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Other urls found in this thread:

wpath.org/uploaded_files/140/files/Standards of Care, V7 Full Book.pdf


wow she's brave

>female sports will just be men in wigs in your lifetime

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>twitter screencap

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Honk Honk
It's funny, but I will weep for Volleyball.

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taht's a big girl :^)

there are millions of other places you can see women in skimpy clothing cuck. All women's sports are shit without exception

now this is top and sheltered virgin

I'm happy that I have career options getting sweaty with college girls when I'm 50. By that age I'll have no dignity left.

It was only a mater of time until guys star t to game the system and pull shit like this.

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>he doesn't "watch" woman tennis

karma for promoting these faggots, enjoy playing your sports with 300lb dudes

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I honestly can't wait. It will cause leftist idpol retards to cannibalize themselves and solidify a distinction between trannys and real women.

>yfw Juwanna Mann is going to become an actual biopic within your lifetime

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Too bad it will just be you and a bunch of other thirsty 50 year olds with the same idea.

4 u

>Josef Bosch
literally who?

I can see it now
>Men pretend to be women to join women's teams and dominate
>Eventually all real women are replaced by trannies
>Trannies push for "women's" teams to play men's.
>Trannies and men now play in the same league
>Basically just men playing a sport and now women are completely forced outta the sport since they would still need to play on the women's team and be completely out classes
>Women manage to loose the ability to play sports
Fucking poetic

There's a special kind of sexy about a sporty woman

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damn it must feel like cutting butter with a hot knife


Why don't they add a seperate division for sports
1 for xy chromosome
1 for xx chromosome
1 for all genders

wouldn't work, trannies only join the women's team because they couldn't hack it against the men

just imagine your daughts having to shower with that freak

how is that even allowed?

Because all genders and men would end up being just men and men in wigs

Least they arent kneeling

>men are attracted to healthy young women in peak physical shape
This is getting too outlandish for me fellas.

Besides the mental gymnatics of the left about trannies, why is a 50yo man in a sports college team? Don't they have something about age limit in college sports?

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Was literally about to request this dude. He looks like a fucking Primarch tackling tiny Muslim women.

So I just got an idea for a movie
Johnny noxville stars in, "big balls" a movie about a down and put college coach who was canned, but puts together a team of all trannies and enters in as a women's team to completely dominate the world of female sports.

It won't do shit, not even girls watch girl sports so the amount of butthurt, while rising, will still be in the minority therefore ignored

"Doesn't affect me so it's not a real problem" is a common thing for a lot of people and by the time it will affect them it will be too late because of all the other shit that's been assimilated already

Well because you hurt their feelings if you tell them that they're not real women

You live in a timeline where comedy isn't needed anymore. Reality itself has become a laughing matter.

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He identifies as college age you dumb cis male

that would be great desu way more entertaining than current female """sports"""

Cops finally stopped killing black kids

honk honk

Based cunt, shitposting irl.

it's college, those girls are old enough to take elderly man cock if they want

I'll sit down and be humble, please allow me to live.

there hasn't been a need for it. a 50 year old man cannot compete against young college-aged males. a 50 year old woman cannot compete against young college-aged women.

only the men's team have standards, nobody really gives a fuck about anything that happens in the women's division

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Newfag here. I came on Yea Forums to talk about movies but after seeing this I've decided to become the next Hitler

Cops finally started using body-cams

Look at it. It’s like a God among humans. A divine being sent unto a battlefield to obliterate any mortal that dares stand on its way. Unstoppable. Undefendable. Unforgiving.

This could actually make >women’s sports watchable.

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>both white and steamrolling brown chicks
Absolutely based

I played lacrosse for college when I was 33. I can't imagine doing it at 50 though.

>Keep the government out of my bedroom!
I was alright with this when I thought we were expanding the definition of marriage and not the definition of bedroom.

That would give me a reason to watch them. Except volleyball.

Women are the ones mostly pushing tranny shit so this is well deserved

Why would they? Everyone is 18+

What went wrong in this guy's brain, being a 6' 5", blonde-haired, square-jawed Chad to make him into a tranny? I get wanting to have a legal reason to hurt women, but that alone wouldn't make me want to uproot my life.

Was he raped as a child?

I've only seen that weird gay kid posted here do the media talk about him in a positive way?

>young girls
>bunch of mutts who look like men and are probably on roids themselves

>He thinks the man in the op is white
>56% mutt detected


even the prediction that women sports will become men in wigs in wrong imo. most countries in the world don't buy into the progressive shit. when their teams will be forced to compete with trannies, they will just fuck off, create a female league with stricter rules solidifying the difference between trannies and women, and woke countries like USA and Canada will be left in their own circus league of men with wigs.

