Jazz General - Repulsed Amir Edition

Episode 10 QRD:

>2:00: Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
>25:36: We meet the new crop of transteens slated to be castrated.


POP!: youtube.com/watch?v=IPE_fXoXrQk

Jazz is Sauronpilled: youtube.com/watch?v=LtkrhL8eJXQ

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Other urls found in this thread:


>You know, I always wonder why I keep having to dilate my neovag. Though I'm not really smart, so whenever I think too much about anything, I start to pop.
>I had a bizarre dream. While I was walking amid the darkness in that dream, I saw a light. And I saw my pretty sister.
>My big sister, Ari. She asked me where I was going, so I said that I was going to follow her.
>I mean, my Sis was always really pretty. She made Mom very proud, so I'd be able to make Mom happy too.
>But then she said I should decide for myself. She said, 'Jaron, you're the one who has to decide who you want to be.'
>I thought for a bit, and I answered that I was going to be just like her, and then I woke up.
>It was a really sad dream

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So Jaron's "vagina" doesn't have lips of any kind or a "clitoral" hood.
It's basically just a hole with the glans stitched at the top, like a decapitated head on a pike.
Is this because he got an experimental surgery (due to micropenis) or is it normal to only have the hole done first and the cosmetics get added later?

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If you watch this show you are a worthless piece of shit

>Non-binary is code for either being same sex attracted or simply hating the box that society says you belong in according to your sex.
>Non-binary is the peak of, 'I'm not like other girls."

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however much they are paying that nigger, it's not enough

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Also, what happens to the urethra?

so non binary just means gay

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What is Amir's endgame?



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Do you think Jazzm will go see captain marvel?
is she going to enjoy it because ya guuurllsss rule!!
or is she going to hate it because no trans-representation?
do kinoplexes have seats that accomodate teratomas?

>I've had my shaer of bullying
>I'm a strong wammin
>I don't cry

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Anything that isant default mode is gay.

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Fucking amir could have a normal girl, why is he doing this? is he trying to get famous or is he getting paid?

She could've been a cutie.

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Get a fair shar of the bonus situation for himself and ari and then blow up the USCSS Bloshinsky and escape on the narcissus shuttle

Nah, it also applies to people who are too stupid to realize they don't have to forsake their basic biology to have a dynamic personality.
>Male "non-binary" usually means they're bisexual or homosexual
>Female "non-binary" usually means they don't feel like they're a stupid bimbo who's only into shopping so they need as though they need to identify out of their femaleness to not be viewed like that anymore

If you're tranny-wise and watch it to collect memes and redpills, you are a valuable member of society.

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He's definitely getting paid

see pic related to see what a "good" surgery looks like.

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>into fake manhood
That's the opposite. Apply yourselves.

They ruined tomboys.

see pic related to see what a "good" surgery looks like.


the weird isnt amirs reaction but jazz's
how does he think anyone responds to being told about having your outer membrane stomach-lining remade into a vagina?


>obsessing this hard over this disgusting freak
Pure autism

Yes they did. Although there never seemed to be much acceptance for tomboys anyway. Of course they were going to duck into this transsexual or non-binary bullshit. Society never did care much for gender non-conforming women, which is what tomboys are.

The world is flat

Can I get the 'Lynchian' pasta? I unironically got fascinated by it the last time I read it

ok, but was that all done in one surgery or did they do it in two passes, the hole first and then the "lips"?

I think he's dumb enough to believe that Jazz was 'turned' into a woman

God damn it Steiner why couldn't you just follow simple orders...

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The Jazz show has the deepest lore.

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because in his clown world, that's normal, healthy and celebrated. and people dance for Jaron's like puppets. Ahmir wasn't doing what he was "supposed to."

It looks ugly even when everything goes accordingly, theres no winning scenario here, it is pretty much like nosejobs, there are no good nosejobs, you either conform with what you have or get straight to uncanny, except in the vag so you are pretty much perma fucked.

The funny part is that all post surgeries and maintenance are on your payroll so this is like paying to pretend to be a woman.


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You could hear in her voice that she was hesitant to mention the stomach part.

Yeah he does look REALLY fucking dumb.

