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Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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You think If I ask for the standee they'll give it to me? That one user has me feeling kinda confident.


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oh no nononono

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Do any of you guys have a webm of the lunar battle flashback? Did Peaches make one?

Every Alita thread keeps me alive.

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No different than GITS, Mortal Engines or Captain Fungus and you know it.

Yes. Post photo when you get it.

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here you go

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Alita is like the Energizer Bunny... she just keeps going!

>literally 1 bad review 20 DAYS LATER from the last one and q day before Captain Marvel Release, dropping it from 60 to 59

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Could Alita underperforming at the box office and not resonating with women despite the empowering female lead that lets her actions speak for her instead of an agenda because it was based on a mango?

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They are such scheming bastards.

>be me
>getting out of a college exam
>approaching myself to a peddler to buy a cigarette
>alita's face passes through my mind
>decides not to buy a cigarette

Is this what being healed by Alita means?

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Everyone knows by this point that fuckhead "reviewers" have a vendetta against Alita.

It's because she looks like a fucking guys jerk off fuel. She's got big fake eyes. Girls see that and associate it with the gross hentai they know you watch.

Thanks bros. Any full ones from the cam?


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Women don't care about content in the way that men do. CM will succeed because it is allied with power. That's literally all it is. These white womyns would cheer on total dogshit and not know the difference. They gravitate towards archetypal power. The massive media campaign for CM is a power flex that instinctively attracts women in the same way that the cuteness and innocence of Alita instinctively attracts men.

they should've put more effort into showing how heavy the berseker body actually is

that way, panzerkunst makes much more sense

Normies dont know anything about it except
>movie about girl with big eyes.

>Women don't care about content in the way that men do
they want sexy men

Reminder today that you have 2 chances at the most to see Alita in IMAX 3D before it gets permanently bumped off by Brie Larson’s agenda, if some IMAX documentary or HTTYD3 didn’t do that already a week ago.

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Thanks for convincing me to see this movie with your enthusiasm, lads. I was going to completely overlook it because I was a cynical cunt. Alita has healed me.

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Yeah, they throw them out anyways (my local theater was clearing them out for Captain Marvel stuff.) Wouldn't hurt to just try.

they underemphasize her actual skills after she gets the sword.

im guessing they want to be a sort of crutch that is eventually replaced by her plasma claws as she develops as a character

Over the weekend I interviewed for a PhD position. I wasn't sure how I did, and it was a highly competitive position. I saw Alita earlier this week. The next day, I was accepted into the position.
Thank you fellow /alita/bros

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>25 /alita/ threads hit bump limit in first 72 hours

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because of shit reviewers

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>tfw the theater where I watched it three times already retired it.

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>328 KB JPG
Christ, what a fucking retard.

real thread

I already missed my chance at Imax. The last one near me is today in another city

fuck off retard

Fuck off back to plebbit

I went and saw it Tuesday and it was great. The colors were so warm and beautiful looking, it felt like a movie from 2009. It just made me feel good during and after for some reason.
>This also marks the first film to be produced by Lightstorm Entertainment in ten years since 2009's Avatar.
They stayed in 2009, anons. Pure and untainted.

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Fuck off. We already started it.

how long till the get?

I never watched it on IMAX and missed it too, but gonna watch it again on saturday FOR ALITA

>complains about shitty OP
>makes a worse OP

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Who is we? The indian clickfarm? Is this post what you're going to send your boss to collect the check for shilling here?

Alita basically pushed me to be less ironic and more sincere in my words and actions...and it honestly feels better like that

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an user found his drive and passion after a not so good relationship. Being healed has taken on many forms.

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Good job lad!

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>closest IMAX
>1842 miles away

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wtf where do you live?

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The absolute state of the US.

Post-capitalism is essentially cuckoldry.

You're forgetting "HER"

No soi movies here.

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Even on a banana? Kek

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Good job OP making sure to include the previous threads. Any of you that make a general, use the usual description.

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I will admit I've never seen marketing on a level this pointless.

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They should put an Alita sticker on the oranges.

now that would be a great marketing...to bad i never heard of Alita before last week

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is this how they marketed Black Panther?

the trailer uncanny-valled most normies


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Yes, but it was a big failure
Nobody wanted to buy brown bananas

No, the marketing campaign for Captain Marvel goes well beyond anything I've seen before. It's like the level of promotion for TFA, the marketing budget for CM must be like $300m or something, maybe more?

