Captain Marvel

Just came back from this.
Whenever someone complains here that some character is a mary sue, I usually tell them that they are butthurt and can fuck off.
But if pic related isn't a mary sue, I don't know what is.

Anyway, did anyone else watch this and what did you think of it.
If you want spoilers ask away

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Other urls found in this thread:

How full was your theater?

It was 5:30pm showing, so there was like 10 of us, but I saw alot of people lined up for the next 8:00pm showing, slav here btw

How did fury loose his eye

Where was Cap M throughout all of the recent major events which threatened mankind?

Any other character cameo/easter eggs?

him losing an eye was reduced to a comedy bit, he literally loses it to the cat, and yeah the cat is special, but there isnt anything special in him losing the eye, later his assistant is like "is it true sir, that you didn't want to revel the secrets to the enemy and they took your eye because of it?" and fury is like "I wont confirm nor denie it"

She was finding new home for the scrulls, plot twist the scrulls are the good guys and the kree are the badies

Not OP. There was like 15-20 people in my theater.
Movie is a bit boring, but seeing young Sam Jackson was pretty cool. Mendelson was pretty great as well. I think it could have been a lot more enjoyable with a charismatic lead.

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Space-Nazis bad... space-commies good? Who saw that one coming? :o

forgot the cameo part.
There are a lot of them, ronan, the guardians of the galaxy literally who black guy, and furys assistant who died in one of the avengers movies, also it turns out they were searching for the teseract the entire time
There was a hot blue sniper girl, it was painfully obvious that she was modeled after widowmaker from overwatch

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>She was finding new home for the scrulls
good lord

I mean that's the reason she left earth in the end of the movie, I don't know if that was all she did

Space Muslims, user. He loves you

>furys assistant who died in one of the avengers movies
Who was this one? I can't remember. And thanks for confirming that the black dude from GotG was in this movie. I thought he looked familiar but couldn't trully tell that it was him.

Nope... space-(((commies))). Muslims don't shape-shift.

Coulson nigger

Where CamRip or this movie?

What about her most screams "Mary Sue" and how needlessly overpowered is she?

You sound like an incel

You sound like a fucking tranny. Clean that axe wound. Don't forget the 41% either, creeping in the back of your mind.

does she do heavy stunts as advertised?

Fighting trannies will only make you a tranny

>Avengers are named after her
>most powerful Avenger by a mile
>fucks off for 25 YEARS and comes back suddenly
>inserted into the cast as though she was always there

Literally, the text book definition of a Mary Sue back to its webcomic origins

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You know, until just now I always thought that video was actually of Brittney herself in the depths of a mental breakdown.

have sex incel

OP here, was commuting so I couldn't reply

You know how incels her started meming how she's going to bitchslap Thanos in the next Avengers movie? Well after what I watched today, it's pretty much possible.
She basically doesn't get her ass handed to her not even once in the movie, the only time she gets "defeated" is when she gets taken by surprise by the skrull boss, and after that she solely defeats the enter ship.But get this, the 80% of the movie she was heavily nerfed, the Kree basically installed a shock collar on her so she couldn't use the full extent of her power, when she removes the collar, she basically becomes god, she gets the ability to fly, breath in space, she flies through enemy warships like they are made of cardboard, and laughs while enemy missiles bounce of her.

Really can't say, fights are full of CGI after all.

I know you are but what am I

>the last time i trusted someone i lost an eye
Said Nick Fury in CA: TWS. So they've just pissed on that movie too now that nick just gets scratched by a cat.

wash feet brie

How is te fighting compared to other Marvel movies?

is she as dull and boring as the trailers made it out?

Is it true that all white males except Coulson tried to put her down during the entire movie and all of them were portrayed as bad?

Pretty much this, pretty boring and yeah I noticed that another subtle battle she is fighting and that is against most of the white males

He trusted the cat, dummy.

Did you boyfriend pay for the tickets faggot?

Superhero movies are so fucking boring. How is there supposed to be any tension if the protagonist just curb stomps everyone?

bcs the enemy can be just as strong ya daft cunt

Really don't see that much of a difference compared to other Marvel movies, as I said the battles are full of CGI and people throwing each other around.
Didn't really think much about all the patriarchy stuff because I'm not an incel, but now that you mention it, yeah basically every male in her life tried to put her down, the moment when she brakes the shock collar, is the moment when she gets a flashback how those males tried to put her down her entire life.

>mfw she remembers some pilot dude who didn't like her because she was a woman trying to be a pilot and he says "You know why it's called a COCKpit."

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>"You know why it's called a COCKpit."

Jesus fuck what retardation

>Didn't really think much about all the patriarchy stuff because I'm not an incel, but now that you mention it, yeah basically every male in her life tried to put her down

So in other words the guy asking was right and "incel", whatever that is, has nothing to do with it. So why did you throw it in there?

Because being right once, doesn't change the fact that most of people in these threads are incels.

ahahahaha edgefags BTFO

Is this a MCU essentials or its like Black Panther, Iron Man 3 ecc aka you can skip it without ruining the core storyline?

