this is actually good
i dont understand the hate of the media
This is actually good
Other urls found in this thread:
People wanted another Christopher Reeve movie
Yes it’s good. Snyder is really great doing visuals also he managed to make Superman, the most boring hero of all time, actually interesting. But the script is the weakest link, “stop my invincible son” is one of the worst scenes ever done just like Martha in BvS
why, they are shitty
I thought it was an A+ movie. Only thing I didn't like was the tone of the movie.
>stop my invincible son
MoS was always good. It simply had one indefensibly bad scene that got memed to hell and back.
Good for killing the DCEU. Snyder is a genius, like Rian Johnson, the should let him make more capeshit so that it will fucking die like Star Wars.
>trailer sells this existentialist Superman movie that will explore Superman dealing with being a god and his powers setting him apart from people
>movie's just beating people up and destroying buildings
what scene?
i seriously dont know
Don't pretend this scene is any good. The father of a teenager who can destroy entire planet died for fucking dog. Clark just could run at normal speed to save his dad, like any normal human would do.
It's very poorly executed
Too masculine and spiritual.
how come marvel doesnt make scenes where you feel the character is getting hurt like at 20 seconds in this video?
>some of the writing is very low IQ
>colours are too dark
>the music is missing some aspects
But the media hate it because it's about a powerful white man savior and not full of quips
Movie goers wanted a Marvel-esque flick.
They got kino instead.
People got butthurt that buildings were being destroyed
That's why to this day you see very little destruction in capeshit
It was a lesson in humility you fucking autist
Damn that cgi aged like milk.
>better kill myself to teach my son humility
lol what
stop invincible son
DC fans are the fast n furious niggers of the comicbook world
It wasn't Marvel.
but he is right tho
the father saw him as his normal son
this is what he tried to be, a normal dad to a normal son and a normal dad would not have told his son to run into a tornado.
sure from the perspective of a comic fan or whatever it may look stupid since the storm would no nothing to superman.
Nice argument, imbecil. So fucking what if it's done so idiotically.
It was okay I suppose. Cavill was alright but I think they underused Faora.
>Man of Steel was shot on film and has a whopping 1500 VFX shots. Zack Snyder decided to forego the digital camera route.
pure fucking kino
Hi Zack!
>would no nothing to superman
Normal son would run to save his father anyway, not just stand and watch.
You completely missing the point, the scene is important but poorly executed.
>the scene is important but poorly executed
Which is pretty much the same problem with the Martha scene in Batman v Superman. But I know how Snyder fans hate admitting that.
Man of Steel is a fantastic movie, but it's not the movie that a lot of people wanted so they say that it's bad.
>This is actually good
you have to wonder just how drab the normie mind is when you can't make a superman movie that involves something more than just saving people
Only the 2nd half the movie is good. First half was just a mess. It was the worst retelling of Superman to date. Lot of the hate is people just dont like his version of the story. I hate the fact Lois met Superman and knew from the start who he was. Lois not knowing Clark from Superman was a big part of Superman. Then there's the brooding Clark, followed by a flash back. Brooding Clark, followed by a flash back. Over and over. First half just fucking sucked.
Not my Superman
>Lois not knowing Clark from Superman was a big part of Superman.
Why? Why does it matter?
god dammit, Zack
Its okay but a little too joyless. Superman has always been both dark and fun. This lacked the fun
This is great
Still better than anything Hack Snyder have done with the character.
>Another brainlet who problably had never read one good Superman comic and thinks the character need to be dark.
I loved Man Of Steel, but Superman 2 is still my favorite film of his on screen. I also love BVS, flaws and all.
That movie was the very best Superman movie I've ever seen. Just like with Captain Marvel, Man of Steel received a shit ton of "troll rating" from Marvel shills when it came out. But that wasn't all, it had a lot of negative word of mouth even before it came out, and it seemed like everybody was supposed to hate it from the get go.
Why do you think Man of Steel is dark?
Zack Snyder is a massive hack
Cavill continues to be underused or even misused as fuck. He should ditch DC and go over to Marvel, play Captain Britain or someone.
He also could of done the movie in 2 acts instead of 4
Why are his hands so fucking small
The rest of him grew larger.
those are regular size hands user, I'd even go as far as to say they were bigger than usual hands
t. Handlet
You will give the people an ideal to strive towards.
They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall.