His momma ain't stupid, how is Ahmir so dumb?

I wish they would have left just a few more seconds of his face in. He was just about to cry.

>So you sayin'
>You ain't got a dick no mo'?
Amir is a fag, he likes dicks. That is why they are "just friends".

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In this world, there are fake genitalia in the darkest shadows and in the most ordinary people. These are the true stories of the Lynchian and the Degenerate. Between the world we see and the things we slice, there are wounds. When they are dialated, nightmares pop into reality.

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Me and my family like making fun of this show MST3K style.

Ahmir's mom is redpilled



Maybe he got it from his father, after all she is sassy black, you gotta be not that bright to empregnate that.
No offense to lurking black ladies but seriously go fuck yourselves.

Amir likes feminine dicks tho.

he had to know, it was on tv. He probably imagined it would be the normal inverted penis thing.

>don't tell the kids the reality of the situation
Holy fucking shit why hasn't she been tortured with fire yet?

Because she has been captive in a positive echo chamber of yes sayers all her life. She comes from an upper class Jewish family in an affluent part of Florida, these people get away with doing whatever the fuck they want because they never come into contact with the real world.

It's funny because even ugly weird looking vaginas can still make you horny by looking at them, but this is just disgusting.

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The ugliest woman vagina will always beat the best looking tranny-gina.

From my understanding every sex reassignment surgery is done through multiple surgeries. First they form it's basic form, then the next surgery is to attempt to make it appear more like a real vagina/dick by grafting skin from other parts of the body (leaving large scars where they graft from and all around the genital area). The end result looks nothing like human genitals in both male and female cases. Jazz was special case because his mother put him on puberty blockers too early in his childhood which the one doctor said stunted his penis growth. At 16 Jazz had a penis the size of a 4 year old, so one would logically assume that was around the time that Jazz was put on hormones and puberty blockers to prevent testosterone from forming him into a natural looking man. A normal SRS surgery is at least 2 or 3 different surgeries only dealing with skin grafting and the genital area, but where Jazz's penis was too small they had to have a gastro intestinal surgeon come in and extract part of Jazz's stomach to form the basic form of the vagina. Jazz will have at least 3 different surgeries before it's all said and done.

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>shit nigguh so dey took de booty to maek the poosy
>can't fug de poosy don't haev no booty
>shit nigga i am outta here
>niggas be shitting by the front baka

>tfw you will never, ever have a family that makes fun of I Am Jazz MST3K style
>tfw instead you ended up with abusive boomer parents that acted quite similarly to Jeanette (just minus the Judaism and transsexuality) that you had to cut off at the age of 18 and you've haven't seen or spoken to your entire family since then
it was the right thing for me to do but it sure makes me sad. it's a shame my parents willing chose to have a child then hated having to deal with a child.

>just minus the Judaism


Can you explain to me how Jazz's vagina works? It doesn't seem to make any sense.

T h r e a d t h e m e: youtube.com/watch?v=4cl9jkn3v2c

Same, parents are disgusted with how crass this family is. I guess money can't buy class.


the moment where she hung up the phone because she can't understand Amir's mothers rage.

it is a hole made out of an a-hole
can't even squeeze closed like the anus because no muscles


He looks more mannish when he makes that face.

I dunno guys... I don't think this dude was in the Airborne...

Much obliged user.

Was ep 10 the last episode?
Was this season the last one?

>how Jazz's vagina works
it queefs actual farts.

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Amir just wanted to suck a dick while groping some tits.

You're hardwired as a human to have a cave man instinct to become aroused by the sight and smell of a vagina. You don't become aroused to a necrogina anymore than you would be aroused to your friend getting a flesh wound.

No, my father was non-religious and my mother was too but she insisted on being a "two timer." Meaning, she would just only attend church on Christmas and Easter. She very obviously didn't believe in anything past this world but there we were, barging into a random different Easter service every year. One year it was a Presbyterian, one year Catholic and one year it was indeed Episcopal. It always felt wrong to me. The people at these services would be confused by our presence and I felt like I was intruding.

My mother said that she, "Like the redemption of it." Of course an abusive cluster b boomer mother would.
Jeanette's less flashy mannerisms, her coldness, lack of actual emotions besides irritation, her tiny facial micro-expressions are actually pretty similar to my mother.

got a full clip?

