What an unrealistic premise


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My own autism stops me from just messaging a girl I like

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The unrealistic part is how handsome he is.

what an unexpected thread haha

haha remember watching this movie back then and thinking what a loser how could anyone haha

what an incel haha

haha imagine being 8 years away from that haha what at loser lol

Yeah haha we get it you're bitter virgins, no need to make the same thread for the countless time again

haha I know right

>be 14
>high-functioning autism as fuck
>hate things
>want to do nothing but play computer games and pinball
>yes, pinball was a thing, once
>there's a girl
>she doesn't look half-bad
>she really likes me
>ignore her
>she does everything she can to try to get my attention
>fuck that, Addams Family pinball for the win
>high score, motherfucker
>she eventually gives up
>many such cases
>ignored them all
>42, now
>you're a wizard, Harry
>endless opportunities to get laid, make friends and live something resembling a happy life
>never knew how
>nobody taught me
>don't blame them anymore
>it was Smee, Bond, all Smee
>oh, well
>humanity will die out
>as will you
>shit happens

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Unrealistic? I'm pretty sure everyone knows at least one person who is almost 30 that has never had sex. 40 isn't that unrealistic

imagine being this loser lol
eww haha

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There are like twenty 40 year old virgins on Yea Forums at any given time, op.

Damn this is pasta? I replied to it seriously a few months ago.

imagine never even holding hands or hugging a woman HAHAHAHA

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Give me another 12 years and I'm there.

>nobody taught me
No one does or should, trail and error is how you learn.

What if the trail goes on, for ever?

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best thing(s) about that movie is kat dennings, and you fuckers know it.

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You think I'm just gonna DECIDE, to leave this place and get LAID, out of the fuckin' BLUE?

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Movie makes it seem like getting a single mother was this huge prize lmao

tfw this is the truth

we're all born 10 years too late

I was molested.

Single grandmother

I keep forgetting that she's in it and she looks so damn BIG

This is unrealistic, most people won't be virgins at 40

I molested someone.

I saw someone molest someone.

Related fact: 1 in 3 Japanese men over 30 are single. Of these, 1 in 5 have never been on a date.

Damn I'm 22 years away from this lol.

i heard about someone that was molested

Shiiieeeet nigga you on tv, we all diddlers here. Hell my dick still got shit on it right now

>there are people ITT who somehow made it all the way through puberty and adolescence without getting laid
literally how?

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I played college football and one year on an nfl practice team and am a khhv

i ain't fallin for this bait, nigga

Fuckin lmao dude imagine if you were a guy who was 29 years old and you never had a girlfriend or sex a day in your life rofl dude how fucking ridiculous like that just can't even be possible to happen imagine being such a fuckin weirdo that you never got laid once in 29 years hahahaha dude like what the fuck would your problem have to be haha like dude

By 29 I assume I'd have used an escort

Nope I’ve posted before on here the only thing I was good at in life was football and had no social development and now I work at a pet store down the road from my house

Why did you quit football?

>went to all boys highschool (i didnt know until i was in it)
>went to commuter college where people left out of class as soon as it was over and went home
>never went to a party
>never hung out with a girl post middle school

Shaming you for being virgins is another jewish trick and you all fall for it.
it's not a secret that having sex is harder for mens than womens on the current context, also in fact nobody really cares about your private life.

mens who have easier sex is mostly caused by chance, not even by their own proper efforts.

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>had sex once when i was 20
>almost four years since
>not looking to have sex anytime soon
Can I still dab on you incels or am I just as bad?

I was not resigned for my team I made about 6g a week but also I could tell I had problems from concussions and realized I better leave

>thinking having to pay some slag to touch your tiny little peen counts as losing your virginity

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what position?
didn't your teammates help you socialize and get you laid?

>Virginity is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse.

It does user

>so now it's an ego game
really you are retards.

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sorry, user. you go back to being a virgin after 18 months.

