>dude he molested me but I liked it lmao
Dude he molested me but I liked it lmao
Would you let MJ suck you off if it means getting to be his friend? I would. I'd let him bust cheeks
don't forget the toystore shopping sprees, vacations for your family, buying your mom a house, giving you a dancing career which leads to you fucking Britney spears when she looks like this, AND basically paying you to be a neet filmmaker on his ranch
This, literally no down side. Plus you get to do sleepovers with MJ, what's there not to like
Cash/attention grab. Nothing more. You're a retard if you think otherwise. A female brain who believes gossip without proof.
Idk why but i always cringe when black ppl say "cheeks"
Who are you talking about?
Imagine being a prime hairless shota, hanging out with MJ, being showered in treasure, and all you have to do is let him lube you up to gently enter your butthole to love your young prostate with his adult sized cock which will be the largest in proportion you will ever have. Sounds like a dream. Imagine creating that sexual bond with someone a tender as MJ. God I wish that was me.
this but unironically
Also how good it would feel. You know your boyhole will loosen to MJ cock as he gently slides in and out. You won't tear anything unlike a faggot young girl's prepubescent vagina would.
worth it
MJ never did but stuff
Imagine getting replace by the next younger shota.
He kinda looked like a woman so I'd let him suck me anyway even without the friendship, toys, and money.
What a fucking faggot then. Burn in hell Michael Jackson, you absolutely unbased kiddie diddler
Better shave/wax, stay in boy mode as long as possible, and learn how to please MJ like no other.
>gets raped
Turned it off right there.
I feel bad for them.
They got raped by the human equivalent of Candy. Something beloved by everyone, so no one wants to believe its possible candy is actually a monster
formerly DangerSneed
She is, I slipped a dollar in her panties and she punched me in the eye screaming "That's it!?"
That's actually a really good deal. Fuck it, now I understand why people sell their souls to the devil for less.