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Did Fury change "Protector Initiative"to "Avenger Initiative" cuz her call sign was Avenger?

>if pic related isn't a mary sue, I don't know what is.
agreed user

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Can skip it and you won't miss anything.

Rumor is Endgame has two different cuts depending how Captain SJW performs and it's looking that it will bomb, so Endgame will be the cut with less Brie The Racist.

> webcomic origins
user, I...

It's basically a prequel, so yeah, you can easily not watch it, they made it only so people won't be "who the fuck is this?" when they watch the new avengers movie.

maybe he trusted the cat? I wouldn't think too much into this shit, they're good comedy action flicks, but nothing more

And Brie is pissed. She was told she was the golden child. The woman who was going to be the face of Marvel for the next era spanning a decade or so. Bigger than Iron Man or Captain.

And now she's being written off as a side character. The irony is delicious.

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It's the most filler movie of them all. Even Thor 2, Iron Man 2, and Iron Man 3 add more to the MCU.

MCU bullshit ranked:
Infinity War
Winter Soldier
Iron Man
The First Avenger
Doctor Strange
Civil War
GotG 2
Ant-Man & the Wasp
Iron Man 2
Black Panther
Iron Man 3
Age of Ultron
Incredible Hulk
The Dark World
Captain Marvel

God there's so much of this bullshit now


Shit I forgot one more Mary sue trait she has.
It wasn't enough she a super human and skilled fighter, it seems she's also a tech guru like stark or spiderman, when she crashes on earth she grabs some shit from radio shack and hacks a public telephone so she can talk with Jude law who's in another galaxy, also the pager Fury had in the infinity war post credits scene, was Fury original Shield 80's pager, but she upgraded it so it can reach her even if she's galaxies away

Seriously, at this point I think she even can beat Madara

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>How is there supposed to be any tension if the protagonist just curb stomps everyone?
Because usually the villain is just as or more powerful. Superman is the poster boy for OP protagonists but even he struggled fighting Zod and died fighting Doomsday. Carol does not face anything that can challenge her

Yes, at the end of the movie when he was writing up a manifesto in case another white male space nazis come to terra in the future. he looks briefly at the photo of Carol entering the cockpit, and you can see the call sign Carol "Avenger" Danvers

Let me fix you ranking, NIGGER

>Infinity War
>Winter Soldier
>Iron Man
>Civil War
>Doctor Strange
>The First Avenger
>GotG 2
>Iron Man 2
>Ant-Man & the Wasp
>Age of Ultron
>Incredible Hulk
>Iron Man 3
>The Dark World
>Black Panther
>Captain Marvel

>it seems she's also a tech guru like stark or spiderman, when she crashes on earth she grabs some shit from radio shack and hacks a public telephone so she can talk with Jude law who's in another galaxy, also the pager Fury had in the infinity war post credits scene, was Fury original Shield 80's pager, but she upgraded it so it can reach her even if she's galaxies away
fuck me that's so bad

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I can't stomach that she will be the final hero after just one shitty movie, after we spent all these years with those other characters now this one will just fly and punch Thano's shit..
They could get Silver Surfer if they wanted a new cosmic character..

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>I can't stomach that she will be the final hero after just one shitty movie, after we spent all these years with those other characters now this one will just fly and punch Thano's shit..
that's a big reason they have reshoots. They are so intent on making her the post modern strong woman archetype that it comes off as her shitting on all the established characters they've gotten audiences to love. It's jolting and makes her very annoying

what was the most jarring thing in the movie to you? to me it was the dynamic between Nicholas and Carol. i mean, one minute she's an alien who crashed on the planet, and five minutes later they're like best buddies on a road trip. like what the fuck. i felt like there was 10 minutes of character development missing.

Where is the audience score on rottentomatoes

I usually consider MCU Essentials (as the "Infinity Stones story") these movie, in this particular order:

The First Avenger
Iron Man
The Dark World
Doctor Strange
The Winter Soldier
Age of Ultron
GotG vol 2
Civil War
Infinity War
(Ant-Man and the Wasp)?

Ant-man 2 will be essentials only if Endgame feature quantum world something.

I've heard that the story jumps around a lot. Like from a buddy cop movie to an amnesia focus to the all american girl and top gun military trope all the way to superman fighting in space
they pulled an amy schumer, can't criticise her anymore

I don't have a problem with this, because do you remember that Fury betrayed her, he was only acting being her friend. They became real buddies only after he realized Shield was compromised

Does she have any meaningful character flaws that are treated as such, user? By that I mean do they try giving her a token flaw that makes her look good, such as being too nice/righteous for her own good?

Hopefully we will get a movie as good as Infinite Conflict.

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Marvel has fallen.

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thankfully there are rumors that she's being written out of huge portions of end game

she doesn't like the cat, goose. oh, and the white space nazi tells her she's too emotional in a fight, and that she has to think more. in the end, she tells him she doesn't care about his opinion.

>Infinite Conflict
Jesus christ it's been a while since I've read comics.
Didn't realize they were STILL making "Infinity " comics.