Yeah, but with watermelons instead. Different demographics.

Alita has extended her run in China for another month and a half. Fox finally picking up the pace and realizing they have a potential money maker on their hands. 450 million is absolutely possible now.

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Saw the movie yesterday. I quite liked it. Could have cut out Hugo from the movie though.

its crazy for big studio movies spend twice as much on the ads for the movie instead on the movie itself...

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Banana vs Orange

Meanwhile, Alita's marketing was minuscule, no way was it $170m. Maybe if you include China? That's why it probably did break even already.



Gotta admit I'm really mad about Alita dropping to 59%, but it confirms me that RT is against her

did alita even have one single tv-spot in europe?

Can theater owners not independently keep the film running if they choose? Is it a gov't controlled thing? Like some theaters near me are still playing Bohemian Rhapsody because it's also still making money.

Yeah, if Fox even considered 350 as the break even point, there's no way in hell they spent over 110 million on marketing. I mean you had the Alita Experience, the Superbowl ad, and some marketing tie-ins, but really that's it. I guess marketing in China, Japan, and press tours, but in the states, TV spots and other campaigns were nonexistent. I think what's happening is FOX is now realizing they have a money maker and are starting to up their game in a couple spots.

I think you're right, I can't remember the last time a movie was marketed this aggressively. And all for a movie with such power lines as 'heroes, noble warrior heroes' or whatever the fuck it was.
good to hear, hopefully it pushes the numbers up.
in time you'll realize Hugo was necessary for Alita.

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China government decides everything. They said suck Winnie The Pooh because of memes.

it looks accurate

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>33 IPs

Yikes. Its obvious its just a couple people spamming these threads

>Alita Experience
Redpill me on this

I post more than others when I'm on, but that usually means 2 or 3 posts per person if you divide it up.

Those Iron City Experiences. Anyone go to them, what were they like?

It's less funny than it sounds. Imagine your three year old leaves their pooh coloring book on the floor just as the local cadres pull a spot inspection. Do you take the blame to save the child or hope that they will be lenient?

we've had like 80 people before. It's just the morning and most are probably at work.

It'a also a good sign that merch is selling, expensive merch like artbooks and figures and that $107 manga pack.

It seems it's like all the seats they had built from the movie put together in this big set, but the experience is it's like a game.
>PASSPORT TO IRON CITY is a robust, multi-faceted 2-hour experience, played in groups of six. You will live like a local in Iron City, drinking exclusive beers at The Kansas Bar, a famous hunter-warrior hangout, while strategizing with your team. Once you have a plan, you’ll be thrust onto the bustling streets of Iron City, where you’ll interact with the City’s gritty residents and explore familiar landmarks, from the infamous cyborg scrapyards to the high-energy Motorball Stadium. Earn credits by completing puzzles and challenges, experiment with innovative technology, and uncover hidden clues to determine your fate with the Factory.

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How can a rich person who's selling her body (to an extent) that's getting media attention by millions of people go on the red carpet like that?
There's closed shoes, ya know?

They’re still playing the Broly movie in my area

Alita is being pulled from theaters here
Only two are showing her
This is it, the final week
I'm going to watch her again tomorrow on a matinée, the sixth and final time

*sets from the movie
I guess they're replicas of the 3D printed sets from the movie.

where do you live

What's the weather like in Mexico City this time of year?

Yeah... I'm thinking she's cute.

based chinamen. Too bad their rural brothers boil dogs alive, otherwise they'd be ok in my book

Been reading the manga all week when I should've been studying. Just fuck my entire life up Alita.
ps. the last order is fr*ggin sweet nectar

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All three of my usual theaters are still playing her well into next week.

It's barely been out a month. How many screens does your place have?


If you were a Hunter Warrior, what'd be you style?

This is a good question, because how many countries will actually drop the movie after this weekend, since for some of them, it's been a month since the film first released. Also user, are they dropping it after this weekend or like this Friday?

A sizable amount of theaters is still playing it. No more 3D screenings though.

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Maybe im the minority here, but i thought Alita looked pretty dumb at first, awful really.

But man was i wrong. And now i love her eyes. And now, I love Alita.

