit is way better than just saying, nah fuck it
It's not, not as far was Western countries are concerned. Like the recent plastic-straw debacle - guess what, Western countries could cease all disposable plastic use and it wouldn't make even a dent, because the top polluters are countries like China, India, Malaysia, Philippians, Sri-Lanka, etc, who rank in disposable plastic use and lack facilities to dispose of it. Their populations far exceed the West while simultaneously being decades behind reform. Culturally, they're forever behind reform. Likewise, look at overpopulation: the leftist propaganda is that it's good not to have children because the world is too overpopulated. Except the West's population is so small while simultaneously being replaced by immigration that overpopulation by native procreation is negligible, even impossible. Meanwhile, the real contributors to overpopulation are not addressed, instead the blame and burden is put on the West by the EU and likes. That's what all this "small shit" adds up to.


>let me just free solo this little cliff with my specialized climbing shoes and powder that costs over 1000 dollars per gram

that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

i didn't realize i was just talking about the west, i meant everyone on the planet

He literally has a unconscious death wish. Also his brain is wired to not feel fear as quickly as we do. Also Aspergers.

Westerners consume and produce far more waste per-capita, and much of the pollution coming from those developing countries is generated in service of demand from developed countries.

I genuinely liked all the moments that showed him just living his life outside of climbing. I relate to his type of thinking so much that it made it tough to watch at times.
>tfw he hesitates for a while after reading the are you depressed question

worst gf ever

at least we poo in loo

>In one part of the film Honnold fills out a questionnaire complete with personal questions that he has to answer by choosing “agree” or “disagree.” The scene is tense and uncomfortable. He reads, “Emotionally stable…agree. Tends to find faults in others...somewhat agree. Is depressed...hmmm.” He pauses. We watch him consider this for a while and the scene ends without us hearing his answer. Later, Honnold admits that several ex-girlfriends have accused him of “personality disorders,” yet we see no signs of him taking this feedback seriously. He finds no reason to be accountable for these disturbing accusations. Like many men, Honnold probably thinks all of his exes are illogical. His attitude is textbook misogyny: Why put serious thought behind a chorus of women who knew you intimately?

It's because 95% of the 4 hour route is easy-peasy:

>The most difficult route Honnold has completed with ropes was rated 5.14c and without ropes was 5.13b.
>Adam Ondra and Chris Sharma are the best sport climbers (shorter climbs with ropes) on the planet
>Honnold is still an incredibly strong climber, but to put it in perspective, there are a few hundred people on this planet that can climb 5.14c. There are only about a dozen that can climb 5.15a and only 2 (the two in this video) that climb 5.15c.
Really puts things into perspective. Honnold is a fraud, the doc was a glorified Redbull GoPro ad. Honnold doesn't even qualify for the Olympics, he's that bad. There are teenagers right now who can climb harder routes than Honnold has ever completed.

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I mean, when your own mother doesn't want to hear from you because it's always bad news about you free soloing some goddamn rock and risking everything, then you know he's got a problem.

In all of the media coverage about Honnold and the film, we see how he vacillates between the tropes of Peter Pan, moody genius, and stoic warrior, but not a single review calls attention to the painstaking, triggering, and downright cruel ways he treats and speaks to Sanni -- his biggest emotional support.

or perhaps he's wondering why a man would climb a mountain with no rope

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Million dollars sponsorships. He can afford a house but hasn't worked a day in nearly a decade.

That's pretty interesting. Climbing seems so cool from an outsiders perspective. The fact that teenagers can do what he did blows my mind.

>if everyone even did 5% of what he does the world would be so much better

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he's done a JRE episode and handled himself very well.

His feat is impressive because a single mistake at any point would mean death. Are you all retarded?

The way he was talking about his girlfriend was very weird. She was pretty hot too, don’t know why she’d put up with him.

makes sense now, I'll check out your vid later

She was all over his nuts. Literally a fan at a book signing who got his number.

honnold is way too big and heavy for that kind of shit. those 2 are manlets weighing like 40 kgs

>Dad had Aspergers
>systematically introduced himself to vegetables
>Didnt know how to hug so just started practicising
>upon bringing home fridge he begins to dismantle it
he has autism.

You leave with the sinking feeling that his girlfriend will eventually kill his spirit or kill him.

>Honnold doesn't even qualify for the Olympics, he's that bad.
If I ever have to explain to someone what a typical 4channer's mentality is like, I will show him this sentence.

Do girlfriends ever do anything else?

literally me


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Super interesting. Why don't we have a docu on these guys instead?

I get laid more than him

because theyre climbing autists incredibly bitter about Honnold

Well, they could easily BTFO Honnold by doing exactly the same thing he did if it's so damn easy.

the climber/ dirtbag community is even more repulsive than Yea Forums

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The hills are alive

They do, Reel Rock usually has at least one of them in it every year. Honnold's free solo stuff translates better to a full length documentary.

