is he /ourguy/?
Is he /ourguy/?
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Comedy fell off a cliff in 2015 what happened
>defending uncircumcised penises
what did he mean by this
This shit aint funny. What would be funny is if while he was describing what innies look like he says something like his 12 year old cousin
He’s probably a German Schulz not a Kike Schulz
kill yourself pedo
That's a German last name retard.
No way he's German look at him lmfao
Slav rapebaby, pretty common in the east of germany to have slav genes actually
Doesn't even look slav
one of the few comedians I find genuinely funny
shame he has no 1hr netflix special or something like that
Andrew schulz is currently the funniest comedian
Norm McDonald is the only funny one that gets discussed on here btw
Andrew, go to bed.
This guy is basicaly Rogan jr, he sucks his own dick on interviews about how his stand up is important and so fucking upper level but when you watch it it's basicaly entry level shallow generic shit.
The dissonance between what they percieve to be and what actualy are is incredible.
>talks about both kinds of penises and vaginas in a funny way that doesn't discriminate against either so no one goes home feeling bad
Im watching his latest appearance on theo von podcast right now. U mad?
because they don't actually care about what is funny. They only care if it pisses off SJWs or not. A sad existence.
Andrew schulz is hilarious. Prove me wrong. Give me a funnier current working comedian? Its easy to talk shit when you got no skin in the game. So who are some of your favorites user?
You literally sound like an edgy teen that is just too cool for everything. Whos ur favorite comedian user? Ill bet you wont amswer and ill bet he's not funnier than andrew.
he talks about eating knish in another standup, i really doubt he’s not a jew
Can you redpill us on good comedians then?
He's not gonna answer he's just one of those cynical people that dont like when other ppl are happy so they just shit on everything ppl like or hate something just because its popular. and he's a coward
You will never pass.
You will always see a dude in makeup. The only reason you get any support is because people feel sorry for you
He's Scottish and jokes a lot about people assume he's a jew
For me? It's Colin Quinn
For me? It's the for me it's Colin Quinn poster.
So it's pretty well established by now that /ourguy/ just means a fucking retard, right?
but user, discrimination is funny because it's true
no. but you are obviously a retard.
anybody that doesn't appreciate this man is a soulless creep
Name a man more based?
I used to work in the comedy cellar. Dave Attell is still my favorite guy to watch live. It was fun to watch him work on his material.
If I didn't know any better I would say that there's a Quinnvasion going on in this thread, huh gang
Fucking Colin hurry up, i need at least 3 more specials from you before you die, you are too kino not leave as deep as mark you can because leaving this world.
A civilian like you wouldn't know that you can't rush greatness, haha
John Mulaney
Listen based Colin advocate i do understand that but i'm somewhat peeved with the messiah about the fact that he already started a new one man show called "Blue State - Red State" without ritualy filming and releasing "One in every crowd".
Thi would let an eternal void in his one man show library for years to come and that i can not accept. Loving every moment of the Col, juts want to love more since i'm not able to attend his shows geographicaly speaking of course.
Well I guess that's just the way the cookie bounces, folks
do you faggots have more funny clips or is that it and you'll fondle each other's balls the whole thread?
>Comedy fell off a cliff in 2015 what happened
Comedians forgot what it means to be funny and instead thought it would be more entertaining to be whiny, bitter, angry far-left ideologues.
American """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""comedy"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Pardon my language but it looks like we have a real Debbie Downer among us!
Damn, Colin used to be a hunk, not gonna lie crowd.
>British Comedy
do tell where you hail from user?
tell me more about the witty pontifications of Ian Igglepuss