The eyes are really off putting. I almost didn't watch it because of that. I glad Shadiversity made that video about the film, otherwise I would'nt have seen it

there's still a few 3d screenings in my area but no more IMAX. Just standard now but the showtimes don't seem particularly reduced yet. I'm probably going to go again today.

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I'm trying to go thru them slowly. I wanna savor the experience

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You can thank Jimmy for the eyes. He made them bigger.

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The trailers turned me off the movie completely since it seemed like a generic action movie but I'm glad I came here like a few days before the release date because of all the positivity. I saw it a few days after opening day and I instantly fell in love, I also convinced by whole family to come with me

Amc still had "RealD 3D" viewings next week

whatever kind that lets me be a team with an earnest and cute cybergirl

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Yeah I saw the first trailer before another movie ages ago and thought it looked weird. I would have missed out on the movie if it hadn't been for these generals.

One of mine is still doing 3D, I should check it out there again. Too bad the IMAX is done.

Also, why the fuck isn't my Cinemark playing Apollo 11 on their XD screen where it belongs?

And holy fuck, 22 showtimes for Captain Marvel. I don't think I've ever seen that many for one film. That means it must be playing on 6 screens. SIX SCREENS. Also not counting the special VIP screen, so an additional screen and four showtimes, and same with the XD. So 8 screens, 30 showtimes per day.

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Should add something about CM needing to drag out corpses to promote her movie

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The first trailer from over a year ago made me curious because it was based on an anime and I love James Cameron, the second trailer sold me to go see it (with the New Divide cover). The eyes I thought were just an interesting aesthetic choice, never bothered me.
That happens on big movies the theaters and studio are anticipating large crowds. But CM is going to lose a lot of those showtimes next weekend when no one goes for repeat viewings.

Still 94% audience, and lots of those are five stars. Cameron can take that stat into a board room meeting.

Thanks Jim, my first impressions were totally wrong
Nice man, i took family to see it last night, and they all said they liked it.

Oh, these people have no shame.

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No, Star Wars or other Marvels never had that many screens. Sure it'll get the large format screen and a few others, but not six normal screens. I guess they're really anticipating this making $2b.

Argh, she's cuter than ten puppies wearing Christmas sweaters.

I think it'll make 500 million to 600 max. Mark my words.

I liked the scythe arms on that one chick. I'd probably use something like that.

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>Rosa is 33


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I'm impressed, too.

I would marry her anyway

These corporate sociopaths genuinely believe everyone is as bankrupt of morals as they are. The only difference they perceive between "us" and themselves is they believe is to be stupider.

It MIGHT make it to 500 million. Anything past that is unlikely. Then again, this move was supposed to bomb, so who knows?

that and we need to compile our support here. 99 and counting general threads and countless people being healed is nothing to overlook.

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Id wanna be like McTeague but instead of dogs, id have a swarm of roboCats

>that 33 year old boomer who steals your heart

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I'm thinking about doing that, compiling posts and writing a well constructed letter showcasing just some anons expressing how much they loved the film. Mention all the highlights and healings.

and she's teeny tiny too

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to be fair, she kinda looked autistic in some of her reactions. That was cute autism tho, not like mine

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So is the 3D any good? Wondering if I should try it before it ends in my local cinema...

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el goblina

you know how there's those guys who give money to "findoms" on twitter and get off on the idea of giving money to an ungrateful bitch?

I bet some hollywood exec is infatuated with larson and just throws money and success at her because it's his fetish.

There's no other way to explain it. Even when she was better looking, she wasn't beautiful tier.

that strike didn't have much weight to it. the wind up was nice but the impact should have been faster. It looks like she was just placing it there instead of slamming it down.

yeah I know, it's appreciated. I don't envy you having to sift through the dark age of flop-posters and sneed posting or or Chinese dog abuse.

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3D is a must for Alita.

It was filmed in 3D, so yes.

This is just my opinion, the ideal 3D is IMAX 3D. My local cinema just sucks at doing normal 3D, so it wasn't that great. But any 3D is good 3D, it helps.

please do! :)

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She can gobble me up anytime

if you can it's worth it. Basically just does the 3D in that Avatar way of just added depth to shots rather than gimmicky "jumping out at you" shit. I think that only happens a couple times honestly and it's from the same character.

