What should I watch first?

What should I watch first?

Also, rate and post your folders.

Attached: file.png (245x219, 5K)

delete absolutely everything jesus christ


Rocky 3 and then 4 (the best Rocky) obviously. Ignore that other faggot. He writes like a black kid.

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Romeo + Juliet
Breakfast Club
Rocky 4
Then Rocky 3
Don't bother with the rest.

4 is the best? really? franchises tend to get worse over time.

fucking organize your stuff user. Then watch linklater.

>4 is the best? really? franchises tend to get worse over time.
The first two are the honest heartfelt kino of the classic rocky movies. The third one takes a dip but is necessary to understand the character's development. 4 is the distillation of what makes the franchise great and is one of the best "action"-esque movies of the 80s. 5 is shit. Rocky Balboa is decent but tryhard kino. Not worth watching after that.

real chads don't bother changing torrented kino filenames

Attached: filmz.png (1167x683, 81K)

This is 100% spot on.

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this list is based but not having watched most of these already is cringe

I actually vomited looking at those folder names. Rename them you barbarian.

Attached: david-allan-coe-480x270.jpg (480x270, 31K)

You desperately need some 90s kino

4 also has the best training montage of all time

I'm working my way up the 80s first my man. This is my plan:
>(1990) Back to the Future Part III
>(1990) Rocky V
>(1992) Batman Returns
>(1992) Alien3
>(1994) Dumb and Dumber
>(1994) Ace Ventura
>(1995) Batman Forever
>(1996) That Thing You Do!
>(1997) Batman & Robin
>(1997) Alien Resurrection
>(1997) Con Air
>(1998) Blade
>(1998) There's Something About Mary
>(1999) The Matrix

What am I missing?

>implying i haven't seen them all and moved them to a 'watched' folder on my big dick hard drive
An amateur mistake.

Attached: chad turn.png (988x1190, 462K)

Did you grow up in a mormon household or are you eight years old?

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>What am I missing?
Like 100 kinos

Not him, but you have to realize that people born in 2000 are 19 years old now.

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Don't assume so much lads, I'm just not American so I'm working my way up the canon.

Name some.

No one over 18 years of age should watch that garbage

Stop it.

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The Big Lebowksi. But there's seriously over a hundred movies from the 90s considered must watch canon. Consult googled lists of 90s movies.

What should i watch first?

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>(1993) Groundhog Day

No one over 18 should fail to end sentences properly but here we are.

Attached: 2.jpg (1751x963, 577K)

First as in you've never seen any of those that you've amassed?

No one over 18 should be on websites about cartoons but here we are.

>Blade Runner
Delete these.
Start with Hausu.

From Dusk Till Dawn

I don't care if this is bait, I feel fucking triggered. You dare to post on Yea Forums and you haven't watched ANY of those films?


Attached: file.png (1280x720, 310K)

Jurassic Park
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
Silence of the Lambs
Forrest Gump
Toy Story
Lion King
Shawshank Redemption
Boogie Nights
Die Hard with a Vengeance
True Lies
Terminator 2
Eyes Wide Shut
American History X
LA Confidential
Starship Troopers
Space Jam
Mrs. Doubtfire
Point Break
Wayne's World
Austin Powers
The Fugitive

nah man breakfast club is alright. Although if you're over 20 yo the movie doesn't have the same effect. It's essential teen kino for a reason

Most of those suck. Just watch The Breakfast Club.

What should I watch first?

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Can my 14 year old brother watch Lebowski?

Good catch

Okay, I didn't add most of these because I've already watched them. I'll add Die Hard with a Vegeance if I like Die Hard.

>Can my 14 year old brother watch Lebowski?

>Can my 14 year old brother watch Lebowski?
That's around the time I watched it.

baz luhrmann is the best director of all time, pleb

unironically bone tomahawk. those are terrible porn choices my dude

Gotta go with Elena Koshka, user. Start your day off right.

Your folders are disgusting

Attached: folder.png (1646x878, 350K)

R+J and Moulin Rouge are his only good movies.

where's annihilation?

Really chad
What site do you use user?

>1996 Romeo and Juliet
>The reason I'm infatuated with the idea of love, romance, and being a tragic hero.
>I have bubberflies in my tummy just thinking about it.

Ahh being born in 96 was a perfect time :)

Rocky IV or Aquaman

Is there a site for all these icons?

Cringe. You did this for your toddler, right?

Your folders reek of extreme incelism

>another one who got pleb filtered by gatsby

what's point of putting your movies in individual folders?

Your taste in movies is disgusting

Your collection is humiliating.

They download themselves that way.

I did them myself cause i'm autistic

I've arranged them according to genres.

Attached: moviefolders1.png (1197x617, 17K)

You only liked it because you like jigaboo music and secretly want to suck Leo's dick.

Attached: moviefolders2.png (920x401, 24K)

two perfectly valid reasons.

I actually hate half of the movies i have there yeah

this is probably the best b8 I've seen in a while, I'm literally saving this image, well done

Delete it all except Bad Boys, Die Hard and Rocky.

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Attached: moviefoldersaction.png (1160x658, 268K)

>he doesn't unclick Create Subfolder

Attached: moviefolderscomedy.png (788x319, 41K)

Falling Down

so this is what you guys are all collecting huh?

Attached: moviefoldersdrama.png (1203x543, 155K)

Imagine only pirating movies. Yikers.

That's just the action folder.

Attached: moviefoldersfantasy.png (1186x672, 274K)

dling free solo now. looks promising

Entry-tier mixed with trash.

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Attached: moviefoldershorror.png (1196x322, 69K)

Does the godfather part II have subs?

Attached: moviefoldersscifi.png (1188x405, 127K)

Attached: 123456789.png (702x227, 19K)

No kids allowed here.

>the little kid under 25 fell for my ruse

Add Blair Witch, Texas Massacre, Funny Games and The Collector.
Cloverfield Lane isn't horror, it's action.

Attached: nice.jpg (955x866, 397K)

Ignore that. I'm retarded.

thanks, I'll check them out.

Attached: moviefolderssuspensethrillers.png (1192x417, 134K)

Last but not the least, here are some hindi movies.

Attached: moviefoldershindi.png (1207x647, 184K)

It's pretty pretentious of you to have Dark Knight in a separate folder than the rest of capeshit. Let capeshit be capeshit.

Do you have a magnet link?

this. Breakfast club might be a bit of a goof tho, maybe worth watching

Dark Knight is special.

It's capeshit. It's okay to admit that can be good.

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lol bro just google Godfather part 2 subtitles, it's not that hard.


Can I post this on reddit for points?

The chaddest of all chad sites: piratebay mirrors, fuck private trackers

this list
>no Mulholland Drive

this list
>Mulholland Drive
ok, but still