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Defensive line 1tech they stopped once they realized I was “different” they loved me and I was one of the most liked but I would like to talk about my hobbies and Hinduism, Christian exorcisms , mountain climbing and I decided not to go out when they went to clubs I would leave and just go to morning workouts and meetings and practice and sit in my room

Tbh I never had any drive or any conviction ever to be in a relationship of have sex

>but I would like to talk about my hobbies and Hinduism, Christian exorcisms , mountain climbing and I decided not to go out when they went to clubs I would leave and just go to morning workouts and meetings and practice and sit in my room

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It absolutely does count as long as you jam it in and thrust for a while, ideally cumming in some fashion.

Meet me outside for a 1v1 passrush drill and see what happens mutherfucker

Got a masters and now I'm rich enough to not worry about money, probably average 10 hours of work a week. Not a bad tradeoff if you ask me.

So you’re 18? There’s still plenty of time user. It won’t happen though

No. Last physical exercise I did was running for 30 seconds to get out of the rain ahead of a meeting and I damn near had a heart attack

No offence but you should probably engage in frequent excercise it’s good even if it’s just a slow walk around a track with occasional sprints or see a cardiologist

This is a real thing. I know a guy who was uberchad on the surface, well liked and a football machine, and had no sexual contact with a girl until he was well into college

it doesn't count. you never gave a woman your virginity. never shared a personal and special moment with her. you were (rightfully) becoming very ashamed of your virginity and thought it was too much of a social obstacle to ever get past, so you gave up and payed someone.
>couldn't talk to women
>couldn't ask them on a date
>couldn't connect with them like a normal person
>couldn't be charming

It’s real and I’ve known fellow college football players who sucked with women and were only in it for football

IMO having sex and then going back to the virgin lifestyle is even worse, like you finally made it and then they kicked you out and locked the door

w2c this shirt?

>s-stupid incels! You're not allowed to win!

No way. I was a wreck obsessed with being a virgin until I wasn't one. I'm lonely and single now again, and I wouldn't say this is better, but it's different. I'm not fixated on something I've never had.

If you've done it, and it doesn't become a regular thing, then maybe it just isn't for you.

18 M Asian and still a khv in college. Am I screwed?

>>couldn't talk to women
>>couldn't ask them on a date
>>couldn't connect with them like a normal person
>>couldn't be charming

You dont need to do any of those things to lose your virginity. You dont even need to do any of those things to get married!

Women are literally evil in nature, why even bother if you're not going to treat them like shit? Seriously, you have to be some kind of psycho to have sex, it doesn't take long until the girl demands that it becomes simulated rape because it's the only thing that gets her off. Fuck this, I'm not going to slap you, piss on you and call you name so you can cum and then hold it against me afterward.

You underage peeps realise that most people don't even find the time or place for procreation or setting up families until ages 30 or 40, right? You literally dedicate the first 25 years of your life to prepare yourself in educational institutions to wage in order to acquire the suitable income in order to support the aftermath of said procreation.

AC Green was a virgin as a Laker

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>lost virginity at 15
>sociall speaking that places me above most people on this website
What a comfy feeling

>having sex before adulthood
Literally who finds the opportunity to do this? You're on a tight leash during school work in a confined area. You can't just go to the forest next door and somehow acquire contraception without anyone noticing. Most people wouldn't even think of doing that. They don't know each other enough to consent to such a thing.

The same people who think they can score something like this before adulthood probably think they can have a single child family before Age 30, which is ludicrous.
>he gave in to pressure to lose his virginity in some meaningless hookup rather than waiting for someone who actually cares about him

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I went to a very, very black school.

>Green is known as deeply religious and is well known for proclaiming that he began and ended his NBA career as a virgin. During his playing days, his teammates would frequently send women to tempt him to compromise his morals. Green would respond by calmly quoting scripture.

Cool fellow

This. Think about it. Getting laid before finishing every single school is irrelevant. You don't know these people long enough and we'll enough to get laid in a trust worthy fashion. You'll be gone in a short time anyway, and everyone will part ways to live and study somewhere else

>lost it at 14
>currently have a fuckbuddy that I don't even have to talk to except for when we meet and sleep together
Still want to die though
Just so you know, when you get what you want all the luster disappears

What if someone plans to go to medical school though?

>>he gave in to pressure to lose his virginity in some meaningless hookup rather than waiting for someone who actually cares about him

Is it normal that whenever you ask a women what she likes to do in her free time she ghosts you?