Why the fuck was he dismantling the fridge?

Ive asked this quite a few times with no answer.
no clue as to why its kept in the film either

If I had to guess, he didn't trust that the assembly was done well. He's either trying to reassure its strength and durability, or maybe even improve its efficiency for vegan enviro reasons.
I'm glad they kept it in the film though, really highlights his autism.

part of the difficulty is climbing it without any safety nets though. you fuck up once you're dead. you fuck up on a speed wall you just fall on a mat

Doing such things require passion.

Passion is a negative trait exclusive to autists, so yes.

I guarantee you there's several shoeless hobos that can climb anywhere those goats can among the 7 billion humans on earth. People who attempt to trumpet animal specialization as some sort of interlocking animal supremacy bid, oblivious to the irony of using the entire animal kingdom to compete with one species, are utterly pathetic and contemptible. You and your grade-school naturalism are the single greatest blocker to support for effective animal welfare initiatives because you can't resist tacking your bullshit rhetoric on to everything.

Well, SOMBODY got an A on 8th grade social studies!


>you didn't know about the hiking trail?

>you didn't know about the hiking trail?

>you didn't know about the hiking trail?

>be Alex Feehold
>every ounce counts
>yelling at guy at the top to shut the fuck up would be a fatal cost of energy
>have no choice but to put up with the IRL mic spam


He literally works out for a living.

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Jesus you guys are retarded

The environment doesn't give one single fuck about waste per-capita, if you want to curb plastic pollution into the ocean then you crack the whip under China and Indonesia until they behave. Take a look at the top 20 ocean polluters:
what do you see?

His mom confirms he probably has aspergers, I picked up on it almost immediately

I wouldn't say his autistic just very little in the way of emotional intelligence due to being raised by an autistic father and borderline tiger mum. I had a similar upbringing but became aware of it very early on in life so I didn't grow up devoid of empathy.


Didn't look like a straight ND like aspgergers. More like a somewhat benign personality disorder brought on by emotionally unavailable/distant parents.

At what time? I must've missed it

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>Honnold's free solo stuff translates better to a full length documentary
Except they cut out most of his climb and most of the footage consists of preparation and melodrama.

the epic of everest

Silence on YouTube.

some incredible shit right there

He was changing the direction the refrigerator door opens.

touching the void

Imagine hating this much on one of the greatest feats in human history

Über Chad

Until he reached the sky

>hey, what's more important: me or the mountain?
>the mountain
dude is just straight up honest

What sort of question is this? So utterly narcissistic and manipulative, it's so pathetic when women do this. They try use it to get out of mistakes.
>stop ruining the xyz - party/evening/object/experience
>Oh my god you care more about the xyz than you do about me!!!!!!!!

Free Solo
The Dawn Wall

what are some other climbing kino?

Touching the Void

Everest (2015) was pretty ok

jokes on that faggot, because I doubled my pollution to make up for him

Seconding this

>climbing with ropes
Lost all interest because you don't even understand the point. It's not about how difficult it is you fucking retard, it's about how dangerous it is. These fags climb hard shit with zero danger. Honnald is climbing slightly less difficult shit, but with 100% certain death danger.

>risking your life for no reason is somehow impressive and not just retarded
>a lifelong athlete who's dedicated himself to the sport is a "fag" for not willing to cripple or kill himself on a climb
Sport is about dedication and perseverance. Honnold is just a depressed adrenaline junkie who's lost the will to live (he's depressed in the doc) and purpose to climb. So he takes the easy route to fame and sponsorship, which is climbing an otherwise easy route solo. Don't pretend he's better than anyone else, he's not. People like him die all the time, he's just another statistic.

>risking your life for no reason
spoken like alex's dumb cunt gf


Based and redpilled

Says the one who couldn't even climb a 10ft wall even if he tried.

what if it rained and he died lmao haha

there's a walking trail on the otherside. you can just casually stroll up to the top but he was so autistic he had to take the hardest way possible.

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I was begging Willem Dafoe to shut the fuck up by the end of it but otherwise it was pretty good.

She did literally nothing wrong, stay mad.

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this part nearly gave me an aneurysm. especially how they just blow it off as "whoops"

Symbiotic relationship with fungi that exists between the roots and rock. Allows for the plant to receive nitrogen and other nutrients from the fungi, in return the fungi recieves food.

just watched meru, indeed pretty kino.
jimmy chin is a beast


All he has to say is, "yeah but do it without a rope."

All other climbers got BTFO by him.

Fuck you


She tried to kill him

The sperg is strong in that one for sure, the part of him understanding how hugs work and the interactions with his gf are funny as fuck.

A man belongs in the home raising a family. It's time to grow up and stop playing Spider-man, get a real job.

That is his job though and what he wants to do