But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal.
In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
Probably the best movie you could make with superman. I just wish it wasn't as dark and gritty as it came out to be
Am I the only one that liked Returns? Faggot or not Spacey was a great Lex.
They weren't ready to join them in the sun
Brandon Routh is straight
he's married to a woman
Superman 1 was decent
it was shit direction though, that bit where the evil girl lands and stands for a full 2 seconds before unleashing herself on the army was gay, looked like some emo anime shit
Says the guy who sat through a series of PS4 cutscenes in Black Panther just so he could cry like a bitch at Killmonger and his WOKE speech...
She could step on my balls any time.
The Smallville Battle was the best part of the movie and one of the best capeshit fights to date.
You shut your whore mouth!
Here you go
>that part where his laser vision turns on for the first time
That has to be one of the best superman scenes ever
>flings fedora at screen
>pouts all the way home
>Lois not knowing Clark from Superman was a big part of Superman.
Yeah, the most stupid part.
>hurr durr could he be da supes?
>herp derp no he has glasses NEEERD!
Imagine how stupid this person is that even capeshit is utterly beyond him...
>Gee I wonder if we could derive the identity of Superman based on him getting into a random fight in this small, Midwestern city.
i loved the movie and even i think this is absolute drivel, pa kent died to keep the secret of supe's identity not as some horseshit moral lesson
keep your fan theories to yourself
>Superman falcon punching they guy into a train yard
I don't remember that was that a cut scene?
Actually...why couldn't Zod terraform Mars???
You Hack Snyder fans need to quit trying to defend this shit
>he managed to make Superman, the most boring hero of all time
You've never read a comic have you?
>pa kent died to keep the secret of supe's identity
Meanwhile Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor figured it out immediately and the rest of the JL probably knows so what is the point?
How does he know he is in fact invincible?
did pa kent got drunk and was trying to rape ma kent then clark tried to stop him and he shot clark with a shotgun?
cause you know
being imune to injections doesnt actualy mean you can survive a fucking huricane
and even if he did survive the huricane could he survive the american army trying to dissect him? never watched ET user?
they fucking opened his CHEST and he could fly too
no qt sex cultist was the downfall of this movie
if evans is smugly laughing at anyone it's through tears while riding obama's nuts on twitter
Gosh, it's almost like an epic battle to save the entire world took place or something and the enemy didn't give a shit about human casualties...
It's too melodramatic and serious and the battle scene at the end was exaggerated and too long.
the only thing that got hurt during man of steel was the butts of s o y b o y s. their anal anguish is still being expressed to this day.
but kriptonians need to be horny to fire their laser eyes
The best Superman movie is the Donner movie. If you thought that this was the best Superman movie you don't understand Superman or movies.
>two godlike superbeings duke it out in the aftermath of an attempt to alter the fundamental nature of the entire planet
>"there was too much destruction"
I remember that speech from Allstar Superman
It was shit then and it's shit now
What fucking ideal does he gives them in Man of Steel?
They knew.
The final battle with Zod is six minutes long.
Superman and Zod's duel caused more damage than the world engine did.
Space dildos
No, that's wrong.
Not to mention he verified that by telling a high ranking American general that he grew up on a farm in Kansas and this is after he pissed him off by destroying his billion dollar spy satellite. By the time he flew back, the CIA probably had his home address and mother captured.
one of the best soundtracks,
not even a nomination by the jews
I grew up on that and am old as shit. Man of Steel was better than Donner's movie. Lois and Clark was better than Donner's movie.
This. MoS treated the characters as they were written in the comics. You can't have two gods duke it out over Manhattan without some collateral damage.
>pa kent died to keep the secret of supe's identity
He died because he's a human father and human fathers when confronted with danger don't tell their sons to go and face it for them, regardless of how superpowered their sons might be, the fundamental overpowering instinct is to protect children. In the moment it wasn't the right decision but humans in high-stakes situations often don't make the right decisions. It's part of the film's overall purpose of contrasting human fallibility with superhuman capability.
>Takes Zod out of a zone relatively barren of life and straight into a heavily populated area
>In doing so he also leaves his mom there with the others who can just kill her right there
I have read almost all superman comics that was ever written, so I understand superman quite well thank you. A lot of people grew up thinking that the donner superman was actually superman, but it's not. It is an interpretation that does not really fit any better with the comics than MOS. In many ways MOS fits a lot better, in some it doesn't. Overall I just judge them both as "movie versions" of superman, in their own right. And I think MOS is the better movie.