Sounds like she's got all the hallmarks of a non meme, legit Mary Sue.
Thank fuck I'm not watching it.

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I am just trolling fren. It was a joke.

>such as being too nice/righteous for her own good?

This is true, but you can't really bitch about it because it's pretty much a token trait of every hero.
She's impulsive and too eager, which yeah it was made so it makes her look good.

But user she’s the best at everything without trying! You should love her! Love her you pigs!

What part of, "Infinity," do you not understand?

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Why the fuck does Fury have the tesseract in the 90's in the end of the movie? According to the wiki, it was supposed to be at SHIELD ever since Howard Stark picked it up from the arctic ocean, until Loki steals it from them in The Avengers movie.

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Kree have been the bad guys since GotG1

Who here best boy

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>Marvel has fallen.
, he said in a thread filled with people reporting in fresh from the theaters.

You guys should do what I do: don't give Disney money. This stuff is all available in full HD soon after the theatrical run.

>A fucking cat
I don't even know what I expected...

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Before watching Captain Marvel:
>What's the deal with the cat?
After watching Captain Marvel:
>...What's the deal with the cat?

Normally they have a weakness, like wolverine losing his healing powers every 5 minutes, or superman with kryptonite. It all falls apart the second you cast a woman though


Mar-Vell stole it or sth to study it, made a faster-than-light engine with a part of it. that's how Carol ended up with the Kree, she was flying the ftl spaceship. the tesseract was hidden by Mar-Vell in a hidden Kree spaceship floating in the orbit. at the end of the movie, Carol and friends recover it (well, goose swallows it).


>too emotional

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The thread is based around OP taking a bullet and making sure nobody else has to watch it to join in the shitposting.
He's doing God's work.

No. Talos the Skrull boss

Only 10 more years

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it's full of jokes really, this movie.

Then why didn't Fury find it odd that they suddenly found it in Mar-vell's ship? Surely SHIELD would have known that it was missing? Maybe this was the first time Fury ever heard of it though, him not being in charge of SHIELD yet.

make-up should be illegal

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OP here, I'm actually a projectionist in a cinema, so I watched it for free

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A toast to you

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there was some super secret program, project pegasus. Mar-Vell was pretending to be an Earth-based human, and was in charge of it. and they were fucking around with the Tesseract (altho I'm not 100% sure about that, it was kinda confusing, and I couldn't stop thinking about Brie's feet which were shown at the beginning).

Nicholas is level-3 shield agent, there's some fucking white guy in charge. Coulson is having a first day on the job.

oh and the Skrull are helpless refugees who didn't do nothing wrong, just trying to find home and shit. Kree are evil nazis, led by a white-people-made AI.

Will Disney be based and release a Captain Marvel-less edition?


Ahh, that makes sense. Forgot about Pegasus, or maybe I didn't even pick it up while watching the movie.

How's the job if you mind me asking?

I actually hope that the rumor is true

what do you get if you take an obnoxious personality ,cast her as deus ex machina in the big ending for a cinematic universe that has spanned dozens of movies and as many years, give her every power under the sun, and put a huge feminism spin on the story and make it all about men trying to deny her her power and her overcoming the white man

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Since everything is automated, I'm pretty much a glorified ticket ripper.
I once a week maintain the projectors, and fix other unexpected problems, I mean it could be better, could be worse.

Triggered incels.

>is she as dull and boring as the trailers made it out?

From what I can tell, large part of her story is literally remembering that she used to be an interesting character.

You couldn't pay me to watch that shit, so thank you for your service OP.

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Can I get a quick rundown as to why every thread in every board devolves to people calling each other incels and Trannies now? Shit is so lazy

>Shit is so lazy
I think you just answered your own question.

Trolls trolling trolls user.

Come on guys, she seems cool.

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It a buzzword of the week, remember basedboy

>critique the horrendous decisions relating to a movie/character all day long but if it's female it must follow that you are unable to aquire sex

Why not both bad
Why do reddit libshits and larping stormcucks have to ruin everything

I'm not a fan of the movie but if this is a rank of filler, CM objectively should be higher. It introduced Skrulls and Kree who I'm sure will have a role to play in the MCU moving forward, just not quite yet, obviously.

get with the program, guy. women are the untouchables. All women are desirable and beautiful.

Men are disposable, tow the line and do not make a step wring or you're onto the incel trash heap.

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>Is Brie Larson retarded?

Taqqiya is shapeshifting.

She said it like she wasn’t even sure what video games actually are but knew commercially that
>comic books = nerds
>nerd = video games

>I don’t like scarlet witches outfits!!!
>By the way here are my boobs. Snap snap away okay?


she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb she's dumb

Someone post the running webm

We need more alphas like you on our anonymous imageboard.

i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her i hate her

hardly the point moron.

Was there a Stan Lee cameo?

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There was, remember the granny fight from the trailer, while she searches the train for the skrull, she stumbles upon Stan

>she stumbles upon Stan
like a body? as in his corpse?

