
Best villain edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Dukat did nothing wrong and banged Kira’s mom and probably banged Kira too

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>this is an Academy Award winning actor

Post episodes you don't consider canon

>TNG's The Chase

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The only problem it had for me was that no other episode followed up on it.

TNG: Remember Me
Dr. Dalen Quaice is no part of MY Star Trek Universe

I'll never get the hate for this one.

>its just a coincidence that 99.9999999% of life in the galaxy are just humans with tattoos, different hairstyles, or slight facial prosthetics

15 day until captain kirk turns 88

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Season 4 of Enterprise, wait, ALL of Enterprise.

is she the worst captain ever? her voice irritates me to no end.

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based and trekpilled

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No, Lorca is. But she is the second worst captain

The Progenitors were the Changelings

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I actually like that idea

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>autist can’t understand an actor playing multiple roles
This should be in /trek/‘s constitution

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It's just a fan theory. The Changelings were the Progenitors and after they created the solids, the solids turned on them and then they wanted to destroy their creations. After all it was said that the Changelings have been around far longer than any other current civilizations.

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he's gotta eat too man. i just saw he was in that new crappy robin hood. how old is he anyway? he's looked about 60 for the last 30 years

>he's looked about 60 for the last 30 years

Kek true

the episode where they discover that warp drives have been damaging subspace and then promise to do something about it but it's never brought up again

>fan theory
You have to go back

there's probably some book that directly connects them just like the one where Q let the entity from Star Trek 5 into our universe because he was lonely and wanted a friend and the two pal around fucking with civilizations until the other entity gets too rowdy and Q abandons him on Sha Ka Ree


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Yeah what's wrong with that? Also btw Keiko and O'Brien were secretly section 31. The reason Keiko is such a cunt is because their marriage is their cover to work together. Keiko a botanist develops the Changeling virus and O'Brien is able to deliver that into Odo.

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H-how did O'Brien deliver the virus into Odo's body?

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Probably an injection while he was sleeping in his bucket or something. He has a lot of opportunity to be near Odo on DS9 and on missions

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This general needs to be shelved.


You know exactly why, fag brain.

Because my helium tank has been sitting unused for a week now. Every day I check the catalog to see if I can finally free myself, only to see yet another /trek/ thread.

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Canon is meaningless and completely open to individual interpretation.

>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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Isn't it brought up in Voyager that their ship is more efficient and causes less warp drive pollution? Also I thought they agreed to only use high warp speeds in an emergency and since The Enterprise is the flagship it is to be assumed whatever they are doing is the most important task for The Federation.

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What does helium have to do with anything?

No one who belongs here cares about voyager.

>No one who belongs here cares about Star Trek.

But why did they just recycle the make-up from Moe Zart?

>when some piece of shit beaner tries to fix things that aren't broken


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>when the stupid, friendless animetard doesn't realize posting cartoons is an auto lose

Ok, then I think ALF is canon. Can I talk about ALF or will I be reported for off-topic Shumway posting?

They should have used a refitted Galaxy Class Enterprise for First Contact. The Enterprise D should've succumb to the Borg, TNG's ultimate enemy, and not some rusty BOP. She deserved to be on the big screen for longer, with a proper widescreen filming model. Unfortunately the people in the production were tired of the model's weight, complexity, and defects.

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Why are you here if you hate when people talk about Star Trek?

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People have friends and families. People have had sexual relations. You're not people.

Recently decided to get into star trek and started with tng. I like it but does it stay this autistic the entire time?

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stale pasta

God created them in his image


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Talk about Star Trek, not your made up headcanon.

It's fan talk about Star Trek you dumb nigger

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I am personally going to make sure /trek/ never dies and I'm going to do it by generating content.


>that STD loving non-trekkie who thinks grids and image macros are content

>degenerating content
I'm sure you will

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Technically, it is trafficked data which bumps the thread.

Technically, you're a faggot and should be killed in public. I guess it's a good thing technicalities aren't being lauded as what counts, eh?

Daily reminder Fat Riker is part of /trek/ history and is perfectly acceptable content.

