I'm going to watch Star Wars: The Phantom Menace for the first time since the 7th August 1999 when I was 12, and the for the second time overall.
What do you think my thoughts will be ? Was it kino all along or are you all pretending the PT is good now simply because you hate the new ones more than you hated them?
I'm going to watch Star Wars: The Phantom Menace for the first time since the 7th August 1999 when I was 12...
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You will simultaneously appreciate it more and yet still feel disappointed.
Here we gooo
Compared to TLJ they're pure kino
Probably don't remember any of it
It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen
I watched it in theaters 6 times when I was 21in 1999. It got worse each time. Now, in 2019, I think the movie is terrible overall while still appreciating the podracing and Darth Maul fights. So my recommendation is to watch it as few times as possible if you want to preserve positive thoughts of it.
In short, dont watch it again if you like it and want to keep liking it.
It's great but you will understand Anakin better this time. Don't listen to the haters. Prequel Wars is best. I will rewatch them soon, because I am just like Anakin Skywalker and feel the pain to become greater. May the force be with you.
It's just as bad as the sequels, but in a different way
I was 11 when it came out and I loved it. You can't erase my child hood memories, that movie was awesome.
Ignore everybody in this thread,if you acquired taste you will appreciate it immensely.
you will find out thats it's actually a cool little space fanatasy flick for the whole family, reminding of Willow or Neverending Story or other similiar movies from the 80s. nothing groundbreaking, nothing terrible, oozing with imagination.
I too recently re-watched it and never noticed the long periods without any music during the Pod Racing scene before. It really felt weird for a SW movie...
>are you all pretending the PT is good now simply because you hate the new ones more
People who say this weren't alive when Phantom Menace was released.
Well I think
They were always hated, yes even before Plinkett. Unless there's some other reason you want to pretend why AOTC did so comparatively shitty. The same people who went to see those movies are the same ones who will go to see IX.
My favourite of the prequels, even if it's not a great movie in any way.
In my opinion, it feels different to the rest of the prequels because it's the only one shooted on film, has probably the best John Williams score for a Star Wars movie after the OT, and also has a great art direction by Doug Chiang, who was supervised by Ralph McQuarrie, one of the most important designers of the original trilogy.
Also, a lot of real locations and miniature models not ruined by excessive postproduction, unlike the rest of the prequels.
you would admire all the work put behind and cry at the script
Attack of the Clones was the fourth highest grossing film in the world in 2002. If you were going to argue that box office proves people hate these movies, you failed.
Honestly I thought that Phantom Menace was a lot better than most of Return of the Jedi, and it holds up better too.
Here I go boys
You're fucking retarded. Box officesales don't equate to quality. Just means people went to see it...because it was star wars. Fucking brainless....
>Box officesales don't equate to quality
I mean, yeah. He never said that though, you illiterate mong.
>t. nig nog
lol 6 times why not give up at 2?
>appreciating the podracing and Darth Maul fights.
You should also appreciate every design from Naboo and Trade Federation.
The pod racing stadium scenes are more kino than everything Diseny will come with
It's a good movie in the context of being a movie for kids.
I did that very recently, OP. I loved The Phantom Menace as a kid (10yo when it came out) and saw it 4 times at the cinema. As I got older I liked it less but still liked it. The plinkett reviews convinced me it was shit and I never watched it again.
I just watched TPM for the first time in over half of my lifespan, and I must say it was pretty awesome. Some things are weird and don't quite work but overall I really enjoyed the movie. Especially the whole Tatooine section, and I wasn't even annoyed by the kid that much. So many of plinkett's criticisms are weak nitpicks that could apply to tons of great films. Other criticisms are simply wrong, such as his claim that Qui-Gon's bet with Whatto makes no sense. I understood it just fine and it was pretty clever actually.
Plinkett was right about some things of course, like R2D2 being given special care and comm endation. But those things don't bring down the movie much at all.
10 minutes in, and so far it's brilliant. Same old charm as the others, decent CGI, gorgeous sets, excellent subtle racism in the aliens. It's all there
11 minutes in, forgot about Jar Jar Binks.
Ain't it comfy?
it goes down in tztooine, that has kid anakin and jar jar steping on shit and geting farted on the face
These movies are true kino. Only boomers and disney fags on this board hate the prequels.
The prequels are awesome movies. For all of their flaws they have amazing worldbuilding, great characters, awesome broad strokes and ridiculous designs. The dialog isn't great in some parts, but honestly they are all top tier comfy films.