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She's the one who kills him, because he's a mysgonist piece of shit

I wonder what the reaction will be. Spider-Verse managed to send a heart-felt goodbye to Stan without forcing a bad joke. Captain Marvel is probably gonna go the traditional marvel route.

I refuse to watch it on the grounds they wrote her character to be absolutely hated in the comics and well I hate her character lol. If it comes to red box I might rent it.


finding a new home for Cockroaches...what a cuck bitch

They actually did a homage to him in marvel logo animation on the beginning of the movie, instead showing the the heroes, captain throwing his shield etc, it's all stan lee

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Then what's the point of giving them super powers other than appealing to people who need to see cgi explosions or they'll get bored?

That's actually really nice if true, I hope they do the same for Endgame.

Maybe add character intro films like IM2. Otherwise Black Widow, and Ant Man kinda just show up. Norton can be left out, just use Avengers 1 for his intro


That's actually from the comics. There were a few "good" skrulls that tried to lived in earth after the war.

She only has feminist character flaws. Doesn't realise how amazing she is, she's too kind for not killing enough white males, too generous for giving her bf a bj every 3 months, etc.

The powers you describe are very like those in the comics... I know they seemed stupidly powerful but even with them she gets overpowered. Not my favourite character, gets boring quite fast.

How do you get into that kind of job?

OP took the bullet, he's more of a hero than Captain Marvel

Iron Man
Iron Man 2
The First Avenger
The Avengers
The Dark World
The Winter Soldier
Age Of Ultron
Doctor Strange
GotG vol.2
Civil War
Infinity War

Look at I actually applied to be Robert (concession worker), but during the interview I said I was kinda a /g/ guy, so they offered me the job of projectionist

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Captain Marvel 2019 720p HDCAM x264-iM@X

Yeah, but the comic universe is far more developed with more characters, and most important has a lot of characters stronger than her.
Where now in MCU she basically curb stomps everybody with ease.

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Were they going for that Dragon Ball Evolution Piccolo look?

Yes and that's a good thing

Anyone see Marvel using Stan Lee's Twitter account to advertise this POS movie?

You sound like a moldy cunt OP

>literally paying for this

>>Literally, the text book definition of a Mary Sue back to its webcomic origins

Mary Sue came from Star Trek fanfiction in the 70's. Fuck you for getting me to reply to weak bait

It was at 27% at one point lol

How did the Avengers get they're name?

Powers don't make a character ""Mary Sue"".
The Sentry is way more powerful than this bitch yet he's still more flawed.

Is there a Stan Lee cameo, if so, what is his role?

Are there any feminist/anti-male scenes?

Carol's airforce was called the Avengers. That's right. She was the real first avenger. Not Steve Rogers.

Fuck this movie and fuck anyone who defends this retcon shit. I fucking knew that the MCU would go down the path of Star Wars eventually because of Disney. I just knew it.

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So Captain Marvel's powers are from the space stone?

Damn, this chick is based

Walked out of Greta at 4:30 and there was already a family of mexicans lining up for a 6:00 showing of Captain Marvel.


>Is there a Stan Lee cameo, if so, what is his role?

Carol is looking around for the Skrull disguised as an old lady on the train. She passes by Stan Lee, who's rehearsing his lines for Mallrats, and smiles at him.

My hero is Brie! I am so happy she will take down thanos!

Look at Look at Kinda, they came from a light speed engine which was made with teseract

Captain Marvel is going to defeat Thanos by falsely accusing him of rape so he gets arrested

All she had to do was put some effort into it:
>Smile more
>Don't insult the fans of the franchise you're getting into
>Get a bigger butt
>Get some implants on those tits
HURRRRR WHYYYY. Well, look at how buff Capt American is. That's not CGI, the actor worked a lot for that body. Why can't Capt. Fungus feet do the same?
I didn't even watched the movie and I can't stand her zero charisma. I don't want to spend my money to watch insufferable ugly people on the big screen.

Im gonna go see it but i dont really care
>If it bombs Yea Forums wins
>if it is a success you get to see Yea Forums shit itself

okay but is that a Star of David behind her?

>she can fly with mach 6
>can hit with 96 tons
>yet wants to pilot a plane which flies around mach 1.5-2 and carries 5-6 tons of weaponry

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>8 points
>star of david

do they drug test

That's because either her memories are embedded or she grew up on Earth, became a pilot, and was either revealed to have alien heritage and her powers activated OR she was accidentally infused with enough Kree tech and/or power it warped her biology.

Either way, she wanted to fly a plane back when she was a normal meat-monkey like the rest of us.

> Bullshit Kree tech wizardry
Fucking why
Fucking how
Wouldn't it have been just as fine for her to steal some parts from a Kree or Skrull ship and hand it over to SHIELD to entangle with something she has?

No? No? she needs to be a Super Bitch McMaster Deluxe?

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Sitting at a bar downloading it to my phone. I'll watch it later tonight and probably just end up skipping to the after credit scene.

Hold up: Goose swallows it because some fuckhead over at Squirrel Girl thought it'd be TOTES TOTES FUNNY MEME MEME "ANCHOR MOMENT."

