Cast a Stardust Crusaders movie

cast a Stardust Crusaders movie.
who should direct it?
bonus points: no Idris Elba as Avdol.

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bonus question: which ones of Dio's minions should make it into the movie?

Idris Elba as Abdul

Jean-Claude Vandamme as Polnareff could works?

too old

Attached: it was me dio.jpg (676x443, 83K)

Idris Elba as DIO.

Jotaro: Lyoto Machida
Joseph: Ron Perlman
Avdol: Michel Qissi
Polnareff: Jean-Claude Van Damme
Kakyoin: Harold Ramis
Iggy: some Boston Terrier dubbed by the guy who do Rocket Raccoon.

I know it's not realistic but if we ignore the dead people or the ages it could fit pretty well.

Harrison ford as Joseph desu

Honestly taking the guy who did Tang Po on Kickboxer and Van Damme is top tier for Avdol and Polnareff.

but the problem are the ages.

Joseph is not a bitter old man.

>Ron Perlman

Mel Gibson as Joseph.

Replace polnareff and avdol with black women

Hol Horse
Vanilla Ice
Blind dude
Darby brothers
2 right hands
The Bird

rest are crap or irrelevant

Why part 3 when the far superior part 2 exists?


well there is the baby and his stand Death 13 who could be included.

John Boyega as Jotaro

Diamonds Are Unbreakable > Steel Ball Run > Stardust Crusaders > Battle tendency > Golden Wind > Stone Ocean > Phantom Blood

that shit was just retarded. A baby that;s as intelligent and self-aware as a man with no explanation.

He was 11 months old according to the databook yet was already an established assassin and agent of DIO. Shit made no sense.

well it's anime and the title is "bizarre adventure"
let's just make it an automatic stand so.

I don't know any hapa actors.

>Shit made no sense.
you just summed up Jojo

did you forget the rapist orangutan captain?

Who will play Hol Horse?

>No Oingo and Boingo

How would the movie be structured? Obviously the monster of the week thing doesn't work in a 2 hour flick.

Something close to the first OVAs maybe?

wasn't that the same except shortened down a bit? I mean the whole "lets go to this place ok now we fight this guy and then proceed" repeat thing just doesn't work in a movie.

Just make it a road movie and they are attacked in every new places they go, also you could made it a trilogy.
some fights are shorter than others.

Stardust Crusaders is kino because it looks like a weeb Tintin adventure.

3 movies
beginning to ja gail
Egypt to d'arby
final movie vs DIO

Chris Hemsworth obviously

>last shot of ther second movie is DIO looking over Cairo from the tower
>cut to credits

1st OVA series > Egypt Arc > Stardust Crusaders > 2nd OVA series

animals were explained to get stands so that never bothered me.

>Cannonically after Part 4, they shoot arrows to babies to give them powers if they survive the arrow attack
that's heavy

ok, so who the fuck could full off playing DIO?

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de aged dolph lundgren

plus a de aged stallone for jotaro and current arnold for joseph

the movies will countains a lot of Pajeet and arab actors for the villains.

if arnold could do a believable british accent that would be pretty based

just started watching this show about 2 weeks ago, i'm early into part 3 now

why was hamon dropped? Part 3 is kind of boring so far. There's some physical movement but mostly they are just standing around while psychic battles happen, it's not as exciting as part 1 and 2. It's more visually varied and interesting with the different stands but the battles are more boring now and seem to rely less on the fun over-the-top mind games. Now it's just suddenly "my stand has beaten yours!" instead of "MWUHAHA THIS WAS MY 20 STEP KEIKAKU THAT HAS DEFEATED YOU"

I just started this show last night. It was pretty funny

Attached: wryyyyyyyyyy.png (960x640, 743K)

Damm if only they did this instead of The Expendables...

Araki was still finding his footing with Stands in Part 3. Mind games do come back later into Part 3 and with full force in the later Parts. theres not that much new you could do with Hamon, Stands get much more creative. I thought Part 3 was boring as well on my first watch, but the finale made it worthwile, you really feel like you've come this long way along with characters to finally face DIO. also Part 3 is worse to marathon since it switched to the monster of the week format instead of overarching arc, so maybe watch just one or two episodes a day instead of marathoning it

Part 3 Stands are pretty basic, part 4 really ups the ante in terms of Stand keikau

The dynamic battle with bodies were never Araki's purpose, it is the bizarre situations throughout the plot. I agree part 3 downgraded the level of the mind games but as the first half of part 4 pasts, it's when Jojo really becomes bizarre.

part 3 is kinda bland but i vastly prefer stands over hamon. it gets really bonkers later on. just dont think about it too hard

When did that ever happen?

The stands get better when Araki nails their limits and the series becomes more about "puzzle box" fights where the abilities are pushed to their limits and have a lot of creative, crazy shit.
Hamon was fun, but ultimately constraining and doesn't lend itself to 8 parts the way Stand fights do.
You're not alone in thinking early Part 3 is pretty boring. It's got some great fights, but it isn't until the halfway mark I think it stars to hit its stride.

We can all agree if you like jojo you are into guys right? Its what made me appreciate the male beauty.

unironically only appreciate statues and drawings. i thought that maybe i was bi but if i get into close proximity of another guy i am always repulsed

Hamon was dropped because there's only so many ways you can charge it through inanimate objects. Plus power escalation was inevitable if they kept it. The stands kind of suck in part 3, but it's worth it later on.

What's the coolest looking Stand in the series and why is it Silver Chariot Requiem?

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