I get ghosted a lot on dating apps, and it always seems to be when I ask them about their hobbies. Anyways I definitely will be a 40 year old virgin.

I'm already at that stage, the girl I love just likes fucking

>Lost virginity at 14
>Fucked like rabbits for a year
>Haven't pursued a woman since, now 26.
>Off SSRI's and have libido back, dick is RAW from fapping so much
uh oh

imagine not only not getting laid, but not even managing to get a single kiss for 27 years of your life haha so funny

All the 24/7 focus on sex is damaging for society and doesn't help sexual relations one bit.

>You can't just go to the forest next door and acquire contraception
>They don't know each other enough to consent to such a thing.
>The same people who think they can score something like this before adulthood probably think they can have a single child family before Age 30, which is ludicrous.

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They linked with you to be paid compliments and possibly sent gifts, she doesn't want to talk to you. She has a dozen better prospects for that.

Got em

>Is it normal
Yeah, typically their hobbies usually revolve around vapid group activity or things that attract men

Incels BTFO

>your brain on porn

>What if someone plans to go to medical school though?
what? what does that have to do with anything?
also, if you're in the US, doctors are chads. medicine is basically like a big club. if you're too much of a beta to get laid they're never going to let you in. you'll get weeded out in the interview round.

>The 40-Year-Old Virgin
>the current status of half the population of Yea Forums
>the future status of half of the population of Yea Forums under the age of 40
>this movie has an unrealistic premise

Wishing it to be untrue will not change your fate, incel.

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Most women online are there for validation or are Bagehot insane. If you're not good looking, rich or a cuck you're wasting your time. You will have better luck approaching randos irl.

I think I'm turning into a misogynist help!

Funny thing is that even though it feels like sex is everywhere, people aren't having as much of it as they used to.


How did she do it? How could anyone do it?

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you are pretty much forcing people to play your little ego game.
what about societies who use arranged marriages? you will tell to all this people that they are virgins because they didn't played your western ego game of dating some cunt?

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Are you a girl? That's irrelevant. You're going to break up anyway.

Girls regret this all the time - waiting for what they think is a perfect moment or person. Then they lose their virginity and it was awkward and they break up with that guy and they're like, "I shouldve never placed so much importance on losing my virginity and just got it over with."

Dont waste years not enjoying sex and your sexuality user it is not worth it. The longer you wait the more you'll regret it.

That is 100% bullshit

Tindr and hookup culture is insane
I've literally had sex with girl that I've shared less that 8 sentences with

This board is full of incels,what an unexpected surprise

>what? what does that have to do with anything?
I meant that it takes forever to become a full-fledged doctor.

Arranged marriages are much different than what you think I’m indian and we do it here but it’s rarley ugly people with hot it’s your own look with another and you meet with the parents tell them your prospects go on dates with an observer and see how that goes

In India people fuck like rabbits in university even traditional people and women want it. It is an important part in losing it when you’re young to reaffirm yourself and give you confidence as a potential mate down the line

Why?What does this pictuer make you feel when you see it?

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I wish Tinder worked like that here in the Balkans. Here it's merely used for whores to get some more attention points, no one meets anyone, except fucking tourists

Do you really think hookup culture is a new phenomenon?

>personal special moment

You're probably not asking the right way. Coming off as an incel.

No, but the fucking internet is, so it's faster and easier than ever

No but the ability to do it thanks to the internet and social media is exploding and unlike any other time

That's because it makes people more docile. Add on top of that the fast, stressful everyday life, the princess complex, the Peter Pan syndrome and you have a recipe for disaster. No wonder there are more and more sexual deviants and people who don't have sex.

Yes but according to that guy you are forced to follow "rules" to lose a viriginity according to his own social standards like if it was a game when we are just talking of putting a penis in an organic hole, it's not enough for him, you should put love and sheit.

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If you didn't creampie her you a virgin

>what about societies who use arranged marriages? you will tell to all this people that they are virgins because they didn't played your western ego game of dating some cunt?
cool straw man, retard
clearly, we are discussing dating and sex in western culture. what i said doesn't apply as strictly to cultures with arranged marriages (which btw you clearly have no understanding of).