Are people *actually* so dumb that they think there was any reason for the Kents to know that teenage Clark is invincible or is it just one of those memes where people pretend to be extremely stupid to get a reaction?
I just imagine these morbidly obese retail workers watching Unbreakable and just being like “durr why didn’t the kid just shoot his dad, he’s unbreakable right? Didn’t the characters know what movie they were in??”
He had no control over where the fight took place. Zod was by far a better fighter.
when did bruce wayne figure it out... lex may have but that's because he's a supervillain with his own corporation
by the time batman knew superman's mother's name he had changed his mind about him
It was average/slightly below average and then BvS and Suicide Squad retroactively made it worse by association
you mean he's raging? I couldn't tell he seemed really calm in your webm
Together with the whole gravity thing scene it felt too long
i'll even accept this over the lesson in humility bunkum as it seems you put some thought into it
You never learned to read, did you?
Evans has cried every day of the Trump administration and openly weeps about his anxiety disorders in public. Dude is just a dork with access to good steroids
>in Kansas
>ET vivisected
user have you ever watched a movie?
the issue isn't about it being in the church really its that its so unsubtle about the Christ metaphor
Not even remotely. It really is a shame people were too stupid for this movie, quoted poster especially. I guess we’ll get schlock like Brie Larson’s cat vomiting for the foreseeable future
his heart is exposed after they escape the military base user
Worst comment in the thread
BvS directly addressed and built on the primary criticism of MoS that manchildren were crying about - SS was a piece of shit but completely unrelated
Is this true? I want to watch it but not if it’s actually this simple.
They're the same thing you melt
Why didn't they just use the heart attack like Superman 78? Way more powerful than a tornado.
Just watch the fucking movie faggot
make up your own mind, don't require to be told how to think and feel
There was one scene with the stained glass mural in the background of the shot and then he had Clark be the same age as Jesus when he died which actually was too subtle and you only noticed and got upset when the director pointed it out in an interview. That’s it. That’s literally the entirety of the Jesus symbolism in MoS. That’s what’s got your fedora in a twist. That’s what you’ve been crying about for 6 years
It’s honestly sad
>le you can't save everyone superman
fuck off
He's right though
Man I'm going to miss Zack's DCEU
Most of the Snydercucks problably had never read any comics in their life.
He was an asshole. He followed Clark, he reminded him how his father cucked him in a fight and wanted to destroy him and what he loved.
At least that's how I interpret it.
Rich Evans is a retard.
Same, bro. Looks like it’s all anus jokes and vomiting cats from here on out :/
The atmospheric pressure on Mars is roughly 0.006x Earth’s, not to mention being 95% CO2. It’s also cold as all hell, at least -100F every night
Point is Snyder is a hack. Only thing worse than Lois knowing his identity was Lex knowing it
>MoS treated the characters as they were written in the comics
this and BvS are the only movies that address the ACTUAL conflicts in Superman. Superman's cartoon weakness is kryptonite. Superman's ACTUAL weakness is his power. How does he balance being super-human with living among humans? This is the driving conflict of Man of Steel and BvS. BvS does something actually interesting and show Superman submit his powers to human institutions---only to have his powers torn away from that submission by the perversion of human institutions (Lex Luthor). It's an actually interesting conflict and an actually interesting exploration of the limits, uses, and nature of power.
Unironically 2deep4u films.
Cringe and bluepilled
if only he spent as much time trying to make the script or the edit less retarded as he did on match action cuts with another movie
BUt is it true though?
I’ve read like every issue of Action Comics, Superman, and JL as well as the fleeting crossovers like Batman/Superman, Superman/Wonder Woman, and Trinity for at least the past eight years, as well as all the most enduring stories like Birthright, Red Son, All-Star Supes, WHTTMoT?, Death of Superman, Kingdom Come, For the Man Who Has Everything, etc and can I say with absolutely zero hesitation that Zack’s Snyderman is an incredible rendition of the character and I feel very blessed to get the two movies with the character we got. I sincerely doubt we’ll ever see a better version
Not a fan of the cameraman with Parkinson's. Even on static scenes, the shakes...
