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Other urls found in this thread:

how come no one tries to go to the edge? those guys who go to antarctica could try and go for it

elat farth

>there are unironically """"people"""' on Yea Forums that believe everything nasa says and think the world is round

The ending where the flat Earth """"science"""" team accidentally proves curvature is kino. I also loved earlier how they dropped $20,000 on a high tech laser gyroscope to prove that the Earth isn't rotating, only for the gyroscope to record a 15 degree per hour drift that confirms the rotation. They say there's interference and put in a metal box and it still confirms rotation. Then they say it's not actually rotating and that "heavenly energies" are causing a false reading. He goes into damage control telling people not to tell anyone else that the gyroscope confirmed rotation because he can't explain it and that it would be "very bad" if the results got out.

There is no edge, it's like the hyperbolic time chamber

You're an idiot
Cringe and yikespilled.

It's kinda dumb because they spend the whole documentary trying to shill that they just want proof and are open minded, then any time their experiments don't go their way they just come up with bullshit or wave it away

The one time Mark was truthful was when he said even if he stopped believing he couldn't admit it because he's so huge in that community, and it makes outsiders feel like they're not alone anymore

I don't believe NASA, however I'm inclined to agree with the few billion other people on the planet that have also proved the earth is round by unrelated science, ie geologists, mathematicians, hydrologists, pilots, sea captains, weathermen, radar operators, artillerymen from WW1, bridge engineers, and amateur astronomers.

Your logic is that literally anything can be made up by someone in power and we have no control over it, so why even argue for, or against it? Who cares if the Earth is flat?

There's a few excuses they give. Some say the globalist government sends the navy to stop anyone actually getting close to it. Others say the government sets up machines that give false navigation readings so people get directed away from it. The most retarded explanation is the "Pac-Man Theory", which states that you can reach the ice wall but if you try traversing it, you just magically appear on the other side again like going off the screen while playing Pac-Man. Yes, some of them actually think it works like a video game and you teleport back to your starting point.

Based Flat Earth rapping.

>I don't believe NASA

For what reason would you not believe NASA?

>That part where they interview Flat Earthers and nearly all of them have been divorced by their wife or their families don't speak to them anymore


The funniest thing to me is that the whole 'going to Antarctica' argument is already assuming that the earth is flat and there is ice all around our flat earth, so it doesn't even make sense to say 'they are restricting access to Antarctica' under their own model as Antarctica would be at all sides, but you can easily complete a trip around the globe without ever going to the poles. Who's restricting this in their minds? Just doesn't make much sense even if you assume they are correct.

I do, I was trying to illustrate that all facts and proof about the dimensions of the earth do not flow only from NASA. There are far more sources than just some doctored space photos. We do not know about the composition of Jupiter's moons purely from pictures. Photos of the earth from space are pretty lame reasons to believe in a round earth. We can mathematically prove it, we can trace the origin of an earth quake a prove it, we can monitor weather patterns and prove it. They day flat earthers can explain how earthquakes and tectonic drift can work on a flat earth, maybe I'll start thinking they are on to something.

>behind the bell curve

how long does it take to fly from australia to south america? why do the planes not fly over north america and why do they tolerate the exorbitant fuel costs?

how do they explain the day night cycle?

Mark Sargent states any flights from South America to Asia don't actually exist, they are just put on flight radars to go along with the lie


It's a dome with gif related

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what? that's not how light works. Have they never seen a light bulb?

some of them think there are other continents past the ice wall. i only know this because of /x/

It'd be a pretty cool fantasy setting

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So what happens during an eclipse?

Something about the sun self eclipsing

i audibly "oof'd"

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is Stranger Things' Upside Down a redpill on Flat Earth?

This doesn't make any sense. By definition the sun is only out during the day and not at night, but the moon can be in the sky during both day AND night.

Also, constellations disprove flat earth. Let's say you had 3 people standing looking due south. One in australia, one in argentina, one in south africa. If they looked into the southward sky at night, they'd see the same constellations. But on a flat earth, these three people would allegedly be looking in completely different directions away from each other.

What exactly is the motivation for NASA to lie about the shape of Earth?

Flat Earth believes there's a dome above us

you think this is real?

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How convenient that everything that disproves their shoddy claim is "fake or a hoax". Otherwise the claim might just collapse under the slightest scrutiny.

NASA is the public facing entity of the dominion that exerts control over the other side of the Earth. They don't want us interfering.

That's not how light works, and why is a sun just floating in a circle in the air?

They can never quite come up with an agreed one.


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>Have they never seen a light bulb?

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>For what reason would you not believe NASA?