I didnt like Naboo though. I HATED almost every single interior shot on Naboo. Lifeless and cold. The exterior shots on the ground were not much better. The wide aerial shots of the city were fine but that doesnt amount to much.
The trade federation ships were fine. The character costumes and accents were atrocious.
i watched it last weekend for the first time in a few years, it's still kino
Okay THANK you.
The thing Mouse Wars doesn't understand at all is this, I've felt no attachment to any of the featured planets
I am the biggest star wars fan I've ever known and I've known a few. 6 was only natural.
Hell, for my first viewing of the phantom menace I shelled out $1500 for 3 tickets. It was a prescreening for charity. I saw it in a theater with Bill Gates sitting right behind me.
Enjoy true kino, OP
You will probably get a good chuckle from this classic scene.
>Same old charm as the others
If you were 12 in 1999 then you do not even understand what the charm of the original trilogy.
Half of the fascination in 1977 and 1981 was that the things we were seeing on the screen had never been seen before, but by The Phantom Menace that aspect was completely gone. So to say it had the same charming effect is just complete bullshit.
wait, there was no green suit on jar jar, how did they do it?
Were you the kid Guinness told to stop watching the film? And if so why didn’t you take his advice?
Don't ever tell me what I do and don't understand again
t. Mike Stoklasa
that poster was so fucking cool
shut the fuck up faggot, nobody who saw the films back then is alive anymore
The kid is still awful and you could view this film a thousand times and he will still always be awful.
Given that the kid is central to the movie, he ruins it.
Funny thing is on the special features they have some of the interview process for finding the boy. Out of the final candidates there is one who nails it and is a decent actor, but George insists on the little shit who cry's and complains all the time and forgets his lines because he's just got a feeling about this kid.
Lucas should not have been involved in the casting.
he shouldve been an adult already, haiden Christensen, that would bring sense to the too old to be trained viewpoint of jedis I mean what did they want, babies?
how the fuck was he too old?
also the virgin Mary crap, his dad shouldve been a rejected jedi too old to be trained, obiwan wouldve promise him that anakin would pass the test, he wouldn't so he would train him away from the council
I didn't have a problem with the kid, about standard for a child actor.
You actually repair a couple of the big problems with this movie by doing that.
The too young to be trained shit was ridiculous because it was already well established that you can successfully train a young adult (Luke).
There are just too many elements that conspire to make this a bad film though, that's not even mentioning jar jar.
There's always a bigger fish
Man you have astoundingly shit taste. No wonder you were a huge fan of Star Wars.
OT fags are literally the capeshitters of the 70's/80's.
Naboo is absolutely kino and so are the TF.
You'll kick yourself for getting stuck on the prequel hate bandwagon as its pure kino
You are watching on VHS, right?
>OT fag boogeyman
Christ you prequel babies are insecure as fuck.
>I didnt like Naboo though. I HATED almost every single interior shot on Naboo. Lifeless and cold. The exterior shots on the ground were not much better
holy shit you are too much of a pleb to save user.
Don't know if it's true, but I remember reading that Lloyd was chosen because he resembled DiCaprio. At the time Lucas wanted to cast DiCaprio for AotC
I think the problem there was that the other kid wouldn't have shown the weakness needed to be present in the young Anakin.
The other kid would have been a decent child Luke.
Get ready for some kino.
Why did TPM have so many kino shots lads? So many real quick shots like pic related, that were absolutely beautiful.
I've never seen a more pleb opinion on this website before, Jesus fucking christ.
AOTC had almost the same drop of in box office pull that ESB had percentage wise. Are you gonna pretend ESB is shit now too?
>Lifeless and cold
yea it's because everyone was superimposed onto either a pre filmed miniature set or a completely cgi set.
Even the few scenes that were filmed on location are heavily manipulated. Everything looks fake.
user please watch it without pausing to give your opinions, this is kino, not a flick.
>ill take one copy of the phantom menace on VHS please
Tatooine is fucking great in ep 1. Honestly Ep 1's depiction of Tattooine is the best in the saga. ROTJ's Jabba's Palace and Sarlaac was cool as fuck, but ANH's Mos Eisley was nowhere near as good as TPM's Mos Espa.
coded for brown?
No it doesn't. Most of those sets were full size aside from the scene in the streets which was their first test of composite shots. OT fags literally have to create lies to make the PT look bad. The only miniatures were the one for the aerial shots.
He was the first ever fully digital character in a non animated film. They were treading new ground, and the actor, Ahmed Best actually worked closely with the CGI team rendering Jar Jar to come up with more efficient methods. I guess Green Suits weren't a thing back then.
You're talking shit.
