Kino like this?

kino like this?

Attached: 79.png (640x715, 751K)

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>tfw I have never been height mogged in my entire life

Attached: 195AD8BA-2CE8-4D8C-A7F5-AD8B45995DAF.jpg (720x724, 29K)

Women do a great job of making themselves out as filthy sluts

I think women exaggerate how much they care about height

I mean, are you really going to choose a 6'3 awkward skinny lanklet over a 5'10 confident muscular Chad?


Attached: lagerfeld btfos manlets.png (508x292, 18K)

The memes are lie
t: 6'4 wizard apprentice

I like tall women too. I wish I had a girlfriend who's taller than me.

Attached: R124.jpg (617x919, 130K)

>Karl Lagerfeld height
Literally just a self-loathing manlet fagkraut. How embarrassing

God I’m so lonely and horny

>join tinder
>get a few scraps here and there
>add my height
>matches triple

Same, my gf is shorter than me but whenever I see this tall girl at work I just

>tfw ex was 6'
I will never recover having to date genetically inferior womenlets again

Fuck I really need to stop falling in love with random cuties on the internet

Maybe I should try this. Is there a way to add it organically?

I just went balls out, kept it short and simple

>[height] + [thing I like] + [none serious bit to show im not weird]

who the fuck cares your never gonna make a women happy no matter how much shit you can bring to the table

Attached: homer.jpg (569x428, 108K)

don't write an essay, just list things likeand maybe add a quote or joke

>1,95m tall
>Still virgin at 20
What now manlets?

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Too tall, lol

>What now manlets?
let me guess, you're white?

at that height you really have to work on your posture, most guys that mogg me (190cm) have really shitty posture and are lanklets. try not to slouch, workout your shoulders

It's a digital whorehouse there's no need to be obtuse.

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Lads is there a quick guide to Tinder? I just got out of a three year relationship and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing

I have perfect posture, I do running and swimming. Actual reason I dont have a gf are my unreal standarts. I will be honest, Im good looking but Im not good enough to get a gf I want, but on the other hand I also dont want some basic bitch. I dont think height matters that much desu. I know guys that were short and scored hot pussy

I am gay, a 29 year old virgin, and thirsty as fuck, I wouldn't touch this man though.

I mean I'm 6'3" and I've only fucked guys

Maybe women only like REALLY tall guys

Yeah here's some handy advice: don't fucking use Tinder

Thst height thing is just a meme women use because men make fun of fat chicks, which are most chicks because most women feel fat even when they're not.

Manlets need to be removed from the gene pool

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She's only 5'7 user.


This. My gf is 6 ft

They exaggerate it to a point. It's kind of like big tits for dudes. Ideally you want big beautiful tits but you'll still date a girl with average tits if shes hot in other ways.

>random nigga swiping the phone

Get pictures that make you look good, post some inane bullshit about your hobbies in your bio, then swipe right on girls you want to fug and hopefully they also want to fug you.

>Russian men are ugly

what kind of retarded opinion is that. not even Russian.

oh look it's another thread from the HOLY TRINITY OF INSECURE WHITE BOIS

dick size


white bois are insecure as fuck. meanwhile we have good height, great hair (look great bald), and lastly...well, I don't need you white bois to tell that. You already know about it.

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