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Why do boomers have this tendency to form all kinds of insane cults adhering to nonsensical beliefs and why do liberals generally then go and strawman the fuck out of these boomeroid positions trying to claim the entire conservative demographic adheres to said predominantly boomeroid belief systems

makes me think that when the nazis went to the hollow-earth they were really just crossing through the ice wall

>Complains about strawmen whilst creating a strawman yourself


so it's the liberals fault that the conservatives believe that the earth is flat ?

Conspiracytards like to feel smart by pretending that the government controls everyone's thoughts but theirs and do so by latching on to dunb stuff with no basis and calling all mountains of evidence part of the conspiracy

>what did you just say about the Earth's shape?!

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I mean thats probably the big thing to take away from the movie. Being the king of flat earth became his identity, if he left he'd be ostracized by the normies and Malcom X'd by the flat earthers.
These people who make their entire identities being conspiracy nuts and shit are tragic tbhh

space aliens did this

but I could literally see the light from the red lines?

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how are roundies still walking around denying this shit?

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is this a family birthday party video recorded in 1992?

he's a big guy

this was absolutely kino
And the kudos for the documentary for not just spending the whole time bashing them but actually taking the time to tell the peoples stories and explain the appeal of the culture

Delete this

Hahaha that's awesome

Flat earthers legitimately deserve to die.

if the earth is a sphere why isnt all the water at the bottom because of gravity? explain this globetards

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How do you explain dusk and dawn then?

Water and Australians are immune to gravity

check this out then.

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To ensure they don't breed.

Why would they lie to us?

Flat earth its just a psyops.
It does not matter if the earth is a sphere or a globe, what matters is that we cant prove it.

>this image was made by someone who has never owned a table lamp
my lizard has similar lights on his tank, two of them
when his light turns on in the morning it lights up my whole front room

I hate education systems. I bet so many mother fuckers in here were taught Columbus was the only one who thought the world was round. When nearly everyone in the 15th century thought the world was round, they just assumed it was straight ocean from spain to india. Travel time and food preservation techniques meant everyone would starve to death. AND THEY WOULD HAVE. Columbus tried to learn winds and the route and had they not hit America, cannibalism would have been the next phase of their journey.

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>we cant prove it
unga bunga me no see curve therefore not real unga

Columbus also massively miscalculated the distance because he was following the math of a man who everyone already debunked as a loon because he thought the earth was smaller than what Eratosthenes had calculated
Columbus was near mutiny and out of food and water when they arrived in the Americas

>i won't question what (((they))) want me to believe in fear of alienating myself of my neutered friends

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What are some of the front-runners? I'd for one would love to know who the fuck stands to gain from convincing everyone the world is round

>what matters is that we cant prove it.
maybe if you're a brainlet fucktard

t. physicist

Show me one authentic picture outside of low earth orbit you science c u c k
All you do is play with "correct" numbers.

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I'd tell you not to breed, but I don't think I have to.

>actually posts an apollo moon mission photo

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>I fucking love science bros but don't every question if the Earth is round or I'll kill you

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A Greek mathematician proved the Earth was round 2,000 years ago using two posts and their shadows and calculated the circumference of the planet with astounding accuracy, all during a time where the most sophisticated tech was a rope and pulley. Don't say we can't prove it when it's been proven fact for nearly the entire history of civilization itself, dingus

You asked for a pic from outside low orbit, can't get anymore outside than the freaking moon

No one is convincing anyone. Our senses interpret the flat Earth as ball earth. A few people have figured it out, many more so now than in the past but due to the trillions invested in rounder science the government doesn't want to up end the status quo or reformulate core theories to account for the facts of flat Earth. They keep it hush hush and they fudge numbers when they have too, see: dark energy for one and the cosmic background radiaton for another.

It's gonna take a unified theory that describes this as they are but also accounts for how our senses perceive a globe, how when we think we walk straight we are actually curving and walking in twisting circles. That's most notable at the poles a d accounts for the people who walked "straight across" the ice caps.

It will be a revolution of spiritual and scientific thought, akin to a rebirth of God.

imagine being this fucking dumb
makes me feel smug as fuck

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who believe that world is flat.

This board gets worse every day. I'm sure if it's normies or the average age being 17-20 year old Gen Zs but Christ is it getting unbearable.

Illegal gif

Knowing this site im willing to bet like 80% of them are just trolling for laughs.

Maybe 85%.

Sweet Jesus, please see a doctor. This is schizophrenic levels of delusion.

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It does not matter, all mathematical proof just leads to a Schrödinger's cat situation.
The box is still closed.

explain seasons and lunar eclipse with this model

What in the actual tap dancing Christ are you talking about?!