It's what writers do now. They flag certain elements and gags knowing full well the Internet will do the marketing for them. They can sell T-shirts based on memes they know will already arise.

t. actual script doctor

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> Most powerful
That bit with her on the train is the worst SFX I've seen in ages. There's no real acting. There's no weight to her throwing these energy beams around, it's just some SyFy Channel level horseshit.

I don't know how much editing went into making Brie not look like a total cardboard cutout, but it wasn't enough.

>Carol's airforce was called the Avengers. That's right. She was the real first avenger.
Can we, as a species, admit that Marvel movies have gone from bad to worse? Do we need to burn down FunkoPop to break the spell or something?

With all the shit I'm reading in this thread, that's undoubtedly what they'll do.

I can't imagine endgame being very interesting since Thanos retired. He carried the first movie, what part will he still have? Will they just go to him and watch him tend his crops? What the fuck would that accomplish?

It’s all but been confirmed that all the avengers die in the first 20 minutes and the last 2,40 of the film involves the celestials taking the forms of the avengers and fighting Thanos in the past, present, and future.

Brie Larson wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. She's bad, but she does "try to emote", she's not stonefaced as everyone is saying, even critics.

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Watched it a few hours ago. It was better than I feared, but not good.
The dialogue is atrocious. There are tons of really weird scenes, it feels like they're supposed to be comedic but there are no actual jokes in them. As with other Marvel movies, it builds a somewhat intriguing setup and then devolves into GOOD GUY FIGHT FOR JUSTICE.
As for Captain Marvel herself, she's insanely dull. She doesn't have a defining trait. From time to time she showed a bit of attitude, but it really doesn't build up to anything.
There's also something profoundly lame about her powers. The way she gets them, what they allow her to do, how she learns to use them, none of it really means anything.

I kind of hoped they'd at least sneak in a gag where you think Fury is going to rename the Patrol initiative (or whatever it was) into the Avengers, and instead types in "the Carol initiative".

>those criticisms
That's fair. at least it's based on actual movie footag and not just a fake news circle jerk
Hopefully they tune her up in subsequent appearances. She's going to be another thor (pre ragnarok) otherwise

i love the cat because it doesnt like blacks

So to those who watched it, will it make enough money for disney not consider it a bomb or an underperformer?

And it begins.

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Lets see if we can get this below 27%.

Hard to say. Movie already smells like a second Solo, but i would suspect it will make some money, but most probably not enough for Disney to consider it an success.

I missed a few minutes of the opening. I'm gonna have to see this again.

Honestly you can tell this movie is gonna bomb with the Asians. They despise CM.

But apparentely it is doing well opening night in china so far.

2/10 made me snort, try again retard

I honestly can't believe they had the "balls" of retconning the Avengers into being inspired by Carol's callsign at the air force.It's much worse than anything else in the movie.

Worse than Goose scratching Nick's eye out for humor?

Capeshit watchers are *quite literally* the most pathetic "people" on earth.

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Have sex, femcel

I'm actually volcel

gonna pretend this isn't true. Fuck.

Can we go back to AAAAH HELP ME TONY and MARTHA days.

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Her powers are powered by the space stone; giving Thanos the ability to nerf the fuck out of her. Which he will.

Screencap this, I’m not bullshitting you here.


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>Just came back from this
You have to go back, reddit

Should have made the movie about her.

Will Captain Marvel inevitably defeat Superman?

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But can I see her feet?

The movie legitimately isn't good with multiple decisions that have a mark on the wider universe such that you can't really ignore its existence, but it's going to be a test of whether or not the Marvel name carries as big of a weight as it appears to. Personally I think it'll probably do fine with the market as it is nowadays. Even if the movie was lambasted by everyone (highly unlikely) most people are going to see it in the first weekend anyway before most of the non-prerelease reviews come out.

Marvel movies are all 2 hour borefests anyways.

IMO yes. Don't get me wrong, the Nick Fury thing is awful and it even creates a plothole with Winter Soldier.

But having the worst Mary Sue character EVER created responsible of your group's name? Twitter feminists will NEVER EVER shut up about this. I thought I was done with the MCU after I might not even watch that.

She already has.

Twitter feminists will never shut up already, what planet are you on

>be me
>hesitant but excited to see captain marvel with some friends
>finally convinced to go, smoke a bit and hop in car
>arrive at cinnmatron v.2 theatre, grab my free captain marvel fan event bag of butter and coca cola tm
>sit down in seats, not expecting much
>people pile in, theatre is packed
>shit you not as soon as the marvel title pops up people howl and clap
>sit through captain marvel, really really want to enjoy it but just cant help but sigh at every predictable twist and half of the quips
>captain marvel just randomly is like nah woman power and flies through space blowing up everyone while I'm just a girl plays
>guy in Mario hat behind me claps and howls
>people in theater actually flinging popcorn and clapping

I cant believe I fell for the Cape shit again, I've been disappointed time and time again but this time the movie was the blandest shit ever. If they want it to be feminist, fine, cool, show us why shes bad ass instead of just making her mega stupid powerful and being like "oh you dont get it lol? You're just dumb and ignorant" this isnt an important piece of feminism, it's the mouse trying to take advantage of a market that's easily manipulated. Watch something else if you want empowerment cause captain marvel treats its audience like a toddler fuck.