>having had sex is much worse XD
why is that this kind of posts are there every thread?

I agree that society and the influence of media puts to much pressure on it but
People love to fuck holes and women love to be dominated that is a cope term people use

Not true. On average millennials and zoomers have less sex that previous generations and by a large margin even with the modern tools of hooking up. Majority of young people, especially men barely get laid or not at all and some people have considerably more sex than the previous generations.

Replace Yea Forums with "white".

>implying residents and med students are fucking every qt nurse they come into contact with

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I am 38 Male I am a virgin and when I was younger I had white sperm that was milky and smelled like clorox. several years back I noticed my sperm after masturbation was yellow/greenish globs. I don't know if it hurt when ejaculating. I also have blood in my urine that I have known about and checked on since I was 15 or so. I have had 2 cystocopys. bolth showed no reason for the bleeding according to the urologists. Now I have alot more pain when urinating. I have been on anti-depressents and schizophrenia medication since I was 21. I am embarrassed to tell anyone about it because I am a virgin at my age and I am scared that this could make me sterile.

All people do in university is fuck and party if you missed out on that you missed out on life

I don't think being a virgin makes you sterile?Don't tell anyone on Yea Forums you're a virgin at your age you will probably be mocked.Anyways te best advice i can give you is pursue a relationship with women it is very easy to avoid people expecially if you are anxious.

>schizophrenia medication

Well that explains everything. Elliot Rodger was supposed to he on similar medication but he refused - then he went out and massacred a bunch of people.

>we are discussing dating and sex in western culture
no it was just about not being virgin anymore but you want to complicate it with your ego game.
another fact, going to hookers or escorts is now viewed as bad when some decades ago it was considered a totally normal thing for mens and a lot of younger mens from the working class losed their virginity with hookers.

but i guess the depressive soi here will tell us to participate to their ego game where only chad is the winner and feel bad for nothing.

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It was when it came out.

The interesting thing about that movie is that Steve Carrell is still portrayed as a good and loveable guy even if he's awkward. Nowadays a movie like that would probably make him a raging misogynist

Legit lost my virginity sunday night, these threads dont hurt no more

The truth of the matter is that pussy is overvalued in today's sexual market.

Women are poorly allocating this service thanks to advances in birth control, abortion, and the government subsidizing single parent households. As a result, the majority of women will default to sleeping with the same men, regardless of how many partners he already has, and/or children he has conceived - because it gives them a perceived higher social status. This results in service scarcity and artificially inflated demand. They've been absolved of all responsibility, and society suffers as a result.

>Don't tell anyone on Yea Forums you're a virgin at your age you will probably be mocked.
Its anonymous nigga who cares

>considered a totally normal thing

It was never considered a "totally normal" thing. It was always only a fringe option, even in the 40s and 50s.


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The average is lower because there’s an increasing number of sexless men. It’s also all self reporting, and one thing about women is that they lie without even knowing it. For example, if you ask a whore (which all women are) how many guys she’s been with, she’ll think she’s telling the truth when she’s says 5. Her mind literally doesn’t count the time she got fucked in a closet at a frat party or the time she cheated on her boyfriend with a coworker or the time she sucked off her boss, she literally just doesn’t countbthem, they’re categorized separately in her mind.

And you probably think I’m lying but I’m absolutely not, women’s brains do NOT work the same as men’s. This has been obvious to everyone across all races and all time periods except the current one.

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maybe on your protestant shithole, i'm so proud of not being a goddamn puritan anglo.
you considers it anormal because of puritanism and feminism.

Struck a nerve did I? I actually got laid more often the quicker I realized this. Women love men who devalue them.

Holy fucking cringe get off the internet man lmaooo

You're just a mommy's boy, aren't you?

I'm talking about the United States, yes. You are clearly from some third world country where hooker fucking has been normalized. My condolences.

It's basic economics. Women can't into this kind of stuff though so I understand your frustration.

You're clearly still a virgin and will remain so for the rest if your life.

anyway a lot of this shit is a question of social classes.
you are fucked up if you are working class or middle class, but in fact it's not your own fault at all, society is made to put you down.