No. It’s not true. It’s a complex film about the burden of power and what it costs to be heroic wrapped up in an exploration of the quintessential immigrant story redone in the vein of a First Contact sci-fi thriller. Now go watch it
Top post lad. cheers.
>this is actually good
It's not.
>i dont understand the hate of the media
It's because you're mentally defficient and lack the capacity to understand it.
I was ready to admit my ignorance but I don't think that's exposed as much as glowing through.
typical brainlet disney marvel fag
Learn english.
yeah because
>le you shouldn't save everyone
is a much better message. kys cuck.
Silly pajeet
Literally nothing wrong with that scene if you get what was the point of it
what? i dont think any rational person would run towards a tornado even more so when their dad tells them not to
>Normal son would run to save his father anyway, not just stand and watch.
Bullshit, in a dangerous situation any kid is going to do what their dad tells them
>This job... we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time... maybe nobody gets saved.
Blame Goyer
loved the ending so much.
>he had Clark be the same age as Jesus when he died which actually was too subtle and you only noticed and got upset when the director pointed it out in an interview
Fucking hell. I'm an atheist and even I eye-rolled at the obviousness of that in the cinema. It's not some little known thing that Snyder had to reveal to the world.
>106 days since last workplace accident
>*Supes gets knocked into sign*
>0 days since last workplace accident
I've always loved this gag.
very common for the hero to lure them away from the population. Stop being a fucking retard
that is the shilliest post i have ever read.
>main hero literally emasculated several times
>while his love interest and virtually every fucking other person in the movie is more competent.
Man of Steel was a movie designed for people who hate Superman. There was no other way around it.
Why do brainlets keep trying to claim they get BvS or MoS, when they can't even follow the basic plot without spoonfeeding and can't interpret any scene beyond face value (thus still thinking superman = jeebus is the point of the scene and all there is to it)
pic related
>plot holes out the ass
>both the Kents and the Els turned into bonafide sociopaths
>Clark is an aimless faggot who literally needs to be told what to do instead of being proactive and smart and basically starting the trend of Superman getting kicked all over the place in the DCEU which finally ended when FUCKING WHEDON of all people gave Superman a modicum of respect
>shit action scenes with shit choreography
>literally rips off the Reeve films with Superman fighting a grand total of Zod, a woman and a big guy
>Zod has one of the most retarded motivations and plans in capeshit villain history
>Lois Lane is a middle-aged spinster who is just as much of an annoying cunt as in any other version who literally could be cut out of the film with minimal changes required
>heavy-handed symbolism (not just with Jesus) with Hack Snyder so far up his own ass on Dunning-Kruger syndrome that it's hilarious
>it's barely two hours, yet feels like eight
>grey filter everywhere
>Cavill is utterly wasted
>entire moral is ditch your own for a bunch of faggots who treat you like shit
Yeah, very pro-white and masculine movie right there. Snyderfags are the worst, I swear.
It literally doesnt make sense why lex did all this shit. After watching the extended cut you really see everything happening is just his little puppet show. But why?
>plot holes out the ass
like fucking what?
>call others brainlets for not liking his garbage films
>posts a pic with people pointing out all the dumb shit in his films
You're not the brightest, are you Zack?
I like Kent family part.
honestly you're embarrassing yourself at this point. everything is explained in the movie.
No it fucking isn't. Where? It didnt make sense and that's why its so hated
I just want a sequel with braniac. And maybe kara too. Lmao could you imagine all the destruction. And people thought zod was bad...
>marvelfag in charge of critiquing cgi
Damn, can Captain Marvel do that?
One of my friend told me about this. That fight scene in MoS and the beginning of BVS are perfectly synced. The missiles, the explosion everything.
I will never understand the idiots who complain about the "collateral damage" done to Metropolis. You do realize that Zod was going to kill every human being on the planet, right? Clark managed to contain the damage to a SINGLE FUCKING CITY on earth - as opposed to EVERYBODY IN THE FUCKING WORLD DYING
Boo hoo there was damage, fuck off
Imagine actually thinking this.
"You think your son is safe? I WILL FIND HIM!"
Zod wanted revenge. Also, isn't it easier to terraform the same planet that codex is in?
People hate what they don’t understand.
that list is quite long. anything particular that you feel like wasn't explained or don't understand?