It takes a special kind of sheep to be a rounder.
Ball Earth simple doesn't make sense.

>people unironically think people unironically believe in flat Earth
You guys are the dumb ones here.

Otice how the rounder must resort to insults rather than facts when attacking our claims.

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The Virgin globe earth believers are bona fide Reddit, Chad flat earthers are the real 4channelers

>I-I was just pretending to be retarded!

That's not an apollo photo you fucking brainlet.

The sun just forgot to pay either the electricity or the heating bill

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Is that the Antarctic ice wall on the left there? Do sea animals ever hit the side of the firmament like aquarium glass and hurt themselves?

Fucking how do you recover from that?

>This thread.

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Not even /x/ unironically believes in the flat eart theory.

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Fucking hell

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Why do you resist logic?
Do you not strive for total understanding of the universe we inhabit? To seek such lofty heights of knowledge you must be ready to accept what you were taught was wrong at best and a lie at worst.

It's comforting to cling to those held up as more knowledgeable than yourself, these mainstream mainline scientists but you must leave your comforts and seek total truth. That truth lies far beyond the confines of your ball earth.

Nice cgi elon!

If you don't think musk knows the true reality then you are a rounder of the worst sort.

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I've seen some guff about "hiding god" as if 90% of the world isn't religious, and their favourite, that NASA is embezzling the money from their budget. As if that's a lot of money as far as world governments go.

>appollo missions go from 1961 to 1972
>suddenly they stop
>nasa now says we cant leave low earth orbit
>apparently they lost all technology and telemetry data
Also dont fucking remind me when Nixon called the austronauts on the moon.

>flat earthers buy fancy gyro and measure the curve for themselves with a camera and flashlight
>prove the curve and the rotation of the planet
>hmm interesting
>still believe their retarded beliefs

>Dont panic!
How have I never noticed that before? Nice touch, guys

There's nothing logical about it. How the fuck does a flat planet form? How the fuck is there a dome over it? Why isn't every planet flat? It's fucking hilarious stupidity.

>Dont listen to them!
>Listen to ME!!!!

This thread is comedy gold.

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>How the fuck does a flat planet form?
>How the fuck is there a dome over it?
>Why isn't every planet flat?

>nasa now says we cant leave low earth orbit
Show me the exact statement or what-have-you where they actually said that

They hide UFO evidence.

Is that the latest David Lynch work? Genius.

photons are fake news

i'm surprised these people aren't athletes considering the amount of mental gymnastics they do

what exaclty is the sun according to flat earthers? something that small would have burned all its fuel a long time ago.

Are you telling me the US government wasted billions employing hundreds of thousands of people in the 60s to do nothing?

but stan don't have the power to create stuff he can only manipulate and shit

It's where Magnus left after helping create mundus. The light is the magical energies of Aetherius shining through the hole in creation.

He manipulates flat planets into sphere planets.
Sphere is the shape of the devil.

pretty sure the devil is the shape of an angel fallen from grace

>can't see fake news without photons
I'm not mad because you're stupid, I'm mad that you're NOT WRONG

Wide angle lens vs a telescopic lens.

>How the fuck does a flat planet form
Well I know about as much as you do but I have ideas and beliefs. I believe God created the flat Earth and I am not convinced other planets exist. I believe they may be small Rocky out cropping from the plane of the firmament or perhaps small sections with unique laws of physics that gives them their appearance.

I know what you are headed towards, you are gonna parrot what your science teacher told you but neither them nor their teachers have ever seen planetary formation nor visited another planet.

The only thing stupid here is your insistence on clinging to your rounder religion. @ me when you've formulated your own experiments and not the tables of the text book they fed you when you were innocent.

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Watch from 2:15 onwards.
Wake the fuck up.

Damn, I didn't know geometry was actually a satanist religion.

Didn't you ever find it suspicious that the main animal in the Antartic was literally a bear painted white? i.e a species we already know about with a new coat.

Interesting 2 species developed the exact same in different conditions across the planet.

The reality is polar bears don't exist, they lacked high quality CGI to create animals, so they just painted some normal bears white, now they have to st5ick with it

You are either a world class, artisan shitposter or a genuine retard. It's difficult to distinguish.

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How do I check which side I'm living on?

>Fucking how do you recover from that?

The flat earthers stated it was an error in experiment and they can't re-create those results now

space is full of radiation, going beyond low earth orbit would land you enough radiation to give you cancer

Flat Earth is a psy-op created to shift conspiracy thought away from Ayy Lmaos and it worked. Flat Earthers are unwitting shadow government puppets.