We are your family now user

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For how much money would you fuck his wound?

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That is for me at least a big part of the problem, I've seen some pretty cute traps in my day but Jazz just looks like a pudgy pubescent Arab boy.

Nice blog

How do I unsubscribe

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Holy shit
>Juicy new pops
It's got to be a coincidence, you know a fellow user poster here doesn't work at TLC and this is an inside joke referencing the "popping" incident that everyone makes fun of?

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:00: Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
holy shit the truth is slamming them both in the face and they're still going to eternally double down until one or both kill themselves.

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Thanks user.

Just go back in time and give my parents the Jazz treatment

By fucking off from this thread.

>That doesn't look very scary. More like a six-foot turkey.

Try to imagine yourself in the Post-Modernist Period. You'd get your first look at the six-foot turkey as you move into the exam room. But Ting, he knew you were there a long time ago. He moves like a bird; lightly, bobbing his head, and you keep still, because you think maybe his visual acuity's based on movement, like a nigger, and he'll lose you if you don't move. But no. Not Ting. You stare at him, and he just stares back. That's when the attack comes - - not from the front, no, from the side, from the other two doctors you didn't even know were there. Ting's a pack hunter, you see, he uses coordinated attack patterns, and he's out in force today. And he slashes at you with this - - - - a tempered steel scalpel, like a razor, on his hand. Doesn’t bother to cut the jugular, he just slashes here, here - - or maybe across the scrotum, spilling your testicles. Point is, you're alive when he starts to mutilate you. Whole thing took about four hours. So, you know, try to show a little respect.

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Yeah I could believe the theory that he's gay, aware his mom doesn't accept that, and he thinks he's tricking the system with Jazz. He's also in denial about Jazz's actual status while Jazz is such a narcissist and do brainwashed he'd never stop to realize his boyfriend is a homo and thinks of him as a man

>Amir likes feminine dicks tho.
Then he would date goys with intact foreskins exclusively.

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OK so what are the odds someone embedded in the Jazz program is indeed trying to make this shit as unpalatable as possible? It's almost as if TLC is TRYING to make normal people get turned off and freaked out by all this. It doesn't even seem like normalization desu. That clip above with "juice pops"... WTF I love TLC now

>know tranny irl
>hes taking HRT
>family issues of blood problems means that he'll probably die, even the dr said not to take that shit
>doesnt care
>woke up one die to a completely numb leg and had to go to the emergency room
>mfw hes literally killing himself taking this shit

Trannies, YES! Take HRT! Chop your dick off! Its the only way to be happy!

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I'd do it for 5k. I'd let him suck me off for free tho

better question, how much would you pay to kill him?

>Whole ting took about four hours.

>You don't become aroused to a necrogina anymore than you would be aroused to your friend getting a flesh wound.
uhhh yeah... I... don't become aroused by that at all...

Tryhard tough guy

> an abusive cluster b boomer mother
I feel your pain user, my mother was a bi-polar and borderline sociopathic spic who had a irracional hate for me because i look exactly like my father (some white guy who knocked her up and got the fuck back to his country) but the most painful part was that despite the abuse i still loved her as a kid (natural child instinct i guess) but she did not love me back, i haven't seen her in almost 10 years.

I am not a murderer


>be a hideous, autistic, wh*te potato
>find loophole so you call yourself "nonbinary" and wear ugly clothes
>"yassss slayyyy"
peak narcissism.


Looks like an idiot

I can watch him do that to himself for free from the comfort of my home.

Lmao this, but I honestly don't think we can fix you. Stay cool emotionally-abused-user

It's so fucking concerning that the dogma is, "Either transition or you'll end up committing suicide." That a life without transition is worse than early death. That's FUCKED.