Have you seen those box office scores? You'd have to have 30 minutes of blank screen to lose to Superman.

Oh dear, the film just sounds boring as hell. Everything played straight, humans good, aliens evil, loss of eye reduced to the level of a quip, Bree already looks like she has no charisma in the role. I was hoping they would have a bit more of an alien and space connection for a new hero with her being part Kree, but it's just "she's as human as everyone, just brainwashed".
Just underwhelming and pedestrian all around.

she already did but can she beat madara?

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I'm surprised you didn't drown in onions.

>she remembers some pilot dude who didn't like her because she was a woman trying to be a pilot and he says "You know why it's called a COCKpit."
So much cringe. How can nu-males even watch this garbage?

They literally believe if they virtue signalling about this movie it will help them get laid. Not even memeing

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She at no point in this movie is shown to be anywhere close to able to "take down Thanos!" and I can only assume people keep saying it to fuck with you guys.

She's Thor in the first movie at absolute max. Calm the fuck down, what you think is in there isn't.

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>mfw she remembers some pilot dude who didn't like her because she was a woman trying to be a pilot and he says "You know why it's called a COCKpit."
This didn't happen. Sounds like a shitpost straight out of one of these threads. If you want to bait you could at least apply yourself.

She's literally as strong as a god damn Dragon Ball protagonist in the fucking comics.

Would having someone different and charismatic play Cpt Marvel actually fix the movie? Seems like it was doomed to be a shitfest from the very beginning.

Thor can't go FTL at will

It does, but he's laughing and the scene itself is funny. The GRL POWER, WE STRONK TOO! shit is almost non-existent. The absolute worst scene is when a biker says "Smile baby!" and she ignores him and he walks off, then she notices the bike and takes it.

That's it. There's the (((radical feminism))). A single two second joke.

Dude, she's below Thor, below Hulk and in her final form she is below regular Thanos. She literally nearly got killed by him with one punch.

>like a toddler fuck.

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>smashes up some shit-tier ships at her maximum power
>literally couldn't keep a squad of like 6 goons down

You're making shit up and need to stop.

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B-but /tv told me with movie was anti-white male!

to be fair, her tits are great

by her characteristic she is a Mary Sue


The character itself is terrible. If Marvel was so eager to release a female-led superhero film, they should've done a spy thriller with Black Widow.

Yeah they can't just shoehorn a character into their own movie without said character appearing in a previous entry in the MCU series. That itself is a terrible idea. At least people got to know Spider-Man and Black Panther in Civil War. But you can't expect people to suddenly care for Carol just because she was teased.

>guy in Mario hat behind me claps and howls

Of course he did.

That's WHY they did this. If they made a black widow movie first and it flopped they'd be in trouble. This movie minimizes damage if it failed

They did it because the original avengers cast is dying soon and they need the cast of poochie avengers for the next wave.
You want a taste of nightmare? Think of what's gonna happen when Ironheart replaces Iron Man.


No one's gonna want to watch her. Even black people hate her.

I don't actually watch this trash lol

Halfway through the movie. Why are the dialogues so bad?

The best part is that she can easily be replaced by Monica, and can’t say anything about being passed over for a diversity casting

She doesn't have a character and the film was boring. Not much stood out, especially compared to the rest of the MCU, but while I was watching, I realized that it will probably be very empowering for young women, so there's that. Otherwise, it's a pretty mediocre flick.

Theatre was probably 2/3's full.

it was written by like 7 different people
look it up

>I realized that it will probably be very empowering for young women
women in the west are already too full of themselves and this character is the epitome of that

She's objectively strong as fuck. If I was a woman and had that power, I'd be full of myself too. Honestly, though, she doesn't seem to be that full of herself because she has very little of her own narrative thrust. Her character is way too dull to feel threatening to anyone with balls.

my theater was sold out

uh huh..

>that face
I'm convinced entirely 100% now that Brie Larson is a medical definition sociopath. She doesn't think like the rest of us, hence her constant look of unconscious contempt on her face and inability to convey any emotion or effort in her acting. She literally thinks she's better than the rest and deserves it simply for being and won't mind taking the spotlight at the expense of others who truly deserve it. There's no other explanation.

I don't think they ever hid the fact that she was/is a Mary Sue.
That's pretty much the premise.


How long before it debues on Lifetime TV?

>captain marvel
>not mindblowingly stronk
Imagine nick fury hitting the pager to call in another hawkeye or something
kek idiots

did anyone else catch the cameo by tobey mcguire spidermans landlord in the passport line in the far from home trailer? spiderverse confirmed

What is this Skrull-Kree crap? You cannot get me to believe this is what the people really want. the bullshit superhero that is 10x better than all the other superhero's movie is gunna be about the blue vs green alien war. Oh yeah, that epic blue vs green alien war. you won't believe it. the blue aliens are actually the bad guys.

