Is the world ready for the intellectual kino of this caliber?

Is the world ready for the intellectual kino of this caliber?

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Don't know if I'm ready

zizek is a retard that should get the helicopter

who is either of those and why are they relevant
already happened

better than chomsky vs bald man D E S U

They are nobody and they aren't.

I don't think I've ever seen JP smile, he always looks like he's miserable and wants go to sleep


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a chomsky vs foucault for the internet age. epic

That's him being "stoic"

Jordan peterson has only like 5 talking points

JP is gonna get BTFO hard

he's working and travelling way too much for his age and somehow decided that meat only diet is a good idea, go figure. but I've seen him laugh a few times.

Who’s the fat ugly retard?

Both of them attract an online following of millions and Petersons book was top of the bestseller list for months, no mean feat in 2018. What exactly do people have to do to be "relevant" in your eyes?

whoever wins
we lose

turn your screen on

zizek leeching off petersons fame

split should be 90/10 and i'm being generous

Who the fuck are these boomers.

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God why are there so many fucking """""""debates"""""" nowadays going from all the scales and ranges. It's so fucking embarassing.

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Take a shot every time:
- One of them says the word "ideology"
- When Żiżek sniffs or touches his beard
- When Peterson mentions "cultural marxism"

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He says he couldn't sleep for 30 days because he drank apple cider lmao

Fuck off chapo tranny cunt.

They have to be in a superhero movie

Jordan "Clean your penis" (((Peterstein)))

yeah, after I syou watch enough interviews with him you discover that he's got buildings blocks of small paragraphs memorized he constructs everything he says from, fucking word for word

TV show on E!

I don't like either of them but JP reminds me of /pol/tards so I hope Zizek, the gross unintelligible troll, kicks his ass.


If I hear Zizek mention Hegel one more time I'm gonna pop a vein