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Polar bears live in the Arctic. Penguins live in the AntarCtic.

They're the same thing in my flat earth model


B-But how did we go to the moon then??

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What is the most kino earth shape theory and why is it infinite plane?

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Bro I like this fanfic, you should probably serialize it online.
Any other crazy twists?

we did, and all astronauts that went there contracted various kinds of cancer which most died from

Does Time Cube count?

They stopped because the US won the space race, the public lost interest, and everyone had a hard on for the space shuttle.

This isn't complicated.

And that's still not an apollo image you fucking mongoloid.

The state of sciencefags. I personally believe the earth is spherical but it amazes me that people get so mad when someone says the earth is flat

>why can't we go to the moon now when we supposedly did it fifty years ago?
Because we realized we've got other shit to do, dipshits

No because Time Cube isn't a theory it's a fact

This is what shills look like.
Hang yourselves.

You do know it'd be a simple matter of putting a lead shield in the spacecraft, right?

pear shape is best shape

you do know that the heavier the space craft is the heard it is to get it into space and lead is pretty damn heavy?

Even here the globe shills appear.

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For a short period of time yes, but it loses effectiveness and would struggle against large solar flares

I used to assume the flat earth threads were simply 100% troll but no it turns out there are real living people today who earnestly believe that the earth is flat.
I do understand why some people get mad about it, it's because we shouldn't have to argue over firmly established scientific fact just because some people are fucking retarded.
For me personally, I still find it funny.

>neither them nor their teachers have ever seen planetary formation nor visited another planet

Nor have you seen the supposed firmament. Or sent anything to space to see how flat the earth apparently is.

We were already shooting for the literal moon, what makes you think cost would be an issue?

>I have no idea what a half life is
Get out


In a few decades or a century, thinkers like Gene Ray and Terry Davis will be exalted as the Einsteins of their day, having broken new ground in our understanding of concepts like time and God
And all the doubters and haters will be remembered as the glow in the dark CIA niggers they are

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holy shit, like real life minecraft?

Is it kino? I guess I am watching it

>that guy who brought a spirit level onto an airplane to prove that the earth was flat because planes don't dip

welcome to urf

We weren't paying gibs to a 100 million nogs back then

back then we didn't know how much radiation there was in space so we made the space craft as light as possible

this image can literally be refuted with fucking high school physics

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>itt: absolute idiots and the idiots willing to debate them
At least it's entertaining

everything related to flat earth faggotry can
this is why its so fucking hilarious

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>I believe God

WHY CANT I FEEL THE AIRPLANE GOING AT 1500 KM/H??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?

RIP Terry

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It's pretty well made, and it actually goes into what draws people to stuff like Flat Earth and the sense of community they feel as outsiders in it.

it also has a bit about how lots of the science world can come across as elitist and patronising, which turns people away and how in another life some of these people could have been good scientists who question everything and want to do their own experiments.

Although I think it doesn't do enough to question their beliefs, i.e "Why are they lying about this for 100s of years?", or pointing out the issues this kind of attitude can pose to society.

I was legit angry watching that 12 year old at the Flat Earth meeting who had been taught by his parents to think this way already

"Mad" is an overstatement. "Baffled" is a better word, and the appropriate response to someone espousing retarded, objectively untrue statements.

Acting like a moron and being told that you're a fucking moron doesn't mean you're making everyone mad with your revolutionary, nonconformist beliefs: it means you're a fucking moron.

We knew about the van Allen belts a good half decade before the moon missions. And the astronauts were exposed to radiation, but they zipped through the belts so quick (and even planned their trajectory to all but skip one of them) that they got the equivalent of a few xrays in a doctors office, tops

I can literally look through my cheap small telescope right now and see Jupiter and Saturn you don't need to believe NASA to know that otehr planets exist.

Because it isn't accelerating, under flat earth theory it is flying in a straight line at a steady speed.

The Earth should be constantly accelerating though as it's changing directly constantly. So we SHOULD feel it

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I work for NASA and it's scary how many people are startint to figure out all the BS we put out there.

Some are trying to create a new technology that we can only justify by a round Earth to calm this shit down, GPS was meant to do that but people didn't bite on it

Where did you get these kind of informations you NASA shill.

>The Earth should be constantly accelerating though as it's changing directly constantly
o i am laffin

Just the elites dabbing on plebs, as they are wont to do.

No, because Newton proved that we're along for the ride. The Sun is whipping around the Milky Way at hundred of thousands of mph, so by you're logic the Sun should have been torn apart by the G forces billions of years ago.

