I just finished The Wire. And damn was it great. Best tv show ever made.
I just finished The Wire. And damn was it great. Best tv show ever made
Other urls found in this thread:
The first season was great. The second season was so bad though that they never recovered, even with super villain marlow.
I finished it a couple of weeks ago
2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > 5
There were so many great characters in this show, I felt the need to rank them based on how good they were.
For me, the season were:
1 > 4 = 2 > 3 > 5
Pleb statement of the year
>Bubbles at #2
Even though season 5 wasn't as good as the other seasons, it still did have some standout moments in it.
I kinda really liked season 3. Stringer, Avon, Cutty and Colvin really sold that season. Sad to see it always rated as the second to last.
4 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 5
I heard WMD is da bomb.
I agree.
>Omar's revenge quest.
>That speech Bubbles gives.
>Michael killing Snoop.
There were some golden moments among this otherwise bland season.
How much do you get paid to post threads about this every hour? Maybe you should look for a real job
>Every hour.
What are you talking about? This is the 5th thread I have made. I made one after each of the five season to discuss the show with people. Ain't nothing wrong with doing that.
Basically this and you miss Valcheck, Burell or Rawls. The density of good characters is insane.
I didn't really like those guys, at all. Jay Landsman is in the honorable mentions because he was the guy in charge who while an asshole, had redeeming moments here and there.
The last montage is also excellent.
>had redeeming moments here and there.
Those eulogies man
i have never seen it. is it worth it or should i watch mad men or deadwood instead?
Those were great. But him telling the board to go fuck itself and giving bubs a free pass was the moment where I knew that he is a good man, who is trapped within the numbers game.
trash opinion
Here's your reply
I still prefer sopranos to the wire
Watch this and then The Sopranos. Mad Man is good but I never saw the appeal personally. Breaking Bad is also great, despite the memes.
Honourable HBO mentions:
Six Feet Under
True Detective Season 1
Game of Thrones
I like sopranos for the acting, but man was it an unrealistic show. Them killing people every other episode, leaving the crime scenes full of evidence and still walking the streets was so stupid. Maybe it would have worked in the 70's, but I really have to suspend my disbelief to see that working in the 00's. And the cast was so damn unlikeable. I barely gave a shit about those mobsters, because they were just a bunch of sociopath manchildren. And what did the show have to say? That being a mobster is bad? I knew that already.
Do you post this in capeshit thread #34625?
It's great but i like The Sopranos a little bit more. Check out Generation Kill, Treme, The Deuce and Show me a Hero. They are all from David Simon who wrote The Wire. Treme is very slow and character based but worth it. The Deuce is probably the weakest one but still very good.
I was leaning towards the wire since mad man sounds quite uninteresting but was always pushed back because of wire posters. You are probably the first user that suggested the wire to me that doesn't have some superiority complex. Im finishing Sopranos right now, so Ill watch it next.
>Breaking Bad
>Honourable HBO mentions:
I've seen all of those except 6 feet under. I absolutely loved them all. Seems like we have similar taste.
6 feet under is great. It honestly has the best finale of any show imo
>Carver that high
fuck is wrong with you?
please watch six feet under, i started it after finishing the wire and since then its become my favorite show ever, the characters in Six Feet Under are the best I've ever seen
Carver was good police. He was good to them corner kids, fair when it came to dishing out punishment to his own and actually cared alot about most situations. Herc was the one who screwed up everything.
damn maybe you should get together and fuck
Second season is great. Really like Frank Sobotka's character arc
The wire thread? On Yea Forums?
>Carver was good police
stop talking like the people on the show, you cringy, tryhard piece of shit
Also the whole ending to the series is well done and really emphasizes that nothing really changes
>fake serial killer
What the fuck were they thinking?
The comments on The Wire clips are hilarious. So many total fucking losers talking about 'playing the game'.
And what are you, the content cop?
