Post space kinos

Post space kinos.

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based illuminati poster

Reddit opinion. No cinema enthusiast would like the last third of this.
Even Tarantino shat on it.

you finna get roasted m8

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Yeah its got problems but its watchable. Evans is good in it.

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Approaching the Unknown
Love (2011)

The Right Stuff is the GOAT

Oh no a capeshit-obsessed nepalese tea harvesting forum is going to attack me for not liking a movie where the director forgot what sat he was on over halfway through.

Both of the Solaris movies, obviously.

I can't wait until we start sending your generation to die in WW3.

isn't Apollo 11 a documentary film?

Third act had some of the best scenes in the whole film.

>le I'm 14 and this is le deep
if either of these movies stirred emotions in you, you are a mentally stunted manchild

>Even Tarantino shat on it.
>appealing to authority while admitting that authority is retarded

Tarantino knows his movies

It's more of a filmentary.

You write like a black kid. Stop trying to participate.

And he's a retard, sooo....

You won’t be doing anything other than shitting your pants in your retirement home old man

>he thinks it's going to be more than 10 years from now

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Hurrdurr someone doesnt like it so I dont and you should not too.

>he thinks he’s not going to be shitting his pants next year

I didn't like it after watching it, then googled opinions on the movie and saw Tarantino talking about it and sharing many of my thoughts. In that order.

Problem, redditor?

>he thinks you don't start sharting when you hit 30

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