He’s right thou less men are having sex but more women are having sex with a small group of men

>ego game
kek you've said this like 100 times.
look i get it, you lost your virginity to a hooker, and you probably haven't had physical or emotional intimacy with a real woman. that's fine. if you want to say you're not a virgin, thats cool, man. do you what you need to do.

this is how i see things
>play video games
>try to beat dark souls
>it's a hard game, can't beat it even though i've been trying for a long time
>start to get really insecure about the fact that i haven't beaten it
>start to get ashamed
>download cheat engine, turn on invincibility
>walk through the game being literally untouchable
>"Look guys, I beat dark souls. I'm such a chad."
if you only look at the most literal interpretation of virginity, then you aren't wrong, but only by a technicality. it is, at best, disingenuous. no one will respect the accomplishment and very few people will think it legitimate.

You're just upset that someone finally called you out on overrated beef curtains.

Pussy is so overrated isnt it, incel?

Yes, and the sooner you realize it the more you get. Funny how that works.

that's a really weird analogy

Nope i'm from europe, the difference is catholics and latins are true males who were never afraid to go with hookers before the rises of feminism, it was pretty common in fact.

you anglos were already paralyzed by your protestant autism, but it's actually not a real problem because having sex with a lot of partners is considered degenerate on protestant culture, you were actually clean and marriages were arranged anyway.

be honest, the responsible of your insecurities is the feminist influence, on our latin and catholics countries they pretend there is a "sexual liberation" since the 60's and started to marginalize people to go with hookers when it was always normal.

There were a few studies on the subject. Generally even self-reporting in a few of them ain't enough to askew the data that much. That's backed by anonymous serveys too. You're right there are more sexless men, but even women are getting less dicking. There are more and more women who are not in long-term relationships and that means less dick on average even if they are looking for it. Because sex like booze gets tiresome after awhile and when they reach their late 20s or 30s even women have to put some work for it.

dubs of truth
incels btfo but unironically

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>make legitimate attempt at something
>don't pick yourself up and try again
>instead take the easy way out
>pass it off as a legitimate accomplishment anyway
what are you not following?

10 more years for me

Yeah but i was watching the beginning of it a few days ago and now realise his life is pretty sweet. Nice apt with plenty of room for his hobbies and all the time to do whatever he wants because he has no commitments to women or children

This is what i said, you considers it like a game and you want to sacralize it when it's just putting a dick on a hole.
>physical or emotional intimacy with a real woman.
it's fucking bullshit you watched on a movie, reality is more awkward and not your romantic autism.

i feel like society as a whole is oversexed and underfucked at least in the western world

Better being a beta than a simp

I've pretty much decided that I'm not going to bother with sex unless I'm in an actual relationship, and that's alright with me.

this is true. I know women who do downright promiscuous creepy shit that turns heads more then amount of guys they fucked like invite some guy over and have a sleep over with him possibly even have arm or leg on him but nothing sexual.

They don't count the creepy down right perverted times.

>calls another user autistic for being able to personally connect with women

i'm not the guy you were talking to and i just said that it was a weird analogy like unusual not necesserically false i found it interesting , creative

Your girlfriend will DESPISE you and and want to break up with you because of your sexual inexperience

A fear of failure that permeates every aspect of my life making me rather not try than to put in effort and ultimately fail

it's autism, you considers relationship like a game for your ego respecting rules and dogmas to "fit in" with some romantic bullshit you watched on animes or american tv shows.

Woah I guess I truly am turning Japanese

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That's not all women, and I don't want a woman like that in my life anyway.

Yeah, his life seemed comfy as fuck.

>it's fucking bullshit you watched on a movie, reality is more awkward and not your romantic autism.
user are you retarded? you think love and emotional connections only exist in movies? you've never seen a girl you liked and smiled because she's there? never felt your heart race the first time you held your girl's hand? felt that warm fuzzy feeling all over when you're wrapped up in bed making out with your first girlfriend?
i legitimately feel sorry for you, bro. i'm sorry.

Formerly better be a chuck than a sneed

They truly are the master race.

Not the same user, but I never had that. I'm probably a sociopath though since I do very well at my job and I'm generally very good talking to people. Never had anxiety etc.


kek not even the other user but did you just learn the word "ego"?