Google, dumbass. Took me ten seconds
More than I believe some rando on Yea Forums, for sure

Flat Earthers who use their religious faith as a deflection and/or affirmation of their belief in the "theory" genuinely besmirch religion more than atheists ever could.

So u be sayin we made them light as possible but had enough fuel to zip right back huh?
Very interesting.
Why dont we make them more lighter?

The thing is we don't orbit the sun.

Satanists and undesirables made this up to try and make us feel insignificant and worthless (and also to discredit the church). By making us irrelevant specs of dust in the scale of things, it makes us easier to control and lowers our self worth

>pretends to be more retarded than bronze age greeks
>wonders why people call them a retard
No one's mad. It's just a dull schizo spamming the same handful of images that have been debunked hundreds of time.

>the absolute state
Did you look up the sources in your wiki article amigo?
Do you seriously believe something that looks like a 5th graders word document?

how can a statement be 'objectively untrue'?

Some people have God and others have ''muh gravity'' lmao.

>By making us irrelevant specs of dust in the scale of things, it makes us easier to control and lowers our self worth
But user....we ARE insignificant specs riding on a dust mote in an infinite black void. You, me, everyone who as ever lived and everyone who ever will live are meaningless blips in the grand scheme of things, if there even is a scheme at all.

You dont matter
Nothing you do will matter
You are going to die and there's nothing you can do to stop it

Now with that all out of the way, go out there and create some meaning for your life

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fuck off anti-sciencer

when it's based on fiction

>when you get friendzoned by your flat earther gf

>rocket scientists are shitty web developers
What's your point?

There was that dude that was building his own rocket but the goverment stopped him because it was unsafe.
Made me really angry just let him kill himself instead of feeding the conspiracy

Pretty sure your average schuck shouldn't be handling liquid oxygen and other rocket fuels without some kind of supervision

You are quiet an interesting fellow.
How do you explain Nixon calling the Apollo team on the moon?
Did we already have the technology in 1969?

>watch this doc
>think how unbelievably stupid these flat earthers are
>think how I would prove to them the earth is round
>think how I would prove to myself the earth is round using mathematics
>cant think of any way to do this whatsoever that doesnt involve searching up how to do it beforehand
I totally believe the earth is round. But I really cant say that I came to that conclusion myself, much smarter people proved it and told me and I believe them. Am I a brainlet?

She is cucking him so hard

>Uses his fame to get popular
>Says she loves him in a "non platonic and non romantic" way
>Acts like she will move to live by him
>Instead goes to London to live with another guy
>Meanwhile he has to white knight for her hard on the internet against angry flat earthers who hate the attention she gets
>She is still leading him on and saying how perfect their chemistry is
>He still lives with his mum

The abuse she gets is pretty hilarious though

>Patricia Steere
>Sent by CIA
>To steer them in the wrong direction

Based and Redpilled

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>some people have God and others have a natural, observable phenomenon backed up by endless evidence and mathematical support
top bait my friend, i bit

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Answer the question, dingus

>The Earth should be constantly accelerating though
Are you fucking stupid?
If the earth is constantly accelerating, how long before it would be going faster than the speed of light?
If you can't do the math to figure this out, then you're not qualified to have an opinion.

bruh how do radio waves even exist u cant even see them, check mate spheretards

I will never understand this attitude. For all we know earth is be the most important place in the whole Universe, who cares if it's only a tiny bit of mass in a possibly endless amount of space as long as it's the only place that has fucking intelligent life. Having a lot of nothing around us doesn't reduce our worth or importance, it only increases it.

that desperation yikes

We've had wireless communication since the early 1900's, so yes

that's not what the viking depiction of earth looked like

>hurrr what is focal length
Why do you idiots insist on trying to poke holes in NASA's photography when it's blatantly obvious you've never used a camera in your life?

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look at the length these people go to protect their little egos

>Did we already have the technology in 1969?
Yes. It's called radio.
It was discovered by a spaghetti nigger in 1895.

I'm waiting....

believing in the flat earth is no more stupid than believing in jesus and the holy spirit


Wow that's fucking hilarious

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You need faith to believe in either of those.

If it orbits in a circle, it is constantly accelerating as it is changing direction.

>An object moving in a circular orbit at a constant speed has a changing velocity. This is because velocity is a vector quantity that depends on speed and direction. The object in orbit is accelerating, even though its speed remains constant, because its velocity is changing.

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>horizon always rises to eye level
No it doesn't.

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>What is Peer Review

Because it is dumb.


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>we should feel the Earth's acceleration due to its orbit
"No!", You don't feel it because the Earth is in free-fall around the sun.

