So passes Denethor, son of Ecthelion

So passes Denethor, son of Ecthelion...

Attached: denethor.gif (588x250, 1.38M)

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was jackson having a laugh?

he ran like 300 yards

In all seriousness why was it made like that and not just him dying lying in the fire?

How shitty are these names? They're on par with black ghetto tier names.

Pretty sure you're not making it that far while on fire.

More in line with the Tarot card XVI, Tower.

Reminder that the tombs are on the other side of this bridge. So Denethor not only ran incredibly far without burning to death, he also climbed some stairs

Attached: 86-10-01463_LOTR_Minas_Tirith_009.jpg (1000x1000, 1015K)

do they show the full run in the extended edition?

Yes. It's actually not Denethor falling. He sets fire to another dude on the way

Say what you want but that's a pretty metal way to die


Why did Gandalf look like he was off his fucking head when he was saying that

why did they skip Beregond again?
He was probably the coolest guy in the books

>he ran 300 burgerstani units

He'd been up all night fighting

what was Tolkien's policy on units of measurement?

Well a lot of the architecture was inspired by ancient European constructions.

So that's about 2000~ muslim cocks

This isn’t in the book... but I still enjoyed it.

>imperial measurements
low iq post

In the books they used inches and leagues and I think even ounces. Tolkien did have his own measurement system for the world to use but I think he came up with that later or barely used it.




Everyone in this thread should watch the Mexicans running away from the petrol explosion.

To have nightmares, see real shit, hear what someone completely out of breath but still screaming as hard they can sounds like (like an animal) and also never take stupid risks.

>still user imperial units
Eh trying to tell is something you scumbags??

you sound 15

It's what I imagine Hell looks like. The thing is I've seen so much shit on the intent that while I was disturbedI got bored eventually.

Or perhaps he's wondering why he would set himself on fire before throwing himself off of a balcony.

lil spicy jumpin beans

Because I was disturbed by it? Wow you are edgy.

I avoid disturbing shit on the internet as much as I can. I watched this video because I forgot.

>You're a big guy
>I am not a man!

Sauron ???

aren't you too busy with the tranny discord to shitpost in here

Could you explain that? I dont really understand.

He didn't fly so good.

reading the hobbit right now, why were Elrond's elves such faggots? singing and dancing in trees n shit. was this retconned in the LOTR books?

you really have to be of age to post here, user

>12 inches to a foot
>3 feet to a yard
>5 1/2 yards to a rod
>4 rods to a chain
>10 chains to a furlong
>8 furlongs to a mile
I don't see what's so fucking hard about that

>mexicans running away from the petrol explosion

post it, nerd

I'm 32. I own a house. I dont even owe the bank much money. It's mostly mine.

Attached: goblin roast.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

Has this been forgotten already? There is close up footage of 80 people burning and screaming. There is audio.

Elves are massive faggots in the books, they are not called the fair folk for nothing

Without audio it has no impact.

Have you babies never been to a music festival? The forest rave is the best part.

yea cool, post the link, i'm not gonna sift through a bunch of news clickbait to find it.

And he passes like a motherfucker. 300 yards and he still keeps passing.

Google Mexican petrol explosion 80 something people dead. Find a link with audio. Enjoy your dreams.

That's what burning to death is like.

haha stupid fucking spics stay in your self-made 3rd world hellholes.

Attached: 1546576396501.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

I never saw the mexicans on fire thing, was it worthwhile or what.

Bro I think you need to spend a few hours on LiveLeak and get the full picture on just how utterly savage non-whites are, before you end up like those scandinavian girls who went on a super fun girls camping trip tee-hee in Algeria.

you seriously cannot picture a living being screaming their guts out when literally on fire? yes it's horrible but how can you be such a manchild, woman brain in action

I like how Martin acted like Tolkien didn’t have everything considered. Tolkien was so incredibly thorough that I have no doubt if you asked him about the tax policy, his letter would be 20 pages long. In the end, he undoubtedly considered it absurd, but I can imagine an answer if pressed.

I can remember it now actually.

I'm still surprised he made it all the way to jump off.



You're not really making yourself look good here man

get outta here fag


Attached: 1534695036548.jpg (492x388, 39K)

Goddamn this is hilarious

not worse than the station fire video.

5:25, screams of people trapped inside burning

>Denethor was running around screaming and on fire in the streets of Gondor while pedestrians casually looked on

Eh, The Station fire accident is more nightmarish.

Some bad shit.
>the guy fully engulfed in flames running out the door
>those people were fucking burning man! i know, I KNOW!
>the one guy who got dog piled at the exit and survived because everyone on top of him burnt to a crisp and formed a protective cocoon

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It's a call back to the Beacons of Minas Tirith sequence. Pure pottery.

Attached: sheev.jpg (900x900, 152K)

>FUCK I'm on fire and I'm gonna die
>I've always wondered what it'd be like to jump offa this shit.

>DUDE i LOVE fantasy!!!!

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>amerifats getting stuck in the doorway
is this a cartoon?

fantasy films, books and vidya are the purest form of escapism next to ejaculation

Attached: TN-The_Great_Tree_at_Caras_Galadhon.jpg (822x960, 189K)

Dude I'm here to be a contrarian to the contrarians!


Attached: 65437.gif (325x180, 2.93M)

PJ thought to have a neat visual transition to the Rohirrim charge.
Definitely plays out better in your head than logistically on film.

Attached: Towering Inferno.gif (320x180, 862K)

This is the real plothole, fuck the eagles

Ghetto trash names are the way they are because blacks have attempted to emulate noble European names without any of the nobility and also while giving it their own peasant flair. In doing so they have bastardized those names, which is why you have this involuntary disgust.

>runs the length of 5 football fiels

What the fuck? Is that an image of the LOTR Warhammer or something?

>and he ran all the way to Mordor

The Mexican one is worse. That video is just longer. Wouldn't like to be there at the main entrance, crushed and burning.

I was in a nightclub not to long ago and they had pyrotechnics. I was straight to the fire door and admired the show from there.

Good thing there were no cameras a few centuries ago.

I thought blacks are burning white Americans to death in their own beds? I could visit the US.

Attached: guatepeor.webm (300x400, 2.86M)

Funniest shit I've read in ages. God job lads.

>people with video recorders filming it