Almost everything is a composite shot.
Remember this is documented on the actual fucking DVD so stop lying.
They would probably shoot the scene twice once with the actor, once without him (clean plate), or shoot just the empty set and then remove Best and insert the animated Jar-Jar.
Horrifically bad ideas. I am glad Lucas was smarter and more creative than you.
>The too young to be trained shit was ridiculous because it was already well established that you can successfully train a young adult (Luke).
Completely brainless. Luke was never a true Jedi. He was a weapon created to get revenge on the Sith.
The PT era Jedi took children from their parents, and they were not allowed attachments or to feel strong emotions. They had to take them so they had no memories or attachment to parents. They feared this would lead to the dark side. They were washed up in all their prophecies and other religious crap. You can train someone at any age to use the force, that isn't what the Jedi wanted. They wanted people who were trained from birth to balance their emotions and "be mindful of their feelings". Not someone who'd at any moment, flip out in a moment of rage and use a dark side power and begin a decent away from Jedi orthadoxy.
You with to remove all complexity and interesting lore from the PT because you don't understand it all, fuck you.
>You actually repair a couple of the big problems with this movie by doing that.
No he blunders through carefully crafted narrative, destroying it, and dumbs down the plot so your average Star Wars fan can understand it.
You'll appreciate it more after nuwars.
The exterior shots in the streets of Theed are. The rest isn't aside from maybe some backgrounds.
The hanger was a full sized set.
It's not a good movie - not by a long shot. But strangely it is a weirdly entertaining movie. I would genuinely watch it over TLJ.
At least I won't have this feeling that the director hates me.
Dipshit fangay.
You can't bring additional lore from outside of the movies to make your point.
>The PT era Jedi took children from their parents, and they were not allowed attachments or to feel strong emotions. They had to take them so they had no memories or attachment to parents. They feared this would lead to the dark side. They were washed up in all their prophecies and other religious crap.
At no point in any of the movies, OT, PT or any fucking where is this ever described.
Luke is a Jedi, everyone who has seen the films understands this basic truth. He was trained, albeit hastily, by Yoda and he was what, 18 or 19?
Keep your cartoon and pulp novel shit out of this.
It's a very comfy movie. It has a lot of flaws but I enjoy it.
I'm sorry you were born without a brain user.
>At no point in any of the movies, OT, PT or any fucking where is this ever described.
Except for all three PT movies holy fuck, have you even seen them. Lucas has even gone on record admitting the PT is a big criticism of the Jedi, and they were made flawed like this on purpose to explain their downfall. The Jedi are corrupt in the PT. Mace Windu especially is a massive hypocrite.
>fan fiction novels etc
I've never read any of the EU books. I am pulling this just from the films themselves. The PT are not turn your brain off trash like capeshit is. If you turn your brain off you are going to miss so much subtly user. The PT is a fucking masterpiece and the true story goes over the head of 90% of the audience. I think there was an interview with Kevin Smith or something, where he says he disliked the Star Wars PT, but for some reason he met with Dave Filoni and George Lucas, and they explained to him what the PT was about, and once it finally clicked, her rewatched it and now enjoys the movies.
Fuck he actually talked about it in an interview, here's the video of Kevin talking about when Filoni and Lucas explained the PT to him, and it opened his eyes to the real meaning and now he likes them.
Idiot. The Jedi realized they were wrong to teach Jedi from birth by then, and changed their ways.
Who is the worst character in all of Star Wars then Yea Forums?
>you are replying to a guy who didn't notice that PT Jedi lived in a literal fucking ivory tower. if even that got over his head, you should just save your fingers.
Holdo by a long fucking margin. After that probably Rey or Rose or other ST characters. Once the entire ST cast aside from Kylo has been named, then you go into post ROTJ EU territory and start naming the self inserts.
It's a slow moving film with tiny bursts of action. It looks pretty nice, a good balance between CGI and live action, the final dual is the highlight of the film. Lots of wooden acting, JarJar isn't as annoying as everyone said and he doesn't really even have that many scenes anyway. A lot of people think it's the worst of the prequel films but I happen to think it's the best. It kind of felt like a film made in the 60's or something but with a bunch of CGI.
If you can find that cut Topher Grace made its much better.
Kek, it just can't get more obvious without George literally screaming it in their faces can it. These people are so used to trash and capeshit they can't see kino when it's right in front of them.
Why was TPM so comfy lads?
>Lots of worldbuilding
>no ''We gotta save the universe'' spastic plot
>Lots of cool sets
>George clearly likes what he's doing quality aside, which makes for a better experience