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>wule numbeh 1: no nasties
>fank yu

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kek, most acceptable

I would watch this in a heartbeat

I don't come to these much but why the hate for tng?

they dont like that a darkie was a demigod

just some loud autists

it's just that one guy who posts his shitty chart baits

Loud and proud, chomo.

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I think they're pretty fun.

Redditor contrarians. They know that TNG is peak trek and they hate it for attention. They're the ones posting DS9 memes and voyager memes even thoug hthose shows are shit and not in the spirit of Gene Rodenberry's vision (they'll say his vision is irrelevant, proving my assertions about them). They just don't like Trek tbqh. They're here for the memes (haven't been a thing since 2010) and the friend simulator. They're horrible, lonely people and deserve to be shunned.

>They're horrible, lonely people and deserve to be shunned.
Maybe if you didn't meet them with such hatred, they'd be more friendly.

Why would I want to be friendly to people who should be killing themselves instead of pretending things are going to get better? Things don't get better for people who are fundamentally broken.

But VOY is just TNG 2.0

Only season 1 TNG conforms to Roddenberry's vision.

At no point did I indicate that this was a discussion. Learn to keep quiet, OK kids?

>Roddenberry's vision.
Centrist Atheism?

>Centrist Atheism?
Is that supposed to be criticism?

>Best villain edition
maybe space cat qualifies

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Spoonhead women were much more attractive in universe though.

femme fatale

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See? This is the "content" that DS9/Voy retards "contribute".

I see, don't get it though. What does it have to do with Nagilum?

Just post and be happy you have a place to share.

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You don't get much.
Shut up, queer. You'd be fucking dead if there weren't laws against it. Useless fucking eater.

12 to post, bro

Not your bro, fag.

Not your fag, jew

i'm not ur fren, buddy

Not your jew, actual jew. Get hunted down and murdered, OK? The world will be a better place.

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I’m not you’re buddy, guy.

Or what? You'll pull that stick out of your ass and beat me with it?


>that son of single mommy with a new IP enters the thread
Which one is your boyfriend, disgusting faggot?

I know who you are

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>posted from my smartphone!

Both of them? Both of them are your disgusting homo boyfriends because you literally can't get enough dicks int your mentally ill, low IQ mouth? Interesting. Maybe you should go make a thread about it on your home site of reddit since you don't belong here, as a faggot.

The DS9 episode where Obrien fucking dies and his future self takes over his life.

It was you, wasn't it? You ran him over yourself. You robbed the world of a prophet in a time when we needed him most.

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No wonder no one loves you. You don't exist as a singular entity with its own personality.

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Any involving neutrinos

The Savage Curtain turns 50 years old today. Say something nice about this classic episode of Star Trek TOS season 3. There are two more episodes remaining for the 50 year anniversary celebration of TOS!

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>episode is about baseball or Sisko thinking about baseball related things
>audible groan from the rest of the world and 90% of Americans
who fucking cares about baseball


>he isn't a yuropoor who grew up on american sports movies
shaking my head, lad

I bet you throw like a girl

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does Air Bud count?

It had a neat point that might have been lost on some. Spock's version of a purely good man gets his ass handed to him, while Kirk and Lincoln defeat the villians using "unclean" tactics. The only difference between good and evil is the goal, because if you use more noble tactics you lose.

Any Star Trek episodes for this feel?

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Go back to your hugbox

open bobs and vagene

The Naked Now

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Was 7 of 9 correct that Janeway purposely trapped Voyager in the Delta Quadrant? Why else would Voyager be equipped with tricobalt torpedoes if it was a science vessel sent to find one Maquis ship?

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I don't know and I don't care. Post more 7 of 9.

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Why is the character called only "seven" colloquially? Is it because 7/9 is 0.777... ? Would Seven of Fourteen called "five"?


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FUCK 1 off

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I'm glad no one responded to your tryhard reddit faggot shit.


Fuck off, Colin. Your collages suck.

Protip for the retard: I'm the only one who's been telling him to stop. You get to talk when you put in the work, zoomer shitbag.

Best tits in Star Trek

love this one t b h f a m i l y

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Reminder that we’re not the worst


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Who the fuck is Colin?