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I can talk to anyone fine, but if its someone I like then It's not so simple.
I think part of it is that I don't know what to say.

>you considers relationship like a game for your ego respecting rules and dogmas to "fit in" with some romantic bullshit you watched on animes or american tv shows.
once again, nice strawman, you absolute retard

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If youre an autist that shoots down interested girls its easy. I mean several girls were sometimes literally on my dick and I just kind of ignored them because i felt i could do a little better or just nervous. After that college is a hellhole if you don't get lucky and meet the right people at the very start.
>shitty freshman roommates
>too lazy to get friends easily through a frat
>Not really involved in clubs
All of this leads to a great isolated experience.

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>no problem jacking off from porn
>literally no attraction in reality.

Girls are boring as fuck so I have little interest in talking to them.

Only 7 more years.

w-wizard sama?

>tfw haven't yet had sex in 2019

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you must have missed the high-functioning autism part
Autists literally cannot learn these kinds of social things without being explicitly taught every step

Too much work. IRL women are boring as fuck and I don't want to listen to dumb shit and waste money to have my turn on the watering hole. I was on the basketball team.

I was born with Social Anxiety and thus I'm a virgin 22yo

I asked a girl to sit on my face today, she hasn't responded

china has the same problem but with women they're called leftover women because they're over 30 and not married

Women don’t like irl shitposting. They have no sense of humor.

>you've never seen a girl you liked and smiled because she's there? never felt your heart race the first time you held your girl's hand? felt that warm fuzzy feeling all over when you're wrapped up in bed making out with your first girlfriend?
all you said is gay faggotry coming from a movie.

Just bite the bullet and fuck a prostitute

It’s their own fucking fault. Chinese men outnumber the women by millions.

but you don't get born with a social anxiety disorder, you should try exposure therapy i'm counting on you

some do

thot patrolled

Yeah, they’re more masculine than feminine in my experience. Much more fun to be around.

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>autist incel deludes himself into thinking human connection exists only in movies

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fucking illiterate niggers

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It's really not that hard to have sex
Newfags may find it difficult but oldfags now how freely pussy used to flow. I've cum inside of at least 8 femanons if not more

it's not about human connections, the words you are using and images looks like the fantasies of teenage girls.
no wonders you are still virgin if you are expecting disney shit like this.

Catherine Keener is sexy in this movie. The only thing I don't like is how he has to sell all his nerd shit and it's seen as a good thing. Some of that stuff is cool and he shouldn't have to change who he is to get a girl since he was a nice person in the first place.

32 virgin here.
Did you know 70% of men in human history never get to pass on their genes? Maybe it was just my luck.

16 years to go.

Will probably kill myself before that anyway.

If near retarded cavemen can learn to socialize, anyone can given enough practice. Its a self imposed prison. Once, you get out you won't understand how you even got locked up.

>no wonders you are still virgin if you are expecting disney shit like this.
i lost my virginity at 17 to my first gf, user
i've had one serious relationship, a string of casual relationships, and a few FWB since that time.
are you sure you're not P R O J E C T I N G, user?

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I felt that at age 3

Insecurity over being fat and fear of rejection.

It’s such a fucking chore talking to women. They’re so goddamn boring.

I believe that

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Fuck Steve Carell for making this movie.

As a kid I was so shy I would hide from the guests. I’m still a massive sperg who got lame sex one time in his life

I have never felt that in my life I’m a khhv but have no problem talking to women and large groups and have a wonderful job that I excel at

you are probably lying like everyone else on this board.
you are triggered because i basically say the truth, you want to put pressure on people forcing them to still considers themselves virgin if they don't follow your standards of dating.

that's what all i said, and then you start with your childish idealization about taking hands or some shit like this, come user, don't lie to yourself, your perfectly know it's a gay shit, but maybe you are actually a faggot yourself.


Mirin then forarms

Not an argument.