>tfw I also know a tranny, not irl, more of a friend of a friend from long ago
She's a FTM though. However, she's also destroying her body.
>severely balding with a giant fivehead
>really bad acne that's a constant, never clears up
>is always one step away from having a mental breakdown
>her "binder" (AKA the modern corset) is crushing her ribcage to the point where her ribs hurt all the time and she is usually slightly out of breath constantly
>the days leading up to her shot day, she basically goes on a mental downward spiral
>she acts as if TERFs are a true threat and that "they're as bad as Nazis"
>constantly complains how lonely she is
It's a trainwreck I can't look away from. She's going to be 28 and has been attending various colleges (including art school) since she was 18 and she still doesn't have any kind of degree in anything.

user at least tell me it's not your friends/family/bf/gf getting hurt that cranks your chain. that's nigger tier.

This is what happens when ideologues decide mental illness is not a problem, it enables them to address it to absurd degrees. Seriously, what mentally sane person would go through all this and not consider the risk involved? Do they even care about their relatives losing him?

Can someone please explain what TERF's are?

>better question, how much would you pay to kill him?
Enabling him with praise is free.

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Anybody else browse /lgbt/ for fun?
Here's a cool pic:

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Don't do this.

Dude, I had to cut out my mother cause she's batshit insane and of course abusive. She didn't try to turn me into a tranny for bucks, but in this day and age she might have. We got away, Jaron never well. He will kill himself still thinking his evil demon of a mother "did the best she could."

It doesn't. I don't understand why he so desperately wants to use it, it won't end well.

Anyone got diss niggas Twitter or Facebook?

Same here. Convinced that if everyone with a cluster B disorder was dead, we'd have no trannies. Apparently 50% of trannies have a BPD mother. We escaped that shit, user, we got off lightly.

Damn user. My parents were both white boomer Americans so IDK what the FUCK their problem was. It's such a waste and it fucks you up for so long. IKTF. Cutting parents like that off is the right thing to do. It's been nearly 9 years since I've seen my family.

Send her an anonymous note in which you copy this thread.

Can someone make a pasta for the song breakfast at tiffanys?

what is the point of being a tranny? Women aren't really attractive for that long, and these trannies usually look bad to start with

pic related kinda, Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. they don't think men can be women and they're feminists.

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Feminists who aren't crazy enough to put up with trannies. They agree with us that trannies are men and can never become women. They're our comfy grills.

Trannies often physically assault them, so it's rare to come across an out and proud terf.

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>Dr. Pimple Popper

Perfect storm of autism and malignant personality disorders. Most trannies are crazy and criminally inclined.

>someone embedded in the Jazz program is indeed trying to make this shit as unpalatable as possible?
The way the family acts and their personalities does most of the work for him already. I doubt they need much help.

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But they still hate us or...?

you're right, we did get away, as fucked as we may be we got out at least physically and mostly mentally intact. my parents should still pay for what they did but even if that happened, I would still be as I am.

but Jaron is now irreversibly altered and mutilated. he never had any privacy. and his abuse was televised for PROFIT. his parents are EVIL

I don't get it

what do you mean you don't want to fuck my stomach lining pussy lubricated with fecal juices Ahmir?

friendly reminder a lot of trans people have sexual fetishes of people telling them they're not the gender they want to be and humiliating them for it.

there's no point, she is completely unwilling to question the trans agenda. she's been taking test for about 7 years. I've already tried a bunch of times to wake her up and she isn't willing to listen.

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Never read Header?

>bully bullies a tranny
>tranny kills himself
>later on bully becomes a tranny too
>tranny n. 3 sees how ugly trannybully is
>tranny n. 3 kills himself


Call them autogynephiles. It really fucks them up.

friendly reminder that nearly every single transgender person is depressed and that depression is almost always the cause to why they're trans. READ INVISIBLE MONSTERS FOR THE ULTRA RED PILL

>even the fucking cat is disgusted by jazz

My family are white and love me :^)

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Jazz and Amir have the same mustache

no, give me the basic gestalt.


>for fun

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non binary is for neurotic porn addicts who are terrified of trying living a real life of meaning and purpose and value

attaching themselves to all these moronic, made-up labels is a form of arrested development


whats the episode where the stitches pop? I've never seen the full clip, only edits

Nothing, guy will probably khs like the other trannies.

is this PRO-LGBT propaganda?! GTFO FAGGOT

His mother is truly evil. Even her own kid is just a prop to convince the goyim to mutilate themselves. What the fuck

Maybe TLC could do a crossover and Dr. Pimple Popper could fix up Jazz's hole. She is a skin surgeon.

inbred hill people drill holes in other folks' heads to fuck 'em

is this general pro or anti trany?

jazz suicide when

what do you think?