They made it very clear they were brining her into the MCU as a deus ex machina to end the thanos arc. enlist today

>Imagine nick fury hitting the pager

This is the problem. Who the fuck could fury call that wouldn't have been called for the other world ending events? Carols set up was beyond retarded.

>people howl and clap at the Marvel title
Terrible movie manners, but the little tribute to Stan was cute and made me feel more than anything in the movie

get filtered soiboi

its him on the train reading lines from the mallrats script.

Yes. In the train he is reading some script and repeating "TRUE BELIEVERS" many times while Carol smiles maybe for the first time in the whole movie.

Exactly, thank you for getting it
.t scriptwriter

Okay. Second half was pretty decent. Also the bits with the cat were funny af.

It was definitely hype inducing, but they were locked into a character who was basically at least as strong as thor at that point.

>see the movie is on my twitter trending list
>click it to see the latest tweets.
>see literally the list of the most onions comments ever about Marvel movies

Holy shit. Did most people think it was good? Twitter is just as much a bubble as it is here right? Fuck capeshit

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No Doubt

Did she get her memories back? How? From looking at those photos with the little girl? And why did she lose them? Because of the tesseract blast? I ask because at the end of the movie her and black lady pilot are best friends again even though I don't really think Carol remembers her. Their relationship is based just on Carol being TOLD the two of them are best friends.
The only thing that really kills the movie is Brie. She makes Marvel perhaps the smuggest character I can ever remember seeing who wasn't the villain in an Adam Sandler movie.

The entire cinematic intro where you normally see all the characters from the films was replaced with all of Stan's cameos. I won't lie, I watered up a bit.

And the best part about his cameo is that he's going over his lines from Mallrats while holding the script. lol

>ignores the part where she stomps a white nazi male into submission and says "I have nothing to prove to you"

You're pulling my leg now.

t. Yes, actual script doctor

Did you notice the way she runs?

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I might not be big time, but I've written feature length films. Go to whatever Americans have instead of JB Hi-Fi and a film I've made might even be there.
.t just trying to give a nod to a fellow writer, man

Do you even know what that is?

Stark's an alcoholic womanizer.
Hulk's a loose cannon.
Thor can't into lightning, even as the god of thunder.
Captain America only survives on the patriotism of the audience.
Natasha's useless in a super hero world.

I'm going to say yes.
This franchise was never smart or good. This is the same franchise that has Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2 & 3, and Thor 1 & 2, after all. This is probably right around IM3 quality.
If the lead actress had been likable, it would've been easy to root for her and forget about all the dumb shit that is impossible to avoid getting put into a superhero movie.
But instead we got a lead who's too stupid too realize that all this IS is a superhero movie, and instead is acting like she's just donated a billion dollars to an orphanage for paraplegics.
This 'franchise tentpole as social movement' gimmick is going to have severely diminishing returns, and they'd better start backpedaling on it quick. It's clear they're already intending to pull the same thing with an Asian character next, but I think the steam is going to be pretty much all out by the time they get there.

can we ruin Mario for these guys?
he's a completely misogynistic figure, constantly pulling the rescue the damsel in distress shit, and he also spends most of his time literally stomping on small animals
plus all those power ups? Him and Kirby both depend wholly on the very concept of "appropriation"; adopting the identities of others and taking advantage of the perks without enduring any of the hardships

I wipe my ass with your movies fag
You're trash

>superhero character
to real people?? what the fuck are you even talking about?
the most frustrating part of the Black Panther/Capt. Marvel social media campaigns is that they reflect a huge demographic who are too stupid to understand that these are lowest common denominator entertainment, and that nobody with any actual self-respect is stupid enough to need to "identify with" or have "representation" in the form of a comic book character that gets into fist fights with shape-shifting aliens
we have actual REAL lives to worry about, and whether or not there's a flying character in a rubber suit with an action figure at Target that's also from the same state and in the same income bracket as me is not a relevant part of that


Why the FUCK did they make Mar-Vell a female and a fucking dyke?

Attached: Mar-Vell.jpg (392x468, 30K)

Because many theaters had only cm.

>Oxford comma when listing adjectives
Marvelfags, everyone.

Because these are the people who destroyed marvel comics. Yup, it's done. Disney is shutting it down.

what's the point of anything bro
sometimes you just need to watch some bullshit explode on a screen

>Can captain marvel beat Superman?

Whoever wrote this really wanted to fuck with the Russo’s

Fury's literal powers are top tier bullshitter. So much in fact he literally lies about Colston to get the avengers to ban together, and then to Cap. Fury was a top tier spy in the cold war, which means his B.S. skills are off the charts. Sometimes that and quick thinking are all you need in order to motivate and be a good leader.

New Avengers: Endgame footage was shown to Disney shareholders, and a description of what was included has now arrived.