I can only imagine a historian, 200 years from now teaching this stuff in class and wondering "wow, that happened folks. Can you believe it?"

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She is a veteran but you can’t respect her. I read some about her, she was 52 and suffered hypertension when she joined the team. And what if Gwendolyn Christie, almost her height, wants to play college basketball? Stop harassing trans women. Get a life.

Kill yourself, you actual incel. You will die a virgin.

Weird innit?

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He probably wanted to excel as a sport star, but found out he was actually a mediocre player and would never grow beyond that.
So, instead, he just decided to chop his dick and put on a wig and become the GOAT in an inferior division: the women’s division.

>Wh*Te "person" becomes a tranny
>t-they're not white!

being a man sucks, the world is unforgiving and no one gives a shit about you. being a tranny is the equivalent of being an ugly woman, even if no one wants you people will still give you a pat on the back for your crocodile tears

shit , why are they letting 51 year olds into college ?

haha wtf this is like a librul would post lol

Well that's typical white male entitlement logic when blacks complain about your privilege.

So yeah, just work harder.

it will be the same story as with lobotomy. it will be considered as a horrible mutilation and dark chapter of medicine in our lifetimes if we live long enough. I give it max 50 years.

this guy is an aussie shitposter.
if you listen to him in interviews he legitimately sounds like he's poking fun at SJWs for letting him get away with it.
I'm sure he's a troll.

Just like when you read about slavery, foot binding and various types of genital mutilation that happened (or are still happening nowadays) less than 100 years ago.

how can i can be an incel when i fucked ur mom lmao

RIP women's sports

some people still get lobotomies and it can actually help in extreme cases


A trans woman who has been on hormones for a long enough period of time is indistinguishable in muscle growth, proportions, and bone density from a cis woman. In fact, if anything, they would be at a disadvantage that they'd have to train to make up for.

wpath.org/uploaded_files/140/files/Standards of Care, V7 Full Book.pdf evidence of the decrease in muscle mass and bone density after transition.

bloodyelbow.com/2013/3/8/4075434/leading-sex-reassignment-physicians-weigh-in-on-fallon-fox interview with top surgeons explaining that after years on hormones their bone density and muscle mass is equivalent to cis women.

25% of circulating testosterone in women comes from their ovaries ( emedicine.medscape.com/article/273153-overview ) which results in trans women having much less testosterone then cis women.

tl;dr MtF trans advantage in women's sports is not real.


kek this

this guy is a fucking legend

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absolutely not. you may have psychosurgeries in mind, ie small neurosurgical procedures done as a last resort in some cases, but it's not the same thing.

Extreme cases. Not "cousin Annie doesn't want to marry at 21 and is being moody all the time, better scramble her prefrontal cortex".

A man of culture et cetera.

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I can guarantee you this will not last, the eternal TERF lobby will not stand for this

muslims fear the australian

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nice, more?

Psychopharmaceuticals have taken the place of lobotomies. They give you pills (or injections) to turn off areas of the brain they think might be affecting your condition. Advantage of that is that (usually) they can turn the areas back on again without permanent damage should the treatment yield no or unfavorable results.

It's still no healing.

Thanks for all the soibois inflating roasties self worth, being 6'5 blonde and square jawed only makes you a C tier Chad.

To be B tier, you need to also be a billionaire, have a dick bigger than any blacked.com performer and many other things.

>a 6' 5", blonde-haired, square-jawed Chad
yeah but was he rich though

well.. who watches female sports anyways?


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The only way to lose eligibility is to either graduate from an NCAA school or get paid to play sports professionally. There is no hard age limit because it was never needed until men realized they could wear wigs and dominate biologically inferior athletes of the opposite gender.

There was a big fluff piece a few years ago about a 55 year old man who walked on at an FCS school in order to be able to play football with his son. It wasn't a big deal and didn't threaten the integrity of the game because he was playing against people that were younger and in better shape than he was.

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Imagine being from some orthodox Muslim country and having to play against that mentally ill degenerate. Surely using psychological pressure and intimidation like that is against the rules.

female bodybuilding has quite the following

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So this is the amazing multiculturalism I keep hearing about?


>That expression on the girl

i guess we should call her Paola

is grabbing someone's arm even a legal move in rugby?

*In US only.

So would they ban trans from olympics or something?