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I had a gag reflex at that scene, for real.
So no money can help this time.

>getting a stiffy over fictional violence
hardly the worse this clown world encourages

Neither. It's pro-schadenfreude.

this nigger puts 0 effort into it. like he doesn't even try to sound like a girl

why can a mentally ill fetishist or brainwashed child go to a doctor and get testosterone/estrogen but if i wanted to get testosterone supplements to be more manly i can't

Remember when Noelle decided to burn his clothes to "forget the past" instead of giving it to a good will? What a fine guy.

maybe that's why he's the only one that doesn't make me want to smash my tv

>there are no good nosejobs

>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany; he based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. Historian Dustin Goltz characterized this group as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".[1]

>Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family, the son of a highly regarded physician and Senior Medical Officer Hermann Hirschfeld.

>Under the more liberal atmosphere of the newly founded Weimar Republic, Hirschfeld purchased a villa not far from the Reichstag building in Berlin for his new Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute of Sexual Research), which opened on 6 July 1919.

>The Institute housed Hirschfeld's immense archives and library on sexuality and provided educational services and medical consultations; the clinical staff included psychiatrists Felix Abraham and Arthur Kronfeld, gynecologist Ludwig Levy-Lenz, dermatologist and endocrinologist Bernhard Schapiro, and dermatologist Friedrich Wertheim.[43] The Institute also housed the Museum of Sex, an educational resource for the public, which is reported to have been visited by school classes. Hirschfeld himself lived at the Institution on the second floor with his lover, Karl Giese, together with his sister Recha Tobias.[44] Giese and Hirschfeld were a well known couple in the gay scene in Berlin, and as the latter liked to cross-dress, Hirschfeld was popularly known as "Tante Magnesia".[45]

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We are seeing pure evil being broadcast worldwide for our entertainment. We live in clown world.

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Goddamn this is apt.

You'll say we've got nothing in common
No common dicks to start from
And my vagina is falling apart
You say your mom has come between us
Dr. Bowers has come between us
Still I know you're just gay

And I said, "What about Dilation at Skylar's?"
He said, "I think I remember that dude"
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got"

I see you, the only one who'd kiss me
But now my dick is history
I guess I was wrong
So what now? It's plain to see we're over
It hurts when I bend over
My neovagina is left undone

And I said, "What about Dilation at Skylar's?"
He said, "I think I remember that dude"
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got"

You'll say we've got nothing in common
No common dicks to start from
And my vagina is falling apart
You say your mom has come between us
Dr. Bowers has come between us
Still I know you're just gay

And I said, "What about Dilation at Skylar's?"
He said, "I think I remember that dude"
And as I recall, I think we both kinda liked it"
And I said, "Well, that's the one thing we've got"

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Not as long as you're not a traditionalist, usually. TERFS aren't the tumblr feminists, they're the type to actually go and argue for rights for women in shithole thirdworld countries. Lotta lesbians in there too.

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>clinical staff included psychiatrists Felix Abraham and Arthur Kronfeld, gynecologist Ludwig Levy-Lenz, dermatologist and endocrinologist Bernhard Schapiro, and dermatologist Friedrich Wertheim
Is transgenderism an entirely Jewish phenomenon?

Ay in amongst all the parody songs, did anyone ever post the unedited transphobic song that Dresden Dolls did?

TERFs are feminists who are starting to realize they have been tricked. It isn't too hard to wake them up the rest of the way if they are young.

I'm in the UK so it's literally illegal for me not to say no to this question, but nah mate it's fine, jews are great don't worry about them they aren't up to anything. Statistics are literally black magic anyway and you should NOT do them.

This makes me believe the whole show is fiction/staged. This almost makes me think Jazz might be really a girl, but then I see his shoulder/hips ration and realize that part is real.
Just like Boogie2988. Willing to fuck anything if he doesn't have to pay for it. Trying to kick his paid hooker habit.

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Some people just want to watch the world barf.


1k with condom, 100k without

>part own
Who else owns part of his ass?