Dragon Ball X: A Joe Capo Production Wiki
whoops wrong copy paste


thats the 3D in my local cinema. is it kino-technology, or is it basically bullshit sales talk?

For her third week, Alita had 350k viewers in France, for a total of 1,6M viewers since the 14th of February

is that good?

GUNNM: Martian Chronicles?


I prefer the nine volume from the 90's. Those were mangas.

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Dolby atmos theaters have better sound than Imax at least.
Def go

This but unironically, Martian Chronicles is really bad.

Chirren's eyes moved! This is the only part of the movie that didn't sit with me. Alita forgot to retrieve Chirren's brain. She's still going to Nova's mind rape factory for the next ten thousand years.

Threadly reminder that they did it again this weekends, beating down Alita with dirty trick. This person tanked the #AlitaChallenge.

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k, anons will go see.

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It's honest, and for exemple, she did more in two weeks than Pacific Rim in five

Sad thing is, most french people either like french comedy or capeshits. So it's not the most viewed movie right now (the first one is a comedy about race-mixing) but it's quite good. It's 14M $ according to boxmojo

Huh, that little? I expected more considering how much it grossed there. It sold 2.7 million tickets in Russia in 3 weeks, but tickets there cost like 4 euros.

t. retard
It's fun like the original manga. No more tournaments.

But she was distracted, she had to save Hugo. For all we know after Hugo dies she went back and retrieved Chirren.

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can someone explain the whole
>no guns allowed in iron city
>dude in motorball has some sort of rocket launcher thing

i hope it do better with Nicky Larson we need those sequels

Dude the ZOT tournament arc lasts for fucking ages. Hit the books ASAP to save your grades

>just checked the only theater with imax in my town
>they only screen alita in imax
>no more aqua man imax

Illegally obtained by vector and given to an already criminal with bounties.

You know Disney's marketing muscle isn't going to stand for this. They're way too influential in the business.

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Robodoggomaster. Literally easymode

wasn't it just a jet engine of some sort?

Cameron has more money than God. He can just finance Alita: Fallen Angel all by himself.

non-regulation weapons for the scum of the game.

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and under budget if they keep filming with RR and his resources.

It was no rules Tuesday bro


I just want to let you guys know that I've abandoned the President Trump General at the other board, for the Alita general, its just more positive and full of love , i need to take a break from all the dissapointment of Trump

You are not, I also did not like the trailers and the way she looked there. I was fucking blown away at how good the movie was and now can't imagine Alita looking any diffrent, she is perfect. Sorry for doubting your decisions great Jimbo, I was fucking wrong.

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I haven't read any manga in over a decade but I literally can't stop reading this one, it's like crack to me.
Send help.

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lol I still browse ptg but Ill stay in Alita general for now, im the guy that moves to Stockton btw lol

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Don't worry, most of us are from there. /Alita/ is like a safe haven for us redditors.

Okay, but have you seen the movie, user?

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>an under budget Alita sequel
Can’t wait to see the movie look like that Assassin’s Creed game that was so awful that they took a year off the franchise.

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Also, i'm gonna see it with a friend in imax, my 3rd viewing, and will watch it in 2d with mom for my 4th, haven't watched a movie with her in a while, and she's a bit of a weeb

of course and my wife got the manga on hardcover boxset, so I've really been diving into Alita

You know that doesn't happen. It's still a Hollywood movie. Best case scenario for her is she returns as a mind controlled robot who gets mercy killed by Alita. But in all likelihood she's being kept in a perpetual state of agony in virtual.

Speak for yourself, Reddit is not approved here.

False flag fuck off

/ptg/ was, is, and will always be cancer. Actually the whole board is cancer. It wasn't always bad mind you, but after the election things changed for the worse.

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Nigga fuck off, none of us are redditors.

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>and under budget if they keep filming with RR and his resources.
I'd be fine even if it's Rosa playing with sticks in the bodysock if they put the same amount of care into it and for the third act they can just drive out to Texas and then make a matte painting for the Important Computer Room.

JamCam wont compromise like that

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You can't be browsing this place more than two years and not be able to tell that these generals are full of newfags and redditors.

Does anyone know the music that starts playing in the bar fight?

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Oranges the size of tangerines.

I wish I knew. I'm trying to remember, but it's still a blank.