Do unironically believe we had the capacity to send radiowaves to the moon in 1969?
Also did you ever watch the footage of Nixon calling them?
There is almost no delay.
I seriously do not need to be in the right, but you guys arent convincing in the slightest.

Atheist btfo

Because thinking we're the most importing thing to ever happen is the root cause of like, 90% of all our species shortcomings. If we recognize that we're just one of billions of species that have come and gone and that there is no inherent plan for us or our universe, we start to understand that we create meaning ourselves. There's nothing but us, and we should be humbled by that fact, not excited.

fake pic

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Honestly I feel like everyone making these images is just trolling morons into believing flat earth

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Not a brainlet because all the evidence you've encountered, personally and from people you trust, doesn't contradict itself.

The problem with the flat earthers is that they have their viewpoint first, cherry pick evidence to support their crazy theory and then ignore any evidence that contradicts it.

If you go to the underside of the flat Earth are you in hell?

what the hell am i looking at

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all modern new age depictions

Hitler was the first person beamed into space during the Munich Olympics in 1939, and that signal is STILL zooming outwards. Also, there was no delay because the moon is barely a single light-second away from the Earth. I dunno if you realize this, user, but light is like, REALLY fast

The speed of light is 3,000,000 meters per second. That means the delay between the Earth/Moon is about 1.25 seconds. Listen to the call again, friendo.

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The reason why making comparison photos like is a retarded exercise in futility.

So the first signal from Earth to reach the aliens will be from Hitler?

>Do unironically believe we had the capacity to send radiowaves to the moon in 1969?
Yes you dipshit. People had been bouncing radio off the moon to extend their broadcast distance. Anyone with a passing familiarity with ham radio knows about moon bounce, and how you can pick up signals from earth that you don't have line of sight with.
Radio has such a long wavelength that our atmosphere is almost entirely transparent to it.
Do you think rather than a massive millennia long conspiracy to convince everyone that the world is round, you might just be stupid?

>sense of community
Pretty much 99% of the reason humans will conglomerate into groups, even idiotic ones like terrorist cells and gangs.

it's actually 299,792,458 meters per second

Attached: 1544681977037.jpg (564x689, 82K)

Have you seen Contact?

>but light is like, REALLY fast
>you can communicate through light
why do you talk like a redditor?

Scientists know what they are talking about more so than some random conspiracy tards. If they were telling people wrong stuff then people would prove them wrong. Like, I don't know how they know the universe is 14 million years old but maybe they know something I don't and they must have evidence for that or whatever. Question things sure, but if you don't accept any of the answers then why bother. Also, there is literally no reason to lie about the properties of the Earth so why bother with that. It's fucking round, because they say it is and they know better than you.

lol fuck off

Pity he was sending radio signals not LIGHT signals fuckwit

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Damn, thas some 3 years old thinking level.

>being a globehead

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Fucking kek. Typical flattard refusing to accept the truth and calling everything "fake". Holy fuck, if there was a way I could personally take up to space so you could see the Earth for yourself, or take you in an expedition to the South Pole, you still would refuse to believe. You could very well stand on the Moon and say it's fake or made of cheese.
I bet you believe Australia doesn't exist either.

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your bait is getting less convincing, try another approach

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>how do orbits work

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>Twin Peaks: The Return

This is called living in delusion user. You are insignificant. Your life is a brief microsecond in the history of the Earth. Humanity is the tiniest blip on the history of Earth.

>Pity he was sending radio signals not LIGHT signals fuckwit
Are you retarded? You do understand that the electromagnetic force uses the photon as its force carrier, right?

Attached: electromagnetic spectrum.jpg (750x281, 28K)

I would pay actual money to watch you get beaten to death with a hammer.

not really, radio signals accelerate over time, by the time it reaches alien life that's advanced enough to pick up these signals it would be so unintelligible it'd be no different than that the background noise

Why lie about dinosaurs?

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>le science XD
>the earth is a globe i can prove it to you mathematically

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No is it about Nazi aliens

This but unironically

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>tfwstarted watching flat earth videos ironically but ended up unironically seeing the truth and now believe they might be right

I'm not sure if i have shitposted myself into madness or truly seen reality

>South pole is the edge
>North pole isn't
Flatearther's are genuinely retarded

womp womp

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>thom yorke on the right

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>flouride stare
looks more like the "i'm really tired of this retarded shit" stare

>radio signals accelerate over time

im having fun and thats the only thing that matters desu

> radio signals accelerate over time
wtf are you talking about? they travel at the speed of light *forever*

So this is spiral power? Not bad.