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Discord tranny here. Ugh can you, like, stop making such toxic threads I totally triggered right now

Even if it's true, he didn't have to say mentally ill. He could still get his point across without adding that unnecessary drama stirrer. Of course you're going to lose your job when you tweet shit like that

>Mouncey debuted with the Australia women's national handball team at the 2018 Asian Women's Handball Championship.[1]

Then click the "x" button at the top right of the page.

>the woman's strained face
>dude looks like he's barely inconvenienced

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If anything, this would make all the stories Radical Hamid from that weird Mosque was saying about the West ring truer than ever.

Rules are sexist, you incel.

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It's funnier when you realize not only does he NOT try to adjust his speech, he hasn't actually undergone any procedures, he just pushes his pecs up in a bra.
He is also only sexually attracted to girls.

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>poking fun at SJWs by transitioning

Is being on hormones for years a requirement to identify as female? I don't think so. Doesn't look like these dudes did.
Not that I disagree, I definitely am on board with more MtF trannies in sports. Seeing FtM trannies try their hand will be great.

> Just work harder.

Isn't this what blacks get enraged about if a white person says it?

>just work harder

I wish i could say that whenever the "wage gap" comes up in a discussion.

Is this JoJo?

>that hair grab fatality at the end

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This is 500% more masculine than anything you see on professional male soccer these days. No cry for papa referee, just punch back.

The irony is that in all athletic metrics, whether it be running, lifting, or anything else, the WORLD RECORD for females is usually on par with or worse than the average male athlete. Not even world-class, the mediocre.

>what if capt. marvel was real

Where’s the bloody jokes?

Fucking hell, OK now I'm convinced he's shit posting irl. It's funny too, because SJW types made the rules about what is and isn't a tranny, and he can fuck women with his feminine penis and crush women on the field and no one can say shit about it.

It depends on the event but generally there are rules in place that either require a proper transition OR for the hormone levels to be at a certain level.

>New rules set by the IOC (International Olympic Committee) in 2016 now allow transgender athletes to compete in women’s sport if they can show their Testosterone levels are below the arbitrary level of 10nM for 12 months. Surgery is not required. 10nM is below the average male Testosterone range (average 23nM) but above the female average of 2.6nM.

Television and film.
Kill yourself.

>grows his hairs out a little and claims he's transgender just so he can beat the shit out of women

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>give women right to vote

>vote to import muslims that restrict women's behaviors
>vote to legitimize the notion that men can become women exposing how truly weak women are by direct comparison
>vote to restrict access to firearms which traditionally allowed a woman to win a fight against a would-be rapist
>vote to end their own genetic line over and over so that chad will just pump and dump them until they are old and haggard without consequence


not for long

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Why are aussies so fucking weird

>"half men" supressed with female hormones and low on testosterone still wipe the floor with any women
are they even good for anything but being bare footed,pregnant and taking care of household?
i don't think so.

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>"after 2 years of HRT Hannah's body has no residual benefits from her time as a male" -doctor that is also transgender
it's like the type of shit you'd think a /pol/tard would make a comic about that's way too ludicrous to be realistic

I have to say, for a 51 year old on numerous hormones and drugs, he looks fairly healthy

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You think there's going to be a civilization in the next 50 years?! Let alone 200?! Look at the pictures your commenting on.

It would be like going to the circus!

>he hasn't actually undergone any procedures
>takes 4 pills a day (4:51)
Did anyone watch the video before commenting?

Reminder that a school in the UK was recently forced to cancel its LGBT education classes because of massive protest by the muslims that now make up a significant chunk of its community.

So the question is; Who is right? Are the LGBT inclusive child-educators right to want to teach kids how to be transgender and that they probably are gay and don't know it yet, or are the Muslims right that being gay is wrong and indoctrinating kids, and it needs to be shut down?

I can't tell which side I'm supposed to take here.

It was actually feminists that disputed the scientific fact that men are more physically able than women. This was the gateway of this whole transgenders in sports.
If anything feminists are the worst nightmare for women, ever. Even more the so called patriarchy.

Fucking hell marry me

/pol/'s satire from five years ago are headlines today

he didn't transition in any way is the thing. he just said "yeah, so I'm a tranny now, lemme into the womem league"

>are they even good for anything but being bare footed,pregnant and taking care of household?
Yes, getting bullshit 50k/yr office jobs, after they graduate and realize there isnt a "Religious studies" factory nearby, so they can double the federal tax base so we can send more aid to israel

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one nuke wasn't enough

Literally can. And there socio-economic studies to back it up.

the only difference between me and college age women is society's prejudice

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>just arrived and already smashing records

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He's taking estrogen pills dumbass.

this guy is a massive troll lol

taking a pill is not a procedure
fyi you can say you're taking whatever you want but flush it down the toilet instead

Learn to type in English before you try to seem smarter than you are, retard.

taking pills is not considered a procedure by anyone.
Blocking your test isn't that big of a deal, it hasn't undone the size of his bones, his muscles are still much bigger than a woman's, his voice is still deep.
And most of all, hormone treatments like that are fully reversible when you're 28.