>I didn't outright dismiss someone the first time they used the word "privilege."

I'm changing bros

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>tactical covering of adam's apple

Don't forget the "smirk" to hide the jaw and the weird cellphone hold to hide the manhands

Most women are TERFs

TERFs are pretty redpilled on a lot of a nu-gender bullshit which is why they are often lumped in with the alt right because of le epic political horseshoe. while they are still feminist retards at the end of the day, at least their intense butthurt at trannies occasionally means they make some solid points even if their endgame is more women in charge of society which is a shitcan idea

if you want the lowdown on AGP fetishism among trannies (and why wouldn't you, this is our hobby now), look up gallus mag's blog on this, she has some spicy takes

They basically flay your skin to make your vagina. The doctors flay your fucking skin.


aw shit i just checked, gallus mag got kicked off wordpress

(((they))) got her bros

dont these kids have to go to school? How are they able to clown around all day



what did you post?
is it the user on Yea Forums asking if his gf's vagina is normal?

if not then post an external link please.

I'm honestly pretty freaked out by all this. The more I learn, the more scary this all this.

If this was normal, healthy and truly someone becoming their authentic self, then my reaction should be the opposite. But it's not because this is insanity.

based. blogposts lead to namefags, which leads to tripposters, which kills generals.

it's called the learning channel for a reason

Basically they're just normal women who don't want men pretending to be women up in their actual women clubs and shit

So the TERFs don't want them on their....turf?

Gentlemen ...


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I think the "boyfriend" isn't really paid to be there but he is most probably under the most terrible peer pressure unimaginable. If he ditched Jazz his life would be over when the hoards of trannorcs come knocking through his twitter door. I had a friend on college who suffered from cancer and his girlfriend was cucking him hard, me and my friends confronted her about it and she claimed she loved him, once she died she invited us to a bowling alley the next week and she had a new boyfriend, people are just too afraid to be socially shunned.

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The shoulder to hip ration gets them every time (among everything else in this train wreck)

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>Jazz's vagina

Spoonfeed me the summary. I don't feel like going to a cancerous site.

TERFs are very much into #metoo, abortion, gay marriage, gender gap, that sort of stuff.

>First 3 are actually ok in passing, strange...
>The fucking rest
JESUS Christ

Yeah, that was the pic. For some reason they think that someone is going to jerk it to that monstrosity.

Jesus christ, make sure you sort by new

Attached: trwala.jpg (640x427, 44K)

Plastic surgery was a mistake. I get that it's useful for people with deformation, but mulitating a healthy person's body is just insane. They are doctors for fucks sake.

Attached: 7b7ab0839d1ed3e2a20115674b6eb55281277098e9b1fa86a6b662b53c0f382d.jpg (480x360, 97K)

I've seen this shit before, imagine going through your life with all your problems plus now the lingering intrusive thought of "d-do i pass?" whenever you go outside, and you can be sure no matter what reddit tells them, they know more than anybody else that they don't and will never pass.

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: Lynchian.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)


Attached: 1551991162272.jpg (1939x3189, 2.87M)

>tfw partially both /pol/ and TERF minded but think the Kavanaugh debacle was a DNC circus and support the 2A but also is pro choice and pro environment making both /pol/ and TERFs alike hate your guts and want to spit on you

>tfw no qt tranny gf

man this copypasta is older than jazz's mom

based and redpilled

Jazz's mom used to be cute

Attached: 1551295689743.jpg (881x1035, 193K)

One of my friends (male) has long hair. A few years ago I posted his pic to this sub, with a title like "Feeling pretty, do you think I pass?"
Needless to say he was not happy.

Yeah pretty clever isn't it. I'm sure the women themselves didn't come up with the name. But men pretending to be women did. FUCKING patriarchy

It's older than Jazz's necrobucci!

based and lynchpilled

>that giant chin
No she wasn't.

You're a bad friend.

Abortion is very disgusting. Not even gonna enter on the ethics of it. Maybe it should be legal but a society where unintended pregnancies are treated like "oh i'll just get an abortion lol high five girls" makes me want to vomit.

That's hilarious.

OH NO NONONONO is that blonde thing supossed to pass?