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Past civilizations have understood the earth tho be round. There are even references in the Bible to "the roundness of the earth." It's not science's fault that the concept of gravity is too complicated for your wee brain.

>magic spotlight kept up by prayers only illuminates half of the pizza
>somehow people all see the same lunar phases
>somehow eclipses happen


All lies, that doesn't exist.

Is flat earth the greatest "meme" the internet has ever created?

I mean it's one thing to have like a teenager stab their friend because they think Slender-Man was real, but this scale of people taking it seriously is just incredible.

If I turn on the radio and the TV to watch the same live event, the radio is always a couple seconds quicker than the TV is

So how can they be same speed p

Attached: images (60).jpg (618x497, 75K)

If the Earth was flat, just imagine how fucking long it would take to travel between places in the Southern Hemisphere. Holy fuck.

I've been trying to argue against this but I will instead think about your words for a while longer user., thank you for the food for thought.

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My mfw when I realize the Earth is indeed flat

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This thread is enraging me with all this stupidity

>doing a report once on astrophysics at uni
>lecturer literally puts in the specification "no Coxisms"

Made me laugh

They lie about global warming


lel, those dots would have to be miles wide to make sense.

I can't tell if this is serious or not. Notice how 99% of flatshit is low res and poorly edited. Looks like some shit my aunt would post on Facebook.

The satellites are flying around earth really fast

I think it's hilarious.

Louie theroux doc when


join the "24/7 Flat Earth Discord" if you want a genuine laugh
im banned

The southern hemisphere is a hoax because they haven't seen it, retards all on opposite ends of the pizza looking in opposite directions all seeing the same southern celestial hemisphere doesn't disprove flat earth because it is an illusion. Better yet the southern Hemisphere is a hoax and their constellations and all those countries with the southern cross on their flag are nasa colonies willed with nasa workers and they are actually where the guards to the ice wall live fact.

I mean it started being funny but actually seeing all the crap some people actually believe it's starting to make me anxious.

Try navigating with the assumption the world is flat on a boat and see if you save time cutting a straight path. Post results.

>The shape of the earth? It is flat of course.

Attached: 1548802595300.jpg (591x570, 74K)

> The Sun is a sphere.
> The Moon is a sphere.
> The Planets are spheres.
> The moons of planets are spheres.
> The Earth is flat.
Yup, makes perfect sense to me.

This clip is why I hate my mother in a nutshell. It’s hard to explain, but she’s just so fucking stupid and weasels around everything. Before you know it, you just argued for 3 hours and she’s drank a pint of vodka, rolling her glassy eyes around, twitching her toes randomly and burping.

God what a degenerate. I gotta grow up and get rid of these memories...

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>and it hurts
This is pretty much the same thing as "and that's a good thing".
Stop trying to tell me how I should feel.

You're stupidity is a feat in and of itself

Sadly, no. It's about a hypothetical scenario where we finally pick of a signal being broadcast from deep space, and to our surprise it's a recording of Hitler declaring his Olympic games open, with the understanding that the aliens to sent the message were just basically tell us "Hey, we heard you guys, what's up?"
They also managed to cram data into the signal for a giant teleporter so we can go see them. I'd check it out, it's a pretty neat flick and it's based off a Carl Sagan novel

Have flat earthers never stood on top of a mountain? You can literally see the curve

NASA fuck with compasses to send people going around in circles so they never reach the edge

NASA in Hebrew also means deceiver

>he didn't live in the boonies where you got television over an aerial and the only way to get good quality audio was to tune into the AM station that simulcast the audio for the local stations
Also, most live events, are broadcast with a delay built in for various reasons, not being raped to death by the FCC for accidentally broadcasting something they shouldn't being chief among them.
You're also probably getting your television over a cable, and your radio over the air. The signal travels faster through air then it does through a cable, even more so if its old copper cable and not fiber.

I used to get mad at all the stupidity but now I stop caring. Some people will believe whatever they want no matter how much proof you give them. It's not funny either, it's just kind of sad.

sciencefags just don't believe 2000 year old fictional books about talking snakes are the best evidence.

I know!! They even have falseflagging flat truthers in fake countries like "Australia" and "New Zealand"!!
They're all paid actors! Also, those places are so extremely fake! How can an animal like the kangaroo or a platypus be real! And those aboriginals are clearly gorillas wearing makeup! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!1 DEM JOOS WANT YOU TO STAY STUPID!!!!!1

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It's both. Most of the images are created by trolls and shitposters, but some people are retarded enough to think there were serious.