I used to like Rome but then I rewatched it. It's entertaining, don't get me wrong, but imagine if it was subjected to the same scrutiny as something like GoT is
Is this still enjoyable if youre the kind of person who can stand niggers?
Im not kidding here.
No, the wire comments have people overanalyzing every scene. How about you take a look at any sopranos comments section? 95% of the comments are
>Hurr durr muh varsity shinebox should have had more screentime.
And the other 5% are wannabe armchair mafioso's who talk about ''the business'' like they know all that shit.
But Rome is much better than GoT. The second season of Rome is rushed but they had to cram like 2 seasons into only one because of the cancellation.
yeah, I am nerd. If you love that shit, reddit might be more your speed
Ziggy is a shit character and ruined the show
Nah, they show the niggers as being all criminals, rightfully, but they also try to humanize them. Surely you, as a self righteous white man, can't see niggers as being human.
so close to catching this sneaky gentleman
>Rawls is shown to be a homogay
>it's not made a big deal of and is never mentioned again
that was a breath of fresh air honestly
Baltimore fag here. I was actually briefly in the background in a scene from season 1. Show does a great job at some what accurately portraying the corruption in Baltimore.
Great early 2000's tv kino.
Notice how when he is around people, he makes very crass and weird sex jokes. Like the one about a stripper coming in with the stats. He hides how gay he is behind all those straight jokes. Would have been funny though, if Omar recognized Rawls from a bar.
> Surely you, as a self righteous white man, can't see niggers as being human
This is true. Thank you for your neighborly words fellow role model of society.
I heard a guy who claimed to be from Baltimore say that nothing at all has changed since the show has ended. Is that true?
Watch The Deuce next, same producer, some actors return. Sorta a spiritual successor to The Wire.
Check out Show Me a Hero. It's a mini series from David Simon, The Wire's creator. Recommended
>gay Kima
>has all the same relationship ups and down as the rest of the cops, including cheating, career tension, separation, missed child support payments, etc
Felt refreshing as fuck compared to the current “muh representation” mess
You livin in them towers boy?
I hear it's a lot more gentrified now.
Marlo was the worst part of the show
>wee-bay and slim charles barely under honorable mentions
>Rawls nowhere on the list
was Marlo autistic? he always seemed a bit off
What's with the lack of female representation on this list? Where is the lawyer lady, Mcnultty's wife and girlfriend and Kima?
No, Marlo was just more ruthless and had less respect for the rules than Barksdale. The game evolved
Marlo just felt flat compared to villains like Stringer and Avon. Those two had such a good brains/brawn coverage Marlo didn’t bring anything unique to the table.
No user got it right. Only interesting girl in the show was Snoop. Kima maybe but fuck her in season 5.
I think that's the point they tried to make with Malro. Old school gangsters like Prop joe, Avon, Stringer and etc. had some rules and smarts. Marlo is the next generation of criminals. He is a psychopath with an superiority complex who ignores good advice, doesn't want to make friends in the game or to put on a clean front. He just wants those heads to roll and his name to be popular. Bunk, Cutty and many others point out how the gane has gotten more fierce, with crazy murderous kids with guns taking the place of smart gangsters. And Marlo and his gang are the prime example of the game going down the drain.
Six Feet Under was pure feels without being condescending and somehow still managed to deal with muh social issues without resorting to virtue signalling or SJW propaganda. Think I need to watch it again.
if Rome had the budget for GoT scale battles and special effects it would have been amazing. It is kind of shitty how they didn't show ANY of the climactic battles in S1.
Snoop was the best female villain I have ever seen. She completely avoided all the typical female villain tropes. She wasn't some master schemer who used her sex appeal to lure men into her plans. No, she was just scary as all hell, without being edgy or anything. Something about her uncaring voice, her total disconnect from everything that is normal, her relaxed attitude towards killing and the way she was portrayed as a boyish thug who isn't that strong (usually female villains who fight, are written as strong badasses who can defeat men in hand to hand combat easily), but who is quick to the draw and very professional when it comes to killing. Even when she was staring down the barrel herself, she didn't really care.
am I the only one who had no idea it was a girl until the end?
