Alien movies and tv shows

What is some ayy lmao kino Yea Forums?
Conspiracy alien shows and movies?

Discuss ayy kino and make the thread comfy

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obviously x files
check it out, inb4 what are the main story line episodes

Project Bluebook starring our favourite actor Aiden Gillen

ayy wassup

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Above majestic
Project Blue Book

The Facutly. nd Famke Jansen.The Faculty. Frodo, the -T1000 a,d Josh

Close encounters of the third kind

Dark Skies tv series
X Files
Project Blue Book(which is ending next week but we get a second season next year and it's the only good tv series we have right now on tv)

You’re a big Grey

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>tfw no nordic ayy gf who likes to blowjob on boats.

Why even?

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People of Earth

Project Blue Book is unironically kibo,can'tbelieve they did that lesbian scene finally....

Dr.Hynek,I'm the Fixer

The Fourth Kind was decent
Their attempt at splitting the narrative up into three different levels was kind of distracting at times, but overall it was pretty athmospheric.

That show was fun, shame it ended on a cliffhanger.


ayyyy lmao

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Project Blue Book is beyond kino and has CIA guy. He literally crashes in a plane in the first episode.

And it has lesbian kino too. We also got the Hills abduction in some way in episode 9. It was inspired by it. The series is fiction that takes inspiraion from real cases which could be fiction too.


dr. Pavel, I'm dr. Hynek

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>watching basic cable

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ayy lmao

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Cable is comfy just like going to cinema with friends if you do have any.

signs has a special place in my heart because this one scene fucked me up as a kid. Plus mel is always good