You fucked up, son. I was 1 of the 2 white boys freshmen year of high school. Certain ebony goddesses crave white dick and they tend to be overt about it. Got laid after hangin with a chick after school. She asked if I wanted to come over and smoke, when at the time I didn't and said so, we smoked a bit and after watching her bro play Street Fighter for what felt like hours, she said she wanted to show me something in her room and even though I'm a total autist I managed to fuckin pull that signal from space. Bear in mind, I'm not really the best lookin and I'm a tubby motherfucker. To this day haven't had a meaner dick suckin. If you throw yourself out there enough, statistically, you will get laid.

truly a blessed thread, anons
surely we all get gf's for posting in it

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I don’t even want a gf now I just want vanilla wow and Chinese food while there is a thunderstorm outside

>she’ll think she’s telling the truth when she’s says 5. Her mind literally doesn’t count the time she got fucked in a closet at a frat party or the time she cheated on her boyfriend with a coworker or the time she sucked off her boss, she literally just doesn’t countbthem, they’re categorized separately in her mind.
This couldn't possibly true, right fellas?

>you are probably lying
C O P E this hard

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Hopefully she was a mulatta. Can’t get it up with the darkskin chicks.

Yup, you know how men used to say whatever number a woman tells you multiply it by 3? Gotta multiply it by 5 or more now.

>holding hands with and kissing females is "a gay shit"

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He was far better off getting rid of that stuff at 40 instead of 60 or 80. You need to move all that crap before your peers start dying, younger people aren't going to care about much of it.

it's fucking cliché dude, really i hope you are above 20 years old because if not i can't imagine how somebody could be a manchild like that.
it's even worse than being a 40 years old virgin, you are larping as teenage chick's wet dream and you don't even realize it, and the faggot who agree with you too.

years and years of anime transformed yourselves into this.

To be real with you, she was kinda light skinned but damn dude, I've never had a black chick starfish on me. They work that dick like theres no tomorrow. So long as she ain't a hood rat, great girlfriend material. Hood rats are a lot of fun but they seek out drama and somehow always get you in the middle of it.

I didn't have sex until my junior year of college now I'm completely normal in terms of sexual experience, multiple LTR etc. You have plenty of time but you better start drinking and partying ASAP, this is how you will open up and girls will do the same

Only 7 years and 2 months left.

Oh yeah and hood rats get passed around like crazy so watch out for STDs

it's a gay shit to start to talk about special sensations or "le warm feeling"
when i kissed my first gf i don't even feel anything special, it was basic as fucks.

anyway you are on a trolling circlejerk so you will never agree with me and i'm wasting my times, if for you is smart to says somebody who fucked up hooker not loses is viriginity using your feminist moral, i can't do anything for you anymore.

kek who hurt you?
you don't think 2 people can love each other? you don't want to hold hands with your crush, rub your thumb over her thumb, fitting her whole hand into the palm of yours? you don't want to lay in bed in the afternoon when its raining outside, run your hands over her waste and hear her whisper that she loves you?

>if i start saying "Le-" people will think the other user is reddit and won't realize that i completely lack a brain

50% of sheboons have herpes anyway.

If some of you virgins are going to fuck hookers, get one that doesn’t fuck niggers.

Tfw this scenario has never been interesting or I never wanted it scince I was young

What is wrong with me if even at the age of 5 and up never cares about girls or anything

If you're thinking that he was named after Kanye. Then do the math. Kanye wasn't even popular 18 years ago. And that post is likely a few years old too.(Just guessing) So Kanye was nobody when that guy was born.

dude everything you are describing is normal as fucks, nothing happens when you do that.
when will you stop to be gay? you are not on a 14 years old little bitch body, you are a grown up man.
why don't you want to admit you are forcing with that? why anglos manchilds on a chinese cartoon boards are sacralizing it so much? it's a side effect of the hormones on your milk? you start to talk to me about LE SENSATION when you touch a hand and after it you will tell me Jesus Christ will take you during the rapture or some shit like that? why you goddamn saxonic barbarians can't think with logic?

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You’re probably asexual.

>Was 26 when I first had sex
I mean I'm sure 40 is possible if you're really antisocial


Maybe but I know I’m attracted to women but never cared to pursue them or even talk let alone even care for relationships with any human despite being able to talk to both sexes and communicate clearly

if lacking of brain is telling you the truth then i accept to lives on a world full of idiots.

Why? I thought the men that cared about your number of partners were shitlords. Why would they want to be with a shitlord?