>tfw you will never a snoop
Did you miss one of her first scenes, where she is on the back of a motorcycle, in girly pink clothes (the one where she shoots two of the barksdale guys coming out of the store)?
I didn't recognize her after the fact
I realized it was a girl like partway through season 4
> He is a psychopath with an superiority complex who ignores good advice, doesn't want to make friends in the game or to put on a clean front. He just wants those heads to roll and his name to be popular.
They did that right as far as characterization, but I think it didn’t pan out as a genuine “fatal flaw.” He got taken down by an illegal wiretap, instead of his underlings betraying him, or the co-op members, or Omar, or whoever else he needlessly attacked. Maybe that’s a bit too tidy of a moral, but it seems like a waste to have him build up all this resentment when it’s not super key to his downfall.
It doesn’t really map to a “The game just keeps getting worse” thing when he (plus his top brass) was really the only new psychopath on the street and the rest of the gangs were still like S1/2. Maybe he needed a second psychopath kingpin to play off of.
I only realized several episodes in when Chris said “her.”
cant be bothered to find the whole meeting, but htis always makes me smile
All the built up resentment manifested itself when those two random thugs had no clue who he was. He never became a beloved kingpin like Avon that was truly respected. Some random fuckers don't know him, he's forgotten as soon as he goes away (unlike Omar), and that's a living hell for someone like Marlo. There's a reason he sperged out over his name in the jail cell.
>Us, man
These two were the best part of the show. Avon being in prison dragged it down though
scenes that just nail it
It was so cool when Marlo went to meet Boris in jail, and Avon showed up instead. He made Marlo look like a schoolboy compared to him.
>(usually female villains who fight, are written as strong badasses who can defeat men in hand to hand combat easily), but who is quick to the draw and very professional when it comes to killing.
Yeah I thought that was a great way to handle it. No way she could punch someone to death like Chris, but it’s believablely compensated for by preparation and professional common sense (ie not trying to shoot like a Hollywood mook)
>Boris. Why always Boris?
I've watched six feet under years ago and I want to give it a rewatch with my mom, but I don't want her to think that I'm a faggot when I start crying like a little bitch during the final episode. What do? The "sex scene is about to come up"-approach (leave room to get something to """"eat"""" or """""drink""""")?
It's weird that they never brought Brother Muzone up again. He literally felt like a character from a different show, with the way he looked, acted and only showed up for a limited time. Would have been cool if Omar hired Brother with all that cash he had, to assist him in taking down Marlo.
Omar wouldnt hire someone to do the dirty work though
When reading video comments, stuff about characters, etc. when watching out, I got the impression he was suppose to be accurate representation of what Nation of Islam guys act and sound like. Look of Nation or Fruit of Islam and they're all wearing these immaculate suits with bowties too.
I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an amazing metaphor!
It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.
Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.
Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.
It’s the perfect way to torture the guy, but obscurity can’t be a result of built-up resentment (you can’t both resent and not know about a guy). They should have done more with how hard and often he burned his bridges, it would have tied in better to the self-destructive themes so much of the show revolves around.
top deaths in the show?
#3 Omar
#2 Stringer
#1 is Bodie for sure. perfectly captured the meta view
Sounds about right. It was s5 after all, i.e. the one that really felt lacking.
Based how accurately you replicated a redditor.
But Marlo is literally trapped in hell right now. He doesn't want to be a businessman. He wants to be a gangster and get his name out there again. But if he makes a bad move, he is back in court. His most loyal muscle is gone and all the guys who he shat on, now have the connect and can kill his ass when he starts to act big again. Basically he has the choice of living a regular boring life or going back into the game, where he will fail instantly.
It's an old wire copypasta.
>Childhood is thinking Stringer is smart and cool.
>Adulthood is realising Avon made more sense.