Attached: 6LZ4JDXAP5CSRKCKY6UTF5KNXI.jpg (1200x1651, 271K)

That's just a balding dude with long hair. he must be taking the piss.

Attached: 1550630030659.png (401x500, 157K)

Joe, that was not a nice thing to do to Q.

can someone post the dilatation horror storries from reddit ?

it's a socially acceptable shitskin disposal method. I'll take it anyway.

>FTM trannies

Attached: gal-kilmer.jpg (640x918, 71K)

There's a FTM who works at a cafe-bar where I live. Dat nasaly voice and lumpy body.

I clicked and instantly regretted it

I get as much as I give

I don't get those either, but they are less insufferable than the autogynephiles.

Can someone post video of red dad?

Attached: 6DF3F612-98E1-4F09-B145-C2ADD95FAFAF.png (497x549, 210K)

You are a bad person. Deep down inside, where it counts.

Attached: Strother Martin images.jpg (235x214, 7K)

>coming out tomorrow

And suicide the day after tomorrow?

why do friends treat each other like shit

um... because it's funny?

Is this Aris fate, bros?

Attached: 1551663316583.png (835x835, 1.13M)

That thing is spoopy. Is it a sunken boat?

You could wait for the new Cronenberg movie.

Attached: dr-dc-03.jpg (640x384, 52K)

Yeah it's the USS Saratoga, maybe we should start calling Jazz's vagina the Saratoga's wreck, imagine if they hear the nickname and they google search it lmao.

What if Jazz's mom is actually a man and Jazz was her teratoma?

There are less and less taboos in America every day

No. She is doomed to become the teratoma breeding sow.

Attached: tumblr_olj0fyoPDJ1rp0vkjo1_500.gif (500x208, 1.99M)

I could get behind that. I will start calling it that.

>Saratoga's wreck
oh fuck

What movie?

I don't even know her
but I think I could love her
Crimson Teratoma

>Saratoga's Wreck
>Child Abuse
>Medical Experimentation
What else?

Sophie's Choice

You kind of look like jazzes buddy in this pic laying in front.

Attached: Mentally ill 1.png (2156x1722, 2.73M)

Man Cave

Gaza Strip

The Thing 2011.

Attached: DxEg2fXUcAAM9HL.jpg (1044x1200, 282K)

He is Jazz's best friend and his parents are transphobes that refused to allow him to go on hormones/puberty blockers before 18.

Attached: Discord Tranny.jpg (449x600, 29K)

>Dr. Popper


Three “non-binary” people I’ve known were all freaks.
>autistic white girl who plays vidya
>autistic white girl who watches shonen anime
>giant negress of Leslie Jones apehood


Gateway to Hell.

Attached: 40460836_1669587366479522_3393871685441552384_n.jpg (709x759, 60K)

Guys, I'll be honest. Zoomerchan is the cutetst "girl" I've seen on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1541871523565.png (1538x901, 1.42M)



Attached: breast deformity.jpg (604x286, 32K)

the wound

how is Jazz so ignorant and not-self-self aware that he didn't understand that saying his sutured pussy was made out a stomach lining would be considered utterly disgusting and repulsive to others? is it just because certain people don't have an in-built sense of shame or disgust?

Attached: 1551139769883.jpg (836x1254, 588K)

Axe Wound*


Nothing is cute about mental illness.

Attached: Mental Illness.png (1884x860, 526K)

Basket Case

Attached: holding the REEEEEEEE.png (845x648, 1.04M)


there are people who work in IT and operate servers that are trannies user.

So what's next? female to male trannies are going to introduce vita coco into their sausages using a straw to mimic cum?

there is nothing gay about being attracted to an image of a person who looks like a woman, but in real life when the pants are off and a cock in your ass you might think different

>This is zit!

> gives her some hips

Pretty sure hormones can't do that, that's mostly bone structure, isn't it?

Teratoma Pie


There are other mental illness' that are crippling other than mental retardation user.

Attached: Stay in the closet faggot.png (1814x910, 1015K)

Attached: 1426455826881.png (600x580, 572K)

I wanted to say
>The Amigara Fault
But not even Amir wants to get inside this hole


their agenda often is outright delusion.