"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company" and all that. Granted on Yea Forums itself there aren't any actual flat earthers.

not according to science, radio signals are super weak and you'd have a hard time sending one past uranus
k= 1.38064852x10−23kgs−2K−1
T=temperature in kelvin
B=bandwith in Hz
it's why it took 5 months for new horizon to send a picture of pluto back to earth when it's 5.5 light hours away

I am going to embark on a journey to the edge of the world. When I reach it I will jump off with a parachute. Who knows where I will land or even if I will ever land but someone must do it. I will scale the ice walls and take the plunge. Nothing will stop me. Goodbye Yea Forums

You know what else is stupid? The big bang theory, not the show even though that's stupid enough, but the actual theory. Plebs on 4chinz don't know about the patrician study of the electric universe. Watch it and behold the greatest lie ever told to man started by a Jew.

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People who believe that the curvature of the earth should be observable to the naked eye from the surface do not understand how fucking huge our planet is.

Reported to the FBI, NSA, Illuminati and the Bilderberg group.

All Australian shitposters are just George Soros keeping the lie up

>tfw Argentinian and haven't received my Nasa check.

>come to shitpost
>learn about radio waves

You better document it nigga

>NASA fuck with compasses
If only you could navigate by some constant set of celestial objects, like a bunch of bright dots in the sky that come out at night. Wouldn't it be super convenient if there was one of them that always pointed to true-ish north?

>thinking scientists know anything when they can't even explain the bootes void

Not every mountain though.
It's too bad that the Concorde was so ridden with technical issues, that plane could fly so high that you could see the curve clearly.
All the flat earther shit could be solved with simply buying them a ticket for this.

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>every sciencefag when they try to refute you

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But the spherical earth curves away from you at the same rate in every direction so why are you expecting it to curve across your relatively small field of vision. Even grade school geometry is beyond these people.

Red shift is a clearly observable and provable phenomenon though

I've actually measured the red shift of stars and proved to myself the universe is expanding so I'm pretty sure the Big Bang is real. Just sayin'

please explain the concept of gravity

It's not an actual void, it's just a region with far fewer galaxies than the usual density.

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It's not like you have any food to buy with that money anyways :^)

How nasa get through radiation belt nasa scientist discover huh? grunk think so nasa liars

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>push and pull forces

>also gravity
>caused by the curvature of spacetime

>also gravity
>falling on earth is the same as being motionless in space, moving in space is the same as being stationary on earth

And why is that NERD?
Globefags btfo

Ask the dent in your sofa.

Heavy things tend to stick together and pile up.
There you go, I explained your meme "void".

Its where glactus resides

>can't even explain the bootes void
>what is random distribution
If you really want to freak yourself out, milkyway exists in a void in the virgo supercluster.

>Nooo you are wrong! Mr. Goldberg showed us the earth can't be flat.

>Brainlets don't know that redshifting stars are not a measurement of distance but protogalaxies being born from parent galaxies
Keep supporting Jewish science that's wasting money on looking for particles that don't exist.

whats your point my dude

Cthulhu annihilated some of the galaxies

Globecucks and flattards are both wrong.

Attached: concaveearth.png (950x570, 494K)

Our understanding of force is completely wrong and should be reconsidered from the ground up.

I find it hard to believe there's 4 separate forces, it's 1 base force we just can't fully comprehend or map yet

2/10 because I can't tell if you're trolling or just retarded.

We have full hemisphere pics of Earth taken daily, if artist's renderings bother you. Been taking them since 2015, now there's 12 taken a day.

Pic related was last Sunday. You can see the snowstorm that hit the northeast.

Attached: earth pic 3-3-19.png (2048x2048, 2.92M)

scientists can't even agree what gravity even is




All that proves is you're an idiot.

If you see Jon Snow on the ice wall tell him he's a faggot.

>please explain the concept of gravity
Newtonian or Einsteinian?

i am now a flatmissile

>every flatfag when you refute them

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when did nasa say we cant leave low earth orbit

In Mickey Mouse terms, small mass is pulled in by larger mass. The larger the mass, the more force is required to as ape from its pull. When enough mass gathers to one point is becomes spherical and that is why planets are round. We are all being pulled to the earth's center of mass, so the arguments about "up" and "down" used by flat earth enthusiasts have no basis in science. "Down" is entirely relative to the earth's core, not a direction in space.

Its just from a new data set you absolute clown.
Every earth pic is just a composition.

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>strawman argument that has no evidence to provide

Keep sucking Einstein's cock you fag.

Luckily global warming isn't real, otherwise the ice around the edges could melt and the water could just flow into the void beyond


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