Superman would have tried to reduce casualties anyways. They were chasing him. He could have flew to the outskirts of the city instead of landing right in the center. He didn't even try. And that's not Superman
>very common
>when the villain's stated intention is to cause as much collateral as possible and wipe out mankind while the hero watches
>"Nah Supes will just be able to bait him"
user you're a dumb robot
>Someone actually spent time to make this.
user, don't ever feel proud for posting this. Do you really think it is possible to defend planet earth against a group of powerful aliens whose intention is to kill all the humans and make it there own planet, without collateral damage?
and he was terribly outnumbered
in a fucking comic book, yes it is common. You fucking moron.
Comic books are for gay children
What?? You mean to tell me that two billionaires/scientists/businessmen with all the intel in the world found out the secret identity of an alien who lived among them, even though the guy who adopted this alien, a common farmer, tried his best to keep his identity a secret? This is unacceptable!!
Superman is only a boring character if you think being a hero is just about beating guys up.
Why did Zod try to convince Clark to let the kryptions take over earth with a vision where superman drowns in a sea of human skulls?
Zod thinks a sea of human skulls would be neat and doesn't realise Clark might not agree that it was neat
>The atmospheric pressure on Mars is roughly 0.006x Earth’s, not to mention being 95% CO2. It’s also cold as all hell, at least -100F every night
Eh...I assume the terraform machine could fix that.
Why would you assume that
Mars barely even has an atmosphere, it physically can't maintain one because its core is tectonically inert.
Why do you even ask that? Kal El was one of the very few remaining Kryptonians. If Zod could convince Kal to join them, it would definitely benefit them.
not if they activate the machine
Thats the whole point of the movie you fucking mongoloid. He wasnt superman yet and basically had no idea what he was doing, he literally just got his suit and learned to fly right before shit went down. Fucking reeves had 12 years training at the fortress under his dads guidance and learning how to use his powers before he officially became superman
It’s him coming to terms with the fact that he is more than human. The fight scenes were pretty lame honestly and for the amount of plot and actual idea in the movie I’d say it’s too slow. I’d rather see him accept the idea and then stumble trying to do something with it for an origin than just getting there.
>virtually anything involving Lois Lane
>the World Engine needs the main ship to actually terraform Earth, so why doesn't Superman just throw his baby ship into the fucking Black Zero and make it disappear into a vortex instead of wasting time trying to destroy the World Engine and letting hundreds of people die in the process?
>for the record, why doesn't Jor-El tell Clark how to stop Zod from the get-fucking-go instead of telling it to Lois Lane instead and hoping she can somehow get that information to Clark on time?
>Zod has a crew of at least two dozen or more trained soldiers, why doesn't he send a group of five or six to fuck up Superman's shit to stop him?
>why the fuck does Zod need Lois Lane on-board his ship along with Clark in the first place?
>what the fuck are Superman's powers fueled by? It's not the sun, because there is some bullshit about how Earth's atmosphere makes his more powerful or something. It's not the atmosphere either, because when Jor-El switches out the atmosphere on the Black Zero from Krypton-mode to Earth-mode, only Superman gets his powers back, all the other Kryptonians are still for some fucking reason normal
>also, why does Clark smashing Zod's helmet destabilize Zod when Zod should already have been exposed to Earth's atmosphere on board the Black Zero prior to this
>Clark tackles Zod through several power plants, a field of corn and a goddamn gas station, leaving his mom defenseless against a group of kryptonians who, for some reason, don't take her hostage and threaten to rip her head off if Clark doesn't lay off their general
>Zod and company are somehow already as powerful as Clark with decades on Earth after five minutes of exposure to Earth's climate
>to add to the bullshit with kryptonian powers, Clark somehow wills himself to stop being affected by Kryptonian atmosphere and flies into the World Engine to destroy it because...willpower or something
I could keep going.
It’s because they identify as the normies and not Superman so the thought of a god killing people scares them.
The point of confusion comes from the manner in which Zod tried to convince Clark. It was moronic.
Why wasn’t Lois allowed to say Superman?
It's a perfectly valid assumption seeing as Zod's machine could magically turn a planet from one ecosystem into completely another.
>and he was terribly outnumbered
He was literally fighting one fucking guy.
Superman is "what if Jesus came down and used all of the miracles of God to save humanity every day and lived forever and wanted to live" its actually pretty interesting.