It does eerily replicated these fuckers:
Snoops death has to be up there. Michael outsmarts her real good, but she still goes out like a G.
As has been said a thousand times by show fans and show characters like Avon, he was a smart fucker (relative to the gangster world he came from), but not smarter enough for the world of politics and business.
Yeah S5 kinda deflated towards the end.
Have to wonder what they could have done differently though.
>You look good, girl
Fucking loved seeing Stringer’s arc playing out alongside McNulty’s thing with the campaign manager girl. Two guys coming to realize they’re the smartest man in the room but not in the whole house.
Yeah. What is tragic about him is how he was right, but that didn't make him right. Sure the idea of running the drug trade like a business (Meetings with Roberts rules, Co-op and getting into less firefights) was right in theory. But it was not right in practice. Stringer was so disconnected from the drug game and so proud about his intellect, that he was completely blind about his ideas not working out on the streets. Avon knew how that shit worked and he tried to keep it street-smart, while still flexing their power. In season 1, Stringers smarts and Avon's street cred work in a balance, making them a dangerous team. But once Avon goes away, the power balance changes, and they never got the balance back to normal again.
Prop joe trusting Marlo that much was one of the more unbelievable aspects of the show.
D’Angelo hit me pretty hard for being one of the earliest MC deaths and the complete lack of fanfare around it.
Pleb filtered
And the ultra-cautious Greek being that quick to accept an obvious loose cannon like him.
Nigger libtard propaganda: the show, the shows creator is one of those deluded muh russia centrists as well
it's worse, one of the few places in the US where homicides have actually risen in the last 10-20 years.
>i dont like police because theyre rude and mean
>puts snoop pearson the serial killer on the list
Kys nigger
The Shield > The Wire
The SHield is schlock garbage
Well Rawls and others were just useless old hacks who caused a lot of problems. There was nothing interesting about them, nothing to like, nothing to care about. I didn't give two shits about any of them. Snoop may be a serial killer, but an interesting one.
unlike wire which was on hbo the shield could have buildup to a finale ending of just a stare down hbo shows must end on high notes or main character death
>theyre rude and mean
More like whiny bitches.
Yeah, probably helps she already is kind of like that in real life. Lass has killed a bitch from memory and been incarcerated only recently for some other shit.
Is anyone else disappointed that the original major crimes unit lineup didn't last past season 3? I really liked it when it was Daniels, Mcnultty, Lester, Prez, Kima, Herc and Carver all together in the unit. In the last 2 seasons, the team basically didn't exist.
It’s one of the reasons I think the earlier seasons are a lot better.
My theory professor is a major qt and she's making us watch an episode a week and then write a discussion on the episode and relating it to one of our weekly readings.. Freud, Derrida, Foucault, etc
So I'm only on episode 9 of season 1.. it's a good show but I'm wondering if I'm going to go beyond season 1 when the semester is over.
In case you didn't know, real life's Jay Landsman was on the series
Based but wrong. Shane dindu nuffin
I heard that the real life landsman lacked any of the redeeming qualities he had in the show.
But you said you can stand them, why would you not watch the show?
How typically pretentious and pseudointellectual of your average university
Did you just put a bunch of characters in a random generator? That's the only way this list makes any fucking sense at all.
That isn't Michael either, retard
So you haven't seen Deadwood.
good, don't watch it until you've watched every other show ever
i dont get the joke but it seems like an ordinary thing to me.. less than pretentious in fact
>HBO mentions
>leaves out deadwood
gr8 b8
Boardwalk Empire is better than any show mentioned ITT.
Why do burgers love niggers so much?
I'm City Hall
childhood is defending Wallace
adulthood is realizing Bodie and Poot were in the right
Feel like rewatching it actually. Absolute kino.
Turned into irredeemable shit after season 3
childhood is applying your lower middle class ethics and thinking marlo is an awful, evil and boring character
adulthood is understanding marlo is an unstoppable force who's the best at doing what he does, thus making him the best character
>Avon knew how that shit worked and he tried to keep it street-smart, while still flexing their power.