>You have to go back
sorry meant to add
>to /trek/
You have to go back to /trek/ but you're already here so don't worry about it sempai.

>Keiko is such a cunt
when was keiko ever a cunt?


Finally, some sense. Keiko is a great wife. Okay, she can't cook. But she makes up for it in other ways. Like encouraging Miles to go hang out with his friends and to have sex with Kira.

i agree, but to be fair, there is a couple episodes where they drop a little line about needing to exceed the limit and then they just do it.

If some dumbfuck weeb likes it, then it must be shit.

this. fuck keiko haters.

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have you fucks ever listen the william shatner TNG audiobooks
they are fucking incredible
I can't say they are good but william shatner loves being star trek

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If only you'd updated the threads sooner. You would've seen that your thoughts and feelings are irrelevant to real people. You even write like a black kid.

if some lost normalfag hates it, it must be based.

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I've noticed that basically every female character in Trek, that isn't just a fanservice prop, is hated by the predominately male fandom.

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Weyoun has a statue of latinum made in his honor.

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Update faster, friendless Jamal.

That kinda sounds like kino...
but then i think everything Q is kino

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>your thoughts and feelings are irrelevant to real people
explain how anything in /trek/ has ever been even remotely relevant to anything

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Did you notice that in your women's studies classes, holes?

Problematic even? No doubt this toxic fanbase needs to be deconstructed. The future is female.


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Just as soon as you start writing like a white adult male, autist.

Also that time she wanted to kill the cat he got from that mobster.

Shatnerverse is canon

based and trekpilled.

Everything she says sounds like a cunt.
Voyager is an absolute abortion compared to the other shows.

keiko did nothing wrong.

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>saying stupid shit for attention and posting girl cartoons
You deserved every beating you ever got in school, disgusting faggot. They should've killed you.

Pulaski is the best doctor because she made an actual effort to save the red shirt that Nag killed. Crusher would have done a half ass scan and declared him dead.

No but I’ve read it.

I’m as misogynistic as they come and I still really liked early Kira and Ezri

Leave him alone, you ridiculous faggot. We're on Yea Forums.

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Bajoran women are total sluts for the BCC

>trying this hard
>saying edgy things anonymously on the internet
you get a (you) for effort kiddo

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It's almost like everyone who keeps trying to talk back should've been killed for the good of society. Khan had the right idea.

Based and ILM-pilled
Also the Sovereign is just an Excelsior with the hulls stretched by 50%, the lazy fucks.

I agree but she did stop the Borg. How else do you think other captains would have dealt with her situation?

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>being a retard faggot

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>when you're trying really hard to troll but you can't manage anything funny or clever so you just say a bunch of edgy shit and no one can even be sure if you're trying to be ironic or you're actually in middle school
It's almost like you're a redditor who just came to Yea Forums 5 minutes ago and you think you'll fit in if you act like a poorly behaved child because that's how reddit has told you Anonymous acts.

Love Live is liked mostly by men.

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Sir, the wormhole is opening.

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Our reinforcements must be right behind.

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>writing all that faggot shit because everything I've said applies to you
Try being an actual man instead of someone who deserves to die, then.

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No sir, there’s no sign of them.

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That’s impossible. Check our listening posts in the Gamma Quadrant.

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Men don't watch cartoons.

>girl cartoons

They’re not there either.
But they entered the wormhole, WHERE ARE THEY?

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I can attest to this, Nozomi is my jam

! The Defiant has opened fire on us!

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Can you get our weapons back online?

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>he bought a phone marketed specifically to faggots and retards

Not for awhile. Sir, two hundred enemy ships have broken through our lines. They’re headed this way.

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The concept of a 3d woman knowing how much I lust after thicc japanese cartoon women sort of makes me nervous like I have no secrets after that

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Genociding the borge probably

Time to start packing.

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>muh android
Seething poorfags

Which one is it?

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Contact our forces in the Alpha Quadrant, tell them to fall back to Cardassian territory. It appears this war is going to take longer than expected.

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Did he ever shut the fuck up? And why was he so racist?

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We’ll meet you at Airlock 5.

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>buying a phone is a major investment to people from poor backgrounds
You sure are ghetto rich, aren't you, Jake? Just imagine how much you'd have to pay for a car if you ever got your licence, like an adult.