>The footage starts out with the Avengers sitting in the room at the Avengers compound we saw in the first teaser and Captain Marvel is in attendance. Nebula mentions that she thinks Thanos would go to "the garden" after he completed his plan.

>Captain Marvel speaks up and tells the group they need to go there and use the stones to undo. The footage then showed Rocket, Thor, Nebula, Captain America, War Machine, and Black Widow in space. Rocket says something along the lines of "Who has never been in space before? Raise your hand."

>The footage then closes with Rocket warning those who haven't been in space to not puke on his ship.

>Rocket is able to track Thanos' location thanks to the energy the Infinity Gauntlet gives off when he used the glove.
>Bruce Banner is part of the exchange, and when he asks why they'll be victorious this time, Captain Marvel states because they have her.
>Carol also explains where she's been for the last two decades, and Thor quickly voices his approval of her.

not often you see a based roastie

because he's a reddit tourist

Late to the party but as someone that’s been wrapped up in all the drama related to this movie, Brie, Cap Marvel (Comics) I had very low expectations going in. After I was done watching it I was left with an.... “okay well uh” feeling

The movie isn’t like really really bad but it feels so sterile in how it does everything. Brie has no charisma in the movie and Sam carries her in the comedic parts. Brie tries really hard to seem bad ass but it makes her come off stand offish. The Kree/Skrull war plot felt too convenient in its resolution. Hell they didn’t really do anything interesting with the shape shitting stuff.

What I didn’t like:

1. Avengers Inattentive being attached to Carol
2. Furry losing his eye to the cat
3. No explanation for why Furry never called Carol
4. Stakes were too low so Carol was basically space Jesus and pretty much one shoting the Star Force members
5. Barely any fucking Colsun :(

I’m sure I’m forgetting some shit

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The Odynforce

true. his new axe lets him travel between solar systems and dimensions in seconds..

"Disney battle movie trolls" is this their way of geting a 5 start movie

The part in which we exist

pick one

>italians aren't white now that it's inconvenient for my argument
classic pol

Someone greentext the entire plot for me, I'm not gonna pay for this shit.

I enjoyed it as mindless shlock, looked like sci-fi channel garbage with '90s TV on top, such as X-Files and whatnot. The feminist themes were ridiculously blunt and funny, and I really didn't like the way Cap M was written as a character. She was far too unemotional to show strength while all of her problems were external, on that people didn't recognize her true potential yet.
Samuel L Jackson was great, Brie Larson was OK, Jude Law was great, the movie was fun and went exactly where I wanted it to go to keep it fun.

Least capeshit film Marvel ever released, up until.the third act that is, which was kind of dull capeshit stuff.

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Can she defeat Niatain Levvel?

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Thats lame as fuck. The MCU is fucking dead

It's frustrating that I'll never be able to watch this because of the bullshit around it. It seems like the only thing that matters is the political battle and no one is going to have unbiased opinions about it as a fucking movie. At least I'm tired of Marvel so I'm probably not missing much.

Pretty much feel the same. Not the worst but by now everyone's come to expect better. The Kree Strike Group at the start were underused as well
>Only remember Jude Law, Korath because he was in another fucking movie and the megaqt blue chick

stop watching capeshit
stop watching capeshit with political agendas

stop aligning yourself with political agendas

Why would you react that way in regard to mary sues? Are you so dense as to think they don't exist? Ofc Captain Marble is a mary sue. Shit movie is shit.

I'm tired of absolutely everything being driven by politics. I should just disconnect myself from everything going on because it's fucking miserable.

>"I'm Just a Girl" starts playing
My eyes practically rolled out of my head... Jesus Christ.

Also Brie had no business acting next to Sam Jackson. You could not only see, but feel the gulf in acting ability when they were together on screen.

wait for the next presidential campaign,
you will be gangbanged by the msm, 2000% more shills in every big website pushing narratives, false flags, psyops, doxxing, forced memes, forced hashtags, forced challenges, holy shit

Attached: nut.png (307x181, 111K)

When that happens I don't know if I'm gonna be able to stay on the internet anymore.

You should
Politics or no, just go in there with an apolitical eye

So she's the daisy ridley of the MCU?

Daisy Ridley is much more endearing and cute

Can someone link to the post credits scene plz? I know I saw some cam vid earlier of it

It's like you're almost not retarded, discovering people were right about how overpowered she is. But then you go and throw around stupid terms like incel when it's pretty clear you haven't been within a hundred yards of anything not covered in adidas pants, let alone a nude vagina.

I'll be seeing this movie only because tickets are like $3 in Mexico.

It's already been filmed dude. I think you mean edited

Are you really so naive?

I used to be a projectionist. Best job I ever had. But all the theaters here are digital now, I'm not even sure if they use actual film anymore. What do you do now? Just push a button to start a movie?

Just ask to work in booth or projection. Or you have to know someone who is. In some states it's unionized so you have to go through all that shit and can't actually apply directly to the theater. It's nowhere near as cool as it used to be.

wish i could write upside down exclamation and question marks

yeah but how many truckloads of pesos is that, are you really seeing the movie or are you gonna put down a mortgage for your house?