>user dates a female
>"when will you stop to be gay?"
based retard
also what country are you from?

Literally no confidence and no self esteem in absolutely pathological levels
But this is a meme thread and honestly in my case there is no salvation
>t a real 40 year old virgin

Women are fucking retards and don’t know what they want.

>tfw blew off and ghosted the one girl that really liked me in high school. She was on the swim team too and had nice legs

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Probably some brazilian subhuman.

13.5 years left for me.

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>tfw no self esteem and social anxiety from watching my step dad beat my mom and never really making friends or going outside growing up
>tfw isolated and hate life
>go to psych but can't talk about anxiety or depression because lolmilitary
at least I got adhd diagnosis out of it. thanks for reading my blog.


he has gayest beliefs, i'm just telling the truth.
If i says you my country you will insult me about it, you are already all against me anyway because you can't handle the fact that your beliefs are the ones of teenage girls.
inventing you some bullshit about love, not accepting reality is awkward and dirty actually.

just a simple exemple of your wrong beliefs: it's like you are believing having a gf mean this is automatically having a beautiful gf and not some average as fucks or ugly gf.
by this simple exemple i can decode your logic and i'm pretty sure you think some shit like "fucking an ugly woman doesn't count to lose your virginity".

I fucking know it you are on this kind of shit.

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That girl has gigantic tits. What the heck, Kunyae?!

>step dad beat my mom
How the fuck does this happen? Lol bitch just get a gun, fucking meme nigger gender I swear.

i was imagining an user posting from pakistan

Videogames make me literally happy. I don't care about people, really. But I do like pussy and girls. I wish I had money for prostitutes.

premartial sex is degenerate

toll. . . . . . . . .

This is a recurring theme In these movies
>Knocked up has a loser meeting a girl
>Changed his whole life, quit weed, becomes miserable
>Just so he can be with a girl that has essentially concluded he is a hopeless loser and doesn’t want him in the kids life

>If i says you my country you will insult me about it

also, for the third (3rd) time, nice strawman, retard

Lmao they never learn. Told my sister if she wants to be a single mother or get beat then date a nigger.

it's super hard to have more sex while being single and having one-nigh stands, more people are single, they have less sex. They could be total whores fuck a different guy every other week, but having sex on the weekends < being married and having sex every day

okay faggots, I will greentext what you want to believe:
>Losing a viriginity works when you dates a woman by your own, the woman need to be cute and you need to get le teenage romantic story, if it's an ugly chick or a hooker it doesn't countr because moral and dick competition.
>love is the most beautiful thing in life, you feel le warm sensation when your watch eyes to eyes and touch hands, there is butterflies and rainbows on the background, there is absolutely nothing of disgusting or awkward in the body of your partner, your relationship is codified as fucks like on some romantic movie, you look like a hollywoodian kike or a californian dude.
>you have absolutely not the expectation of a teenage girl, everything is normal and you are not falling for feminist pressure or consumerism.
are you happy? is this what you wanted to heard? is this the vision of the world you want to force on everyones? you take your energy from sucking it to some virgin with low self-esteem who will fall from it?

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kek we just wanted to know what country you're from user
tell us

>le cope
This has become the most annoying buzzword on the board since cuck

Imagine being this insecure about your homeland. YIKES


What's wrong with not having sex?

Probably wise. Girl once admitted she liked me, so I asked her out for a drink. She said no. Still confounded to this day.

you have to get a number or snapchat as soon as possible. then meet her as soon as possible. do NOT drag any conversation online. it's boring and they probably have a bunch of dudes spamming them anyway.

She didn’t want to be seen in public with you because you’re low status but she still liked you. Kind of like how a guy might like a chick but she’s too ugly for him to be seen with.

Makes sense.

How has nobody knocked her up yet? She is so fucking fertile it's crazy, it's not like her career is in some insane league where nobody is good enough for her

It's been around for about 5-6 years

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do you dislike it more than sneed?

Whats worse?
Being a 40 year old virgin, or being 50+, married for over 20 years, and only getting some from your wife 2-3 times at the beginning of the marriage?

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i believe in you

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That deaf, dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pinball!

its a shame
that he didnt kill her

>she had went
fucking retards