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>tfw betazoid stuck on a ship where you basically know everyone's /d/tier fetishes
how did she cope?

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Victory was within our GRASHP?!

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We have to evacuate the station sir.

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Bajor, the Federation, THE ALPHA QUADRANT! All lost!

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this was kino

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I imagine you just become numb at some point and lose respect for a lot of people

We have to go now sir.
The Federation ships, they’ll be here soon. We have to get back to Cardassia.

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I have to find my daughter.

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>that shitskin with an iPhone talking to himself like he's funny or interesting

I’ll send someone for her.

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Hmm, are you watching, pausing while posting? In that case, regarding the time you're taking, maybe you can be named the reverse speedy gonzales, what was his name again, jimmy two times?

You’re wasting your time!

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Jokes on you, I’m too fat to fit into most automobiles


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You must be euro.

>Unfortunately the people in the production were tired of the model's weight, complexity, and defects.
That's most of it. The 6-foot model (the one made up to movie standards) was extremely top-heavy and impossible to work with.

Everyone in Starfleet does it for free. Think about that. Imagine being in the military and taking orders. For free.

Once again you underestimate the largesse of an Amerishart

So is the -nade pronounced like lemonade or nahd

Same reason Christina Hendricks doesn’t get more roles

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Thread ruined by iphone tranny

Savage, but unironically true. Big tits are looked down upon in both Hollywood and Broadway. You get pigeonholed into certain roles and locked out of many others. They're considered "distracting".

Nice try, Nigel.

Titwhores are meant to be bred, not heard.

That's the gay mafia for you

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How would the Alpha quadrant handle Species 8472 then?

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Subspace aids, I mean they did it with the founders, and the borg, and almost the klingons. Bio warfare is top notch stuff m8

Thread was ruined by you

How would The Alpha quadrant nucleogenic lifeforms?
I'm imaging Earth becoming like "Final Fantasy the Spirits Within"

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>fails to end his sentence like a white person because he's posting from a cancerous phone

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Wow I had no idea phone posting was that bad. No wonder gookmoot is making it so phone users have to buy a pass to post soon

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i think the huge 2017-2018 spike is when the mobile version of Yea Forums stopped being shit
it brought MORE degenerates in

So who is the expert on the officialy codified doctrine of the 4channel???

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Good thing I already bought my gold membership

It means phone posters can't ban evade anymore which is nice

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you guys are my best frens :3c

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I am. No nigs, no spigs, no phones, no fags, no women, no trannies, no non-anglophones, no non-Americans, nobody under 25, nobody over 40, no religitards, no militant atheists, no redditors, no facebookers, no twitterers, no weebs, no comfytards, no tripfags, no namefags, and no frogposters.

.. and every muscle must be tight?

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Why is there a lot of resentment held towards 90s Trek?

You forgot no kikes

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Jews are only a boogie man to people who need someone else to blame for their failures.

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mfw half that list and there's nothing you can do about it

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Fuck off, janny shitbag. You literally have the brain of a redditor and don't belong here.

Zoomers are ADD and think it's boring. Either that or they will never know the unbridled joy of watching a brand new YNG episode and are jealous.


Zoomers don't think ideas and wisdom are cool. They think flashy lights and space battles are cool.

Boomers hate it with a passion too.

Holy fuck that's pretty much everyone here friendo. You just want a thread where you're the only one posting so you can scream about tripfags in an autistic echo-chamber?

star trek

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Your post was answered by the one above it.

Real boomers do because they were around for TOS. I am jealous of them.

I'd like to see this. It would be mental kino

Yeah, fucking faggot can't even deny it.

but zoomers are the ones who love actiony shit.
so why do boomers hate the 1987-2005 shows?

Why are you such a retard? Why do you expect to be coddled?

Because they envision a world without money, and their precious 401Ks will be useless.

Please say which more exactly. I already made the bingo sheets and want to mark them.

I love Ye olde Next Generation. Maybe I'll go into my static warp bubble to get any resenters out of my universe. You're invited!

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don't get so upset. perhaps you'd be more comfortable on a transport ship. there's a lot less pressure there.