No it wasn't. Even if he lied and showed all-good, colorful visions, and actually convince Kal to join him, wouldn't Kal find out sooner or later that Zod lied to him when the world engine actually starts destroying everything? Wouldn't that create more problems than that lie would solve?
What about Zod's minions?
If he was attempting to use manipulation to make Clark hesitant or take longer to act against his plans, that would only benefit him and it would make sense. It's not like Clark could bring back the humans after they're gone, unless he has time travel powers in this canon.
What Zod did wanted was to genuinely convince Superman to join him. He tried this in the stupidest way possible. It's like he thought Clark would enjoy committing a pointless genocide, which Clark obviously does not want or else he would have done it before Zod showed up.
>What Zod did wanted was to genuinely convince Superman to join him
>Jor-El's son whom he deeply hated and swore to murder just to spite his ghost
>If he was attempting to use manipulation
Except he wan't. It wasn't "I so desperately want you in our team so I make up anything because I'm incapable of completing my mission without you" but more like a "join us or die" kind of message. So he went with the most straight forward vision he could think of.
If he wanted to literally kill him, he could have done it as soon as Clark lost his powers. What Zod wanted was to change who Clark was. Zod wouldn't have bothered with the fancy presentation of his people's history otherwise. It all gets retarded when Clark starts sinking into the sea of skulls as Zod acts like this is perfectly okay and cool.
>he could have done it as soon as Clark lost his powers
No he couldn't, because Clark had the macguffin to clone the krypton population and Zod didn't know how or where, or something.
He was never going to join him.
Maybe Zod just wanted to make Clark suffer before he killed him. Basically he was planning on making Clark watch him kill all the humans all along, instead of telling him he'll do it after killing Clark.
man, when i first saw that scene in the trailer I came so hard. good times.
I can hear the music
> fast n furious niggers of the comicbook world
Lol'ing pretty hard, seeing as DC is the most critically acclaimed of the comic book world. How dumb are you?
No one actually criticized that scene except for mentally handicapped dung-heaps on Yea Forums.
>DC is the most critically acclaimed of the comic book world
most damaged happened before the fight with zod with the world engine. also he wasn't as good in combat like zod. even in outerspace zod hit him with the satellite and brought the fight back to metropolis.
Yes, you don't read comics, we know, we could tell from your first post.
100x better than what 2018 MCU movies had to offer
>Trying to degrade the movie for it's cgi with a low quality webm
If there is one department in man of steel where they did a magnificent job, if the visuals. You aren't even trying.
Yes that's true.
im getting real tired of this snyder fellow and his vests
Good idea, piss poor execution. I can write a better fucking superman movie
>show less or no krypton, baby superman flies away in a pod while it explodes
>show more supes growing up, as a teenager and hobo
>despite being super, he feels alone, that he has no purpose , going from job to job and place to place, hiding his powers the best he can
>suddenly theres a disaster and he goes super to save a ton of people, and a ton of people see him do it
>supes realizes that saving people and being a hero is his thing
>he saves more people, becomes a hero, but still wears normal clothes
>his use of powers somehow alerts zodd and co.
>zodd is friendly and is really happy to see another kryptonian
>supes says no, so zodd beats his ass and drags him back to the ship, and is going to blow up the earth to be sure supes stays
>zodd and co. fit him with his suit "see? So much better then those rags"
>supes breaks out, beats zodd and saves earth
>bruce wayne cameo
He probably hasn't heard of Watchmen, Sandman, V for Vendetta, Year One, Dark Knight Returns, Kingdom Come, Hellblazer, Swamp Thing, All-Star Superman, Preacher, Scalped, Y The Last Man, Astro City, 100 Bullets, Killing Joke, Fables, or American Vampire.
Did you watch the movie on x2 speed?
All of those are explained.
get your gay nerd fanfiction out of here
Not the guy you're shitting on, but most of those are either 20+ years old, or from DC's Vertigo imprint, which is not really what people are talking about when they talk about DC.
You're reminding me that I need to reread 100 Bullets again. How did that book fade into nothing? There was a time when they were talking HBO miniseries or video game ffs.
>show less or no krypton, baby superman flies away in a pod while it explodes
that krypton sequence was so fucking incredible that russel crowe basically wanted a krypton prequel
>bruce wayne cameo
They didn't even want to build a universe when mos was in production. So no.
As for you whole thing, what a shitty rewrite. I'm so glad you're not a writer.