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Some are, some aren't. It's a total mix and I can tell. But I don't mind because people here are actually nice for once, and that's really all I care about now in the age of nu-Yea Forums filled with angry Yea Forumseditors.

Send in, the shills
Those daffy, laughy shills
Send in those soulful and doleful shmoltz! By the bowl full...shills..
Send in...the..shills...

They're. Already. Hereeeeee....

>Alita drinking energy swill
That shit is what Brie would drink. Alita deserves something better like NOS.

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Well she didn't wear Clarks Start Right shoes, that's for sure.

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anyone have the webm of that reveal on what's left of the dot head woman? shit fucking shocked me jesus christ.

Politic follows you every where, conflict is inevitable. Alita is fighting hard too. But at lease we are comfy about it.

>seeing Arita one last time before Captain Marvel gives her the boot from the local theater

I’m ready to be healed

>tournaments are bad



They will drop her after Thursday I think

But which countries specifically? China just extended her run for another month.

Moon battles aren't hard or expensive to film, just ask Superman.

Was the box office recently updated? Think it went from a total of 353 to 359 million.




The war is over. No point in revisiting memories we've already seen.

is Alita new sincerity?

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>I think she would be more intimidating without the space helmet. Most soldiers would freeze up at what they're seeing.

Please be healed by Alrita.

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ABAG is honest and true

>How can I possibly shoot this cutie OH SHIT OH MY NECK AGGGHH


Don't be ridiculous. She's just the new Boxxy. This has all happened before.


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Tell that to the HTTYDfags as well. The movie wasn’t even showing in IMAX 3D like the other two and those films’ 3D scenes are better than Avatar and on par with Alita.

>hey guys, can I have this prop when you throw it away?

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Can a human love a cyborg?

Does this cyborg love a human?

I would have sex with that Mannequin

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>local theater didn’t receive any alita promotional material at all

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I asked around in one in my hometown and they got rid of everything
I'll try asking around in other cinemas when I return to my current residence

I can't guarantee that doll wouldn't be hugged gently.

So it looks like Captain Marvel is going to fucking dominate the weekend in China as unfortunately expected, with Alita probably only make 10 million over the 3 days. The big question is if Fox extended the run so much, if they're banking on it making more next week and weekend when and if people drop Captain Marvel for not actually being that good of a movie. That or they're milking as much as they can out of the Chinese as they can.

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I saw alita four times, one time per week and everytime the cinema was full.
There's hope


Planning to do it twice with Hidden World. Today in IMAX and 3D on my time off

It's not up to Fox. If Alita's run there was extended it is because there is demand for it. I think chinese theaters are anticipating bad reception and ticket sales for Captain Marvel, so they'll need to show something else, which will likely be Alita and Green Book.

c-can you take off her outfit?

Right, that's what'll be interesting to watch. I think it'll do great this weekend, but drop off considerably and Alita will stay consistent.

>dominate the weekend in China as unfortunately expected
That won't last once word gets out about how bad it is. I don't think the Chinese will be receptive to the American military propaganda.



NO!! How could the Big Banana Council kneel to Disney!?

>Green Book is showing in China of all places

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And miraculously, the Chinese are really liking it. Go figure.

>Brie Larson: The core of her is the air force.
Oh god, the Chinese will immediately tank the movie come Monday. This is going to be fun to watch.

aren't dole evil?

>one ticket for...
>... for alita, I know, it's the sixth time you watch her

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This is the Alita thread not the captain fungus thread you degenerates

do you think Rosa kept this one?

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Well, it's worth mentioning since Alita is now going up against Captain Marvel this weekend.

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I could still bury my face in it's butt

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Alita is not for lewds.

Maybe it's a good film? I don't know, I will watch the rip because Vigo Mortensen is a good actor and Marshala Ali was good in Alita

Thanks, tuts. You know me, I'm crazy for great cinema. Ha, ha.

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dunno, but you could definetly take the clothes off this one

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It's not a bad film, just unexpected China would care about the story of the film.

Hopefully the Chinese will join me for the #MahershalaAliChallenge

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Life size dolls scare me desu

>ywn have a good looking gril remember how many times she's seen you
just kill me now

Tfw I’m at the kinoplex the second morning in a row. And I have the whole theater to myself.