I love this next-level multi-post pasta

el oh el

>Jazz: This hole... It was made for me
that's kino

>axe wound
this has been one of the top names for many a thread

In the op

it's so fucking bizzare that these are the highest quality threads on Yea Forums. we stare into the devil's anus

and it stares back

Does it... wink back?

>The Amigara Fault

Attached: amigara.jpg (350x368, 71K)

Mmm, that turn you on Yea Forums? GOTCHA, bet you didn't even know that was a trans woman!

Attached: 7ww379zfeqk21.jpg (902x1437, 91K)

delicious OC

We're actually watching TV i think that's what makes the difference.

It's "Jazz's".

It's "illnesses".

Recent post by Jazz's boyfriend in pic. I think he finally got to see for himself the mutilated frankengina. He stared into the abyss and it stared back into his soul. Now he posts this.

Attached: Fucked Jazz now crazy.png (1226x795, 1.47M)

grammar tranny.

Attached: 1551753177091.gif (487x815, 587K)

Maybe it's me but it sounds exactly like he's trying to kickstart a business out of this, it's probably the reason he's grooming Jazz's rotten black bean.

The Jews feared Jaron's raw power. His development was stunted at age 4 and Jazz still looks like a vending machine. Jaron still surfaces every now and then, he lies dormant but soon he will break the chains of his torturers.

His retribution will be brutal.


Fucking delicious

>>rotten black bean

Good one, anou.

Attached: 740full-rowan-blanchard (1).jpg (740x925, 194K)

The other day when I found that instagram post, there was only one other account with his name on instagram that was tied to that name and it was for a car wash business that hadn't been started yet, but it was in Ohio. So I think he is really from Ohio and he does have a part time job at a car wash because I checked facebook and he popped up for a local car wash for some reason in the same area that new car wash business was supposed to be. I am thinking his "secret" on the show will be that he is a female to male tranny. Since everything on the show is staged and all of jazzes "normal" friends are obviously paid actors, and all of jazzes real friends are internet trannies, I have a feeling this is where they are going with the show.

Attached: Buffalo Bill Jazz Jennings.png (1920x1080, 467K)

Attached: 3060397_0.png (313x313, 22K)

dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
Is there a perfect way of stitching you giney?
Vicinity of obscenity in your eyes
teratoma teratoma teratoma pie
Is there a perfect way of stitching you giney?
Vicinity of obscenity in your eyes
teratoma pie
teratoma pie
teratoma pie
teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
Delude us all
Till defeat
Show us whores
With man feet?
Mince their meat (Mince their meat)
Do the deed
So that they
Never breed
dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
Is there a perfect way of stitching your giney?
Vicinity of obscenity in your eyes
teratoma pie
teratoma pie
teratoma pie
teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
Delude us all
Till defeat
Show us whores
With man feet?
Mince their meat (Mince their meat)
Do the deed
So that they
Never breed
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie
dilata dilata dilata dilata teratoma dilata teratoma teratoma pie

Attached: 61f32732f120f8dc837984e932db4a84.1000x1000x1.jpg (1000x1000, 111K)

The enemy of my enemy dies second

what is his youtube account? I want to email him because reasons.

It's "Jazz's".

New thread

Even more pathetic, MtFs are just failed surplus males ,and while I don't consider them women as they don't possess the natural resource of a womb, a man can "lose" his masculinity. Better someone's prison bitch than a nintendo reviewer.

FtM's are just comical.
>whine and bitch for gibs like a woman
>5'8 average womanlet
>scraggly pube beard
>tiny fragile bones
And yet they still try to act like they've earned any respect and throw their weight around. Ironically the only reason they get away with it is because everyone's brain is immediately classifying them as female and thus not to be taken seriously or to go easy on them.

>cut off

Because in a functioning male high testosterone causes increased competence, usually increased critical thinking ability, and healthy territorialism and mistrust of authority.

So he posted this the other day.
Wonder when he is going full tranny too?

Attached: Drag.png (1407x681, 1.13M)

based answer

Attached: nice.png (566x480, 344K)

His Asian impression is improving.

Looks like a fucking gerbil. I want to crush her eyesockets.