You're confusing someone being mean to you with them being upset. You do this because you're retarded. Perhaps you'd be more comfortable in an airlock. There's a lot less pressure there.

Worst /trek/ thread I've ever seen

Why boomers say they hate TNG-DS9-VOY-ENT:
>it's not TOS
>it's not Kirk & Spock
>it started becoming more popular than TOS
>it's for commie pinkos
>it's too preachy
>it's pretentious

Why zoomers say they hate TNG-DS9-VOY-ENT:
>it's boring, all they do is talk at a glass table

You first.
DISMISSED, ensign.

>all they do is talk at a glass table
this is literally my favorite thing

>I decided to conclude our wide-ranging interview with an issue that had intrigued me since I began covering Jewish and Israeli affairs. I suggested that there seemed to be something almost uniquely Jewish about the flavor of the Star Trek universe. Roddenberry perked up. “How so?”

>“Consider,” I said, drawing upon long practiced Vulcan equanimity. “Earth has chosen a Federation as its greatest organizing entity. The Federation believes in outreach and mutual acceptance and respect as organizing principles. The peripatetic protagonists are tasked with the ongoing mission of wandering the galaxy. The second banana, hired because his unconventional Jewish face suggested alien qualities, used rabbinic gestures to convey salutations, and parsed the wild and wooly universe with the logic-bound aplomb of a Talmudic scholar.”

>I left unsaid that performers Bill Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and Walter Koenig, as well as producers Robert Justman, Herb Solow and Fred Freiberger and too many writers to name were all fellow tribesmen. Roddenberry, I concluded, must have been a philo-Semite of the first order to surround himself with so many Red Sea pedestrians.

>The congenial Roddenberry concluded what I later realized was a slow burn. “You Jews,” he snarled, “have a lamentable habit of identifying those characteristics in a society that you deem positive and then taking credit for inventing them”

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It's because all the good posters are on the discord

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any episode with Lore. Fuck that guy

You think THIS is the worst? Your newfag is showing.

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Okay, you made a hugbox where everyone worships you and is nice to you. We get it. It's like Mabel Land in the Gravity Falls finale. You're in charge, everyone loves you. It's a false reality though. You'll never be genuinely loved the way you want.

Reminder that John Fucking Fleck is guest starring on the Orville tonight.

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>You'll never be genuinely loved the way you want.
Jokes on you I heat up two bags of tomato soup and put it in a body pillow and that's just as good.

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You disgust me. Go shower.

You are disgusting.

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Remember when Janeway and Paris went past warp 10, evolved into salamanders and had salamander sex?

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>“You Jews,” he snarled, “have a lamentable habit of identifying those characteristics in a society that you deem positive and then taking credit for inventing them”
they really do

And then they figured out how to cure it but still decided not to go home

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Based Gene

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Daily reminder that Janeway and Paris had three salamander children.

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I'm hyped

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There's not a single good post itt

Oh yeah, how bout a little DS9 fan service?

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Why did the cuck allow kikes to write his shows?

You ever try to work in Hollywood?

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You can dress me up like Kaiba and we can cuddle if you want...

While that is true, there have been many /trek/ threads worse than this one.

reminder this movie failed because dipshit pattick stewart didn’t want romulans as the villains

He was just all about the puss

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>most self righteous
>breaks star fleet principals more than any other captain
>constantly puts ship in danger instead of just getting the fuck home
never put a woman in charge

Romulans as villains would not have made sense considering they were allies at thr time.

Nah, I'm good with my two bags of soup.

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She even deleted the wife

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it failed because people started getting tired of star trek

You faggot you censored the swastika

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this pic is pretty rad

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>Sovereign class isnt the sexiest ship
Lieutenant fucking Pleb over here

Yeah because they totally figured out how to navigate in warp 10.


I wish i had friends
oh, never mind.

We're never doing that, stupid friendless queer. Stop making them.

Does it matter if you can go to warp 10? You can instantly go anywhere?

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here have an upgrade shaka brah

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Real new thread

You're the expert, you tell me.

Well if they have the coordinates of Earth and they have warp 10, which gives them instantaneous transportation, why not just go to Earth?

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