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>all Alita 3D screenings end tomorrow
>all HTTYD3 3D screenings also end tomorrow
Why are based 3D films getting whittled whittled down?

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True. Alita outperforming Dragon 3 easily despite being released 1 week earlier. After crunching the numbers I saw that week to week decline is just 30-35% assuming unchanged number of screen. CM is big in China because of rumored tied in to End Game. Chinese don't care so much for Carol Denvers and the score in Douban has already dropped to 7.1. Alita is at 7.6 for those interested. I don't think the on the nose promotion of American hardware goes over very well in China. Brie's attitude is also unattractive per cultural preference. But that's just all assumptions, maybe Disney pulled some magic over there.

Imagine if your lifesize Alita doll came to life and wanted to do lewd stuff with you haha wouldn't that be funny

I like to think it's a glimpse of it. Post irony and post-post irony can only go so far before the band rebounds.

lucky, i have work and cant go mornings.I might go saturday

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>no guns allowed in iron city

>Robodoggomaster. Literally easymode
Image related. He actually has a revolver - I guess the dogs are mainly to run interference and get rid of the evidence.

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Looks like his arm was made with scrap metal from a revolver.

I hope there is a 3D Blu-ray release, I have a 3D TV and I want to watch her again in 3D

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Brother. Fuckin patrician Ass master race.

Words of mouth works guys.

Mouseketeers are in full damage control now that CM is hours from release. They tried controlling the Alita conversation by attempted hijacking of /ALITA/ using false flag threads. They failed so now they're shitting up the thread with their seething and bait posts.

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Alita has almost reached 360 million!

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Mace and shield but sci fied.

The ass looks soo familiar.

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I think they're allowed for bounty hunters

I hope so




she also has a cute overbite

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>outperforming Dragon 3
It underperformed worse than LEGO Movie 2?

I wonder if that includes China, since China has given it another 10 million from Monday to Wednesday.

Fox and China celebrating the film breaking 800 million yuan there. It will hit 1 billion by the end of it's run and finish with around 150 considering how long they extended the run.

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Most likely not functional
Nope, it's made very clear when Hugo comments on Zapan and his sword - no one is allowed firearms

How is it so wholesome and fun bros? I thought it was just memes only a few days ago.

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dude, the theaters want that capeshit money

I'm going to be crucified for this but angry and still doll Alita is a creepy el goblino. In motion she looks great.

nice, you fixed the seam

that annoyed me too

Did you bring chocolate and oranges user?

>360 million

Guns are especially not for allowed for hunter-warriors.

you too huh? well i guess great minds do think alike!

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fucking chinese what a bad shoop

>"We could be kings here instead of being servants up there"
Why was Vector trying to persuade Hugo from avoiding Zalem?

That count is a week behind. More accurate ones put it at 400

Pay attention to the movie lad :)

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>sir, you are not allowed to smugle food into the cinema

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because Vector is kind of a good guy

Hugo was probably his best parts guy, he didnt want to lose him

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Where do you find those?

As of 3/03
China - 113M
South Korea - 16M
France - 14.5M
Russia - 11.5M
UK - 11M

or what?

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There 100% will be.

Why do Americans put up with this shit?

link me to the Alita action/collectible figures pls
I may buy one

UK won't add much but China is now sitting at 122 million as of 3/06.

>*hiya's your heart*

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This one I might get.

>UK - 11M
Some of that is mine, woooo!

Chinese websites that still update it day by day. American ones just don't care about it anymore.




So we can expect at least a few more millions from China, right? Maybe a couple of more from rest of the world. Still reaching 400 is going to be difficult. It's very uphill from here.

>Estimated to arrive 4th Quarter 2019

>This one I might get.
I don't think so, user.

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Russia is at 12 million as of today. It might get a million or two more there.

I was so close to pulling the trigger on that one, but I just couldn't simply due to the face. It's too "not her" for me to justify the price. The body is exquisite and looks great, but I want to look at a nice face. This one...falls just short of that. So I guess in a way I'm relieved it's sold out now, so I don't have the burden of considering it anymore.

I'll wait for other jap figures to come out, hopefully with more accurate faces.

That's just sad. They're using his name as marketing to promote their movies. It saddens me that people can be so heartless

i'm not saying theaters owners are smart

The Mouse has no soul.

You have to be a sociopath to work for the mouse