Though it’s not like Avon got it completely right either. His violent methods were much easier for the police to track down and charge compared to Stringers sneaky quasi-legal methods. Like you said, balance was key.
>this low
>this high
I can't accept that.
But in the end, Stringer was neither a businessman, nor a gangster. Even if Avon was blunt and not very secretive, he was still a gangster. And Stringers way, while cleaner and less likely to draw police attention, also made them weak and gave Marlo a reason to start a war. So Avon puts the Barksdale organisation more at risk from the law, while Stringer made them vulnerable from attacks by other gangsters. Nobody was right here, but together they at least had the hang of it. Avon flexed around and had control over things, while Stringer made sure that they were a step ahead of the law.
What is your favorite scene from the show?
There are so many to choose from, but I would have to go with the one where Bunk chides Omar. That scene has so much going for it. Bunk manages to get under Omar's skin, deconstruct him for the viewers, set up the reason why he will be killed and comment on the way that the game is changing for the worse.
>''Now all we have is bodies, and predatory motherfuckers like you. And out where that girl fell, I saw kids, acting like Omar, calling you by name, glorifying your ass! Makes me sick motherfucker how far we done fell...(incoherent angry mumbling) ''
>(incoherent angry mumbling)
I loved it when Bunk did that.
A mans got to have a code
A man must have a code
The Fuck scene in s1. Nothing deep or dramatic about it, just a couple of grumpy veteran cops doing grumpy police work and muttering “fuck” for like 3 minutes. Nice character and tone establishment.
They crashed the series in season 5 with the serial killer shit. Prop Joe getting done by marlo. As if prop Joe was dumb enough not to suspect cheese.
The baltimore sun plotline was the weakest. Maybe because they entered the picture way too late for anyone to care, and the cast there was pretty bland. I wonder if they had shown up in seasons 3 or 4, would the sun have been a more interesting plotline?
>That final scene where Bubbles gets to come upstairs and eat dinner with his family.
Frank Sobatkas final walk
The whole ending montage of the final season was pure kino
Wendy is that you?
I really liked the final conversation between stringer and Omar, especially Omar's delivery of the lines.
>you still don't get it do you? this ain't about your money, bro. your boy gave you up, and we ain't had to torture his ass either.
The fourth season is arguably the strongest argument in favour of eugenics put on screen
I fucking needed that after watching so many other character’s lives go to shit.
On a Sunday morning...
Ran out of time
Crazy how they had both stabbed the other in the back. Avon okays the hit on Stringer, and Stringer rats Avon out to the cops. Both just waiting for the inevitable, but neither realizing it's coming for them too.
anyone else remember that lesbian titsucking scene Kima had that was basically porn?
*starts playing*
Mind rot
There was a professor at my law school who quoted the show and used the characters as examples. What an enormous faggot
Childhood is thinking this line is badass
Adulthood realizes this line perfectly shows how fragile Marlos ego is and ultimately his fatal flaw of demanding respect above all else including pragmatism
I want to punch you in the face. Fucking nerd.
>Maybe because they entered the picture way too late for anyone to care, and the cast there was pretty bland.
The problem is the reporters never left their starting trajectories. Good Reporters always picked the good choices, Bad Reporters always picked the bad choices.
Contrast, say, Nick Sobotka started out a responsible upright guy then jumped head first into drug dealing. Smart Kid Duquan ended up a junkie, Corner Kid Namond got off the streets. Michael zigzagged all around with defying Marlo to hitman for Marlo to Omar Mk2.
Season 5 really needed like 3 extra episodes to do more with the reporters.
Who is the most based nigga and why is it Slim Charles?
Season 5 was so bad that it sort of soured the show for me.
Holy shit I straight up forgot that entire plot line existed.
The only nigga in the show who was totally loyal and never tries to backstab anyone. Also a solid head on his shoulders.
He was a modern day samurai.