Western civilization? Possibly not. Everything else? Yes.
Asians aren't buying this progressive crap, nor are the Muslims or Russians. They'll probably dominate what's left of us and laugh at our idiocy.

>mfw we live in the Juwanna Mann timeline

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>Those trips

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You're a big guy.

I sometimes miss high school PE

Honestly I don't get whats so special about this, her punches aren't solid, her tackles are weak, whats so special about this?

You haven't watch women soccer have you?

the eternal stralyan

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Why do transgenders always have the worst taste in chosen names?

yeah, so am I ;)
can I into the womans team as well? :)

I took Lifetime Sports sophomore year. We did old people sports like Cornhole and Badminton and we went to the bowling alley every Friday. Shit was so fucking cash

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we will push them out of everything buy 2032

>"The new IOC transgender guidelines fix almost all of the deficiencies with the old rules," Harper said via email late Thursday night. "Hopefully, organizations such as the ITA will quickly adapt to the new IOC guidelines and all of the outdated trans policies will get replaced soon."

>In addition to opening the door wide for trans men, the new policy removes the need for women to undergo gender-reassignment surgery to compete.

>"The waiting period for trans women goes from two years after surgery to one year after the start of HRT," Harper said. "This matches up with the NCAA rules and is as good as anything. The waiting period was perhaps the most contentious item among our group and one year is a reasonable compromise."
Girly men with dicks are going to stomp women. Welcome to the future!

wait how the fuck do they let a 51 year old play collage sports?
can you identify yourself as any age you want now?
can i finally fuck 1000 years old lolis in real life?
we truly live in clown world

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I'm going to have to go with the muzzies, at least they're consequent in their idiocy.

Female soccer players are tougher than male players

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tranny-wnba will be amazing. Going to have these 6 foot girls getting dunked on by 7 foot 250 pound trannies. Same with the first post op who is able to get into womens softball and is just crushing homeruns every at bat.

>what does it mean to be fair?
Classic liberal rhetorical device. She's about to bend logic in circles to try and change what "fair" means. For one thing, she will argue that "being trans is so hard in all other areas, that they deserve whatever small advantages they can get". I swear I haven't read it, but I guarantee that sentiment is in there.

What did the MEGA kid do? And why is the media so obsessed with him? Didn't he just smile when some crazy American Indian came to drum next to him? What was he supposed to do? Attack the drummer? Start crying? Piss his pants?

The joke is that every single tackle in that video is worthy of a red card.
Maybe even a ban lasting multiple games.

Just like that one tackle where she went into her opponent with her leg extended; no attempt to get the ball, just with the pure intention of hurting the other.

My guess is he's taking some classes and by some loophole, he managed to get on the team

What's her reasoning?

>pictured above is the primarch Leman Russ murdering his way through the hordes of Slaneeshi demons, holding what seems to be another Vulkan relic.

>getting mad at male supremacy


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kek this
The worst are the brainlets thatalways go
>Well that could never happen nowadays!

I wish that were me

Doesn't she get in any trouble for this? Arent those immediate expulsion faults?

People saw the hat and assumed he was making fun of the native, then the native put more wood on the fire by publicly saying they were chanting 'build a wall' and surrounded him out of the blue to bully him.

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History teachers are marxist re-visionaries. They'll ignore why this era was so hilarious and instead focus on how people were "bigoted" against it and eventually prevented trannies from competing

Fucking dropping a mormon lol

>implying trans women aren’t real women

Bigots. Tell me one difference between this beautiful woman and supposed “natural” women.

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>honk honk

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Of course you can. Just identify as female and tell them that you want to keep your "male" physicality and sexuality. Say its gender-neutral of something. I'll fully support it.

Imagine 15 was your gf/wife and you forgot the toilet seat. She would kick your teeth out.

>Hitler wanted to exterminate this

>I am the rainbow fox
what does that mean

Rules are very lax in female football.

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based satan corrupting the west


reminds me of every women on 80's japanese video game art

>Yea Forums jokes about fugging traps for years
>always lighthearted tongue in cheek
>leave for a few months
>log back on
>see nonstop threads about "trannies" from some discard
>everyone mad as fuck
What are some movies where the character can't relate to the young people

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one of them can give birth, milk and has an actual biological vagina.
why is the left ignoring reality?


he was a gay

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